This is my Internal Web page for

Futhark Science


T. Shawn Welling




Indo European


Symbolic Meanings


Futhark Science





Calendars Full Table

Theory:  Truth origins of this


What I have uncovered is that there is a great deal of truth to be found within the Futhark, what the ancients found is that these rules and regulations are a part of nature, they are nature, its rules guidelines and how nature itself does its thing.

IN northern Europe the climate was vastly different, from the Mediterranean, so instead of being able to look up at the star and develop thoughts feelings emotions mythology about the stars the Nordics developed there based beginning from watching what was happening around them. 

There where animals to deal with that are much larger then the animals of the med and Africa,

There was not the emphases on food as in the med, and there is not as much clear sky to look up at.  Pluse the climate was a good deal colder so there was not as much time outside.  So all these go together to equal there is a way for the Europeans to have come up with these things.


The secrets are that, the priests and leaders had to figure out how to live in smaller houses with the entire community in side for up to 6 months of winter, if not all but always depending on how close to the glacier ages they werhe.  So have a bunch of family together for a extended period of time and the best and worst parts of human nature come out.  As well as the true inclinations of the animanls you live near.  


So over time the Nordics used the tools that where available to them, which where, watching each other, the sun to see the blots or sabbaths, and this concept came out of that.




Truth origins of this






Definition of runa


The stuff the norse left behind


Long boat


Long House








Copy write Monday, October 22, 2001,

I have been working on it for around 6 years but