This is the beginig of my understanding of reverse engineering.  This the where the reverse engineering started. 



Tiwaz is the warrior rune.   Tiwaz in the language of the Futhark tells of the idea of the warrior an individual that is willing to put his or her current existence on the line for the betterment  of the community.   The key to being a successful warrior is not how many battles you have won or how many you have killed but the idea behind letting yourself flow and be complete with the outcome of the battle, conflict, or outcome or every phase of life.   The defense of the homeland is only a small part of the idea of the warrior, the real test is how you live your life.   Do you live your life as if the world deserves to have you as a  humble servant for the greater good of all ( all includes you as the individual )?  


Divinatory: The deeper meaning of Tiwaz is direction, as is what is your personal direction, how do you need to proceed on your path and what do you need to accomplish along the way that will help you top accomplish the goals you have set forth.  When Tiwaz come up in readings it is an important thing to remember that what you are doing is the correct action and you are proceeding with what you need to be doing.

Reverse:   When Tiwaz comes up in your life it is an important thing to remember that you are being directed by not only spirit but by your own inner direction.


Mannaz, is the rune of personal focus, shutting everything else out and concentrating only on you.

we are not animals-we have been given more than the basic instincts

This is a time of deep learning and growing for yourself, a time to examine how you are and where you are going to the new you and the new year coming into existence with the spring.   You are here and there is a world out there for you to explore.  Enjoy the ride.



Part A You prime birth sign

Part B   How they effect you in your Daily life.

In Norwegian, Mannaz means the body, the soul  the idea of Man, Human Being, Homo Sapien.   The Nordic understanding through the runes goes deeper into the idea and sees what we can do what we are and how we as humans go about achieving the goals we or our environment has set for us.   Mannaz is the idea of what we are and how we can do what we do in a much better form then just being another animal walking around taking what we want.  Instead the idea is to begin using the intellect, the mind, the soul to discover that there is another world outside of our aura and our actions not only have a direct effect on what happens outside of ourselves but the outside world also has a direct effect on our personal selves.   Not only do these two separate situations of effects have a balance but they also have a direct effect on each other. In the Idea of  action reaction.    Thus the rune itself is telling us as individuals that we are a part of the bigger hole and we need to begin thinking about the consequences of our actions on the world and how those actions will come back and have there own actions on the self.   Consequently the name of the rune "The Self."

How to Respond to the world with this rune map  The Prime months  Basic rundown

This is a time of deep learning and growing for yourself, a time to examine how you are and where you are going to the new you and the new year coming into existence with the spring.   You are here and there is a world out there for you to explore.  Enjoy the ride.

Part  2  The Prime months  expanded outlook

Part 3 In Depth: The inner journey of the soul

 Part  4  In depth understandings of the half month and how you fit into the cycles.



Part A You prime birth sign

Part B   How they effect you in your Daily life.

Lagus means water.  Water is a very important substance, element, and item.  Since we are 98% water, our bodies use water to charge the chi, work the blood, spell cast, digestion, and many other tasks.   Water is a very important item to humans.   In the runes Lagus is a tool of spirit to direct the self toward the goals achievements the self has laid out for itself.   Lagus does more then that, there is the effort of intaking enough water is vital for the bodily system to work and perform perfectly.   The body itself is a machine which multi-tasks in a very compact form.   Lagus is there to tell us that we need to be more in the flow of life more.   There is a flow of life which flows throughout every living thing this flow connects us all in the bigger hole and presents us with the ideas of flowing into what we need to do and accomplish in this life.  Lagus is there to tell us if we are flowing into the greatest good or we are flowing against the stream and getting in our own way.



Daggaz in Nordic means day.   The sun shining day of the new light the new experiences and new day.   To any culture the new day brings the sun to shine on us, warm our world, and bring light into our surroundings.  But it also is there to remind us all that life is sacred and that the fact that we are here in body is a rare privilege and needs to be cherished, loved, and appreciated.   Daggaz reminds us to hold things dear in our lives and appreciate what we have.  Then, when it is time, we can  lovingly give it away to a person that needs that more then we do.  That way there is a space open in our life to receive what is coming next.   Manifesting this is what this time is all about. Making sure we get what it is that we need.  In a way that is the most comfortable and best for all involved.

Basic rundown


Part B   How they effect you in your Daily life.

Othallo is the last character in the Futhark language and represents the ideals of the home and possessions.  This symbol tells us that it is important for us to have a grounded home life in the manner which accustoms your walk best.   This is a time to arrange yourself with insuring your home is secure, and that the small details of life do not infringe themselves on the home.   After you begin the task of securing your home  you can proceed with transforming what you found within the home cycle and begin to transform it in a metamorphic change toward what you, your home life, your family, and the things that fill your home your life your surroundings.   If you home life isn't in order then this is the time to create positive changes in you home life so you can begin transforming the things in your life which aren't quite in the flow of life into a positive nurturing environment

Understanding the rune of Othallo is transforming from the old to the new in your life.   From this basic you can begin to see the end of the Futhark cycle and how it applies to your life.?????

How to Respond to the world with this rune map  The Prime months  Basic rundown

This is the end of the Nordic year. A time to reflect on the past year at all of your accomplishments.   If there is anything you have not done, accomplished, created or set goals for in your life now is the time to begin thinking of setting forth to create them in the new year.

Part   2             The Prime months  expanded outlook

Part 3 In Depth: The inner journey of the soul

 Part  4  In depth understandings of the half month and how you fit into the cycles.

This is the end of the Nordic year. A time to reflect on the past year at all of your accomplishments.   If there is anything you have not done, accomplished, created or set goals for in your life now is the time to begin thinking of setting forth to create them in the new year.


This is the end of the runic cycle.   This is a time of deep reflections and growth, encompassing all of the previous years experience into this two weeks.  Thinking about who you are and what you are doing in your life. Over the past year a review of the previous years, going over all of the accomplishments and the lessons still needed to be learned.   Relax and enjoy yourself.  Begin visualizing your next years accomplishments and the best way to accomplish them and what sign would help you the most in accomplishing that goal.    Start with the ideas of which cycle is best to start the goal, then move into which sign is best to do the middle work.   Then which sign is best to finish the goal or which sign is best to hold on and let the energies of the project jell and grow by itself.   Then when to pick it back up see where you are in your life and begin the next phase of the project at that time.   Runes are very good at giving personal guides to those who pay attention.    The point is to pay close attention to your surroundings and focus yourself into understanding what is happening around you.





 (( Then when writing keep in mind that there are also ideas that need time to evolve  set goals visualizations for yourself in the specific sign you are in and see where you are when the sign comes around again.   )(  set out not only for the specific sign but individual 4 month periods and year long goals.))



(Note write this with both inner world and outer world effects on the self)


The prime months expand like this.


basic context the beginning  this book is designed for the individuals to achieve and understand was of divining with the runes that will enable the individual to achieve a better understanding of the runes and who they effect the individual l on there path.  Was to divine using this system are with the basis f the day of the hour.   Then day in the week, then prime month, natal prime month, then the number of in numerology of the above mentioned time and space of the idea used in conjunction with helping you better understand the purpose behind the context and how to combine astrology with runic astrology, as a back up.   Combining with this is the basic context of then moving into combining all the previous mentioned ideas concepts and thought into a form understandable to all involved.   A natal chart would account for everything that took place during the time when you where born.   A now chart would account for everything happening now,   then the next chart would be a chart on combining the natal and the now with what the world and you have to be doing during this time.   There are other charts but these are the basics. There are charts of the idea of doing a day chart, a prime month chart, where in the 15 day sequence you where born in  then there is the where is the moon in its sequence and how is that effecting you your surroundings and and those around you.   creating you




Fehu this is teh first month, and the beining of not only the languagte but the Futhark sequence.   The Futhark sequence in Runes as the latin name for deep secret hidden meaning.   this is the discription of how the rune come together and effect not only our lives,our bodyies , but througth the sequence we can learn to live learn grow presper ad advance not only ourselves butour fellow creatreures that share our living space.  


We begin our journey with,  The first rune which is Fehu.   Fehu is there to tell us that we are in need to rearange our priorities so we can better undersatand where we are adn what we can do about living life toits fullist, but thast ewach and every one of us can kearn the lessons we need to be learning.

The next is Urus.  Urus is there to give us the inner strength of will we all need to make changes in our life.   Urus teaches to tap into our inner strength utalize it, harmonize with it, and grow with the gained knowledge of how to oppertate amongst everyone in  a benifitial and harmonious way.

Inner stregth aids but it will create changes in our life.  Thurasaz.  Thurasaz teaches is to roll with the ideas and situatiuons in our life.   Since afterall thurasaz is the enbodyment of the sever storm. Lighting thunder, and all that cvomes with them.   Thurasaz ia the cycle rune.   IT tels us of the pradictable inmpradictability of nature herslfand our very own nature.  HOw we feel things are impradictable but a lanrge amount of things are very pradictable.   We just need a better map to see how our surroundigns effect us and how we effect our surroundings.  When we make changes in our lives there is a effect not only on our prsonal lives but in our environment also and there is a need to be awar of those changes.   With leads to Ansuz, ansuz is there to teach us of the importance tro connect not only up to the higher power or great spirit god, whatever it is in your mind, but also to connect to mother earth below.   Since the only true guiddence comes from those two sources.m  Your personal guides take there imput from the source.  IF they do not find our why.   Ansuz is tehre to remind us to stop and find out what we are to be doing on our walk on this plane and aid us in learning the lessons we need easier.   Then there is the rune of Kennaz, which is there as a reminder that after we are in the change cycle and discover what we are doing then w need to stop and learn and gowe from those experiences in order to advance ourselves on our walk througth this life.


Explanation of  the flow of the days of year.   The flow of the year explaned in each day to day cycle.




Shawn 1a


Book Outline

The Futhark Calendar

Runic Astrology    

Runic Horoscope

Runes of divination


Part 1 About this book

Part 2 How to read

Part 3 The Futhark

Part 4  Charts

Part 5 The Calendar



Part 1 About this book

This book is about the old path.  The lessons and teachings of the civilizations living in Europe before teh onset of the Patriarcal Medetaranian civilizations.    This book is based on the teachings and the channeled information from the cultures that lived in a time before the Isaealit cultures formed there male dominated civilization.   This book walkes you throught the path of enlightonment throught the eyes of a matriarcal cultures which lived in harony with teh land and the fellow creatures of the land.  

The Calendar


Before You Start

There are laws or guide line which will help you organize yourself into understnding how to work with the runes


The Law of Power

1. THe power shall not be used to bring harm, to injure or control others.   But, if the need rises , the power shall be used to protect your life or the lives of others.

2. THe power is used only as need dictates.

3. The power can be used for your own gain, as long as by doing so you harm none.

4. It is unwise to accept money for use of the power,  for it quichly controls its taker.   Be not as those of the other religiouns.

5. Use not he power for prideful gain, for such use cheapens the mysteries of the craft and magick.

6. Ever remember that the power is the sacred gift of the lord and lady, and should never be misused or abused.

7. This is the law of Power


Thirteen Goals of a Witch

1. Know Yourself

2. Know your craft

3. Learn

4. Apply klnowledge with wisdom

5. Achieve balance

6. Keep your words

7. Keep thoughts in good order

8. Celebrate life

9. Attune withthe cycles of the earth

10. Breathe and eat correctly

11 Exersize the body

12. Meditate

13 Honour the Lord and Lady


Wiccia Rede

Bide the wiccan law ye must,

In perfect love and perfect trust.

Eight words the wiccan rede fulfll, "An Harm ye none, Do what ye Will"

Lest in self defence it be, Ever mind the rule of three.    Follow this with miond and heart, and Merry ye meet and merry ye part.


How to Read

In order to read you must be able to connect with spirit to do this you need to be calm and at peace with yourself.   To beggin with you need to be in a peacefull place.  Perferebly a room or an alcove seperate from the hubub of a hectice life.   THe idea of a reading is to open yourself up and listen to your surroundings.   Since it is a lack of palign attetnoi  to your surroundings wich causes us to loose track of where we are and what we are doing.    Devination is mearly the art of stepping back from teh situation of our lives and get a glimps of the big picture.   In another way of understndig this consept a hermit will isolate themselves from teh rest of teh world adn thing about whatever the specific question is that set them out.   The ability to issolate yourself think and let our inner self connect with the divine ion all things and create within yourselkf an understndable wisdom from what you have experience from the knowedge you reseaved.  

Reading is the prosses of opening yourself to the possibilityes teh omniverse has to offer.  We as individuals are universes.  Uni means one, omni means all.  Consecuently do to the usage fo language we issolate oirselves adn forget there are more that the individual in our scope of things.   The devinse we use reage according to what you are comfortabler with and to what you ahve allonged yourself with, what language, people, culture, phylosophy, eduaction, or geniology.  Take these into account and you can find you ownspecific readign tool the most correctly.



