Welling Mathematics 



·     Table of contents

·     Introduction


·     Psychology

o  Everything about to be introduced to you has to be passed through a filter of your educational, sociological, and family filters before it can achieve your own personal point of view

o  Consequently as you are introduced to the concept of the methodical tool of a plural number line. Everything you have ever been taught is based on the fact that there is only one kind of math and that math is based on a single number line

o  That single number line indoctrination makes little difference where it comes from. What matters is to work on first undoing the Pavlovian aka Conditioned response in which you have been trained to see and examine all evidence through.

o  A conditioned response

o  Math and science ages

§  Every age of thought is marked by how things are both measured and interacted with. As each age of thought starts, the flaws are found, some flaws are fixed, other flaws are ignored, and finally the age is replace by a better set of laws which give better descriptions as to how the universe works.

§  The ages

·     Plural number line

o  People of Kaern

o  Who begat in successive conquests from external tribes

§  Proto-Canaanite

§  Vinča

§  Indus Harappa

§  Cycladic/Minoan/Cretan

§  Cuneiform


o  All the previous used a plural number line until they were conquered. Either the conquered was not interested in advanced science, or the now defeated culture was not interested in giving its secrets over to the enemy now its overlord.

o  The largest culprit to the devaluation of math and science; patriarchal tribes. Tribes who’s base philosophy is geared toward pleasuring the people or man/men in charge.

o  Pleasure negates advancement's.

o  The Dorian’s, Greek's, Vedic, and Semitic tribes were all interested in pleasure and not advancements. The Dorian’s and Greek's became the foundations of the culture, philosophy, and sociological infrastructure which all western cultures are based on.

·     The single number line.

o  Greek's

o  Newton

o  Einstein

o  Hawking

·     Plural number line



·     Single number line

o  A single number line of course works by way of

o  How a single number line applies in standard fields of science

§  Everything is measured by way of its place on the number line.

§  When the object in question breaks the rules of the number line; usually the fault is directed toward the examiner not the measurement device itself.

§  One way the number line works; although nothing in this universe works by way of this single number line. It does on the other hand work on the plural or Cartesian x, y, z format. Which means every single number line is designed to be vague so it can be applied to every single different kind of motion possible. What happens when a wide variety of different things are moving not in concert to each other need to be measured, compared, and contrasted. The fault has always been directed at the examiner and or the examination process. The fault has never been applied to the vague and misleading single number line.

§  It is great because it is vague, it can be assumed to be directed at any given motion with the need to labeling such. But science is all about measuring from fixed points. Without proper identification; no fixed points are even vaguely possible.

§  This number line works great in its vague and misleading format; as long as what is being measured falls within the parameters of the single number line unchangeable parameters. Everything outside of those parameters cannot be measured; only statistically guessed at.


·     Errors in the single number line 

o  Something cannot be fixed unless it is properly identified.

o  The following items the single number line cannot be used to measure, only vague and misleading statistical analysis can be rendered. Extreme hot, cold, fast, slow, small, and of course other dimensions.

§  The single number line is not possible to measure these items because these items fall outside the strict parameters the single number line exists within.

o  Strict single number line parameters

§  What exactly are the strict parameters of the single number line?

§  There is no way of telling what the fixed parameters are when using the single number line to measure. Since the parameters of what is possible and what is not in regards to specifics; only general the single number line can do those things. It cannot do those other things. Other than extremes according to the point of view of the humans and mentioned above; no specific data exists as to what a single number can and cannot do.

§  Thus disqualifying a single number line from being taken seriously as a science tool. No fixed points, only vague it can do x but not y. What specifically are the x and y parameters; those questions are outside the realm of possible to answer.

o  Errors in theories

§  Darwin evolution


§   this is only incorrect when the idea it forced into the model of the single number liner. http://science.howstuffworks.com/magnet1.htm

·     Fixing the errors

o  Mathematics and science absolutely depend with 100% dependability measurement tools which work from 100% fixed points. Measure to and from fixed points.

§  Those fixed points might not be solid unchangeable fixed; as long as how those fixed points move is 100% dependable in how they move than a moving point becomes a moving fixed point.

§  For example every year winter will be cold and summer will be hot. However they are not 100% fixed; some years the winters are heavier than others, some summers are colder than others, some winters the standard winter conditions did not occur (hardly any snow storms at all, the temperature did not drop below freezing), etc. However those parameters are statistical oddities, the motions of those oddities can be calculated in.

