Welling Mathematics


Currently the entire world is suffering behind leaping forward in technology. Almost all modern technology is based on ideas which were on the drawing board in the 1950-60s’s. Since it is 2010 some five full decades later it is no wonder why almost all aspects of advanced technology has stalled out.


Solution is not to try and make the current math and science tools work better. The solution is to recognize the current restrictions and limitations in the areas of mathematics and science and address the crumbling foundation rather than attempting to keep remodeling the same internal structure.


Metaphorically speaking math and science keep trying to remodel the inside of the structure, when the structure itself is what needs rebuilding.


So in order to achieve the next leap forward in technology what is causing the restrictions must be identified and fixed.



The only way to properly identify the problems and seek solutions is to understand the structure in which modern mathematics and science came into being.

By taking a good look at the blue prints the metaphorical example of the building of math and science can be assessed as to what the structure looks like.

Cross examining each and every aspect of the blue print which created math and science will allow a road map of sorts.

The road map has provided in the past has always provided a good structure in which to do a proper investigation.


The easiest way to do build a blue print and or road map of how math and science were constructed is to start now and work backwards through each and every advancement in both fields.


This rebuild process is very similar to building a three dimensional puzzle. Every puzzle of sufficient complexity started out as road map sketch, then became a complicated blue print. Or in this case layers of blue prints each layer of complexity having its own sheet; descripting exactly what is where, and what to build at what point.

Each piece can be seen as a puzzle piece, each puzzle piece fits into the math and science blue print, which builds the road map or construction plans to make the paper plan into a physical reality.


Determining exactly what puzzle piece fits into the blue print or road map starts with now and working backwards. 20/20 hind sight is an awesome tool to see how something was built.

Reverse engineering based on what piece was gathered and put into place at what time.

Example what does Baseball and the Cuban Missile crisis have to do with each other. The anwer is a historically complicated set of puzzle pieces, which create a historical blue print, leading to the road map of history.


Mathematics and its creation history


Science and its creation history


Literacy and its creation history.


All the above have to be solved if the cultures on this planet want to advance with math and science.