The Futhark


Where it came from:  This book came from the teachings of the people of the Vanier.   A tribal people which there influence strenched from the northern reches of sweden and norway down to the Ural manountains above Turkey.  From the sets of Russia to just shiy of Paris.   The people lived and worked with a mother Goddess, called Freya.   Freya was a warrior goddes who devoted her time between protecting her people and caring for them.   Her brother Frey was the male leader of the people. 

This was a Matriarcal clan which evolved out of the old Celtic civilization.    The leader of this clan was Freya, and her brother Frey.

What the religioun is

What the phylosophies are



The Histroy the the Futhark is that is was a conbined old celtic and highelvin language.  When the sivilization of the celts was at an end shortly before the greek sivilization grew out of the older city states of ??that area??  THe celtic empire was on ts decline.   A group of people in the what is now know as eastern europe focused the lessons from there parent culture and what they knew of the Spiritual realm and created the Futhsrk language.  Which is at its base a teachign tool desineg to guide the human race into underastnding themselves better.   IF we understand ourselveswe can better understnd the people around us.   THen we can all work togetehr in a more harmonious way.

Later in the history, As the story goes the Secrets of the Runes were passed down from the Celts to the Vikings by way of the poetic Edda,  where Odin the Edda’s hero was given the secrets of the Runes over the Well of Eard. Odin hung himself by the leg to the tree of "Yydrosill" for 9 days and 9 nights, wounded by spear.  Meditating to find a key to help his people and gazing into the well of Eard ,Odin was presented with the gift of Runes.  As the last of the Runes were given he died of his injuries.  He was then given the breath of eternal life,  becoming the head of the Nordic Pantheon, and the Norwegian peoples All Father.


The Language itself. 





Section One Fehu's 8 Community Runes

The first set of symbols in the Futhark sequence are the communiyt ruens.  




The 24 symbols of the Runic Futhark

The Futhark begins with the first character in its sequence.   The first letter is Fehu.  Fehu is not only the beginning of the sequence of the language but also the beginning of the Futhark's psychological teachings.  




Number  3 

Name:   Thurisaz


Symbolic Meaning:   is the bringer of great and massive change in your life.   Not a change of reorganization to your life as in hagalaz but a fundamental all over change of circumstances.  

Literaly Translation:     this symbol is used to describe the way in which you can deal and move with change

Divinatory Meaning:   Great Changes, Understnding of this symbol is to begin to see the interconected ness of all things, there are patterns to all things and the ability to create waht you need for yourself througth those chnages is the deeper understnding



Excerpt from the Futhark sequence


Number  3 

Name:   Thurisaz

Pronunciation Guide

Language: Change.This si the symbo, for the changes which occure over teh passage of time.

Meaning in different languages:







Greek ???

Language: Big Changes,  when using the language part of this symbol you need to compare the basic part of the symbols meaning comparing that to your situation.

Symbolic Meaning:   is the bringer of great and massive change in your life.   Not a change of reorganization to your life as in hagalaz but a fundamental all over change of circumstances.  

Literaly Translation:     this symbol is used to describe the way in which you can deal and move with change

Divinatory Meaning:   Great Changes, Understnding of this symbol is to begin to see the interconected ness of all things, there are patterns to all things and the ability to create waht you need for yourself througth those chnages is the deeper understnding

Tarot Translation:  The Emperor, the empror is the the male guidance fro the community.   The emporer is the center of emotional strength for not only the community but he is also a focus piont for the men for his abilty to work with the populas and create correct guidence.

The Teaching:  Thurasaz tells us that diligence, patience, and the ability to be flexible will guide us toward achieving the goals we have set.  It also is a warning of massive change to our lives in whatever form the change sees fit to present the lesson in the best and most efficient way possible so everyone around you can benefit from your lesson and can learn a piece of their own lesson for their own path

Reverse: Thurisaz tells us to be mindful of trying to attain goals which are not on  your current path but attaining the goals at this time would

placement in the Sequence:   this is the third symbol in thesequence.   This is the symbol of bringing change.

be detrimental to those around ???

Norse Diety:   Thor: This is the Norse Thunder God, This individual is God of the Storm.   Thor may actually come from an older tradition than the Nordic Pantheon and may have been a Fertility God from the Vanier people.   Somthing akin to the Father sky concept, bringing rain and thunder to the soil

The hour of the sun in the day        Third Hour

Thurasaz is the hour of the day to discover what it is you are doing and make changes according to what the needs of the day are.

Calendar:   July 29 - Aug. 12  This month, Thurasaz, is the idea and representation of the bringing of storms. Storms bring rain,  lightning, floods, prosperity, as well as destruction.   To an agricultural society storms are a god send toward watering the crops.  Too much and its hog feed.   Not enough rain and the crops die on the vine.   Within the   idea of thurasaz, as the rune of mapping the cycles of weather, and the cycles of the flow of  humanity, toward how it cares for itself through the good times and bad and how we as a species take care of  our own environment and community.The leaders and holy people need to be aware of keeping the community  which they are leading going toward the path of greater good.   Thurisaz is the changes that occur during a years passage of time.   Thurasaz tells us that paying attention to not just our surroundings but the earth's cycles will guide us to what needs to be happening.   We cannot change the reactions of those around us but we can change how we react to those events.   The idea of coming into the understandings from the world how we as individuals react to our surroundings and how we can better our own lives from those experiences.  

Divination:   Thurasaz tells us that diligence, patience, and the ability to be flexible will guide us toward achieving the goals we have set.  It also is a warning of massive change to our lives in whatever form the change sees fit to present the lesson in the best and most efficient way possible so everyone around you can benefit from your lesson and can learn a piece of their own lesson for their own path.

Reverse: Thurisaz tells us to be mindful of trying to attain goals which are not on  your current path but attaining the goals at this time would be detrimental to those around you.

Psychology:   The next symbol in the set comes in the form of Thurisaz.  Thurisaz is the symbol of Cycles.   The cycles are primarily those of weather but they also represent the ideas of the human cycle.  Humans don't need a season to have an introspection time/winter cycle.   Likewise, the creation cycle of spring,  great movement of the summer, and the harvest of fall are cycles of the  big picture.   These are the bigger events that occur in our lives which seem to come out of nowhere.   Actually sitting back and looking at the given situation,  you can then see all the actions come together and all the responses.   After the situation ends, the phrase "20 -20 hind sight" becomes more than a cliché. " 20-20 hind sight can actually work in the middle of a situation.  All you need to do is remove yourself from the situation and look at all the sides,  using the skills and talents of your background as aids instead of limitations.  Beginning to use your mind instead of your instincts to react to situations,  you can see and react to the event in a beneficial way

The Natal:  This is a time of year to be focused and ready to begin working diligently on and with the changes happening all around you.   Work with them rather than them working you.

Natel Age: The Ages of this symbol: You will under go this in the first sequence in the


At age 3 you will begin to see and understnd the syclews of everyday life, and begin to explore how you fit in.

At Age 27 you will encounter that you understnd the world but you still need to understnd how you fit into it.  You begin to educate yourself in the workings of the modern world using averythign your growing up phase taught you.   You need to teach the next generation the lessons of your youth.  In a way they can understnad not he way you where taught.

At Age 51 you will encounter the drawing down of the previous cycle of building up and begin the prosses of removign yourself fromthe active prodcutive world and in to the adviseing and brining together the experiences you learning in your generation to the enhabitance of the children of your children.  

At Age 75 you need to be consentrating on learning the lessons of you life, in a productive way.   Now that you have time to learn the details your youth prevented you from learning.   The next task is to develope a rapore with the generations that followed yours to instruct them on the items of interest in there lives they dont know how to do yet.

At Age 99 you need to be consentratign fully on learnign the last of your lessons.  Focus on seeing the intracasies of how life iteslf works.



Number:  4 

Name Ansuz

Pronunciation Guide

Language: Change.This si the symbo, for the changes which occure over teh passage of time.

Meaning in different languages:







Greek ???


The Language  referes to the idea of the Great light in which we all come from

Symbolic Meaning  From within, this rune talks about how you connect with your consept of Devinity.   To the Norseman there God was Odin ???

Literal Translation: this is to the Nordic/Germanic people there symbol for connecting to God.  The religiouin was a patriarcal religioun centered around a dieafieted person known as Odin or Woden.   This symbol talkes about making a connection with your own personal diety.  In order to work better and undersatnd you connection to the bigger whole.

Divinatory Meaning: From within,  this symbol means to reconnect yourself with you understanding of God/Goddess.   to reastablish yourself with the strength of mother earth and of the God above, connecting with the higher source as well as the planet where you live is an important consept for being able to complete the taskes which you are attempting to accomplish.

The Tarot Translation:   The Hanged Man  Reincarnation/Resurrection The Hanged Man:   A cross roads time to contemplate where you are going.

The Teaching of Ansuz is to reconnect with the spiritual side of our nature in order to give our philosophy a grounded base in which to grow.  this is the time to connect with the divine in ourselves that place in the center of ourselves where our soul resides, and allow for the spiritual side of life to evolve.

Reverse  The reverse of  this symbol is to

Placement in the Sequence:   This is the fourth symbol in the Futhark sequence and brings to light the undertstnding of your need to connect with yourself in order for you to work with the rest of the sequence of symbols.

Norse Deity:  Odin, Was known as the all fathaer to the Nordic people since

The hour of the sun in the day        Fourth Hour    Four hours into darkness of the night, this is a time to think about what events made op youyr previous day.  What can you do durring the light of this day to create a better outcome from the previeous day and lay the groundwork from the days to come.

Gregorian Calendar August 13 - 28.  The month of Ansuz is your connection to the divine in all things.  this is the tiem to think about about your acctions and reacctions over the past year.    This is also the time to ask for assistance from the divine to aid and assist ourselfes with overcoming our weeknesses to become better than who we where to begin.   This can also be a good time to begin reavaluating your idea of the divine or readust your connection with that dinvene idea.   Since it is this connection with enables you to connect with a better understanding of ???.   This connection which at some point in your life is an essential thing for your continued progress in life is there to show you that since you are a piece of the greater hole that you can do and accomplish greater goals that you can without this connection.   Connections are personal things with need to be made on an individual level, no one can make the decision for you.   Animals in human clothing need to be at times slapped into higher understanding.   This higher understandings is the key to spiritual visits from more enlightened beings.  


A time of year for creating your own connection to yourself and your community.

This is a time of journeying letting your soul journey toward interesting topics that may come up or have come up in your life.

How to Respond to the world  Basic rundown A time of year for creating your own connection to yourself and your community.


Psychology:   The ideas of Ansuz, the next rune, are those of tapping into the sources of life itself.   Ansuz literally translates to your connection with God.   When Odin presented the rune part of the language, he was transformed into a deity, and the symbol became his.  He then became the "All Father" to the Nordic people.   The symbol is actually teaching that we need to connect with our own personal idea of a higher power.  It is thought  that the teachings of that higher power will bring the individual out of the molded animal some of us have been.   One of the best ways to connect is to visualize a bubble of energy welling up in your chest,  then send the bubble down to the center of the earth as a gift.   Continue sending energy down to the earth, since after all you are living on this planet, and this planet does require energy to continue to function at the rate in which we have accustomed our bodies.   When you feel or sense the energy coming back direct it  upwards toward the higher power and feel your connection to the image of that higher power and again give the energy as a gift to that higher source.  Now understand you are not giving up your soul or even pieces of your soul,  only the extra energy that is in your system.   After our system uses energy it is released and needs to go to those that are around us.   This is called energy transference.  We pick up the wandering energy vibrations that are all around us which are given off by our surroundings.  This is how we give and receive from our environment.   Your connection to your higher source is essential for you to focus yourself into putting  your best efforts forward and to accomplish  your goals easier and more efficiently.

Natel  this will be a time for connecting with what you are going to be in the comming cycle.

At  Age 4 you need to be focused on workign on your connection with teh outside world.   Begin with figuring out what it is that you need to accomplish and set for to accomplish those goals

At Age 28  Durring this time in your life you need to be focused in on insuring you are fully connected to not only your community by with  astrong pohylosophy/ ethicalk code.  In order for you  to learn the lessons of fitting in and cooperating with you r self, community, but also your society.   No matter where you live on this world you are an intricate part of the weave of life in that area.   WOrking with it will produce great results, working against it will pruduce the socuiety will work greatly agianst you.  Work for the and create you desitions based on the best for all involved.  All involved includes you.

At Age 52  this will be a time fro deep contemplation of your place in this world

At Age 76

At  Age 100


The season and ther overall effect of this season


Community    June 29 - Oct 27  This set is an outline on community interaction.   Allowing the community to interact and  respond to one another in a mutually productive way.  Fehu, Urus, Thurasaz, Ansuz, Raido, Kennaz, Gebo, Wunjo

Summer Season:  Time of action,  take the blooming possibilities from your hibernation and all the initiation from the spring season and  apply those now.



This is fourth rune in the sequence relating to the understand where you are and where you come from.


Second Set Haggalaz's 8 Individual

This is the beginning of the second cycle. This is the set which tells the story of the individual's story of self discovery and ways to create a personalized understanding of the personal path toward understanding the self.