§  It is of the most vital of importance no matter what fixes to the single number line are found; the fixed points to measure from must be identified as accurate fixed points and not political opinion fixed points.

o  What in nature can an accurate ruler be created to measure from any given fixed points.

§  The answer; look to nature to build and or rebuild fixed measurement points from.

§  Where to start looking.

·     One look to the past; no reason to work hard to in effect “reinvent the wheel” as the saying goes.

·     Two look to what areas ancient cultures did create some kind of measurement device and see fi what they left behind as clues to their math and science; the same pieces of evidence can be found in the natural cycles which was the only way they could have built a ruler and then a measurement device. ****

o  When each culture who knew of the plural number line mentioned above was conquered and the conqueror used a single number line to replace it. The replacement procedure can be backtracked and the plural number line can be rebuilt.

o  Take each conquest culture and analyze the devolution process from plural to singular.

§  Dorian’s’; were not interested in any kind of knowledge. The secrets of Linear A were all but erased. Inside the secrets of linear A were the secrets to the plural number line.

§  Greco-Romans: the Greek's and their city of Rome first cousins only helped to devolve the education of the Aegean. The Greco-Romans have been and will always been interested in being in charge. Since they could not control the population based on the plural, they destroyed the plural and “invented the single number line” wow what an accomplishment. Destroying means erasing math from both the books and the populations knowledge.

§  Side note

·     conspiracy’s; a group can want something and work in tandem to achieve it with no area for the definition of conspiring together or separately. We want and we conspire are two different things. Example several hundred people will choose to arrive at a theater at the same time to do a group activity; no conspiracy present. Just a group wanting individually the same outcome.

§  Vatican; power and control has been the driving force in Catholicism since Civis Romanus Paul woke up from his vision/dream and decided to found a church based on what he understood happened in that dream. The only room in all of Catholicism is the point of view of the leader of the church. The church’s stance from Paul to now is the single number line is a perfect tool; the parameters keep education down to a good thrive but not too far into science achievements.


o  How to fix the single number line


§  Take each cultures destruction technique and philosophical rules which govern its actions and undo the damage.


·     Ancient history

o  Ancient civilizations.

o  Ancient cultures solutions

·     Applying their solution to our modern world

o  How to rebuild the plural number line.


o  Fixing the single number line requires going back down to the basics of Occam the simplest answer is most likely the truth. So taking a note from Occam; we know everything in this universe depends on the careful balance maintained by the following motions. From sub-quark up to everything in the galaxy operates from the following rules of motion; push push, pull pull, neutral, size, shape, density, location, distance, voltage, etc.

o  We know that every single atom is not only built with these rules but everything that atom does is governed by them.

o  The only real solution is to discover and determine how those laws can be applied to the current format of mathematics western cultures have been using for at least the last 1200 years.



·     Plural number line

o  Everything listed below are fixed points. Each fixed point has a way in which can works with all the other fixed points.

o  The rules of the single number line in mathematics.

§  A single number line with a 0 in the middle, positive numbers on the right side (in most examples), and negative numbers on the left side of the number line.

§  Polarity speaking

·     Push is the motion of forward. Something happening; as opposed to something being done to it. Would equal +.

·     Pull is the motion of vacuum/>. Something being done to something, absorption. Would equal -.

·     Neutral is the motion of pure neutrality. Would equal both 0 and =; depending on if it was used on the number line or in an equation.

·     Size

·     Shape

·     Location

·     Distance



o  A magnet

§  http://www.google.com/search?q=pics+magnet&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=Hg9&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&prmd=ivns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=mD8TTrOjJsautwfk7YDdDQ&ved=0CCwQsAQ&biw=1582&bih=670

§  http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://richalmers.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/magnets.gif&imgrefurl=http://richalmers.com/%3Fp%3D515&usg=__hDepmlYxaq-NXGxEwuXaiJHkLzs=&h=220&w=320&sz=8&hl=en&start=107&zoom=1&tbnid=ffZ4Hv68TUO3FM:&tbnh=144&tbnw=210&ei=rkQTTpq9AYeltwea5J2DDg&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dpics%2Bmagnet%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26sa%3DX%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26biw%3D1582%26bih%3D670%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=1285&vpy=175&dur=416&hovh=176&hovw=256&tx=175&ty=112&page=6&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:20,s:107


