time line



Time line

6000 -5000 bc Adam

4000 Noah

3500 monotheistic Adam descendants establish a settlement area west of the Nile

3300 egypt forms and the settlement area is turned into a refugee area

3100-2800 tower of Babel attacked by forces of Abraham. Although Abraham is not the commander at the start

2800; Giza construction starts

2600 khufu construction starts

2100 The Jewish/monotheistic Hyksos invade Egypt and start a slow take over. Which happens to correspond to both a date written in the Khufu 500 years after it was supposedly sealed shut as a grave.

The Jewish Hyksos partially rule Egypt till they take over the entire place circa 12 dynasty 1800 bc.

They rule from 1800-1350.

Are deposed and reduced to slaves. The first time in Egypt they are actually slaves. But only because they were deposed. King Tut

The exodus 1200 bc.





·         Time line format

·         11000

·         Egypt [TW1] circa 10,450 b.c.e


o   First fact to deal with this mystery.

§  First just because the current buildings are in the exact alignment of that constellation from previous millennia does not mean by any stretch of the imagination that those exact buildings had to be built at that time. Any buildings could have been built first and later construction, remodeling, taking apart and rebuilding completely, etc. is a standard practice in the rest of the world why not extend that idea into the 5000 years from 8,000-2500 b.c.e. In that much time and the powerful empires existing at the time, entire cities could have been built, torn down, other things built in their place, repeat, a dozen times and still leave thousands of years after and before the constellation possible building and the construction of the great pyramid.

§  We know the sphinx has had numerous changes ad alterations over time. What makes academics so positive that the pyramids were the first buildings on site.

§  I hypothesis part of the much later 2500 b.c.e building remodel/rebuild/etc. was to have the Egyptian's build a vault to house their conquest booty. The conquest booty from sacking the tower of Babel aka the city of Eridu, Iraq 20 miles from Ur. Whatever the Semitic army took out of the building would have been of extreme value. Upon arriving in Egypt everyone would have had to agree to the best course of action would be for the Egyptians to build some kind of Egyptian style vault designed to keep the items of value safely hidden behind beyond imagination security measures.

·         But the structure would have to be built according to Egyptian aspects. Spiritual/gods stuff in an upper floor, mental stuff ala books in the middle, and earthly stuff in the ground floor room.

§  The most safe and secure building possible would be an existing structural and holy site which has existed for (by that time) some 5000 years. No matter what the previous structure looked like; the one would look and be built by the basic design parameters of Imhotep. Which depending on if my hypothesis one or two is correct; would have given the Egyptian's a nice insulting spat to the face.

§  In this document I hypothesis the Jews upon arriving in Egypt were asked/forced to build the great pyramid of Khufu/Cheops to house at least two things.

·         One in the upper or spiritual chamber aka kings chamber; this chamber would be designed to hold items of a spiritual nature. Weapons, tools, implementation’s, and items of the gods would be stored in his room. (how to store spiritual stuff).


o   As the ice retreated; the cites either descended or the land thawed enough to found cities


·         I think I know how to “Lower[TW3]  a city from the Heavens”

o   At the end of a glacier age; the retreating ice is still solid but it is on an angle.

o   As the ice melts, wait till the ice is on a 45’ angle or better.

·         6000

o   Life during a glacier age

o   The people of Kaern; what they did and how they lived.

o   900

o   800

o   700

o   600

o   500

o   400

o   300

o   200

o   100

·         5000

o   The first thousand years after the glaciers start to truly show signs of retreating. It is never a good idea to move too quickly after a glacier age starts to retreat. It takes hundreds of years for the process of retreat to take effect before the population can trust the glaciers are actually in retreat.

o   War between the forces of monotheism and the kingdom of Canaan

§  The garden of Eden

·         The bible is very clear in the description of garden, a created place separate from the rest of nature.

§  In the garden

·         Adam and eve are clothed in just basic clothing. No need for heavy winter gear fi they spend all their time inside.

·         Once kicked out they were stripped of their warm weather gear and given glacier cloths.

·         Animal skins and other survival gear necessary for both a descent from the top of a glacier to the ground but for life living on the tundra.