Number 9.  

Name:  Haggalaz   This is a time to create a little disruption in your life,  shake things up and make some valuable changes in your life.  hail, reorganize the current course in life.        is the rune telling you that your life has great disruption in it there for it is time to reorganize your life and get on the path you need to be on. 

Pronunciation Guide

Language: Change.This si the symbo, for the changes which occure over teh passage of time.

Meaning in different languages:







Greek ???


Symbolic Meaning: 

The language: 

Literal Translation: Hail, Sever storms

Devinition:   Is the rune telling you that your life has great disruption in it there for it is time to reorganize your life and get on the path you need to be on.  understanding of Haggalaz is this is the bringer of great change,  Hail that comes with sever storms can an does at times bring great distruction but it also brings the changes which need to occur.  In our lives the stagnation that occurs do to our unwillingness to change our surroundings brings with it the desire to have an outside force with changes our surroundings for us without our physically needing to do it ourselves.   The coming changes that have not occurred can and need to occur during the rebuilding time.

Tarot Translation:  The World   Blend earthly and spiritual selves  Walking the spiritual and human paths, together.

The Teaching of Haggalaz is to not work against the cossepts of change but rather work with the changes which are unavoidable.   Working with the changes will produce the affect of instead oif spentding all you energies fighing the inevitable you spend you energies creatign a better situation on the other side of the disruption.   In short work with it instead of fighting to prevent.


Placement in the Sequence:  This is the ninth ruen in the Futhark sequence.  This is a time to alter yourself in order to create a benifitial outcome in your world.

Norse Diety:

The hour of the sun in the day        Ninth Hour of the day

This is the rune telling us of a mighty storm, characterized as hail, since big storms produce hail, the rune was named.

Gregorian Calendar:  October  28 - November 12 

The month Haggalaz is the beginning of the individual rune cycle.  Haggalazes 8 deals with the ideas and the abilities of working on the individuals path throughout life.

Haggalaz is the 9 rune in the cycle telling about the transference of the community set into the individual set.   Haggalaz is also the gist in the individual set,  the individual set of Runes tells of when there is a change in circumstances personal disruption is expected.  

The Natal  How to Respond to the world with this rune map Basic rundown

This is a time to create a little disruption in your life,  shake things up and make some valuable changes in your life.

At Age 9

At Age 33

At Age 57

At Age 81

At Age 105


Pertho        , Literally translates into lot cup or  the part in which there will be gaming.  Another understanding of Pertho is that turned sideway Pertho looks like the bow of a Nordic Long boat.  meaning an adventure party.   The rune understanding to this symbol is there is an underlying knowledge involved in whatever game you play.    The Teaching

weather you play a game of chance with your friends or a game of adventure, or the game of life there are most of the time the same underlying clues as to how to play the game.  This live presents the challenges on which we need to learn, these lessons are designed by the game of life to challenge us into learning the lessons we have asked to learn.   The teaching of Pertho is to accept the knowledge we have asked to learn.



Number:  14.  

Name:  Pertho   lot cup, deep understanding.   ,   This is the rune of where you are going, and how you can get there.

Pronunciation Guide

Language: Change.This si the symbo, for the changes which occure over teh passage of time.


Literal Translation:  Lot Cup      

Divinatory Translation: Knowledge   This is the rune of where you are going, and how you can get there.   This is the rune of deep knowledge.   This is the time  of year to be contemplating your place in learning.   Are you learning the lessons you need to.   This is the time to create the situation within yourself to stimulate learning to promote a better place in this world for yourself.

Tarot Translation:  Hierophant    Personal knowledge   The wise one that looks at the surroundings for patterns,  to the inner mysteries.



Placement in the Sequence:

Norse Deity: Thor   

The hour of the sun in the day:       Thirteenth Hour in the Day

Gregorian Calendar:             Jan 13 - 27 

The months    This is the rune of deep knowledge.   This is the time  of year to be contemplating your place in learning.   Are you learning the lessons you need to.   This is the time to create the situation within yourself to stimulate learning to promote a better place in this world for yourself.

The Natal: The month How they effect you in your Daily life.

This is the rune of deep knowledge.   This is the time of year to be contemplating you placement in the lessons you have set for yourself.  Are you leering the lessons you need to.   Are  you creating situations in your life to promote deeper learning so you can be a better you.

???  How to Respond to the world with this rune map  The  months  Basic rundown

This is the time to learn and gain knowledge from the experiences that are all around you.  

At Age 14

At Age  38

At Age  62

At Age  86

At Age  110


Personal Oct 28 - Feb 26  Winter a time of going within to rediscover how you are and where you are going.  Haggalaz, Nauthies, Isa, Jera, Eiwaz, Pertho, Alhaz, Sowillo

Fall Season:  This is the time of closing down preparing for winter.  Making sure there is an ample food supply and that you are prepared for the mental hibernation the winter season brings. 

Winter Season:  This is a time of deep reflections in your life.   A time to reflect on the

past year and a time to focus yourself on the coming events of the next year.




And for the last 8, Tier's 8.  Tier's 8 are the social set which combines the understandings of the first two sets into the last 8 symbols.   This set is for understanding how the community and the individual can work together in a social organization and form a better community based on communicating in a "best for all involved" way.   To begin,



Number:  17.  

Name:  Tiwaz           

Pronunciation Guide

Language: Change.This si the symbo, for the changes which occure over teh passage of time.

Meaning in different languages:







Greek ???


Symbolic Meaning   literal translation is warrior.   The Rune meaning of Tiwaz is personal direction, as is what is your personal direction, how do you need to proceed on your path and what do you need to accomplish along the way that will help you top accomplish the goals you have set forth. 

Literal Meaning:   Warrior        literal meaning is warrior, deeper meaning is personal direction,   ,  is the God of personal direction and foresight.   This rune helps you to focus your personal strength toward your goals.

Devinatory Meaning:  Direction  The deeper meaning of Tiwaz is direction, as is what is your personal direction, how do you need to proceed on your path and what do you need to accomplish along the way that will help you top accomplish the goals you have set forth.  When Tiwaz come up in readings it is an important thing to remember that what you are doing is the correct action and you are proceeding with what you need to be doing.

Tarot Translation:   Ace of Pentacles     

The Teaching of Tiwaz is for you to find out what you internal direction in liufe is, set forth and accoplish that goal.  Lettign nothing but good guidence and patience be your limitations.


Placement in the Sequence:This is the time and the sign dealing with the next phase of the Futhark order.  Tiwaz begins the last set of runes which deals with combining the previous sets two sets Fehu’s 8 and Haggalaz's 8 where community and the individual can work together.

Tiwaz  brings us the ideas of The warrior, the individual which sets himself or herself apart from the rest of the community by willing to sacrifice himself or herself for the graters good of all.   The prime month of Tiwaz brings us to the point of what are we going and how are we getting there.   What do we need to do to not only better ourselves but better our community.   Creating ourselves a better life begins with giving of ourselves to the greater good of the community with which we have been accepted into in adult hood, be it the community with which we where raised or a community which has opened itself up to us on our life journey outside of our birth family. 

The direction sign tells us to focus ourselves onto where so we can see where to go.

Norse Deity:  Tyr  is the God of personal direction and foresight.   This rune helps you to focus your personal strength toward your goals.

The hour of the sun in the day        Feb 27- March 13 

The is the 17 rune in the sequence of the Futhark.  This is talking about personal initiation and personal diction.   This is also the beginning of the partnership set of of rune which is the communicating and understandings set which combines the community and the individual sets into one.  

This is the time of year when you take the lessons of Sowillo + apply them  + fit yourself into the hole you have opened itself for you, your talents.

The month Tiwaz is the warrior rune.   Tiwaz in the language of the Futhark tells of the idea of the warrior an individual that is willing to put his or her current existence on the line for the betterment  of the community.   The key to begin  successful warrior is not how many battles you have won or how many you have killed but the idea behind letting yourself flow and be complete with the outcome of the battle, conflict, or outcome or every phase of life.   The defense of the homeland is only a small part of the idea of the warrior, the real test is how do you life your life.   Do you life your life as the world owes you a living or a humble servant to the greatest good for all ( all includes you as the individual ).  

Reverse:   When Tiwaz comes up in your life it is an important thing to remember that you are being directed by not only spirit but by your own inner

???  Part A You month birth sign

The prime month of Tiwaz represents the ideas concepts and understandings for the people born in the sign challenges from the ideas of

The natal: How to Respond to the world with this rune map.   This is the time of year when you take the lessons of Sowillo + apply them  + fit yourself into the hole you have opened itself for you, your talents.    This is the time and the sign dealing with the next phase of the Futhark order.  Tiwaz begins the last set of runes which deals with combining the previous sets two sets Fehu’s 8 and Haggalaz's 8 where community and the individual can work together.

Tiwaz  brings us the ideas of The warrior, the individual which sets himself or herself apart from the rest of the community by willing to sacrifice himself or herself for the graters good of all.   The prime month of Tiwaz brings us to the point of what are we going and how are we getting there.   What do we need to do to not only better ourselves but better our community.   Creating ourselves a better life begins with giving of ourselves to the greater good of the community with which we have been accepted into in adult hood, be it the community with which we where raised or a community which has opened itself up to us on our life journey outside of our birth family. 

The direction sign tells us to focus ourselves onto where so we can see where to go.

Phycology:  The Phycology of the ideas and the consepts of the Character of Tiwaz.   Tiwaz begins the Society set of the next 8 symbols to the Futhark order.   The previous 2 sets of symblos are combined here in a mutually balanced


At Age  17

At Age  41

At Age  65

At Age  89

At Age  113



Number:   24. 

Name:  Othallo


Language: Change.This si the symbo, for the changes which occure over teh passage of time.

Meaning in different languages:








Symbolic:   home possessions, metamorphosis.,  This is the rune of personal transformation,  this process is a personal caterpillar in its cocoon transforming into a butterfly.

Literal translation:   Property,  into home possessions,  This symbol not only represents the concept of your home your possessions your family but the concept of your home, where you live where you are the most comfortable.  Your home is your own personal sacred space,  if you are not comfortable at you home you need to figure out why you are not comfortable in your home, in some cases the reason you are not comfortable is that something in your home is causing a uncomfortable uneasiness.  This uneasiness would be the problem, the key is learning from the other 23 symbols in the Futhark set to find out why you are uncomfortable within yourself

Devinatorty Meaning:   Metamorphosis, understanding of this symbol is your home is you, this is talking about you begin comfortable and relaxed with yourself.   The Futhark sequence the previous 23 symbols are there as guide for the individual to create a better self

Tarot Translation:   5 of Pentacles  

The Teaching: of Othallo is it encourages all as individuals to explore reach out, try to understand the community, The individual, and the society in which we all live, breath, grow, and die.   In pursuit of becoming better then what we where and try to help those around us with there learning.


Placement in the Sequence:

Norse Diety:   Thor

The hour of the sun in the day:       Twenty-fourth Hour

A time of recapping the previous days lessons beginning to focus on what tomorrow will bring.   Ready of the coming day.

Gregorian Calendar Reference:    June 14 - 28 

The month This is the rune of personal transformation,  this process is a personal caterpillar in its cocoon transforming into a butterfly.

You month birth sign:  In this month people will have the tendency toward transforming and becoming mutable with there surroundings.


This is the last rune in the Futhark sequence, this is the end of the Futhark cycle.   This is a time to evaluate what the past cycle brought you an what the next cycle will bring you.  You need to preparing yourself for up coming lessons.  Focus yourself on accomplishing yet to manifest goals.   A time to reflect on where you are and what you will be doing.


This is the end of the runic cycle.   this is a time of deep reflections and growth, encompassing all of the previous years experience into this two weeks.  Thinking about who you are and what you are doing in your life. Over the past year a review of the previous years, going over all of the accomplishments and the lessons still needed to be learned.   Relax and enjoy yourself.  Begin visualizing your next years accomplishments and the best way to accomplish them and what sign would help[ you the most in accomplishing that goal.    Start with the ideas of which cycle is best to start the goal, then move into which sign is best to do the middle work.   Then which sign is best to finish the goal or which sign is best to hold on and let the energies of the project jell and grow by itself.   Then when to pick it back up see where you are in your life and begin the next phase of the project at that time.   Runes are very good at giving personal guides to those how pay attention.    The point is to pay close attention to your surroundings and focus yourself into understanding what is happening around you.



Natel:   How they effect you in your Daily life.   Othallo is the last character in the Futhark language and represents the ideals of the home and possessions.  This symbol tells us that it is important for us to have a grounded home life in the manner which accustoms your walk best.   this is a time to arrange yourself with insuring your home is secure, and that the small details of life do not infringe themselves on the home.   After you begin the task of securing your home  you can proceed with transforming what you found within the home cycle and begin to transform it in a metamorphic change toward what you, your home life, your family, and the things that fill your home your life your surroundings.   If you home life isn't in order then this is the time to create positive changes in you home life so you can begin transforming the things in your life which aren't quite in the flow of life into positive nurturing environment

Understanding the rune of Othallo is transforming from the old to the new in your life.   From this basic you can begin to see the end of the Futhark cycle and how it applies to your life.?????