§  http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://static.howstuffworks.com/gif/magnet-needle-aligned.gif&imgrefurl=http://science.howstuffworks.com/magnet1.htm&usg=__unVqlYgKFxKk4ciwWApuPUj1wxY=&h=318&w=400&sz=14&hl=en&start=107&zoom=1&tbnid=WvAJsNUygt8FrM:&tbnh=154&tbnw=194&ei=tj8TTp2WKsWhtwfh49XsAQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dpics%2Bmagnet%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26sa%3DX%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26biw%3D1582%26bih%3D670%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=775&vpy=328&dur=320&hovh=154&hovw=194&tx=142&ty=84&page=6&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:107


§  http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://scienceblogs.com/startswithabang/upload/2009/09/magnetic_monopoles_oh_dear/bar%2520magnet.gif&imgrefurl=http://scienceblogs.com/startswithabang/2009/09/magnetic_monopoles_oh_dear.php&usg=__fT6fFSEPeSROB4jL_2tqticSRv4=&h=217&w=308&sz=7&hl=en&start=149&zoom=1&tbnid=11JMsGGLxOg_gM:&tbnh=146&tbnw=207&ei=tj8TTp2WKsWhtwfh49XsAQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dpics%2Bmagnet%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26hs%3DdOU%26sa%3DX%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26biw%3D1582%26bih%3D670%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=325&vpy=401&dur=2410&hovh=173&hovw=246&tx=178&ty=78&page=8&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:15,s:149



§  http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.swe.org/iac/images/NewMagnet.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.swe.org/iac/lp/magnets_03.html&usg=__xMJkB2v7f0TXjzEQBHdic1oE4Lk=&h=480&w=640&sz=164&hl=en&start=19&zoom=1&tbnid=j1n-1hYavWDb9M:&tbnh=162&tbnw=208&ei=rkQTTpq9AYeltwea5J2DDg&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dpics%2Bmagnet%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26sa%3DX%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26biw%3D1582%26bih%3D670%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=364&vpy=255&dur=438&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=152&ty=143&page=2&ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:16,s:19


§  Magnetic positive particles repel positive participles

§  Magnetic negative particles repel negative particles

§  Magnetic positive attract negative particles

§  Magnetic negative attract positive particles.

§  http://www.flantoons.co.uk/magnet-motor001.jpg

§  http://www.energeticforum.com/renewable-energy/4595-magnet-motor.html




o  The globe


§  http://spaceshipearth1.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/the-earths-orbit-1.jpg

§  Math and science cannot function without fixed points to measure too and from

§  The orbit provides 4 primary 2 part time and 2 secondary fixed pointes in which to measure from. Or in this case build a mathematics model from.

o  Push positive, pull negative,

§  Then to mathematic single number line by way of; push is the positive + side of the number line, pull is the negative side of the number line, and the neutral is the 0. How push push, pull pull, neutral translate to equations; +X{push} * +y {push}={0, neutral} +Z {push push} or +X {push} (+y{push}) ={0, neutral}  +Z{push}. - X{pull} * +y {push}={0, neutral} -XY {pull push}. - X{pull} * -y {pull}={0, neutral} +XY {push; reverse direction. Pull hard enough and the momentum changes.}

§  In the equations section; the motion which starts as push or pull is where the motions starts. Whatever happens to motion after is changing that motion. Be the motion neutral, push, or pull.

§  In physics the push push, pull pull, and neutral apply with the following laws of motion.

·     Objects at rest pull pull.

·     Neutral between the reactions

·     Objects in motion push push.

·     Equal and opposite reaction; -pull x -pull changes the momentum direction turning a polarity pull to a polarity push.

o  (Unless an external force is applied to it. Rule one, when that external force is applied the polarity changes)

·     However two separate magnets which only momentarily interact with each other have different rules of motion than when two or more magnets are forced to work together and eventually balance each other.

§  The polarity of the number lines

·     The polarity -pull number lines are as follows in order

o  Back,

o  Down,

o  left

·     The polarity push number line are as follows

o  Up

o  Forward

o  right

§  Now add the polarity lines of not just back and forward number line or in this case single number lines. But each number line of the seven act semi-independently. An - X{ backward pull } * +y {up push}={0, neutral. Neutral because any of the three negative lines does not mean the next variable has to be placed on the positive side of its number line balance area.} -XY {down or left (depending on what the variable is assigned too pull push}. - X{down line pull} * -y { backwards line pull}={0, neutral} +XY { forwards or up number line push +; reverse direction. Pull hard enough and the momentum changes, once the momentum changes the polarity of actions change.}.