§  The war begins.

·         How the war begins is an unknown; but the biblical and sociological clues left behind by way of the aspects the at least three major religions an how those major religions act and interact with each other almost every single day since the war started has a specific pathology to it.


§  A kingdom of Canaanite priest

·         Red: the color of blood, the gods color. The blood holds the key to everything. Which many millennia later science and technology has proven the blood contains dna; which it the basic building block of each and every single person.

·         Earth: defined as the place where life on this planet originated. 

·         Define the jobs of the kingdom of Canaan

o   Priests / scientists

§  Mathematicians

§  agriculturalists

o   Tent technicians

o   Politicians


§  Adam

·         The first blessed beast.

·         God created two legged beasts first. Told them to go forth and multiple; you are the lords of your domain.

·         Adam the first blessed man (profit) was given dominion over all the 2 legged beasts. To pull them away from self-service toward the service of god.

·         Adam was a priest of the kingdom of Canaan. which means he was a highly trained person when it came to the application of understanding both the formats of how the megalith at the center of the garden tent/tabernacle worked. but he was also a master of the cycles of nature.

·         which the jobs are different

·         first is mostly mathematics in base. tracking the cycles through math.

·         applying the math cycles to plants and animals is a different skills set.

·         so in effect based on his name and the bits of data described in 1 and 2; the above are what his jobs were and what his skill sets were.

·         now if he was an expert in the above; he would have been well trained in the knowledge which eve got into trouble over.

·         most wife’s who are smart can figure out what their husband does for a living.

·         it is entirely possible that Adam doing his job, his wife wanted to be involved. she became involved and he became very angry. angry she know the mathematics job.

·         there math would have had to be based on the cycles of nature. I say this as a fact because thriving in a glacier age requires knowing exactly what will happen next; to get out of the way of killer 150 below storms which can last for month. those same storms can last for months but they can also be thousands square miles.

·         you also have to be able to calculate where the glacier has pushed your tents resting on top.

·         Kicked out

o   It is entirely possible based on the above into that Adam was kicked out of Eden because of how badly he reacted to his second wife eve learning the secrets of the math and the science of plants/animal behavior.

o   Since knowledge of said was an absolutely essential thing for any and all living in a tent/tabernacle city the question does not become why would she have learned; the question is why did he have such a bad and possible violent reaction to her. Violent because the word “shame is used” that he hid from his superiors/god. Clothed to hide their shame; would point to bruises on either her or both.

o   Domestic violence might not be a tolerable thing in a tent culture.

o   She might have chosen to go with him during his banishment. “I love him, I can love him enough to help him over his rage issues.” Is the standard line of most spouses and woman trying to help there mate.


o   The banishment is a very solid psychological reason or him to have turned his back on the kingdom of Canaan. That turning ones back is pure hurt emotions, hurt turns to pain, pain turns to physical, physical turns to violence. Standard psychological sequence.

o   The entire war between the kingdom of Canaan and Adam the first blessed man could boil down to the humiliation a dominant male suffered at the hands of his culture, city, family, and job. They reacting to his violence and shame; he reacting to being told no and the humiliating way he was told no.

§  Lilith??

·         Lil Sumerian for air

·         Ith Sumerian for spirit.

·         This priestess was trained the arts of connection to spiritual by air.

·         They were created at the same time; but Adam could obviously not deal with his mate being his equal

o   Divorcing her

o   He married eve another priestess but on subservient to his wants, needs, and desires.


·         Include portions of what might have driven Adam to war.


§  The war starts

·         The war Canaan versus Monotheism [TW4] 



o   Tower weapon (know how to use)and arc on way to Egypt


o   No Tower weapon (or tower weapon, unable to use it) arc on way to Egypt; running from the Canaanite’s the entire time. Good place to hid from attacking army mountains of Sinai. No tower weapon or tower weapon unusable would need the arc.


o   No tower weapon, weapon of unknown origin in the kings chamber great pyramid (used on the Egyptian army; used on way into Canaan. Used on the Canaan army to win), arc on way into Egypt. The Egyptian unknown weapon used on Egyptian and Canaan army’s different than the arc. Kept in same or similar place.


