Welling Mathematics History


History is one of the most fascinating subjects to learn; If it is approached correctly.

I have a working knowledge of 6000 years of western history fresh in my mind. I did it not by knowing a bunch of dates; I did it because I know the back story of most of the major events in western history.

As I often tell people I could not care less about the exploits of the knights who were at a specific battle. I care more about the front line infantry. One the infantry have almost no reason to lie; the knight on the other hand has every reason too. The infantry have an easier time tracking down the facts.

Since the front line infantry is almost always farmers or some kind of peasant, everything battle oriented is either a family heirloom or was given to them by the commanders.

The commanders had to purchase the weapons and defense. Rarely is a commander interested in sending peasants with pitch forks against armed and armored troops unless the commander is interested in not having that specific line of peasant soldiers alive.




Which has occurred several times, a specific village the youth give the lord a hard time. The lord forms an army out of the trouble makers and sends the trouble makers to attack a fortification or troops well beyond the villagers skill and equipment capability. Most if not all the trouble makers die, the remaining are then not a problem.


The start of TRs’ Plural Mathematics Theory is the following.


The reason few humans were around Eurasia before 6000 b.c.e is because the ice sheets were finally starting to retreat enough. Humans cannot live for long duration on a glacier. Humans and other creatures had to wait for the glaciers to retreat. Upon retreating enough, the glaciers some 13000 feet of highly compressed ice, all that pent up water started to be released in varying volumes over varying times. Gilgamesh’s/Noah’s flood is the story of one such “High” mountain glacier lake which broke its bleed off banks and flooded an entire valley. Since Ararat is x feet high and a glacier is well over 13,000 a several hundred if not thousand foot long barge would have easily floated well above the 14,000 feet high Pikes Peak. Because Pikes Peak is 14000 feet above sea level, not above the surrounding foothills. Scrapped to bedrock, 13000 feet would tower over the 5000 feet bed rock at the base of the Rockies. Pikes Peak would only be 8000 feet high next to a glacier of 13000; leaving more than 3000 feet of space above Pikes Peak in which to float as large a navy as can be measured. The water would be contained by finger glaciers to the east and west; which were not melting or melting as quickly. No matter how tall Mount Ararat at 16,854 f; bedrock to 10,000 feet straight up is taller.


Tracing the origins of western culture, western mathematics, western science, etc. back through time is almost an action adventure movie of fascination.

It might seem boring, but when you learn about all the human elements that went into the creation of western culture, math, and science you will be literally riveted.

The emotional investment, the major physical battles, the murders, the wars, the marriages, the sex/intimacies, political fighting, the heroes, the villains, etc. make for a story well beyond that of any hum drum adventure story.


From the very first day western culture emerged or rather was reintroduced by the Greek's who conquered the Dorian’s way back in 800 b.c.e. The pursue of higher levels of knowledge has been a struggle of which the majority of the participants have been killed, murdered, executed, burned at the stake, or worse only because there is a percentage of the population who cannot stop thinking about ways to do things better.


Those that cannot stop thinking about ways to improve; are major threats to most of the rest of the population. The reasons are long, complicated, and difficult to categorize. Each persons reaction is their own; consequently when it comes down to the reasons, they are all individual based.


Unfortunately for more than half the history of western cultures specifically Europe, the Aegean, most of the Mediterranean, the UK, Scandinavia, the middle east, etc. the villain has been primarily the Vatican. I say this not because every story needs a villain, but because the actions they did and continue to do are well beyond even the most nasty of villains in any story or historical figure you might know. The golden hoard is just about the only army and culture which did close to the level of damage to culture, math, and science than the Vatican. But the Vatican has been doing violent actions against culture, math, and science since the very day Paul woke up from his vision/paranoid delusion and started the church which would become 250 ish years later the Vatican.



Math has its start at the very first days after the Dorian culture was defeated in battle. The Dorian’s are marked for one very distinct thing; they are responsible for the first recorded dark ages.


The Dorian’s starting with the Trojan war for power and control conquered every Aegean city they could. Burned as many of them to the ground as possible. Killed any and all who were still loyal to the Cycladic cultures. And burned every single codex and scroll they could lay hands on. Who were the Dorian’s; one of their first kings was Agamemnon. Agamemnon being a prince of Mycenaean. Being a prince or king of Mycenaea means he was related to the mythical ruler after the Thera volcano the very real person and king Zeus. Zeus only went into such legend because that is what patriarchal cultures do; they honor their ancestors by elevating them to immortal status. The 100 armed ones which switched sides from the Titans (Titan; a ruling family name e.g. Windsor, Tudor, Stewart, etc.) to the Olympians (Olympian; a Mycenaean ruling family name; in the same category of Windsor, Tudor, etc.) during the fight. The 100 armed ones are the followers of Kali from India. We know this because linear A and B create symbols and words to describe what something is, looks like, etc. to label something. We know India and the Aegean had a very long standing (more than 1000 year) trade route. They had a trade route longer than most western countries have existed. Only the UK has been around in European log enough with one continuous people in charge or at least powerful enough and present to understand what a 1000 year trade route is like.