§  Momentum of action; everything moves according to specific rules of polarity. Push is positive or action (going out and doing something), pull is negative or pulling within (staying in one location pulling in what is needed for that location). Each number line works with the same rules. Up is polarity toward vertical away from gravity polarity (push away from gravity). Down is vertical toward gravity (pull). Back or south to the equator push. Forward is north pull. West pull of the earth on its axis. East push the leading edge of the planet forward. Add more globe descriptions of orbit and ecliptic *


o  0

o  1

o  2

o  3

o  4

o  5

o  6

·     Ætt sphere

o  The plural number line works inside an Ætt. Adding a 7th floating number line to the equation set

o  How the Ætt works

§  each line would looking like this.




o  Push, pull, neutral

o  Center

o  Up

o  Down

o  Back

o  Forward

o  Left

o  Right

o  Destination/7th number line

·     Equations the 7th number line


o   2+2=4 ; _,_,_

§  Ok we all know the most basic of equations. 2+2=4; ok let us break this down a bit. The first digit _; this is a space which will later be filled in by A letter to mark it as a place to put any number. The + is also a place. _ is where you put the action. So you have a digit in character position one and a qualifier in character position 2. Now in the third character position you put the second B which represents any number. _, _ ,_ ,_ what goes above each _ is so the point. Let me be three year old about to touch a hot stove clear. Each of the _, _ ,_ ,_ in sequence is absolutely beyond any synapse of a doubt important!!!! Important is an understatement. Without proper character in what sequence identification all math is a useless waste of time.

§  Each . _, _ ,_ ,_ aka 2+2=4, aka A+B=C, has to be understand with 0 doubt; this operates in a unchangeable format. No matter you switch the characters this sequence and every equation sequence is locked in. 4=22+ might be some other equation but not this one. Every equation has its character sequences. Break those rules and not only is everything from that pen stoke incorrect, but the answer is incorrect as well.

§  All math is useless; unless each _, _ ,_ ,_ has an absolute defined action. Be it a number or variable a qualifier (+-*/; which itself are also in an unbreakable sequence.) or show your work area. Everything depends on absolutely consistent patterns with every single pen stroke of absolutely the most critical of importance. All math fails after an incorrect pen stroke. The answer is flat wrong after the incorrect pen stroke.
Now that the 2 year old touching a hot stove critical importance of math equations each character and each pen stroke how important each one is. Now we can get down to business.

§  As I pointed out last night and the graphic on my index page www.trwelling.org points out yes that is what the main orientation looks like in graphic format. Each line is a standard measured out single number line. But that single number line is not just a single number line what actions that single number line does is more important than the fact of it just being a single number line. What actions that specific thing represents in electro-magnetics is more important than the _, _ ,_ ,_ character identification. Because every line of equation be it a blank _, _ ,_ ,_ or 2+2=4 or A+B=C; where that _, _ ,_ ,_ is on what number line is more important. It is of absolute critical identification to know exactly what is moving, how, when, where, why, ….. of all its motions. Everything moves. If it all moves devising a measurement system based on tracking motion is the only logical choice. Tracking motion comes into the fray with how to track motion, what is moving and how it is being moved; push push, pull pull, neutral, size, shape, distance, location, voltage, etc. is what causes the motion. What causes the motion is an absolute assured of how to track the motions. If push push, pull pull, neutral, size, shape, distance, location, voltage, are an absolute guarantee as to what they are and how they do their thing that 10 fixed points in which to measure from.

§  Western math only has 1 fixed point that that is only a fixed point to measure from because it is the edited down remnace of the above map. The = is in previous mentioned 0s; it’s a bit more complicated but this is just day one Welling math. (technically speaking the last sentence was incorrect, but metaphorically at this stage true and accurate). I found an equation formula which measures exactly from 10 fixed points. Proving again a single number line with no true fixed points is not an accurate measurement tool. The 0 and the distance between the numbers varies depending on a number of different factors.

o  An equation sequence; _, _ ,_ ,_ aka 2+2=4, aka A+B=C. Breaking each sequence down to its base what character to what first, next, next, etc.

§  Start 1 A

§  Position 2 Qualifier +

§  Position 3 second variable

§  Position 4 =

§  Position 5 answer

o  A list of the basic equations




·     List of equation 

o  Translating single number line equations into plural number line equations.

