Character is drawn


How each character was dawn



Each portion is divided into select sections. Each section itself is divided up into specific meanings.



Past +










































Above or heaven








As obvious by the pattern the ancients used by the most likely use of the above graphic; the ancients knew that the shapes something makes are the same relative areas shapes will appear in nature.


So the ancients knew two things;

one the concept of signs, they decoded what signs are and how they work by watching and observing the repeate patterns of nature.

Two they created a language out of repeating those same signs to communicate between themselves.


In an effect; if this is good enough for deity, this is good enough for me.


So they noticed that things to the west/left looking north with the sun behind (to cast a shadow on ones back) that the earth had serious repeat patterns which were only measurable if you compared their motion patterns with the motion patterns of everything around.

This modern notion of the collection of a dozen statistical models stacked on top of each other to measure time with; is not only the definition of insane (repeating the same pattern over and over expecting a different result), but it breaks every serious rule of mathematics. To measure too and from fixed points. The calendars of the Roman Empire including the Gregorian not only have 0 fixed points they measure from; each one of the individual calendars itself fights tooth and nail against being pinned to any specific measuring point.

If modern science was presented with the Gregorian calendar it would be rejected out of hand for breaking every single rule of mathematics possible. Nothing is consistent on the stuff science has to measure constantly; the days seem to be consistent but every day is a few seconds longer or shorter depending. Overall a piece of junk measurement tool.


The ancients did figure out (in some way) a calendar and language which was not only accurate from sub-atomic time all the way up to and through the entire time frame of our universe.

They created a calendar and a language at the same time. Since the stuff moving was the stuff to either eat or shelter with.


To the east is the area the earth rotates around to the in brief fixed point of the sun.

The warmth of the sun causes a great deal of motion. Most of htose motions have repeat patterns which can be depended upon.

To the west is in brief the cold polar opposite of the sun. cold also produces motion. Cold motion also have dependable repeat motion patterns.

What is mathematics but being able to predict with 100% accuracy what will happen when.

North has the magnetic pull; which does have a very strong pull, but the pull is dramatically less strong then the heat motions. Although the magnetic pull does strongly effect the motions of plants and animals.


But what vertical to ground and west to east taught them is a 100% repeatable chart to map out not only what things are doing motion wise; but what a perfect way to communicate.

The awesome thig about this tool; it is very easy to teach what the symbols are and how they work.

A blade of grass; the basic priorities of life. Since varieties of grass are either what we eat or what the animals we eat eat.  

Next comes animal/beasts. The obvious strength of an animal.

Where you are in realtion to what you need.

After locatn comes identification of the boundaries of location. Many animals will vocalize their territory.

The difference between areas which are controlled or the territory of a specific creature; traveling between becomes a concept.


With just the first five steps; five basic functions of life are present. Plants, animals, location, sound, and navigation.

This is language, mathematics, and science the science of how each one  moves. How each one moves creates a dependanblity all things on this planet depend on.

This also a calendar.

Midsummer; the focus is on the planting and maintenance of the plants to feed both you and your domesticated for the winter.

Which bumps directly into proper care and treatment of the animals.

Where to plant, sow, harvest, etc.

All that motion creates sound indicating the boundaries of safe versus other creatures territory.

Of course the physical journey needed in order to achieve the previous 4.

Each is basicall what is occurring in a progressive 15 (16*) day sequence. With midsummer being the 8th day of the first 15 day sequence.

I call this the T Calendar.


To draw these charctrs out

The plant; the stalk a long straight line from ground to heaven, then the leaves branching off at a 45’


Animal; the animal facing west, draw a line from its front feet up, down the backbone, to the back legs, down the back legs. Upside down this charater turned into the Latin letter U.


Locatni. Locatnois are usually marked in some way or have some distict feature which sticks out. so a vertical portion nda then a outcropping, overhang, etc.


Sound. If you look at sound wves; as in someone talking into wter; the waves created by only the sound rae 45’ downward angle. Sound loves in wves; so using two downward from the point of the sound outward is Ansuz


Physical travel; the vertical shaft followed by the upper body moving forward out of balance and the legs moving to gain a new footing for the new balance.


The rest of the 19 symbols are equally as descriptive.

The rest of the 19 are not equally as descriptive but also show what is happening in the natural worlds preogression through the seasons.