How to Respond to the world with this rune map  The Months  Basic rundown

This is the end of the Nordic year. A time to reflect on the past year at all of your accomplishments.   If there is anything you have not done, accomplished, created or set goals for in your life now is the time to begin thinking of setting forth to create them in the new year.


At Age 24  you are at the end of you first sycle and it is time for you to form what you have learned in the past 24 and bring that knowledge into focus and procede with the next 24 years in a productive way.

At Age 48  you will be experiencing The end of what you know to be a great learning prosses of how to work and live within the community you live.  You need to be focued on being an elder in the communities work force, to guide the younger members toward accopmlishing there learning.

At Age 72

At Age 96

At Age 120


Social Feb 27 - June 28  This is a time to draw out into the community to react with, sharing and growing within your local community both world community taking the lessons you have received from your solitary time in the winter and explore what you have learned with those around you.   So you can have a lot better understanding of yourself and the world as you come into your own. Tiwaz, Bircano, Ewaz, Mannaz, Lagus, Ingwaz, Dagaz, Othallo

Spring Season:  Is the time of coming out of your winter hibernation and beginning to bloom.


This brings us to the end of hte Futhark sequence.  For further reference to the items mentioned in the previous.  The following information will assit in providing information on the subjects in a more presise and informational way.


The Learning Poem

Figue out what you need to be leanring about,        To do this you need to relei on yopur inner strength.        Waite for the proper timing to create and accomplish what you have set forth for yourself.      Connect with what you need to be doing.     In order for you to be continue on your present journey.   Learn the lessons which you need to continue,    Working with not only your self but your surroundings.       SO you can become a better you.                      This will bring great changes to you and your surroundings.   Be patient with yourself.         Be calm with yourself. For the correct timing of what you need will come about.      Throught paying attention to your need.         Accnowledge that your needs are valid.            Moving forht to accomplish those by paying attention to your  surroundings.                        Bringing what you nedd and what your surroundings need into a harmonious balance.

Bring yourself into the finness of createing within your world and surrouyndings exactly what you need .                 By growing with your path and moving           yourself thougth your expereinces in this world.                    With the expereince of working with  instead of working against the flow of life.                     WHich will bring you a sence of personal fertility toward you soal and provide             a maniferstation within your self to accomplish whatever goals you set for yourself.


This is the Elder Futhark



This book is about the interconnectedness of all things.   Our past is an amalgam of the experiences of our race, this planet, and the spiritual realms which we are a part.


The 24 symbols which make up the ELder Futhark language are reminisind of the Ancient peoplswhich created them.    These people are unknown to us as of there name but what they left behind is prisless.    The first recolections in Books are from teh Peotic Edde's which stated the secrets of the Language was taught to Odin by Freya, Freya the leader of the Vanier people a matriarcal tribal clan wanderign the middle and Eastern parts of Europe From 800 b.c.e to as yet unknown past.   Freya taught Odin a small amount about the secrets.   Odin then whent to the Tree of Yggdrasil hung himself by the right leg to one of the branches that streched over the well of Eard.   The Tree of of Yggdrasil is in other forms and religiouns known as the world tree,  the well is the well which connects everything together.   Througth Odin and the combining of the Asear and the Vanier people there is a cultural record of the events which followed  the cultures combining.

So the ordgins of the symbols is a mystery, but there are clues to the mystery within the Edda's.   The matriarcal clane of the Vanier held the secrets before the Easier.  Freya and her broter Frey where both friends with adn within the feai community.   WHich included Dwarves, elves, and Dark elves.   threought the druids a culture which came about after the split between the old Celts and the


In the beginning of the poetic "Edde's"  Odin one of the Heroes to the Easier people when to the tree, after undergoing an arduous physical ordeal Odin was presented with the keys to the secret or hidden meaning to his and the Vainer Language.  (The Aesier and the Vanier people joined together to create the Nordic Germanic people).   This journey is outlined in the Tarot card "The Hanged Man".

The Futhark

Basic Definitions of Divination

This is the last rune in the Futhark sequence, this is the end of the Futhark cycle.   This is a time to evaluate what the past cycle brought you an what the next cycle will bring you.  You need to preparing yourself for up coming lessons.  Focus yourself on accomplishing yet to manifest goals.   A time to reflect on where you are and what you will be doing.


The direction sign tells us to focus ourselves onto where so we can see where to go.

Thinking about who you are and what you are doing in your life. Over the past year a review of the previous years, going over all of the accomplishments and the lessons still needed to be learned.   Relax and enjoy yourself. 

Begin visualizing your next years accomplishments and the best way to accomplish them and what sign would help you the most in accomplishing that goal.    Start with the ideas of which cycle is best to start the goal, then move into which sign is best to do the middle work.   Then which sign is best to finish the goal or which sign is best to hold on and let the energies of the project jell and grow by itself.   Then when to pick it back up see where you are in your life and begin the next phase of the project at that time.   Runes are very good at giving personal guides to those who pay attention.    The point is to pay close attention to your surroundings and focus yourself into understanding what is happening around you.


Calendar Chart: The Futhark year is divided into the three sections of the year.  There are 4 months per section with is the guiding point toward the layout of the individual characters.  The year begings with the begings of the Beginning of the language Fehu, Urus, Thurasaz, Ansuz, Raido, Kennaz, Gebo, Wunjo.   These are the community characters that whose deeper meaning and understandings come under the worlds time of year.   The summer symbols are there as a way for the individual to talk and communicate with each other in a beifitial and understandable way on everyday subjects.   For instance Money, Cattle, Weather,  Religioun, torch / lighting, Communication, and Joy.

The second part of the year is for the individual to have personal characters for individual inderstanding.   Heavy storms, Patience, Ice/ glacier, the year, yew tree,learning/ gaming, protection, the sun.   this is also the winter cycle and these are ways for people to talk in the middle of winter or the middle of the interespection time.

The third and last section is the society set where the community, and the individual sets come togetehr.   The symbols are Warrior, Birch tree, Horse, Man, Water, Yggdrasil, Day, The home and personal prossesions.   These are there for


The Month chart:  This takes into account the months but in a more in depth way, the coming in and out of strength. takes into account the sun and day of the week positions and how that will also effect not only the days in the day of the week but its effect on the months in the cycle.




The Natal chart:  This tells you what the conditions were when you were born and how on an individual basis this will effect your life today and into the future.

The Natal Chart

Your natal chart presents you with the energies of the Futhark as it was when you were born.


The Stages of your Years

Humans go through 6 phases in there lives. The First is in the womb.  Where the sequence is applied to growing the body and beginning to adapt to life in the dimention.   The second is the first year of life where the full adaption to our existence will be eather accepoted or rejected.   The first year is also the beginning of the first year of the third Futhark sequence.

The Third  is the generation marker.   This sequence begins at the first breath of life and changes per year on your birth day  according to teh Futhark sequence, up to your age of 25 which then repeates itself, Throught the Futhark sequence Till you are 49.

The Fourth sequence is apperant here, repeating the cycle throught till you are 73.

The Fifth sequnce takes you till 97.


Day Chart:  This chart begins a per day interest of who and how the day will evolve.   With using the rune in the each day in the month cycle, the week, and the hour cycle.  Comparing these to your chart

The hour of the sun in the day

Where in the Futhark sequence/ where are you either born or in your current life  on the furthark cycle from the first hour of the day. This sign begins when the bottom of the sun hits the horizon of the land.   This is when the energy of the new day come into being.

This will show you what is the current hour of the day in your life


A.   The placement of the sun in your day chart is important to you because it represents your placement in the way the day breaks unfolds with you,  this will determine your outlook for the day in your life of days.  B. Where in the Futhark sequence/ where are you either born or in your current life  on the furthark  cycle.

This will show you what is the current hour of the day in your life

What god cycle are you born under

What day of the week

What day in the 15 day cycle are you in now and born into.


Where in the Futhark sequence/ where are you either born or in your current life  on the furthark cycle.

This will show you what is the current hour of the day in your life


   We as a people no matter what religuioun phylosophy or bachground need to


Tides Of the Day

The layout of the day is a very important consept to all of us.   Different cultures conseder the beginning of the day at different times.  The U.S. culture conseders the beginning oif the day according to the clock setting, which is at midnight or 12:00.   The ancient Celts from which this entire book is based on there teachings and channeled information, began there day at dusk.   The symboligy behind beginning the day at dusk is the at you begin in the dark and go to the light. The night or dark, gives way to the day or light.   In another way of understanding.   The darknedess of ignorance gives way to the light of knoweledge.   The day is our everyday understnding of the world around us.   We as a more modern equivalent to the original teachings havedevided the day into 24 equal segments.  Thuse the 24 symbols translate effortlewssly in to the teachings of the Futhark.  

The tide of the Futhark day begins at the last part of the light is still in the sky.   The transition between the days is dusk when one day gives way to the next.   This is a time to comtemplate where you are and what you are doing in your life.   The events of the previous day and the comming day weave themselves together to create the comming times.

First Hour Fehu is the first hour of the new day.  Which begins when the last of the sun is no longer visible.   This is the beginning of the new day.   Set your mind in to working with wha tyou did yesterday in order for you to set your priorities for tomarow.

Second Hour: Urus  the strength of the second hour of the day.

Third Hour: Thurasaz:   THe changes of the third hour of the day.

Fourth Hour Ansuz

Fifth   Hour Raido

Sixth Hour  Kennaz

Seventh Hour  Gebo

Eighth   Hour  Wunjo

Ninth  Hour  Haggalaz: 

Tenth  Hour  Nauthiz

Eleventh  Hour  Isa

Twelfth Hour  Jera

Thirteenth Hour  Eiwaz

Fourteenth Hour Pertho

Fifteenth  Hour  Alhaz

Sixteenth Hour Sowillo

Seventeenth Hour Tiwaz: 

Eighteenth  Hour  Birkano

Twentieth   Hour Ewaz

Twenty-first Hour  Mannaz

Twenty-second  Hour  Ingwaz

Twenty-third   Hour Daggaz

Twenty-fourth Hour  Othallo:   The last hour of the day that time between the sunn going down and dusk.  


This is the Hours of the day accordig to our modern clock.

First Hour Fehu is the first hour of the new day. At the strock of midnight it is a new day.  This is also a representation of the Hour of the Goddess.  This is Freya hour.

Second Hour: Urus  the strength of the second hour of the day.

Third Hour: Thurasaz:   The changes of the third hour of the day.

Fourth Hour Ansuz

Fifth   Hour Raido

Sixth Hour  Kennaz

Seventh Hour  Gebo

Eighth   Hour  Wunjo

Ninth  Hour  Haggalaz: 

Tenth  Hour  Nauthiz

Eleventh  Hour  Isa

Twelfth Hour  Jera

Thirteenth Hour  Eiwaz

Fourteenth Hour Pertho

Fifteenth  Hour  Alhaz

Sixteenth Hour Sowillo

Seventeenth Hour Tiwaz: 

Eighteenth  Hour  Birkano

Twentieth   Hour Ewaz

Twenty-first Hour  Mannaz

Twenty-second  Hour  Ingwaz

Twenty-third   Hour Daggaz

Twenty-fourth Hour  Othallo:   The last hour of the day that time between the sunn going down and dusk.  



What day of the week

This accounts for the 7 days of your week that trace its formation back to the original runic calendar.   Each day has a character associated with it


Days of the week are correspondence to the Nordic calendar which originated from the Babylonian calendar of repeating days in a cycle.  The days of the week are To our calendar adapted from there original names by the Anglo Saxons who in later years conquered by breading with the Norman's/Vikings.

The Anglo Saxon changed merely the spellings of the names but not there content of meanings.


The 15 day cycle

In the 2 week month there are 15 days in each cycle, since every character is an actual letter in the Futhark language and has an over view meaning, The meaning used in the language, and a rune meaning.   Each of these two meanings are characters in the 24 furthark and tell a story by themselves.   There for the 5 days at the beginning of the 15 days has primary


Precusp this is the time when the influences from the previous sign begins to slack off giving way for the next sign to have full influence.


(Note does the energy peter off in days hours or in cycles.   The middle of the cycle its influence is direct for 5 full days, when does the sign go direct , when does the day begin and energy start stop.  In the precusp and postcusp how fast does the energy peter)


A Breakdown of how the months flow together.


1  First day of the new cycle, this day the new sign is more dominant and its attributes become more defined in the flow of time. increasing steadily from equal at the convergence point toward the fifth day when the attributes of that sign peter off all together. 

2  The second day the energies of the sign increase steadily

3   Precusp 


5   This is the day when the last remaining attributes of the previous sign end.   Giving way to the sign itself in its full strength.


6  This is the first day the sign is at the height of strength.


8    Middle


10  The last day the sign is at full strength.




13     Postcusp


15     The last day before the next cycle the % is60 40 up to midday which from midday on the 15 to midday on the 1 they are equal and balanced between the signs.  