·         Adam

·         Kicked out of Tabriz

·         Adam and his priest and children Start attacking

·         1;27 god made man not humans but man; and sent them out to be fruitful and multiply.

·         2:7 god took one man and blessed him making him human. Adding the English Hu e.g. soul to the man. Enter Adam

·         Adam/Zoroaster

o   Adam lived in a tent city near present day Tabriz

·         Tabriz tent/tabernacle city

o   at the earliest came off the glacier around 5000 b.c.e since the entire area was still tundra till roughly 2500- 1000 bee. Archaeology is difficult to track if everything is frozen. Unless the item becomes trapped in ice itself, that thing will just become a cold and frozen pulverized nothing.

·         Lilith

o   Adams first wife. Adam rejects her for unknown reasons. Put a psychological map around the stories left behind and it starts to fill in a very dominant man who does not like the idea of his wife being better in any way to him.

o   Lilith might not have liked hi reaction and left him. Turning from him to study the cycles of nature and mathematics further. Since it was a descendant of Adam who wrote her bio; there is plenty of biblical evidence to point to his first wife was unacceptable because she was better at math and science than he was. All the jobs of which Lilith is accused of each one requires a high degree of both math and science to achieve.

·         Eve learns about the science of the shadows

·         Adam reacts rather harshly (possibly domestic violence. With a reaction of “how dare you teach me this. That which blessed me does not want anyone know such things. For that is the !!! purview of god and god alone. <which this archetype character application leads directly to the same phraseology within the framework of the tower of babel contained knowledge and wisdom god did not want man to possess. At least not yet.>)

o   It is possible that Adam felt all such knowledge was of the purview of blessed man and men alone.


·         Adam starts to be even more openly hostile to his fellow kingdom of Canaan citizens.

o   The base of the war starts 

·         Cain

o   The first cities the monotheists build, or take over

·         Cain to Abel

·         Cain “Help me I need help with a good sacrifice to the lord.

·         If I can do a good sacrifice then maybe god will be less angry with mom. Maybe we can get mom out of trouble with the lord.

·         Abel why would I want that. She did the crime she deserves the punishment.”

·         What follows is a standard reaction of anyone insulting the favored parent. The oldest had to defend the honor or his beloved mother; against attacks against every aspect of not only her but of the talents and character of the child who takes after the mother. So if this scenario is even partially correct; able might have given both Cain’s mother but Cain the largest and most intense insult imaginable. In some current Arab, Turkish, and India cultures the eldest son is duty bound to demand reparations from anyone of a lower hierarchy position than himself casting that large of an insult again more than one member of the his family.

·         A large interaction between brothers and siblings. Siblings work out the differences and major issues their parents have; by continuing the same fights as their parents. Abel was clearly a daddies boy and Cain was clearly a mommas boy. Cain was talented in the actions of the math and science his mother was good at. Abel was good at figure out how to herd animals. Adams main skills were not with raising plants but with tending the animals in the garden.

o   Kingdom of Canaan versus the Semitic [TW5] tribes

§  As stated previously in this paper. The war which began sometime around the point where Adam took his first tentative breath as a human being (according to legend, myth, and cultural understanding) all the way to and including the time the southern Semitic army and culture were running into the Sinai from the combined forces of the kingdom of the Canaan. From roughly 5000-2(7)500 b.c.e.; which is a very long time to conduct a multicity and multisided war.

§  The war cry started in the north just south and east of the lands between Tabriz, Iran and the couple hundred miles east and south.

§  The constant war between the Semitics and the kingdom of the Canaan raged almost nonstop from the point of the emergence of the Semitics and or their predecessor culture down through the millennia to[TW6]  the start of the middle ages.

§  The Semitic armies of the tribes of Abraham were large and strong till the romans conquered them.

§  From the Romans till after 1945 the Semitic tribes of Abraham only had a partial army.

§  The Semitic tribes of Zoroaster and then Mohammed have almost always had strong fighting forces.

§  Not always armies; but strong fighting forces.

§  So just because one mega battle took place does not mean by any stretch of the imagination that only one battle was being fought.

