Welling Mathematics Languages Cycladic culture Linear A language


The Cycladic culture at least by way of linguistics, trade route, and engineering variables dates back to Dispilio in Greece and carbon 14-dated to about 7300 BP (5260 BC).

This is a culture that comes from the island of Crete and goes back more than a few thousand years.   Although this is a basically good culture, it did have its domineering side with conquest plans for the Egyptian and other surrounding cultures from time to time.  This civilization was destroyed by the volcano on the island of Thera - Volcano Santorin Eruption ca. 1628 BC.

The volcano produced a rather large tidal wave that wiped out the Minoan and Mycenean civilizations.   When a rather large tidal wave takes out most of your population and the area is uninhabitable from thick ash and rather large dust clouds it takes a while for things to get back to normal.  Especially since the volcano and the ensuing tidal wave produced not a small amount of fear when it comes to living close to it.  Since the volcano blew with much greater force then Mt St Helens in the 1980 in Washington state.  St Helens only blow n e away from population zones.  Thera blew in all 360’. Taking out a mountain and blowing it down to the water line.  Taking everyone out within a hundred miles give or take.  It would take around 500 years to bring an area back from total destruction.  But since their navy and army were destroyed and their languages devastated after it was safe to go back, the other cultures had taken over, and the knowledge base was absorbed creating the Greek culture and linear B, and then linear c or the actual Greek language.


This is a civilization that has an unknown beginning time but was around some point after 3000 b. c. e.  and continued up till the Acrotere volcano destroyed their defenses.




Since the symbols match both the Linear A of milleian later and all the other stacked stones cultures which existed from the end of the last ice age till they were each in turn conquered.


I think I have solved Linear A, instead of phonetic, I used a different form of language. I used symbolic language to translate Linear A, Vinča, Indus, as well as a few dozen other indo European languages from the ancient world.


Linear A language

2/19/2003 3:29 AM

The first step in translating linear A is to determine which way the letters are pointing.


The second step is to determine angle of spelling. Are the letters left to right, right to left, bottom right up to left. Bottom left up to right.


One of the ways to determine angle of spelling is to see the way the directional symbols are pointing.


There is also the period in which that tablet was written.  Depending on the direction of spelling.


If nothing else look to see how the symbol looks to direct you to what it means.  Bennifit to symbolic language, its somewhat self explanatory


Another key to the reading of linear A is the fact that linear a is a lanauge that is based partially on the Electro-Magnetic’s of this planet.  So you have a right side is outgoing action, left side is incoming action.


Which leads to a bit of a hard understanding since when there are many directions in which linear A can be spelled, it gets a bit on the harder side to determine if there is a Electro-Magnetic prepresentation, then you have to figure out which way in and out are.


Another key point to translating symbolic based languages.

Remember the layout key.

There are several ways in which to read the symbolic languages.

Celtic cross with sugnificatore

Celtic cross with out

Or the flow of numbers. Taking the symbolic letters in sequence there meanings and spreading those meanings to spell. And tell stories.


Sheet one


Description: Description: Description: F:\Tome\RESEARCH   BACK UP FILES\Linear A\Linear A 2.jpg






Table 1,

Description: Description: Description: F:\Tome\RESEARCH   BACK UP FILES\Linear A\linear A.bmp

Table 2

Description: Description: Description: F:\Tome\RESEARCH   BACK UP FILES\Linear A\linear_a.gif



Table 3


srjabchikov@hotmail.com Description: Description: Description: lin_a.gif by Sergei V. Rjabchikov





Description: Description: http://tyr.ioa.ucla.edu/Lectures/UseWriting/img011.gif



Description: Description: http://tyr.ioa.ucla.edu/Lectures/UseWriting/img014.gif









Dispilio Tablet