Agamemnon when he seized power liked power and control, knowledge being the ultimate center of power and control. Since he could not control the education, knowledge, language, math, science, engineering, technology, etc. of his people he banned it. His descendants followed suit. Creating a dark ages from 1100-800.

The drastic drop in power helped start the dark ages when the Thera volcano erupted almost overnight wiping out of power the Cycladic culture. The 1628 b.c.e eruption started the downward spiral into the first on record great dark ages.

When the capital of the Cycladic moved from Knosis to mycaenia, the major power struggle started.


It is never good when the powerful fight over who controls the knowledge and education.


How is what I just wrote boring? The human carnage behind what happened is beyond fascinating.


What you might ask is the point to the above and mathematics. The Cycladic culture had so many advancement's I am starting to wonder how they achieved those goals without equal to if not better than modern mathematics.

I say this for three reasons; one the Greek mathematicians had access to the reconstituted and reassembled Cycladic libraries, two all the achievements the Cycladic culture were able to do, three the achievements of the Cycladic culture 4000 years later are still around and mostly intact. The Cycladic culture most likely were able to map the Atlantic basin from the south pole to the equator.


Academics and science doubts this is correct because the shore line does not match of what we can see on satellite maps now to the maps then; a few paragraphs ago I mentioned the vast volume of water contained within a glacier of 13000 feet tall; where does the ocean level go when that level of water is used to create glaciers of 1,000,000s of cubic miles and there are several glaciers of such dimensions. Drop the sea level by a few hundred feet from present and that is the start of the ancient sea floor. For proof of said; Yanagui off Japan. A monstrous city of several thousand the highest point is more than 30 feet below the surface. The lowest point is a few hundred feet below that. Additional proof the Mediterranean 2000 years ago the sea bed was some 35 feet lower than present day.  Drop the sea level to those levels time respectively and the maps more closely match.


The Cycladic culture and the Proto-Canaanite culture share a temple; the oldest known archeological site yet found. 12,000-year-old stone circles called Göbekli Tepe in Turkey. Göbekli Tepe, Turkey sits half way between the proto-Canaanite culture who were very strong in the north of present day Iraq and Iran. Which is only a few hundred miles away from Göbekli Tepe, Turkey. Which is also only a few hundred miles away from the Aegean. Göbekli Tepe in Turkey also has the unique feature of being a similar design to all later megalithic structures. It is designed to measure the progress of time by way of a day, year, and sequence of years. As my Masonic brothers can also attest the design of the layout is also remarkably similar to specific FreeMasonic designs. Placing the origins of Masonry, especially the self-improvement portions, not in Egypt but in the lands of the Canaanite; millennia before Egypt formed as a culture. Since the lands of the Canaanite are where both the Garden of Eden was/is and all three of the monotheism faiths came from just a few hundred miles east and south east of this temple. The evidence points to some very interesting historical questions.


Although proving any of the ideas brought up in this historical examination is close to impossible. The consistency of mounting evidence is starting to cast doubt on the validity the stone age cultures were all that primitive. They might have had a forced nomadic life, but that does not mean they had no tight knit and highly advanced science.




As the Greek's take credit for what previous cultures did, they recreated the framework for math and science. The Socratic method is either born or recreated from Socrates’s research into the library.


The Cycladic culture is only one ancient culture to possess advanced technology. Advanced technology comes directly from a solid language in which to communicate ideas, a good working mathematics in which to measure the idea into manifestation, solid rules of scientific examination, the development of engineering from scientific examination, and finally enough engineering advancements lead to technology advancements.


The Cycladic culture was partners with at least five other cultures. They were partners with cultures in the UK, as mentioned above Indus Harappa from India (although the 100 arms culture might be a poetic license. What might have occurred is the original Indus culture was conquered or finally the Vedic/kali of the 100 arms finally drove far enough west to dislodge the last power cities away from the Indus Harappa. One culture switching sides when the government does. This might account for why the 100 arms were mentioned as being for the Titan’s, only vague and not for very long, then strongly for Zeus. The switch came from home culture A being conquered by B.)