§  There were several tent cities with both large armies and huge ziggurats with large numbers of scholars at other tent cities.

·         Eridu was just one of several ziggurats.

·         Every tent city complex had educational facilities; not many with multistory libraries and education complexes.

·         The[TW7]  large ziggurat educational structures in select tent cities were designed to perform the same task then as they do right now (as referenced in institutional memory; what a population wants, they either bring with them or they reinvent the product in the new governmental structure.

·         Making small changes to accommodate for the unbending parameters of the new dominant paradigm governmental structure. 

·         more than one tower of babble war was raging.

·         The ziggurat is the same natural byproduct of converting the tent city structures to rock permanent installations.

o   Every tent would need to be taken apart or made permanent.

o   Consequently almost ever ancient city had some kind of arboretum; large enough to support the city which built it in a tent.

§  In fact according to newton’s third law and almost all large scale “kill them all” wars which have been fought on many fronts.

§  When an army finds a technique the enemy is vulnerable too, they use it over and over again till the enemy develops sufficient defenses to counter the attack.

§  By using the same battle plan at similar times; not only will confusion be created by the enemy’s response. But

§  The same battle plan is used against many targets; not at the same time but in similar times.

o   If this is true than the tower of babble battle would have had other similar battles raging all over at virtually the same time.

§  A list of similar battles to the tower of babble battle

§  The city of burnt and other Indus cities were also sacked about this same time 2800-2600 b.c.e. although the burnt battle is not close enough. The battle plan was to keep the tower up and intact; not burn it to the ground. but then of course maybe those strings of battles did keep the tower untouched but later conquests of the city destroyed the tower.


o   If a battle plan worked once it will work again later in history.

§  The Hyksos as the Egyptians would label them were strongly in Anatolia/Hittite/turkey lands almost the entire time from 2200-1400. The Hyksos (tribes from Asia. Who also introduced as soon as they had sufficient power with a pharaoh the concept of a single god “etin”. Doing away with the polytheism of the previous rulers “Ra”.) Ruled Egypt 2000-1400 strongly. From 1628-1200 the entire Anatolian and Aegean cultural power structure was under attack from almost all sides. Which coincidentally; those are similar dates to

§  The details of the battle plan[TW8] 

·         The details of the battle plan have come down through history with striking similarities. The first part is basic warfare; the basics of scouting the defenses of the enemy looking for weaknesses to exploit. But while the defenses are being scouted a large amount of attention is being directed at items most conquerors would not care about. The libraries, scientists, priests, etc.. how Do I know special attention was directed at the priests, educational institutes, the scientists and such. Because of both sets of actions which occurred after. As well as both sets of actions which occurred toward the next city of similar academics and scientific parameters. Patterns of behavior are patterns of behavior. If most scientists and priest are killed; why would the examples listed have a marked difference and the priests and scientists treated upon routine differently than any other citizen group. Marked differences in treatment of a two (not leaders) special groups in the conquest is an almost complete marked difference between every other conquest battle plan used almost every single time culture B conquers cultures A. why the radical difference in treatment of those two subgroups.

·         The plan is outlined as follows

o   Large force

o   Hide the large force in any way the culture being attacked would not find a threat

o   Get as many inside the defenses as possible

o   Scout as much of the defenses, as possible.

§  Defenses include

·         Location of all troops

·         Rounds and routines of all the troops

·         Location of all weapons

·         Location of government officials

·         Location of the rulers of the city

·         Location of all important merchants

·         Offensive capabilities

·         Etc.

o   Scout into the libraries,

o   Scout scientists

o   Scout religious leaders

o   Scout religious areas;

§  For example

·         Location of all holy places, from the family worship areas to the places the leaders conduct their ceremonies

·         From small to large scout them all.

o   Scout the location of all advanced devices and weapons

o   Attack; (of course the above is standard battle conditions of any conquest. Learn as much as possible and exploit weaknesses. But the differences are; the scientists, advanced technology, etc. scouting being as important as the royals and troops.)


§  Once the attack order is given both inside the walls and outside the walls attacks occur close together.