-On the 16 day this just adds one day to the previous months


In a sign if you were born in a 2 week period at the first part then you have attributes of the previous.   If you were born in the middle then you have attributes of the primary that sign.   The end you have attributes of the next.   Born in the middle then you are both   depending on you.   You can form your personality toward the sign that fits you the best toward your stage in life.   The key to this is combining the signs outside of  the planet + the signs of this planet towards helping you to learn and grow on your path.


Time zone planetary understandings


Ear of understanding

We are currently in the Gebo age of 24 years





-The Month reading

The Prime month reading is which is reading what is going on around us with the individual signs and how they have effect on us.     is the day in the day you where born in the 365 calendar.   And how the prime month fits into your everyday life




The  chart:  This chart combines all the other separate maps in into one distinct map of this world.  

All over chart:  is going to the energy vibrations in the sign itself and what are the influences from  signs around it.   and accounting for their influences into the prime sign.   Also bringing into account the sun, moon, week, and cycle influences and how they all effect our every day lives.

Including the Natal Chart       

Prime month . 

The hour of the sun in the day

What day of the week

What day in the 15 day cycle are you in now and born into.

Where in the Futhark sequence

A. What pantheon you where born in

B   What region of the world are you born in 

as to pantheon, energy grids lay lines

C.  What God sign you were born in



Contained within each are definitions for the individual and the community,

The individual is how the energy of this time with this rune will effect you.   Then there is how will the energy effect your surroundings.  


Day readings.  

These are readings which contain what are going on that particular day.   Where the sun is  in the day and what sign it is in. where the moon is in the day and what where you are in the prime month cycle as to the 24 hour sequence.

What day in the 15 day cycle are you in now and born into.

This is to determine where you were born in the 15 cycle sequence.   The 15 day cycle is reading the energy patterns of the individual signs themselves how they relate to each other and how  strong and influence they were during that specific time.

Where in the Futhark sequence/ where are you either born or in your current life  on the furthark cycle.

This is an overview to tell you how each of the signs in the overall chart react to each

other.   This will tell you where you came from and where

Phases of the Moon

New Moon:  When the moon is completely in the shadow of the earth.   Reflection within, how things affect you.


Waxing:  The moon is slowly day by day coming out of the suns shadow.   The moons pull comes into being.  Emotional growth, what you can do about it .


Full:  The moon is  at the height of the moons pull strength.   Inner strength.

 realizing your potential


Waning:  The moons pull is decreasing into the new moon.   Establishing goals, thinking about what you can do about where you are going.


The Seasons

Winter Season:  This is a time of deep reflections in your life.   A time to reflect on the past year and a time to focus yourself on the coming events of the next year.

Spring Season:  Is the time of coming out of your winter hibernation and beginning to bloom.

Summer Season:  Time of action,  take the blooming possibilities from your hibernation and all the initiation from the spring season and  apply those now.

Fall Season:  This is the time of closing down preparing for winter.  Making sure there is an ample food supply and that you are prepared for the mental hibernation the winter season brings. 



Signs                    Planet   Norse Deity    Stone          Animal        Color           Rune

Aries                      Mars           Tyr          Diamond        Sheep         White          Ehwaz

Taurus                 Isis                Frigg        Sapphire          Bull          Yellow       Ingwaz

Gemini                 Mercury        Odin         Emerald          Raven        Red          Daggaz

Cancer                  Moon          Mani          Agate           Crab          Green     Uruz

Leo                        Sun             Sol            Ruby             Lion           Gold     Ansuz

Virgo                  Chiron           Odin        Sardonyx          Cat            Blue         Kennaz

Libra                   Venus            Frigga       Chrysolite       Serpent       Violet        Wunjo

Scorpio               Mars               Tyr            Opal            Scorpion    Red-Brown  Nauthiz

Sagittarius            Jupiter           Thor            Topaz           Aurochs     Orange           Jera

Capricorn          Saturn             Loki          Turquoise      Goat             Brown        Pertho

Aquarius             Uranus           Urd           Amethyst         Eagle         Dark Blue     Sowillo

Pisces                Neptune          Aegir        Bloodstone     Fish           White           Birkano



Rune comes from Latin  meaning "Deep or secret meaning".       This language is a symbolic language designed for not only understanding but for intelligence.   The deep inner hidden meaning to the Futhark is the understanding that the surface of an answer doesn't always mean that is the entire answer.  

How the  culture became,   How the teaching came.   The differences in the 3 sets.   End with the calendar timeing

The Futhark is a hybrid language commbining not only the ideas of the mythical undertstnding but the teachign of mankind.  So that we as a speciese can learn grow and begin to uinderstnd there is a great deel of things which we do not understand but untill we learn the lessons of getting along with ourselves first then the remainder of our speciease then our surroundings.  

The Varier people where a matriercal clan, who's rigious beliefes where a combination of science, technology, andf a strong believe in the working of nature


Rune Magic


page 1 c 14

s o p 's


f- runic lore


the eighteen odhinic charms:


1 help: havamal       fehu

2 healing havamal   urus

3  battle  f etter havamal  thureasaz

4  escape  havamal  ansuz

5  missile stopper  havamal   kannaz

6  counterspell  havamal  gebo

7  fire  contral   "  wunjo Haggalaz

8  strife stopper   havamal  hagalaz

9.  stormtamer  havamal   cliv  isa jera

10 boo  havamal             cliv pertho

11  protection   in  battle havamal   alhaz tiawz

12  speak with dead  havamal clvii bercano

13 baptismal   rune havamal clvii ewaz

14 know gods and alfs havaaml cx mannaz

15 dware song havamal clx laguz

16 seduction rane havamal clxi ingwaz

17 lovekeeping rune havamal clxii daggaz

18 mystery rune havamal clxiv othallo





Song h 8

what a friend we have in heimdall


Song 9


yes freyla loves me




It is up to each and every one who encounter the runes to learn, grow , and advance themselves.    Learn from what the runes will tell you.   They are good teachers and better guides.



Shawn 1b


Rune Magic


page 1 c 14

s o p 's


f- runic lore


the eighteen odhinic charms:


1 help: havamal       fehu

2 healing havamal   urus

3  battle  f etter havamal  thureasaz

4  escape  havamal  ansuz

5  missile stopper  havamal   kannaz

6  counterspell  havamal  gebo

7  fire  contral   "  wunjo Haggalaz

8  strife stopper   havamal  hagalaz

9.  stormtamer  havamal   cliv  isa jera

10 boo  havamal             cliv pertho

11  protection   in  battle havamal   alhaz tiawz

12  speak with dead  havamal clvii bercano

13 baptismal   rune havamal clvii ewaz

14 know gods and alfs havaaml cx mannaz

15 dware song havamal clx laguz

16 seduction rane havamal clxi ingwaz

17 lovekeeping rune havamal clxii daggaz

18 mystery rune havamal clxiv othallo





Song h 8

what a friend we have in heimdall


Song 9


yes freyla loves me




It is up to each and every one who encounter the runes to learn, grow , and advance themselves.    Learn from what the runes will tell you.   They are good teachers and better guides.


Shawn 2 Original Research

This book is basted on my understanding of the old


Runes is a devination devise ect



Rune Astrology is for tracing the energy grids of the land, the air, and the environment you are born in. 

This  project is designed for the individual to achieve a better understanding of how the energy vibrations in and on our planet affect your birth life, and our day to day workings.



Fehu June 29 July 13    Priorities

Urus July 14 - 28   Inner Strength

Thurasaz July 29 - Aug. 12 Changes

Ansuz   13 -27   Insight

Raido   28 - Sept 12   Journey

Kennaz Sept 13 - 27  Wisdom

Gebo Sept 28 - Oct 12   Connections

Wunjo Oct 13 - 27  Healing


Haggalaz Oct 28  Nov 12  Disruption

Nauthiez Nov 13- 27  Patience

Isa Nov 28 - Dec 12  Center

Jera Dec 13 - 27 Timing

Eiwaz Dec 28 - Jan 12  Awareness

Pertho Jan 13 - 27  Knowledge

Alhaz Jan 28 - Feb 11  Attention / Focus   

Sowillo Feb 12- 26  Balance


Tiwaz Feb 27- March 13  Direction

Bircano Mar 14 - 29  Growth

Ewaz Mar 30 -  Apr 13 Movement

Mannaz Apr 14 - 28  The Self

Laguz Apr 29 - May 13  The Flow

Ingwaz May 14 - 28  Fertility

Daggaz May 29 June 13  Manifest

Othallo June 14 - 28  Metamorphosis



(  Note: Write definitions according to level of understanding. )    Basic concepts, basic answers.  The deeper you go, the deeper the understanding. )


How to Read


 ((The third which is noticed in the Grand chart is how to fit these three parts together.))




The basic month chart: Charts only the basic magazine style what the sign is and when 

The month chart: This takes into account the months but in a more in depth way, the coming in and out of strength.

The advanced month chart: takes into account the sun and day of the week positions and how that will also effect not only the days in the day of the week but its effect on the months in the cycle.

The natal chart:  This tells you what the conditions were when you were born.

The advanced natal chart:  This tells you what the conditions were when you were born and how on an individual basis this will effect your life today and into the future.

The over chart:  This chart combines all the other separate maps in into one distinct map of this world.  

The hour of the sun in the day

Where in the Futhark sequence/ where are you either born or in your current life  on the furthark cycle.


This will show you what is the current hour of the day in your life

What god cycle are you born under

What day of the week

What day in the 15 day cycle are you in now a


This is the first hour of the day. This sign begins when the bottom of the sun hits the horizon of the land.   This is when the energy of the new day come into being.   The first sign of the Futhark is Fehu. 


Fehu’s 8 is the beginning of the Futhark cycle.  Fehu's  8 is grounded in the ideas of community how we can talk to each other on a basic level.



Reading overview

How to read with this system

Part 1 Basic reading


-The Prime month reading

The Prime month reading is which is reading what is going on around us with the individual signs and how they have effect on us.   (For instance I am writing this in Eiwaz which is a good time to write or create a long standing project and put key touches into it).   is the day in the day you where born in the 365 calendar.   And how the prime month fits into your everyday life



The prime months expand like this.


( This is the beginning of the personal set. )


This is the beginning of the balanced sets  where the community set of Fehu’s 8 and the  individual set from Haggalazes 8 combine to create a more balanced and understanding way to communicate.



Part 2

-Basic overview enhanced tins in the sign itself and what are the influences from  signs around it.   and accounting for their influences into the prime sign.



Part 3


The Natal Chart

This is when you were born you were born into the energy of this planet.   One of the ways this planets has given us humans to read her vibrations is the old Norwegian language known as The Futhark.   The Futhark has been an existing living language for over 3000 years and works very well in itself as a growing thriving descriptive language.   The Futhark also has a larger deeper meaning to it.   The divinatory meaning behind the Futhark by the romans was called Runa meaning "Hidden or Secret meaning" which is exactly what it means.

    Your natal chart presents you with the energies of the Futhark as it was when you were born.


The hour of the sun in the day

Where in the Futhark sequence/ where are you either born or in your current life  on the furthark cycle.

This will show you what is the current hour of the day in your life


What god cycle are you born under


What day of the week


What day in the 15 day cycle are you in now and born into.


Part 4

Small Readings Personal readings.


Day readings.  

These are readings which contain what are going on on that particular day.   Where the sun is  in the day and what sign it is in. where the moon is in the day and what where you are in the prime month cycle as to the 24 hour sequence.



The hour of the sun in the day

A.   The placement of the sun in your day chart is important to you because it represents your placement in the way the day breaks unfolds with you,  this will determine your outlook for the day in your life of days.  B. Where in the Futhark sequence/ where are you either born or in your current life  on the furthark  cycle.


This will show you what is the current hour of the day in your life


What god cycle are you born under


What day of the week


What day in the 15 day cycle are you in now and born into.




What day of the week

This accounts for the 7 days of your week that trace its formation back to the original runic calendar.   Each day has a character associated with it


  Add in guide information here


Days of the week are correspondence to the Nordic calendar which originated from the Babylonian calendar of repeating days in a cycle.  The days of the week are To our calendar adapted from there original names by the Anglo Saxons who in later years conquered by breading with the Norman's/Vikings.

The Anglo Saxon changed merely the spellings of the names but not there content of meanings.



Days of the Week

Day            Original   Norse god/Rune    Planet   Tree     Herb          Element    No.

Sunday:      Sun Day.         Sowillo          Sun       Birch  Snakeroot        Fire       1

this is the beginning of the week; feel the energy effect your surroundings.  

This is the day is the beginning off the week for it is the day of personal balance.  The day in which you balance yourself and prepare for the coming 6 days of the rest of the week.

Monday:    Moon Day,      Mannaz          Moon   Willow  Chichwood    Water    5 

This is the day to accomplish the goals you have set for your self o Sun day.

Tuesday:    Tiers Day.       Tiwaz             Mars      Holly      Plantain         Fire    2

This is the day of action set in motion your goals

Wednesday:  Odins Day.   Odin Anzuz   Mercury    Ash     Cinquefoil          Air   6

Follow guidance this day for accomplishing what you set out needs assistance from those around.