The Indus Harappa culture also has its own radical advancements. The city of burnt for a small example had numerous medical, mathematical, scientific, etc. advancement's. Consequently the city’s that burnt was allied with would have access to those same tools and technologies. The evidence for said similar tools of mathematics, measurements, science, medicine, engineering, architecture, etc. are as follows. A 10 cm accurate, after 5000 years, to the half mm. An artificial eye fitted for a woman of 25-30. Silver ear rings. Etc. the cities other notable evidence is it was built, conquered, rebuild, etc. four full times. It was not rebuilt the last time. It was conquered and not rebuilt long enough that the description of the city went from “the city of x was burnt” down to millennia later to “the city of burnt” the x name has been lost to time. The city of burnt being a few miles east of the traditional areas the Indus Harappa controlled, but between the powerhouse Indus Harappa and the Canaanite. Possibly a city along the powerful and long standing trade route between the east and the west as that area has been since the end of the last minor ice age.


Those influences poured into the foundation of Greece after 800 when the Greek's took power from the Dorian’s.

Indicating both the Cycladic culture and the Indus Harappa culture both had a plural number line. Because both had math, science, and technology the modern western would cannot match. Modern technology will rot or corrode away within a few hundred years. Their technology is still easily seeable 5000 years later.


Britain and the other UK cultures; The Cycladic cultures had a 1000 year long trade route with cultures in the UK. Possessing mineral mines worked and the oar sent back to the Aegean from Britain. The British culture not being alone in their archaeological sites which produce vast arrays of complicated language, mathematics, science, (a calendar so impressive it puts the Julian/Gregorian to shame in all aspects), engineering, architecture, and technology.

The list of architectural achievements the British were able to build and still standing is beyond impressive. Stonehenge for one, newgrange for two. Not a single megalith can be built now, and not be able to withstand the ph test of no maintenance and account for continental drift in 5000 years. The continental drift and still be accurate is a level of mathematics the west cannot even fictionally computer model accurate. Each of the megalithic structures of more than 100,000 each accounted for continental drift. From Korea, to New England; the long way. From the Arctic circle to northern Africa. No matter how the data is analyzed. That feat of engineering and sociological direction is simply impossible to repeat. Now destruction, explosions, and general chaos is easy to recreate that in each megalithic location. But ongoing active cooperation, with cutting edge technology, and a population which pours hundreds if not thousands of person man-hours into the project. Killing, destruction, burning to the ground, etc. are all easy. Sustained over millennia, cooperation on mass cultures scale; beyond modern capacity.


The Sarmartian culture has a long standing relationship with ancient cultures, trade routes, and advancement's in all aspects of technology well before the ice sheets retreated from areas hundreds of miles south of Germany.

Goseck, Germany astronomical observatory 5000 b.c.e. Consisting of the same engineering aspects as most megalithic structures. Where the doorways are marks solar fixed points through the year.

Think of most megalithic structures as large complicated and extremely accurate mathematical devices, made through a process of scientific examination, engineering feats, and technological advancements.

Proving that the Sarmartian understood astronomy; which requires both good math and a solid understanding of measuring two and from fixed points. In this case fixed points in space.



I hypothesis both the Cycladic and Indus Harappa cultures are family split off settlements from the Proto-Canaanite culture.

Now almost every person in the western world has heard of this culture, but have no idea they have heard of them.

The Jewish homeland is in the lands of the Canaan. Canaan means the middle east or the area we associate with the word Middle East.

My hypothesis comes directly from the framework of linguistics. Linguistics indicates the first language Indo European came from someplace around northern Iraq Iran. One of the oldest cities in that area is Tabriz, Iran. Which just happens to have a large lake to the east, four rivers flowing off that lake (2 subterranean; thanks to drops in the high mountain water tables due to the glaciers retreating), and 9 gateways/mountain passes between Tabriz and the valley of Knochdi.

As civilization was flourishing in glacier feed nutrient rich soil; families started to both expand and build up. Keeping a major population intact with the same genetic stock is not a good idea. So sons and that other cities sons would be sent out to settle new cities. Creating larger empires, large and expansive trade routes, but also allowing for a greater level of genetic diversity. Genetic diversity allows for the culture to remain strong.

Large middle eastern families sending the youth east and west as the ice further retreats. Creating long standing family trade routes and huge powerful cultures.

Once a working formula is found, stick with the plan. Progressive generations sending out its youth to make new cities farther and farther away. Just because a culture is known by x name does not mean that family are not directly related to the previous city, and that cities leaders are not related to the previous cities. Hard to track back through 1000 cities. But this is how western culture formed.



