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Futhark Science


T. Shawn Welling



Runic Futhark origins



Buerried secrets

Indo European science Mistakes

Aerchological Evidence


Futhark science












This area is about the secrets that I found to help me uncode the secrets of the runes.

In here what I determined to do was to see if if I was right and the ancients left behind code keys for the generations to find, look back at, then reverse engineer what the ancients did. 


Engineering Keys


The problem with all this stuff I am talking about is that the translation keys where hidden in different aspects of the language waiting for someone to find them.


In my searching for true I have a pretty good idea that I have found at least part of the keys to unlocking the mystery of the runic Futhark.


Then there is the actually evidence of the language appearing in the very basic engineering of this world. 

The blots or sabbats

The first key that I found was in the way the year is put together.  There are things which occure durreing the passage of a year that occur each and every year and then there are things which happen only periodically.  The equinoxes happen each and every year about the same time and the animals on the planet react just about the same, depending on there specific internal modification and genetic adabptation to what was and or is happening in the overall environment.


The next thing is the generation map or what happens to things over the course of there own generation for humans it happens to be 24 years but that does not mean that every speciace has a 24 year sequence.


The next key to the puzzle is there are actually 8 separate translations which occur during the year.   These translations are based on the course of the blots and what is happening during each blot.


Placement in the sequence

All the information I have about why the symbols are in that specific location.


The Futhark sequence is a flow based on the cycles of energy that runs the particular galaxy.   Every thing this specific universe runs on this chain of events.


Establishing priorities


Finding and using strength


Issolation the self, to accomplish the established priorities


Determining what needs to be happeingn next in life. 

Seeing how the univese and the inner self have changed according to the new self.


Takign the first tentative steps in getting the inner priorities accomplished.


Learning from what you have been taught.


Connecting with others of similar background


Connecting with the most specific to how you truly are.


End of first 8


Beginning of second 8



The Secrets of the Futhark.


For years I studied the runic/Futhark and know there was more to it then just the basic ideas of vague meanings from the past there had to be something more to it then just the ideas of the deviatory meanings. 


What occurred to me was that it was a many fold situation.   There where actually a dozen different aspects to the runic/Futhark that few known about and in the past couple millennium knew then either.  SO I started asking to see different aspects t of the Futhark to try and understand what it was better.


Then it came to me over a very strange Yule.   What came towards that the concepts of the runic/Futhark where not just strange and unusual do to the addition of the different languages but it was the meanings themselves heald different secrets. As well as the may they where bang used.


For instance I will expand this is a manner best stated in an overall way.   I discovered there was more to the Futhark then I had any idea of at the beginning. 


I looked at the calendar, and the Sabbaths, and the hours often sun in the day, then I looked at the idea of the generations map all that stuff that when t with the generations map looking concentrating on it and I spent the next 3 days cooped up in my room and typed out all my ideas, for the first couple of hours it made no sense.   I typed out the definitions for the generations map in basic, then the tarot deck in basics and the hours of the sun in the day, then I typed out new meanings from the 3 separations of the aetts which it may be different languages but there are8 characters in each of the aetts.   Then I stood back and watched thought about everything I knew, as a fact about the runic/Futhark that at that point was not much.   And I knew there had to be something here I and everyone of the authors I was reading missed.   And then it started to unravel around me.  So simple so interesting so complexly simple I could hardly believe it myself.   I was looking at the definitions for the runic/Futhark and then it cooruet to me.   The complexness of the  runic/Futhark was much more then I had though of a second before.   I started writing and I thought about now what are the definitions at there basic are the aetts.  There is a masculine and feminine and a balance between.   The symbols start out being a feminine thing, take out the masculine cultures which follo3wed and you are left with something approaching the truth.   As the calendar states clearly Litha is a time of planting and wroing with all around you in building for the coming fall and winter stages.   Those are not masculine ideas, grow.   Growing is a feminine ideal.   TO build a house needs at its inception the feminine artistic idea of application, farming is a feminine concept.  You are growing writing directly wit the land the mother earth where all life strings. This being an interesting concept to the application of the masculine culture I had no double way it was througwn out, farmers are not feminine.   But the idea remains,  Farminenis a jouint effort it takes many to actually make a produictive farm work,   few can work hard eought to make a farm work and feed thenmseves  without equall support form the people areas and investments of money and time  from othersin the community,  a blacksmith to make the plow shares,  a unless the farmer was taught the blakcsithing trade form someone but who is going to mine the oar to get the raw materials to make metal working poiisble.   This simple step right there requires a large amount of peopem all coordinated together to work together,  The miner to get the oar is payed or given food my the blacksmith who nmakes the plow to give to the farmer to be payed or to be given food in exchange for the plow.   No the impoartnat thing to remember is that this is a coomiuty effrt and for a community to be there there needs to be a great deal of effort put into the applicationof the people fom diffetnt backgrounds workgin together.   This commbonationds ofo eople working together is what makes the applicaito prossess possible.  

