Welling Mathematics Ancient Cultures the People of Kaern


As best as I can cobble together the first culture on the planet can be labeled “People of Kaern” obviously the name and spelling are a guess since three generations of languages back was not invented by the time this culture was an ancient legend.

The People of Kaern might be hard to believe; but my evidence for their existence is all the items they left behind.

First the basic structure of living in emergency conditions; a glacier age qualifies in ways only those experienced in the rolling 40s and Antarctica can have a bench mark of understanding for. Every major disaster which has been make a part of not only history but of the society as a whole indelible memory, one thing happened above all else. The people grew closer together.

Two that togetherness forces communication; a common language

Three that togetherness forces cooperation which eventually lead into trade routes. Some of those trade routes are thousands of miles long and last 1000s of years.

Four cooperation breads similar architecture. Architecture leads to advancements in the following fields; math, science, engineering, architecture, and technology.

Five advancement's in those five fields’ leads to most of the cultures connected to the trade route and have long standing cooperation and trust treaties share. Meaning technology advancement in the Indus Harappa all the way over in India can soon within a year or less find its way into a building design in Ireland.


So I hypothesis a very crude for of the United States of America might have existed at the end of the last minor ice age. The overall name was Kaern: each state being; Vinca, Indus Harappa, Sarmartian, Proto-Canaanite,


The people of Kaern birthed the following states/cultures


Proto-Canaanite; middle East

Vinča; Hungary east of Rome

Indus Harappa: India, the western side along the Indus river valley.

Sarmartian: central and eastern Europe into Russia

Cycladic; the Aegean before the Greek's, and well before the Turks.


The Phoenicians were a renamed proto-Canaanite culture; who sent out settlements around the entire Mediterranean including Spain/Iberia, Tyrrhenian/Italy, and inter spaced around the Egyptians. Although some could argue the first Egyptian civilization were Proto-Canaanite settlers.




The Proto-Canaanite/Iran culture has one of the oldest cities in record, 3200 bce. The city of burnt

 being about half way between the cultures of the Indus Harappa a few hundred miles to the east and the proto-Canaanite only a few miles to the west.

world’s oldest “animated” picture drawn around it.” Along with a “10-centimeter ruler with an accuracy of half a millimeter in the ruins of the ancient city .” Other finds in the city of Burnt are “artifical eye, backgammon pieces, and an example of animation.” Which for anyone paying attention, requires a degree of population wide science and technology to not only build those items but have the society use them.




57 kilometers from the city of Zabol