Thursday:   Thors Day.        Thurasaz   Jupiter     Oak       Hebane         Fire 3

Bring together what you have been accomplishing and begin to make it happen.  If it is time

Friday:        Freys Day.       Fraya     Venus     Apple     Vervain        Earth     4

This is the day to sit back and observe what you have accomplished and take stock of what you need to be doing next, finish with you have started and the beginning of the week of possible.

Saturday:   Saturns Day.    Saturn       Saturn     Alder      Daffodil      Earth  4

As your projects are taking root with what you are doing and your community is thinking about what you are doing.  Focus yourself o having fun relax and enjoy life.  Don't think about the work week.



What day in the 15 day cycle are you in now and born into.

This is to determine where you were born in the 15 cycle sequence.   The 15 day cycle is reading the energy patterns of the individual signs themselves how they relate to each other and how  strong and influence they were during that specific time.



Where in the Futhark sequence/ where are you either born or in your current life  on the furthark cycle.

This is an overview to tell you how each of the signs in the overall chart react to each

other.   This will tell you where you came from and where


What god cycle are you born under

Witch pantheon do you align yourself with.

A. What pantheon you where born in

B   What region of the world are you born in 

as to pantheon, energy grids lay lines

C.  What God sign you were born in




Part 5              -All over chart


is going to the energy vibrations in the sign itself and what are the influences from  signs around it.   and accounting for their influences into the prime sign.   Also bringing into account the sun, moon, week, and cycle influences and how they all effect our every day lives.

Including the Natal Chart  

Prime month . 

The hour of the sun in the day

What day of the week

What day in the 15 day cycle are you in now and born into.

Where in the Futhark sequence

A. What pantheon you where born in

B   What region of the world are you born in 

as to pantheon, energy grids lay lines

C.  What God sign you were born in



Contained within each are definitions for the individual and the community,

The individual is how the energy of this time with this rune will effect you.   Then there is how will the energy effect your surroundings.  



The Components and How They Work



The 15 day cycle

In the 2 week month there are 15 days in each cycle, since every character is an actual letter in the Futhark language and has an over view meaning, The meaning used in the language, and a rune meaning.   Each of these two meanings are characters in the 24 furthark and tell a story by themselves.   There for the 5 days at the beginning of the 15 days has primary


Precusp this is the time when the influences from the previous sign begins to slack off giving way for the next sign to have full influence.


(Note does the energy peter off in days hours or in cycles.   The middle of the cycle its influence is direct for 5 full days, when does the sign go direct , when does the day begin and energy start stop.  In the precusp and postcusp how fast does the energy peter)



The middle




3   Precusp






8    Middle






13     Postcusp




Breakdown of how the months flow together.


1  First day of the new cycle, this day the new sign is more dominant and its attributes become more defined in the flow of time. increasing steadily from equal at the convergence point toward the fifth day when the attributes of that sign peter off all together. 

2  The second day the energies of the sign increase steadily

3   Precusp 


5   This is the day when the last remaining attributes of the previous sign end.   Giving way to the sign itself in its full strength.


6  This is the first day the sign is at the height of strength.


8    Middle


10  The last day the sign is at full strength.




13     Postcusp


15     The last day before the next cycle the % is60 40 up to midday which from midday on the 15 to midday on the 1 they are equal and balanced between the signs.  

-On the 16 day this just adds one day to the previous months cycle




3   Precusp






8    Middle






13     Postcusp






The Seasons

Winter Season:  This is a time of deep reflections in your life.   A time to reflect on the past year and a time to focus yourself on the coming events of the next year.

Spring Season:  Is the time of coming out of your winter hibernation and beginning to bloom.

Summer Season:  Time of action,  take the blooming possibilities from your hibernation and all the initiation from the spring season and  apply those now.

Fall Season:  This is the time of closing down preparing for winter.  Making sure there is an ample food supply and that you are prepared for the mental hibernation the winter season brings. 



Each Set of 8 categorize a specific time of year

Personal Oct 28 - Feb 26  Winter a time of going within to rediscover how you are and where you are going.


The Seasons

Fall Season:  This is the time of closing down preparing for winter.  Making sure there is an ample food supply and that you are prepared for the mental hibernation the winter season brings. 

Winter Season:  This is a time of deep reflections in your life.   A time to reflect on the F

past year and a time to focus yourself on the coming events of the next year.

Togetherness Feb 27 - June 28  This is a time to draw out into the community to react with, sharing and growing within your local community both world community taking the lessons you have received from your solitary time in the winter and explore what you have learned with those around you.   So you can have a lot better understanding of yourself and the world as you come into your own.

Spring Season:  Is the time of coming out of your winter hibernation and beginning to bloom.



Community    June 29 - Oct 27  This set is an outline on community interaction.   Allowing the community to interact and  respond to one another in a mutually productive way.

Summer Season:  Time of action,  take the blooming possibilities from your hibernation and all the initiation from the spring season and  apply those now.





Phases of the Moon


New Moon:  When the moon is completely in the shadow of the earth.   Reflection within, how things affect you.


Waxing:  The moon is slowly day by day coming out of the suns shadow.   The moons pull comes into being.  Emotional growth, what you can do about it .


Full:  The moon is  at the height of the moons pull strength.   Inner strength.

 realizing your potential


Waning:  The moons pull is decreasing into the new moon.   Establishing goals, thinking about what you can do about where you are going.





What god cycle are you born under


Witch pantheon do you align yourself with.

A. What pantheon you where born in

B   What region of the world are you born in 

as to pantheon, energy grids lay lines

C.  What God sign you were born in




with the interaction as the months come into each other and go out what is in influence at what time and how.  This also compares with how the sun/hour sign fits in to the chart and

This form combines the




The Futhark Year in Sets

The Futhark year is divided into the three sections of the year.  There are 4 months per section with is the guiding point toward the layout of the individual characters.  The Community symbols are those characters that whose deeper meaning and understandings come under the worlds time of year.   The summer symbols Fehu, Urus, Thurasaz, Ansuz, Raido, Kennaz, Gebo, Wunjo.  Which are the runes of was we can talk and communicate with each other in a healthy and productive way.


Community    June 29 - Oct 27 

This set is an outline on community interaction.   Allowing the community to interact and  respond to one another in a mutually productive way.

Personal Oct 28 - Feb 26 

Winter a time of going within to rediscover how you are and where you are going.

Togetherness Feb 27 - June 28 

This is a time to draw out into the community to react with, sharing and growing with in your local community but the world community taking the lessons you have received from your solitary time in the winter and explore what you have learned with those around you.   So you can have a lot better understanding of yourself and the world as you come into your own.



Phases of the Moon

New Moon:  When the moon is completely in the shadow of the earth.   Reflection within, how things affect you.


Waxing:  The moon is slowly day by day coming out of the suns shadow.   The moons pull comes into being.  Emotional growth, what you can do about it .


Full:  The moon is  at the height of the moons pull strength.   Inner strength.

 realizing your potential


Waning:  The moons pull is decreasing into the new moon.   Establishing goals, thinking about what you can do about where you are going.




This is the language and the divination.



Runes are a divinatory device used by the Celts and Druids as a way to communicate with each other and teach their people how to read and explore their higher self, their Spiritual knowledge. 


As the story goes the Secrets of the Runes were passed down from the Celts to the Vikings by way of the poetic Edda,  where Odin the Edda’s hero was given the secrets of the Runes over the Well of Eard. Odin hung himself by the leg to the tree of "Yggdrasill" for 9 days and 9 nights, wounded by spear.  Meditating to find a key to help his people and gazing into the well of Eard ,Odin was presented with the gift of Runes.  As the last of the Runes were given he died of his injuries.  He was then given the breath of eternal life,  becoming the head of the Nordic Pantheon, and the Norwegian peoples All Father.




Definitions of the runes themselves:


This is the way the language of the Futhark translate according to straight divination.  When using the Futhark as the language the meanings, the understandings, and the outlook for the language come together.   And the secret and hidden meanings behind the runes are to tell and or sing  the individual on their spiritual path.   When they weave themselves together into a understandable divination language towards the goals set forth into the inner understandings and meanings.



This is a cartouche language.


This is the beginning of the language we understand to be runes.   The Futhark is actually a language of the ancient Celts of Europe.  This language is a symbolic language designed for not only understanding but for intelligence.

The deep inner hidden meaning to the Futhark is the understanding that the surface of an answer doesn't always mean that is the entire answer.  


This is the beginning of the second cycle. This is the set which tells the story of the individual's story of self discovery and ways to create a personalized understanding of the personal path toward understanding the self.

The Futhark

Basic Definitions of Divination

The full definitions and understandings of the Futhark: What it is and how it applies:


                Literal      Divination   Tarot                Nordic       Calendar

     Rune  Meaning   Meaning  Translation        Pantheon       Time

1.   Fehu    Cattle       Priorities.    Tower                 Easier       June 29 July 13   


Where they came from


This is the first rune in the Futhark sequence and is the beginning.

Literal Meaning:

Divinatory meaning is Prosperity .   What you need to be doing with what you have.  How you need to be using your resources.    This rune telling you that where you are going and what you are doing



The basic month

The month

The advanced month chart

The natal

The advanced natal chart

The over chart

The hour of the sun in the day



First Hour

The first hour of the day  is a time to set the priorities for the day.


This is the beginning of the runic new year. 

Fehu this is the rune of


How to Respond to the world with this rune map:

 The Prime months  Basic rundown

This is a time to insure that the priorities are correct and where they need to be.

Part  2  The Prime months:  Expanded outlook.

Fehu is the first sign in the Futhark language.  Its is also the beginning of the runic       calendar.   Which is important since its is the beginning of the rune map of our souls walk throughout life. Fehu is in Nordic is the symbol understanding of money finances and possessions.    Fehu is used to understand what and how to use your wealth correctly.  

Part 3 In Depth: The inner journey of the soul


 Part  4  In depth understandings of the half month and how you fit into the cycles.


Part A Your prime birth sign

Part B   How they effect you in your daily life.



2    Urus  The Great Ox, Inner Strength Strength  Vanier Aurochs  July 14 - 28  

The Second Hour

This is the beginning of the balanced sets  where the community set of Fehu’s 8 and the  individual set from Haggalazes 8 combine to create a more balanced and understanding way to communicate.


The basic month

The month

The advanced month chart

The natal

The advanced natal chart

The over chart

The hour of the sun in the day



Urus, Aurochs is the great mother ox of the Nordic religion   The oxen rune are the ones that show people how  to pull through the hard times or situations by using all the strengths at the readers disposal.

This is the time to rely on your inner strength and inner creative ability.         


Of the day is a time to focus your strength on what you will be doing during the day.

Part A You prime birth sign

Part B   How they effect you in your Daily life.


How to Respond to the world with this rune map  The Prime months  Basic rundown

This is the time to rely on your inner strength and inner creative ability,         

Part  2  The Prime months  expanded outlook

Part 3 In Depth: The inner journey of the soul

 Part  4  In depth understandings of the half month and how you fit into the cycles.




3  Thurisaz Gateway    Great Changes The Emperor  Thor  July 29 - Aug. 12

Thurisaz,   Gateway is the bring of great and massive change you your life.   Not a change of reorganization to your life as in hagalaz but a fundamental all over change of circumstances.


The basic month

The month

The advanced month chart

The natal

The advanced natal chart

The over chart

The hour of the sun in the day



Third Hour

Thurisaz the hour of the day to discover what it is you are doing and make changes according to what the needs of the day are.


A time for great changes in your life.


((  For these who are reading this will comprehend after reading and understand with the rest of the understandings toward if teh rest of teh book has total definitios then the individuals s small sections need less hust add and reference to what was already written))


(((    Write individual definitions toward the flow of the how to read referencing back toward the big definitions in the HOW TO READ SECTION )))


Part A You prime birth sign  

Part B   How they effect you in your Daily life.

Thurasaz is the ideas representation of the bringing of storms, Storms bring rain  lightning, floods, prosperity, as well as destruction.   To an agricultural society storms are a god send toward watering the crops.  Too much and its hog feed.   Not enough rain and the crops die on the vine.   Within the ideas of the idea of thurasaz, thurasaz is a rune of mapping the cycles of weather, and the cycles of the flow of the humanity toward how it cares for itself throughout how we as a specie we take care of  our own environment or at least the leaders and holy people need to be aware of keeping the community with which they are the leaders keep them going toward the path of greater good.   Thurisaz is the changes that occur during a years passage of time.   Thurasaz tells us that paying attention to not just our surroundings but the earth's cycles will of what need to be happening.   We cannot change the reactions of those around us but we can change how we react to those events.   The idea of coming into the understandings from the world how we as individuals react to our surrounds and how we can better our own lives from those experiences.  

Divination:   Thurasaz tells us that diligence patience and the ability to be flexible will guide us toward achieving the goals we have set.  It also is a warning of massive change to our lives in whatever form the change sees fit to present the lesson in the best and most efficient way possible so everyone around you can benefit from you lesson and can learn a piece of their own lesson for there own path.

