Welling Mathematics Structure


TRs Plural number line theory


TRs Plural number line works by way of a strict adherence to the applications of Hierarchal actions, polarity, and the basic rules of physics.


The basic rules are as follows

·         Hierarchal lines

o   Down

o   Back

o   Left

o   Up

o   Forward

o   Right

o   Destination line

·         Polarity lines

o   Down

o   Up

o   Back

o   Forward

o   Left

o   Right

·         Balance



Very basically the single numbering you are used to courtesy of the Greek's by way of the Vatican is the single number line compressed from 6 lines down to just one.


I say 6 for this mathematical reason. For example a (down 1 + up 1 = up 2) same as in the single number line. Same as (back 1 +  forward 1 = forward 2), same as (left 1 + right 1 = right 2).

But where things start getting very tricky is here. Just because something starts out on one say down does not mean the =x will no on that same number line. (down 1 + back 1 = ? ?); how to solve this answer stick to the rules of motion.


Rule 1 Hierarchal is an indication that despite any other rule; the most important to the least in sequence down to right. Which coincidently that sequence creates an entire close magnetosphere of electro-magnetics influence.


Rule 2 Balanced sequence; is where the standard rules of the single number line live. This is where Euclid either copied directly over, or this is the only portions of the equations he could understand. (He knew Linear C, he might have known linear B. Linear B is about half or so linear A; but the comparisons stop at just basic language format. Linear A only lent its basic structure e.g. “see dick run” not the “what light through yonder window breaks”. For some reasons when Prince of Mycenaea Zeus of the royal family Olympia seized power; he favored a different language than that of his family culture. Or he might have been the product of a union between the Mycenaean partner and a partner from another land; a land who’s native language is the base of linear B.)

Unfortunately for western history the Dorian's poetic license the Mycenaean’s so much; most of the history and cultural framework is completely lost to truth. I guess that is what occurs when you have as conquest culture desperate to legitimize itself, it messes with the true history of its surrounding and previous cultures to fit in.