§  The conquest is successful. With the conquering army successfully avoiding burning down key areas. Libraries, advanced weapons, etc. those are not only not touched but the scientists are kept alive. They are usually easy to kill they are almost always the first of the civilians to be killed. They try to defend their city and research but are no match for battle hardened troops.

·         What happens to the scientists.

·         The scientists are almost to the battle not only left alive but are a special target of cruel but not lethal behavior.

§  In both major conquests of Athens the scientists were singled out and sent off to prison. Their weapons were confiscated and either destroyed or the scientists were forced to teach the conqueror how to use the weapon. The conquest by the Poseidon’s they used the weapons. The Athenians also used what the Dorian's did not destroy. The Dorian's were only interested in destroying every piece of advanced technology they could find.

o   900

o   800

o   700

o   600

o   500

o   400

o   300

o   200

o   100

·         4000

o   900

o   800

o   700

o   600

o   500

o   400

o   300

o   200

o   100


·         3000

o   2000 years after Adam putting Noah alive several generations before Abraham

§  Gilgamesh Noah

·         The technology needed to be able to support that much weight and such could now be described in detail. The greenhouse in the tent as a base design for the arc

·         Tent into a Noah arc

o   Take the basic strong and sturdy structure of the greenhouse tent and make the walls waterproof.

o   Now rework the internal structure from glacier and wind to water and nautical storms. Although the engineering for said is

o   The entire Canaan lands during the time of Gilgamesh had the modular technology at use in barges. Barges to take goods and people up and down the rivers.

o   Animals two by two

o   2900

o   2800 The tower of babel battle

§  Noah; 2000 years later Noah

·         this is a man who took the basic tent/tabernacle design and modified it to ride a glacier collapse. Instead of putting his house on skids or wheels he choose to ride out the wave.

·         He might have roped all of his tents together.

·         Then build a waterproof covering around,

·         Or rebuilt his tents/took them apart to rebuild them instead of being able to withstand super cold, to withstand a flood.

§  The of time required to deal with the glaciers, cold, etc. would not have allowed much time for a large scale “kill them all” battle after battle.

§  Instead the 2000 years between Adam circa 6000 b.c.e and Noah circa 4000 b.c.e are mostly spent surviving. Surviving against the forces of a glacier age, animals, tundra, and being completely cut off from the kingdom of Canaan infrastructure and food. The 1000 years between 3000-2000 b.c.e are spent with both sides observing the retreat of the ice and the slow melting of the glaciers. The 1000 years also saw the major cities of the kingdom of the Canaan “descend from heaven” using pullies, levers, etc.. Lowering each city to the ground; most of which was still in tundra conditions; even though the closest glacier might be more than several hundred miles away. Consequently if someone has plenty and someone else has nothing; the nothings will attack to get the resources the haves have. What the war might have started over with Adam 3000 years before as simply on dominant male feeling degraded and humiliated then cast out of his home; morphed into vastly more base psychological reaction. I want and I will take from those that would deny me. I will also have to get back at them for the humiliation of being told no n the degrading way I was expelled from the community.

·         Humiliation, degradation, and having nothing but the cloths provided. Harder and nastier wars have been fought over less.


§  Of course the additional concept of it is hard to go to war with a city which can pick up and move at the drop of a hat. Moving miles, in whatever area the population wants to move to. Once the guards and such knew the descendants of Adam were never going to stop attacking (still going on to this very day) setting up a complicated network of guards and guard towers/forts would become standard.

§  Descendants of Noah; Crank up the war/battles against the Canaan

§  Noah and nimrod

·         The battles between the

§  Emergence of Abraham

§  Abraham is born

·         Abraham has two children; older boy possibly descendant from Adam on mother Hagar’s side? Younger boy defiantly a descendant from Adam; from both father and mother (2000 years; makes it a little less disgusting). Both his boys take up arms against the kingdom of Canaan.

·         Abraham and possibly his boys lead a large and impressive army against the forces of the Canaan. But keep the battles small, mostly skirmishes. Abraham knows there is no way for his army to take on a united Canaanite army. But skirmishes with individual cities on a constant basis works. Annoying for the residence but effective.