·     Mapping

o  A single number line allows only for things to be on their specific location on the one number line.

o  On the other hand a plural number line allows for accurately comparing and contrasting the differing aspects of the motion each equation is tracking to be balanced with not only itself but with other equation of similar motion around it.








Copy write 1979-2011 © all rights reversed T “TR” Robert “Shawn” Welling







Table of Contents        Master document         Individual theories



Welling mathematics draft 8

·         Section 1Advanced technology

o   What is it The next leap in technology


o   What is the hold up

·         Section 1 Set up;

o   Part  Psychology

o   Part cradle of civilization myth

o   Part Religion Intolerance

o   Part Humans and electro-magnetics

o   Part Advanced technology is indistinguishable from Magic ala Authur C Clark

o   Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat

o   Part Conquest; hiding secrets from the enemy (there is a word in both German and Latin; “secret or hidden meaning.” Before guessing what that word is; change the format of which the word and the tools it represents are according to culture. Concentrate on what is hidden in the vault; do not be distracted by the locking mechanism. The locking mechanism is only present to look like something the conqueror can ridicule.

·         Section ? Part Mythology


·         Section 2 History/anthropology/archaeology

o   Part Technology

o   Part al-Qaida versus technology

o   Part List of ancient cultures

o   Part  history

o   Part History Academics

o   Part ancient trade routes

o   Part Ancient technology; things equal to our technology or technology we simply have not abiltyto repeat

o   Part Hidden Technology

o   Part Electro magnetics and Ziggurats

o   Part Megalithic structures Stonehenge, newgrange, and 100,000 other megalithic structures and dolomites.


o   Part ice ages

o   Part ancient cultures mathematical systems; city of burnt 10 cm ruler

o   Part ancient languages

o   Part languages; linear AVinčaIndus HarappaCanaaniteUKSarmartian,

o   Part language linear AAlphabetTable 1, Table 2, Table 3

o   Part Math and Science ages

o   Part Erasing the previous presumed plural number line.

o   Part Edited down Plural number line X Y Z Cartesian system. It has been edited down past a useful tool, for measuring what needs to be measured in our next leap in technology.


·         Section 6 existing advanced technology

o   The video of the floating triangle

o   Various electro-magnetics laboratory research

o   Non-petroluem based energy generation; wind, solar, photovoltaic, etc.


·         Section 3 single number line mathematics

o   Part single number line

o   Part single number line errors; what a single number line cannot do.

o   Part  math gears

o   Part  list of equations


·         Section 4 fixing the problems in the single number line

o   Part  finding fixed points in our world

o   Part  building an accurate math using fixed points to create a plural number line

o   Magnet rules for math rules; push push,


·         Section 5 plural number line mathematics

o   Basics; center, down, up, etc.

o   The counts

o   Part  TRs Plural number line theory; starts with integers

o   Part  adding in TRs plural math

o   Part  subtracting in TRs plural math

o   Part  multiplying in TRs plural math

o   Part dividing in TRs plural math

o   Part  fractions


·         Section 6 Part  Welling Mathematics; the rules and regulations of said





Copy write 1979-2015 © all rights reversed T “TR” Robert “Shawn” Welling




Welling Mathematics

Western Academics

Welling Mathematics structure

Welling Mathematics single number line

Welling Mathematics single number line errors

Welling Mathematics Religious intollerance

Welling Mathematics recreating measurement

Welling Mathematics psychology

Welling Mathematics plural math



Welling Mathematics next leap

Welling Mathematics Megalithic structures

Welling Mathematics measuring the em field

Welling Mathematics master doc

Welling Mathematics Languages vinca

Welling Mathematics Languages UK

Welling Mathematics Languages Sarmartian

Welling Mathematics Languages indus

Welling Mathematics Languages cycladic

Welling Mathematics Languages cycladic table 1

Welling Mathematics Languages Cycladic culture Linear A language

Welling Mathematics Languages cycladicalphabet

Welling Mathematics Languages canaanite

Welling Mathematics Indistinguishable from Magic

Welling Mathematics history

Welling Mathematics History Academics

Welling Mathematics Hidden technology

Welling Mathematics gears

Welling Mathematics fixed points

Welling Mathematics erasing

Welling Mathematics equations

Welling Mathematics Electro magnetics and Ziggurats

Welling Mathematics Conquest

Welling Mathematics arrogence

Welling Mathematics Ancient Languages

Welling Mathematics Ancient Cultures the People of Kaern

Welling Mathematics ancient cultures sea people

Welling Mathematics ancient cultures hittite

Welling Mathematics ages