Arrogance of the Greco-Roman Monotheistic culture

I grew up in Colorado Springs, Colorado where I was two several things were hard facts beyond doubt. One I could be any form of born again I wanted to be. But all other religions were bad. I could study anything I wanted as long as it was within the framework of the guild structures academics. I could pursue any course of study I wanted as long as the academic structure and the religious society approved of my field of study.

I could research anything as long as I stuck within the boundaries of acceptable areas to conduct research.

I was told pre-Roman empire Europe had none of the following. They had no written language, no complicated speaking patterns e.g. “see dick run” was their barbaric language format. They had nothing close to “what light through yonder window breaks.” They most defiantly did not have math, science, engineering, technology, etc.

I looked at my teachers, society, and culture and thought to myself “I will rarely in the rest of my life hear anything as arrogant as that list of parameters for the rest of my life.”