·         Abraham and nimrod

·         Abraham goes into Canaan/Sinai(being chased by nimrod and the kingdom of Canaan armies. City state model a country’s only the city and the immediate surrounding area)

·         Abraham goes further into Egypt (after negotiation)

·         Heads south to the area of xx which is south of Egypt

·         how could the great pyramid have been built by the Jews if Abraham was not there to put them in Egypt.

·         the bible clearly states Joseph a descendent of Abraham was sold into slavery in Egypt without a second thought.

·         just because the construction facilities were not southern plantation owner slave equivalent. does not mean the Jews who most likely provided the labor were slaves; just low class refugees.

·         Negotiation

·         the war between the kingdom of Canaan which is roughly the entire land stretch between Egypt and the lands of the Indus Harappa (western side of India). South to the tip of Saudi Arabian penn, north to the black sea. of course little revolts and battles between cities; but mostly piece for the first bit of the war.

·         Just because Abraham a chief of the Semitic (?) moved all around an continued to fight the war against the Canaan does not mean the entire population which followed or were ordered by Abraham to go to Egypt were able to leave.

·         refugee citizen contracts tend to favor the upper class, but seriously mess with the lower classes.

·         I suspect based on standard political and UN rules of order; the population was given rights but no more than our native or eastern European gypsies.

·         but they were given the opportunity to raise in the political ranks, just not the social ones. which is someplace between fifth class citizen and slave. depending on their own social structure the lowest might have been considered slaves by both sides.

§  Great pyramid starts

§  add 200 or 300 to 3000 b.c.e makes 2800-2700 b.c.e. Just before the great pyramid construction starts.

o   2700

o   2600

o   2500

§  Great pyramid

o   2400

o   2300

o   2200

§  Moses a prince of the Hyksos in Egypt

§  Gap between 2600 joseph and 1200 Moses.

§  the Moses story only really makes sense if Moses was a Hyksos's prince; taken in by one of the pharaohs daughters.

§  exodus occurs 1200 b.c.e with Moses. which his life is easy to pin down with facts. he wrote in either Aramaic or Hebrew. Aramaic was around by at least his middle age, Hebrew was invented roughly 1100. so the Torah which was supposedly written by Moses could not have been written before 1200 b.c.e


·         2100

·         2000

·         1900

·         1800

·         1700

·         1600

·         Thera [TW9] volcano 1628

§  The power structure of the entire Mediterranean and middle east changed one faithful day when an earthquake unheard of in size, magnitude, destructive power, etc. went off just a few hundred miles north of the to be founded and named later Cairo.

§  The eruption was from an island 60 miles north of the island of Crete.

§  The eruption was so powerful it caused so much destruction is reshaped the entire Aegean, middle east, and northern African geology forever. The ecosystems that were finally starting to recover and get back to what modern humans would consider a normal ecosystem cycle. The glacier age was over by enough time the glacier weather patterns were hardly noticeable.

§  The eruption takes place.

§  The powerful and one of the most technically advanced cultures on the planet of any and all time suddenly finds itself in situation of devastating proportions.

§  The following changes occurred

§  http://www.independent.co.uk/multimedia/dynamic/00549/travellead1_549620t.jpg

·         The almost complete loss of ships in the eastern Mediterranean

·         The almost complete loss of the palace at Knossos; the equivalent of if New York city down to dc overnight stopped functioning. DC all the buildings covered in several feet of ash.

·         Little to no governmental structure, most of the citizens of those jobs were either in Rome setting up a new capital city or were killed in the blast.

·         All crops and agriculture shut down immediately. All the crop fields within several hundred miles of the blast zone have deadly ash sitting on them. Its deadly because ash contains a large amount of micro glass shards; breath them in you cannot caught them out. Nor can you breath with the shards cutting your lungs to pieces.

·         All marine life is destroyed; no fishing all fish either are miles away from the blast zone or are covered by dozens of feet of volcanic debris.

·         The Aegean army is almost completely destroyed.

·         And the population is reduced of the Aegean is reduced to a fraction of what it was.

o   Not all the citizens are dead, lots start4ed to move over to Italy before the blast.