The language came from the people of the Canaan. Proto-Canaanite is the language in which all the cuneiforms derive. Starting with Sumerian going into Akkadian. From Akkadian into Aramaic. Aramaic into Hebrew.

List of cuneiform languages. Sumerian, Akkadian, Hittite, Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew,



The Canaanites created the following math, science, and technology advancements. The Tower of Babylon, the hanging gardens of Babylon, ziggurats i.e. skyscrapers by the thousand (every large town and city had at least one ziggurat.) of course this technology went directly into the framework for a conquers religious devotions. The Islamic tower is a direct copy over from the Canaanite ziggurat. Plus it was in the lands of the Canaan that the Byzantium empire was founded and flourished.




The Byzantium empire was centered and headquartered in Constantinople an ancient Canaanite settlement. The Byzantium empire was the strongest and most powerful empire from 300-1100(1400) ce. They brought as much of the ancient knowledge from the Indus Harappa and Aegean codex’s and copies of codex’s back into Europe starting in 800 when the powerful families of Europe petitioned the pope to allow copies of the Constantinople library to be sent back. The first city to receive large quantities was Bologna. Which years later the city of Bologna with a large amount of books from the Constantinople library (which un broken streaked all the way back to the earliest of ice age cultures and their assembled libraries from the minor ice age between 20,000-6000 b.c.e) all that collected knowledge started pouring back in starting with Bologna. Bologna petitioned the Vatican to use the guild system to create an area of learning. The Vatican agreed and modern academics starts.

Modern academics starts based on the collected works of the; Proto-Canaanite, Vinča, Indus Harappa, the Aegean, the UK, Samaritans (Germany), and Egyptian. All those collected works the city of Constantinople encourages and funded the advancements of scholastics. The city collected the works, and poured copies back into major cities. Who later applied for guild permission to start academia’s. The libraries were in place before the requests for Vatican permission.



The birth of the modern language (English), mathematics, science, engineering, and technology all come together from as far back at 10,000 b.c.e (ironically Constantinople and the Byzantium empire counted Göbekli Tepe in their realm of influence. Information from that temple would have been part of the library at Constantinople only a few hundred miles due west by west north. Which so happened to be in the only foot cross over between turkey and the Aegean. Since turkey is on a peninsula surrounded by water.


But with all that fighting, conquests, religion, politics, millennia of time, etc. it is close to impossible not to have most if not all the now translated into academic Latin scrolls and codex’s from Constantinople pouring into Europe from being intentionally copied wrong.

The reasons to copy solid, good math and science information from the ancient past incorrectly is the same reason all previous cultures degraded the work of language, math, and science in all previous cultural records. The religious and political leaders did not want or like the fact of all that power/knowledge streaming into the hands of the peasants.

Who are peasants; anyone not either the king/ruler or his immediate support staff.


So a perfect opportunity for two main people and two main organizations to choose what is acceptable and what is absolutely not acceptable in the realm of giving the peasants access to 10,000 years of amassed knowledge.

So all the copies streaming back into Bologna and the other ready to be established academia’s were edited with one main purpose.

Keep the philosophy of power, control, and major restrictions build into the main science tool. The main science tool being the framework for the single number line which is the heart of mathematics. No number line no mathematics.


All equations were altered from whatever kind of math the 7 cultures had which was different than a single number line were edited into a single number line. Then sent from Constantinople or the Vatican to the academia’s.


Historically the single number line has no actual original date of invention. It was likely from this rock over to that rock as a metaphoric example scratched on the dirt or sand by some ancient human or group of humans. Rock A being a variable for say food, rock B is the place we will hide behind. Hide until A moves to hear, then do C action.


But to actually create a mathematics capable of measuring astrophysics effectively and without paper, a mathematical tool designed to measure the shapes and distances of the items in question; would need to be invented. The items in question would be the earth and sol on their daily and yearly trek. The measurement of how migration patterns occur. Weather patterns, to know when the glacier will start to move again. On the face of a glacier is almost the worst possible place to be; when it starts to move. One of the safest weather wise; when the glacier is stationary.


The creation of the advancement and adoption of the single number line in historical perspective is a case of Vatican and Byzantium imminent domain over the population. Math and science were almost not allowed to use or contemplate using anything other than a single number line.


Since the Vatican and Constantinople were the ones with absolute control over access to the libraries and no one else was allowed; who the pope or Byzantium leader did not personally authorize. What they edited, wrote, copied, ordered copied, etc. became the law.

Nice little thing about creating heresy laws; the scholars and academic communities are not allowed to question the authority of either the emperors, the Vatican, the pope, or the power structure.


This is the very beginning of math in the western culture after the purposely imposed second dark ages.