Reverse: Thurisaz tells us to be mindful of trying to attain goals which are not on the your current path but attaining the goals at this time would be detrimental to those around you.

How to Respond to the world with this rune map  The Prime months  Basic rundown

A time for great changes in your life.

Part  2  The Prime months  expanded outlook

Part 3 In Depth: The inner journey of the soul

 Part  4  In depth understandings of the half month and how you fit into the cycles.





4   Ansuz      Signals         Insight         The Hanged Man  Odin   August 13 -27     

This is fourth rune in the sequence ralating to the understand where you are and where you come from.

Ansuz,    From within, this rune talks about how you connect with your insight.


The basic month

The month

The advanced month chart

The natal

The advanced natal chart

The over chart

The hour of the sun in the day



Fourth Hour

Ansuz is the hour of the day in which to connect with spirit in order to implement the changes in your life.


A time of year for creating your own connection to yourself and your community.


This is a time of journeying letting your soul journey toward interesting topics that may come up or have come up in your life.


Part A You prime birth sign

Part B   How they effect you in your Daily life.

Ansuz is the rune of your connection to god, or the Gods, or the Goddess depending on your own personal understanding of your own connection to spirit.   Ansuz in Nordic is Eater God or your connection to spirit.   In this manner Ansuz in our lives reminds us that the connection to spirit in our lives is an extremly important one in our world.  This isn't saying that we all need to be blind slaves to someone else's understanding of god but we need to have a connection to spirit in some form or another.   The runes can help direct you toward that personal connection  with the higher force which is best for you.   Since it is this connection with enables you to  connect on a level that is more that just an animal instinct form.   This connection which at some point in your life is an essential thing for your continued progress in life is there to show you that since you are a piece of the greater hole that you can do and accomplish greater goals that you can without this connection.   Connections are personal things with need to be made on an individual level, no one can make the decision for you.   Animals in human clothing need to be at times slapped into higher understanding.   This higher understandings is the key to spiritual visits from more enlightened beings.  


How to Respond to the world with this rune map  The Prime months  Basic rundown

A time of year for creating your own connection to yourself and your community.


Part  2  The Prime months  expanded outlook

Part 3 In Depth: The inner journey of the soul

 Part  4  In depth understandings of the half month and how you fit into the cycles.



5   Raido      Journey      Spiritual Journey   The Fool   Forseti  August 28 - Sept 12  

 Raido,   An individuals journey through life.   A.k.a. A fools Journey


The basic month

The month

The advanced month chart

The natal

The advanced natal chart

The over chart

The hour of the sun in the day



Fifth Hour

Raido is the hour of the day to reach out and communicate with those around you.

Part A You prime birth sign

Part B   How they effect you in your Daily life.


How to Respond to the world with this rune map  The Prime months  Basic rundown

This is a time of journeying letting your soul journey toward interesting topics that may come up or have come up in your life.

Part  2  The Prime months  expanded outlook

Part 3 In Depth: The inner journey of the soul

 Part  4  In depth understandings of the half month and how you fit into the cycles.





6. Kennaz     Torch               Wisdom           Magician     Freya    Sept 13 - 27   

   Kennaz,  Opening to new experiences, ideas and concepts, also beginning of craft knowledge.


The basic month

The month

The advanced month chart

The natal

The advanced natal chart

The over chart

The hour of the sun in the day



Sixth Hour

Kennaz is the time to implement those ideas in your life


This is a time to seek out the wisdom of your life and see just how you can bring the light of understanding into your life.


Part A You prime birth sign

Part B   How they effect you in your Daily life.


How to Respond to the world with this rune map  The Prime months  Basic rundown

This is a time to seek out the wisdom of your life and see just how you can bring the light of understanding into your life.

Part  2  The Prime months  expanded outlook

Part 3 In Depth: The inner journey of the soul

 Part  4  In depth understandings of the half month and how you fit into the cycles.





7   Gebo      partnership       Connections      Lovers    Freya & Odin  Sept 28 - Oct 12    

      Gebo,    Partnership the 4 directions, and four elements coming together to aid and assist you in your time of need.


The basic month

The month

The advanced month chart

The natal

The advanced natal chart

The over chart

The hour of the sun in the day



The Seventh Hour


This is a time of partnerships, then connections are made and coincidences are abound.


Part A You prime birth sign

Part B   How they effect you in your Daily life.


How to Respond to the world with this rune map  The Prime months  Basic rundown

This is a time of partnerships, then connections are made and coincidences are abound.

Part  2  The Prime months  expanded outlook

Part 3 In Depth: The inner journey of the soul

 Part  4  In depth understandings of the half month and how you fit into the cycles.



8.   Wunjo       Joy                 Healing       High Priestess   Freya        Oct 13 - 27 

   Wunjo,  This is the healing rune,  helping you to experience the joy of living and healing yourself and others.


The basic month

The month

The advanced month chart

The natal

The advanced natal chart

The over chart

The hour of the sun in the day


Eighth Hour

This is the end of the first set of 8 runes  on to the section of Haggalazs 8 dealing with the individual and how to walk you path better.


This is a time to enjoy life and seek out joy.  This may also be a time to either start a healing cycle or do a little healing in your life.  


Part A You prime birth sign

Part B   How they effect you in your Daily life.


 How to Respond to the world with this rune map  The Prime months  Basic rundown


Part  2  The Prime months  expanded outlook

Part 3 In Depth: The inner journey of the soul

 Part  4  In depth understandings of the half month and how you fit into the cycles.




That is the first set of 8 Runes Odin saw as he looked into the well of Eard.  These Runes are for day to day living; for his people to communicate and get along with each other.

Odin was then presented with the next group of 8, these are for the individuals journey through life. 


                         Literal       Divination     Tarot             Nordic          Time

     Rune         Meaning      Meaning    Translation    Pantheon     Calendar

Part B   How they effect you in your Daily life.

How to Respond to the world with this rune map  The Prime months  Basic rundown

This is a time to enjoy life and seek out joy.  This may also be a time to either start a healing cycle or do a little healing in your life.  

Part  2  The Prime months  expanded outlook

Part 3 In Depth: The inner journey of the soul

 Part  4  In depth understandings of the half month and how you fit into the cycles.


9.   Haggalaz   Disruption   Disruption    The World       Hagalaz     Oct 28  Nov 12 

Haggalaz is the 9 rune in the cycle telling about the transferance of the community set into the individual set.   Haggalaz is also the girst inthe individual set,  the individual set of Runes tells of when there is a change in surcomstances personal disruption is expected.  

Hagalaz   is the rune telling you that your life has great disruption in it there for it is time to reorganize your life and get on the path you need to be on. 


The basic month

The month

The advanced month chart

The natal

The advanced natal chart

The over chart

The hour of the sun in the day



This is the rune telling us of a mighty storm, characterized as hail, since big storms produce hail, the rune was named.  


This is a time to create a little disruption in your life,  shake things up and make some valuable changes in your life.


Part A You prime birth sign


Part B   How they effect you in your Daily life.

Haggalaz is the beginning of the individual rune cycle.  Haggalazes 8 deals with the ideas and the abilities of working on the individuals path throughout life.


How to Respond to the world with this rune map  The Prime months  Basic rundown

This is a time to create a little disruption in your life,  shake things up and make some valuable changes in your life.

Part  2  The Prime months  expanded outlook

Part 3 In Depth: The inner journey of the soul

 Part  4  In depth understandings of the half month and how you fit into the cycles.





10.   Nauthiez   Constraint    Patience        The Devil      Nornir         Nov 13- 27   

 Nauthiz,   Constraint means inner patience,  you need to accept that there is a time for outward action and a time for inward action to work on you.


This is a time to be patient with yourself and allow things around you to flow into  their own rhythms


The basic month

The month

The advanced month chart

The natal

The advanced natal chart

The over chart

The hour of the sun in the day



Part A You prime birth sign

Part B   How they effect you in your Daily life.


How to Respond to the world with this rune map  The Prime months  Basic rundown

This is a time to be patient with yourself and allow things around you to flow into  their own rhythms

Part  2  The Prime months  expanded outlook

Part 3 In Depth: The inner journey of the soul

 Part  4  In depth understandings of the half month and how you fit into the cycles.


11.   Isa                 Ice       Center            The Hermit      Thurisaz    Nov 28 - Dec 12 

Isa,    This is the rune of achieving inner strength of will.


A time for slow and steady progress and focused direction


The basic month

The month

The advanced month chart

The natal

The advanced natal chart

The over chart

The hour of the sun in the day



Part A You prime birth sign


Part B   How they effect you in your Daily life.


How to Respond to the world with this rune map  The Prime months  Basic rundown

A time for slow and steady progress and focused direction

Part  2  The Prime months  expanded outlook

Part 3 In Depth: The inner journey of the soul

 Part  4  In depth understandings of the half month and how you fit into the cycles.




12.   Jera            Cycles     Timing/ Cycles     Death          Freya      Dec 13 - 27

 Jera, is the rune of timing, everything happens for a reason and on an unknown time scale.   We can come up with our own time scales that come close to the scales  we are effected by the fool (See tarot)


This is the time to  flow into the timing of the situation,  Timing is essential in the world right now and plans you may have been waiting for this is the time to put them to work, pull off the back burner.


The basic month

The month

The advanced month chart

The natal

The advanced natal chart

The over chart

The hour of the sun in the day



Part A You prime birth sign


Part B   How they effect you in your Daily life.


How to Respond to the world with this rune map  The Prime months  Basic rundown

Jera was the time to begin finding the time to finish projects,  Eiwaz is the time to find out just how to create the situations in your life to bring about solutions to your needs.

Part  2  The Prime months  expanded outlook

This is the time to  flow into the timing of the situation,  Timing is essential in the world right now and plans you may have been waiting for this is the time to put them to work, pull off the back burner.

Part 3 In Depth: The inner journey of the soul

 Part  4  In depth understandings of the half month and how you fit into the cycles.





13.   Eiwaz         Yew tree       Awareness        Temperance      Ullr      Dec 28 - Jan 12 

 Eiwaz, is the problem solver in the runes, it helps you to work out your problems.  So you can work on your problems instead of your problems working you.


Jera was the time to begin finding the time to finish projects,  Eiwaz is the time to find out just how to create the situations in your life to bring about solutions to your needs.


The basic month

The month

The advanced month chart

The natal

The advanced natal chart

The over chart

The hour of the sun in the day



Part A You prime birth sign


Part B   How they effect you in your Daily life.

How to Respond to the world with this rune map  The Prime months  Basic rundown


Part  2  The Prime months  expanded outlook

Jera was the time to begin finding the time to finish projects,  Eiwaz is the time to find out just how to create the situations in your life to bring about solutions to your needs.

Part 3 In Depth: The inner journey of the soul

 Part  4  In depth understandings of the half month and how you fit into the cycles.




14.   Pertho           Lot Cup       Knowledge      Hierophant   Thor   Jan 13 - 27 

  Pertho,   This is the rune of where you are going, and how you can get there.


This is the rune of deep knowledge.   This is the time  of year to be contemplating your place in learning.   Are you learning the lessons you need to.   This is the time to create the situation within yourself to stimulate learning to promote a better place in this world for yourself.


This is the rune of deep knowledge.   This is the time  of year to be contemplating your place in learning.   Are you learning the lessons you need to.   This is the time to create the situation within yourself to stimulate learning to promote a better place in this world for yourself.



The basic month

The month

The advanced month chart

The natal

The advanced natal chart

The over chart

The hour of the sun in the day



Part A You prime birth sign

Part B   How they effect you in your Daily life.

This is the rune of deep knowledge.   This is the time of year to be contemplating you placement in the lessons you have set for yourself.  Are you leering the lessons you need to.   Are  you creating situations in your life to promote deeper learning so you can be a better you.

How to Respond to the world with this rune map  The Prime months  Basic rundown

This is the time to learn and gain knowledge from the experiences that are all around you.  

Part  2  The Prime months  expanded outlook

This is the rune of deep knowledge.   This is the time  of year to be contemplating your place in learning.   Are you learning the lessons you need to.   This is the time to create the situation within yourself to stimulate learning to promote a better place in this world for yourself.

Part 3 In Depth: The inner journey of the soul

 Part  4  In depth understandings of the half month and how you fit into the cycles.





15.  Alhaz           Protection          Focus           The Moon   Valkyrjur    Jan 28 - Feb 11 

 Aihaz,    This is the rune reminding you to pay attention to your surroundings.


This is the time of year to begin looking around to start implementing the previous signs lessons + paying attention to your surroundings as to ways to implement it.


The basic month

The month

The advanced month chart

The natal

The advanced natal chart

The over chart

The hour of the sun in the day


Part A You prime birth sign

Part B   How they effect you in your Daily life.

Alhas tells us to be looking and contemplating the direction in our life.   As to what we are doing, what we are accomplishing, and where we are going.    This is the time of year which it is important to pay very close attention to your surroundings so you can better understand what is happening within yourself, and how to relate to the outside world.  