§  The founding of the 7 hills both saves the Aegean cultures and sets up the cousin Hittite and Canaan kingdoms to be conquered when the Hyksos invade.


·         1500

·         1400

·         1300

·         1200

§  Moses


§  Back [TW10] to Canaan

·         First the centuries before the out of Egypt set up.

o   The Aegean are one of the most powerful cultures and naval forces the world had yet seen. Consequently they ruled the seas of the entire Mediterranean. The Aegean were a descendant culture and strongly parent child ally’s with the Canaanite.

o   When the Thera eruption occurred 1628; the Aegean culture was almost overnight removed as a power center. Down wind is the Canaanite lands. The Hittite, the Canaanite, and all the cultures within 1000 miles of the downwind eruption suffered so much the population took on mass exodus.

o   This gave all conquerors a wide opening in the defenses of all the cultures in the blast zone.

§  Consequently the harder power struggles get, the more divided the overall culture becomes.

§  From 1628-1200 that short 350 years allowed an opening so wide the Hyksos Jews in Egypt hatched a plan to not only go back to the lands they tried to conquer but lost the war. Now they planned to return and “take what is rightfully theirs.”

§  But there is no way they could do it alone

·         The pharaoh agreed to allowing the Jews to leave, but only if they left their most valuable assets in Egypt for safe keeping.

·         Once you get settled in Canaanite, we will negotiate the release of your holy items.

·         Before the Jews left Egypt they might have taken their holy items back. Including the any weapons from the tower and or the arc of the covenant.

·         Upon leaving, they took their arc back.

·         The Egyptians not being happy about the arc being stolen/removed chased. Upon finding them, the Jews attacked the forces and destroyed the entire army.


·         The Jews have stated they used the arc in battle to win against the armies ahead of them. being 1000/1 outnumbered they would have had to have something. Which might be one major reason why the Jews might have stolen <my hypothesis> a weapon kept safely in the Sarcophagus/coffin/coffer/alter in the spiritual chamber in the great pyramid. Have a weapon capable of taking the odds down enough to win. In modern times that weapon if it was what would be labeled later as the arc would be a weapon of mass destruction. Since it was capable of laying waste to all who stood against it.

·         1100

·         1000

·         900

·         800

·         700

·         600

·         500

·         400

·         300

·         200

·         100



·         0


·         500


·         820 AD, Around Abdullah Al Mamun calif mobilized men to bore a tunnel into the pyramid to search for chambers and treasure.

·         1000


·         1200


·         1300

·         1400

·         1500

·         1600

·         1700

·         1800

·         1900

·         2000


·         52 tents

·         Between 75-45000 their was a break in the ice. The ice sheets retreated, or they retreated enough to allow the pockets of people to start venturing out and around.

·         The ice was still present; but it was not a locked in situations.

·         Everyone and everything knew on top of the ice was safer than in front of it. However only humans, Cro-Magnon, and Neanderthals had the mental capacity to live up on the glacier full time.

·         At some point on those glaciers engineering was born.

·         How is happened is an unknown; however modern scholars can guess.

·         Need is the mother of invention. Get caught in one too many 3 month long storm where the population almost starves to death or the weaker ones do starve to death because the 100 degree below zero does not allow for the illiquiped humans to venture out for long enough time to hunt or gather food or sufficient fuel/heat sources.

·         Fight/curse the weather or you can innovate and make life better.










 [TW1]Ancient Egypt

 [TW2]list of Sumerian cites in order of desention/founding


Table of contents

 [TW2]Ice age theory


Ice age description

Taking advantage of high ground

A break in the ice

I propose the following hypothesis

City of Eridu

Noah flood

The case against

History “where the information tricked down to



5 sumerian cities

List of Sumerian cities; pre and post flood

 [TW3]early notes

 [TW4]The war


The war reorganize.

 [TW5]Expand or reference other aras.

The war, how the war started

Fighting the war. Centures before they attacked the city of babble.

 [TW6]Combine or clarify with the above war portion.

 [TW7]Need to devine this more

 [TW8]battle plan


 [TW10]Return to canaan