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Rebuilding the ancient Symbolic Languages


The ancient language of indo European is a very difficult language to pin down. It has been found but not identified. Modern academics has found it; but has little idea what they are looking at. As Dr Phil points out, what I do not see is not because it is not their it is because I cannot see it. which is a failure on the observers part not on the part of the subject being studied.



The ancients used a set of symbols which are beyond advanced.. this advanced language is based on not sounds but tracking the motion patterns of any and all things around.


Rebuilding this language requires a careful reexamination of why these cultures were conquered in the first place. They were conquered because their knowledge and sciences were so advanced. They presented a threat to those around. Someone presents a threta long enough and the enemies gather to take down the one.


That is what occurred to each of the descended culture connected to the Indo-European or as I call them. The People of Kaern.


Now the People of Kaern were absolutely not stupid. They knew they were going to  be destroyed so they left their secrets buried in areas and places the conquering would not find a threat but their descendants could retrace and rebuild what was left.


As the legend of Ragnorock states; the survivors of the final battle would cling to the tree of yggrdasil. After would climb down and rebuild humanity from the ashes of the past.


Rebuilding the ashes of the past is the point to this entire library.


How to go about rebuilding the ashes of the past; to find the little lost secrets the ancients left behind.