The needto be working with a group is a feminine nesting idea,  what is good for the group is good fro the individual in athe most extremem cases.   Sothe first 8 charcters are about how to best pull a commuity together in ordwer to acomplsih the goals nesdsessary for the survival of the commuity.   Pullign all the resorses together in order to achieve a group goal,  first off survival.  Ok the first genartionis strrtig to shap up and I am beginning to understand the first8 of the first generation start out with nothing a bodya and build to understand the pules and regulations of the community in which you where born into.   Build the body build a bit of the personality,  and learn the customes of the peopem you are einvolved with.  

The masculine is the individual coming into there own and presenting the situation of working for geeting sertain goals accomplished.   The main goal is identifying the self.   The mascuyline paerts of the self are the self identifiers.   The indiviudual personality the tallents skills  will and abilitye are all tapped and worked with to produce the goals of having something tangable at the end of the 8.   No matter how much actually time  ahs apst between the application  of  the 8 symbosl being worked with the application of the indiiuvla truly bocomming an indiviuadl is the important part of remembering who the individual is and where the idividual need to be going. 

The balance isputting everything that has come up to this point and breing it all together.   The feminine need to pull things together and the masculine idea of self applicaitoj  comes together to creat a hole thing.   The whole thing created workes in conjunction with the ideaas of carrying the self forward and creating the ideas nessessery for the individual to become the nest indioviduial that person can and apply everything tthat individual knows to the growth of the greater whole,  be that a commuity,  the selfs further knowledge of the self,  the society of hwo to wrok everythgin better nd have everyone be more eorganized.  All these things asre possible if the  group of indiviuald come  together to form a greater whoel and the individual within the greater whole does what the individual needs to do in oderto  ally themseve to add there own umph to the greater whoel and allowing everyone esel to apply ther4e 0wn indiivudality to the wreater whole acreating soemtign of acctua;ly tnagableity it the grreaetter whole.


I stat back and lloked at wath tI have written,   it made perfect sense to have everything work together iu harmony.   This harmony would become the basics for the undewrsdtanding of the r self and the greater alpplciaincation of who the individual is let alone the prossess of the indivudal being now only who tney are but also being a valued member of the communita and  socaieyt.


Looking don and what I had previesuly written I could see that there definitions where not quitecorrect but then things happened hat distrcted my attention,   and I was not able to get back to them until about a year latter,  when I picjtured back up what I was workiugn on and the need to carry the self forward to see what exactly the needs andts and desiresof the situation the runic/Futhark was presenting me with.   Inwas at this point all but learning from the sybols themselvews wehat was wrtong with the symbols in the sfirst place,   I was astarting blangly at the computer one day gryung to trpe and finnish the generation book and of the basic definitions I had tat the point aand I accomplished the gaols bery nicely but then I saw something that caught my attention.   Inwas watching a program on tv about the consept of cxonnections.  By james biurk,  and he was talking about the proose s s off time  and the application of the self with the proeeseess of time  with mathemtatics,  well this caught my attention and ansteadofttrying my best to get the prossess done I forget abuou what I was douig asd consentrated ion finding out exactly what was this thing that was being talked about, 


The prsess of mature was what it was about,  a mathemtacialn one day set out 2 rabbits and there was 1 pair.   The next month there weher 2 oairs.  Then the next monthnthere where 3 paires,  then the next month there where 5 pairs.   8, 13, 21, 34.  and so on   This all fasinated me.   123 5 8 13 21 are all interesting numbering in the Futhark and I cold see how its revelance toteh Futhark was increadilbe but I had not made the connection of the entuire prossessu.  I looked at the sequenc eon the mapnI created on the wall and I could see that there was a great deal of actifity going on with in the numbers describerd.

The one.  With its by prolar application

The 2 ,  The witches understading of the 4 corners,  the earth air fire water,  each haaas its balance poit.   Eath air firewater.   Each wroks with the other in order to create that which is needed.

The 3,  In oder to get anything accomplished there needs to be a  internal application.  This iunternal application is that the prioriuties of the innistion thing,  the first 3 steps are all about the first inniitional application of the innitional prioritiey.   The next key to the application prossess is that  the strength f the econd step in the middle of this 3rd step is apparent.  The strength of the second spep makes the 4th strp even possible.

There is an internal structure to the way life is,   This structure takes on the.

The 5, 

The 8 ,   the fisrt pair and 1 of its off spting have bread but the interesting thing at thins poiunt is that there are the secoind generations pari has bread also.  So there are 3 generations breading.


What this meanings is that there is lots going on within the numbers sinc ethis is a cycle of nature and broken down to it simpliest format the application of the self within the confines of the mathmeitcs of nartiurte.


Compared to the sequcne wqhat was happening was that











Archeological evidence


Placement in the sequence




Copy write Monday, October 22, 2001,

I have been working on it for around 6 years but