How to Respond to the world with this rune map  The Prime months  Basic rundown

Put attention to your surroundings.  There are opportunities awaiting you, it is time to put forth your creations.  Be paying attention to your surrounding for the opportunities you have been waiting for.

Part  2  The Prime months  expanded outlook

This is the time of year to begin looking around to start implementing the previous signs lessons + paying attention to your surroundings as to ways to implement it.


Part 3 In Depth: The inner journey of the soul

 Part  4  In depth understandings of the half month and how you fit into the cycles.





16.   Sowillo      The  Sun            Balance                       The Sun      Sol   Feb 12- 26 

 Sowillo   After you have achieved the understanding of yourself you can now go forth and attain outer balance with the world.

Part A You prime birth sign

The Third set of  runes are for community and the individual to work together.


The basic month

The month

The advanced month chart

The natal

The advanced natal chart

The over chart

The hour of the sun in the day


Part B   How they effect you in your Daily life.

This is the sign dealing with  you bringing yourself into the understanding that you have a place in this world and you belong.   This is the time to sense the balance within yourself as to where you are going.

Sowillo is also the last of the personal runes of Haggalazes 8 the runes of the self.

the healing chart /  the new chakras


How to Respond to the world with this rune map  The Prime months  Basic rundown

Bring yourself into balance.   Remember to balance yourself  in what you are doing and with your interactions with life in general.


This is the sign telling us to remember there is a balance to all things and setting ourselves the knowledge of how to balance what we are doing to our surroundings.   So  we can achieve our needs without sacrificing our wants or the needs of those around us.  

This is the time to learn and gain knowledge from the experiences that are all around you.  


Part  2  The Prime months  expanded outlook

This is the sign telling us to remember there is a balance to all things and setting ourselves the knowledge of how to balance what we are doing to our surroundings.   So  we can achieve our needs without sacrificing our wants or the needs of those around us.  

This is the time to learn and gain knowledge from the experiences that are all around you.  


Part 3 In Depth: The inner journey of the soul

 Part  4  In depth understandings of the half month and how you fit into the cycles.



Alhaz Jan 28 - Feb 11  Focus

This is the time of year to begin looking around to start implementing the previous signs lessons + paying attention to your surroundings as to ways to implement it.

Sowillo Feb 12- 26  Balance

This is the sign telling us to remember there is a balance to all things and setting ourselves the knowledge of how to balance what we are doing to our surroundings.   So we can achieve our needs without sacrificing our wants or the needs of those around us.  

Tiwazes 8 begins the final set of 8.

The names of the runes that begin this section is Tiwaz






17.   Tiwaz           Warrior        Direction          Ace of Pentacles      Tyr Feb 27- March 13 

The is the 17 rune in the sequence of the Futhark.  This is talking about personal initiaation and personal diection.   This is also the beginning of the partnership set of of rune wich is the communicating and understandings set which combines the community and the individual sets into one.  

  Tiwaz,  is the God of personal direction and foresight.   This rune helps you to focus your personal strength toward your goals.


The basic month

The month

The advanced month chart

The natal

The advanced natal chart

The over chart

The hour of the sun in the day



This is the time of year when you take the lessons of Sowillo + apply them  + fit yourself into the hole you have opened itself for you, your talents.


Part A You prime birth sign

The prime month of Tiwaz represents the ideas concepts and understandings for the people born in the sign challenges from the ideas of

Part B   How they effect you in your Daily life.

This is the time and the sign dealing with the next phase of the Futhark order.  Tiwaz begins the last set of runes which deals with combining the previous sets two sets Fehu’s 8 and Haggalaz's 8 where community and the individual can work together.

Tiwaz  brings us the ideas of The warrior, the individual which sets himself or herself apart from the rest of the community by willing to sacrifice himself or herself for the graters good of all.   The prime month of Tiwaz brings us to the point of what are we going and how are we getting there.   What do we need to do to not only better ourselves but better our community.   Creating ourselves a better life begins with giving of ourselves to the greater good of the community with which we have been accepted into in adult hood, be it the community with which we where raised or a community which has opened itself up to us on our life journey outside of our birth family. 

The direction sign tells us to focus ourselves onto where so we can see where to go.

How to Respond to the world with this rune map  The Prime months  Basic rundown

This is the time of year when you take the lessons of Sowillo + apply them  + fit yourself into the hole you have have opened itself for you, your talents.

Part  2  The Prime months  expanded outlook

Part 3 In Depth: The inner journey of the soul

 Part  4  In depth understandings of the half month and how you fit into the cycles.


Tiwaz is the warrior rune.   Tiwaz in the language of the Futhark tells of the idea of the warrior an individual that is willing to put his or her current existence on the line for the betterment  of the community.   The key to begin  successful warrior is not how many battles you have won or how many you have killed but the idea behind letting yourself flow and be complete with the outcome of the battle, conflict, or outcome or every phase of life.   The defense of the homeland is only a small part of the idea of the warrior, the real test is how do you life your life.   Do you life your life as the world owes you a living or a humble servant to the greatest good for all ( all includes you as the individual ).  

Divinatory: The deeper meaning of Tiwaz is direction, as is what is your personal direction, how do you need to proceed on your path and what do you need to accomplish along the way that will help you top accomplish the goals you have set forth.  When Tiwaz come up in readings it is an important thing to remember that what you are doing is the correct action and you are proceeding with what you need to be doing.

Reverse:   When Tiwaz comes up in your life it is an important thing to remember that you are being directed by not only spirit but by your own inner




18.   Bircano        Growth            Growth                 Empress                 Frigg Mar 14 - 29 

.  Birkano, is the rune of the Birch tree,  This is the personal growth rune.


Bircano  This is the time to explore + grow with your new experience in your new place in this world.   Moving into


The basic month

The month

The advanced month chart

The natal

The advanced natal chart

The over chart

The hour of the sun in the day



Part A You prime birth sign

Part B   How they effect you in your Daily life.

This is the second sign in Tier's 8 is Bircano.  Bircano is the understanding of growth in your life.   Growth at its essence is the ability to create new in our life.    Growth is the ability to bring ourselves into focus, concentrate on what we need.   Visualize in your mind exactly what the specific goal is.  Reach out throughout our inner ability to achieve.   The achievement can come throughout any for you or spirit chooses for the goal to come in the best way possible.   Then focus yourself in the best way possible utilizing your own individual; strengths  and those around you to achieve the best result.  

How to Respond to the world with this rune map  The Prime months  Basic rundown

Bircano  This is the time to explore + grow with your new experience in your new place in this world.   Moving into

Part  2  The Prime months  expanded outlook

Part 3 In Depth: The inner journey of the soul

 Part  4  In depth understandings of the half month and how you fit into the cycles.



19.   Ewaz             Horse        Movement      The Chariot        Sliepnor  Mar 30 -  Apr 13

  Ewaz,    is the 8 legged stallion of Odin, and is used to transport its rider anywhere quickly.  If this symbol is around you get ready to go on a ride.


Which is the time of year to help  + assist those around you + you (With their journey) + you to receive help + input on what to do  + where to go in (thew )your life and coming year.


The basic month

The month

The advanced month chart

The natal

The advanced natal chart

The over chart

The hour of the sun in the day



Part A You prime birth sign

Part B   How they effect you in your Daily life.

How to Respond to the world with this rune map  The Prime months  Basic rundown

Which is the time of year to help  + assist those around you + you (With their journey) + you to receive help + input on what to do  + where to go in (thew )your life and coming year.

Part  2  The Prime months  expanded outlook

Part 3 In Depth: The inner journey of the soul

 Part  4  In depth understandings of the half month and how you fit into the cycles.




20.   Mannaz      The Self                   The Self            The Star       Heimdall   Apr 14 - 28 

 Mannaz, is the rune of personal focus, shutting everything else out and concentrating only on you.


This is a time of deep learning and growing for yourself, a time to examine how you are and where you are going to the new you and the new year coming into existence with the spring.   You are here and there is a world out there for you to explore.  Enjoy the ride.


The basic month

The month

The advanced month chart

The natal

The advanced natal chart

The over chart

The hour of the sun in the day



Part A You prime birth sign

Part B   How they effect you in your Daily life.

IN Norwegian Mannaz means the body the soul  the idea of Man, Human Being, Homo Sapien.   The Nordic understanding through the runes goes deeper into the idea and sees what we can do what we are and how we as humans go about achieving the goals we or our environment has e set for us.   Mannaz is the idea of what we are and how we can do what we do in a much better form then just being another animal walking around taking what we want.  Instead the idea is to begin using the intellect, the mind, the soul to discover that there is another world outside of our aura and our actions not only have a direct effect on what happens outside of ourselves but the outside world also has a direct effect on our personal selves.   Not only do these two separate situations of effects have a balance but they also have a direct effect on each other. In the Idea of  action reaction.    Thus the rune itself is telling us as individuals that we are a part of the bigger hole and we need to begin thinking about the consequences of our actions on the world and how those actions will come back and have there own actions on the self.   Consequently the name of the rune "The Self."

How to Respond to the world with this rune map  The Prime months  Basic rundown

This is a time of deep learning and growing for yourself, a time to examine how you are and where you are going to the new you and the new year coming into existence with the spring.   You are here and there is a world out there for you to explore.  Enjoy the ride.

Part  2  The Prime months  expanded outlook

Part 3 In Depth: The inner journey of the soul

 Part  4  In depth understandings of the half month and how you fit into the cycles.





      21   Lagus       The flow                                 The Flow                    Apr 29 - May 13

 Lagus,    is the symbol of water, it talks to you about being in   the flow of life


Comes in to remind you  to get in the flow.   After the contemplation of the last sign Mannaz explore the new you coming out of the darkness the winter and explore yourself and those situations around the world.  


The basic month

The month

The advanced month chart

The natal

The advanced natal chart

The over chart

The hour of the sun in the day



Part A You prime birth sign

Part B   How they effect you in your Daily life.

How to Respond to the world with this rune map  The Prime months  Basic rundown

Comes in to remind you  to get in the flow.   After the contemplation of the last sign Mannaz explore the new you coming out of the darkness the winter and explore yourself and those situations around the world.  

Part  2  The Prime months  expanded outlook

Part 3 In Depth: The inner journey of the soul

 Part  4  In depth understandings of the half month and how you fit into the cycles.




22.   Ingwaz        Fertility         Fertility     Judgment            Freya         May 14 - 28 

 Ingwaz,    Personal growth fertility,  you are growing on to your own personal Yggdrasill (See Nordic/Germanic Gods).


The basic month

The month

The advanced month chart

The natal

The advanced natal chart

The over chart

The hour of the sun in the day



This is a time to use what you have learned + grow from your experience.


Part A You prime birth sign

Part B   How they effect you in your Daily life.

Lagus means water.  Water is a very important substance, element, and item.  Since we are 98% water, our bodies use water to charge the chi, work the blood, spell cast, digestion, and many other tasks.   Water is a very important item to humans.   In the runes Lagus is a tool of spirit to direct the self toward the goals achievements the self has laid out for itself.   Lagus does more then that, there is the effort of intaking enough water is vital for the bodily system to work and perform perfectly.   The body itself is a machine which multi-tasks in a very compact form.   Lagus is there to tell us that we need to be more in the flow of life more.   There is a flow of life which flows throughout every living thing this flow connects us all in the bigger hole and presents us with the ideas of flowing into what we need to do and accomplish in this life.  Lagus is there to tell us if we are flowing into the greatest good or we are flowing against the stream and getting in our own way.

How to Respond to the world with this rune map  The Prime months  Basic rundown

This is a time to use what you have learned + grow from your experience.

Part  2  The Prime months  expanded outlook

Part 3 In Depth: The inner journey of the soul

 Part  4  In depth understandings of the half month and how you fit into the cycles.





23.   Daggaz    Day                Manifest    Wheel of Fortune           Odin  May 29 June 13 

 Dagaz,      If you need something then visualize it coming into your life and create it.   Dagaz is the rune of manifest getting your needs met.


From what you have been putting together over this set the visualizations, the learning and growing, your personal the spiritual growth, it is time to achieve these goals and accept where you are.



The basic month

The month

The advanced month chart

The natal

The advanced natal chart

The over chart

The hour of the sun in the day



Part A You prime birth sign

Part B   How they effect you in your Daily life.

Daggaz in Nordic means day.   The sun shining day of the new light the new experiences and new day.   To any culture the new day brings the sun to shine on us warm our world, bring light into our surroundings.  But it also is there to remind us all that life is sacred and we are here in body is a rare privilege and needs to be cherished loved and at times appreciated.   Daggaz reminds us to hold things dear in our lives to appreciate what we have so that when it is time we can give it  away to the person that needs that more then we do.  That way there is a space open in our live to receive what is coming next in our own lives.   Manifest this is what this time is all about. making sure we get what it is that we need.  IN a way that is the most comfortable and best for all involved.

How to Respond to the world with this rune map  The Prime months  Basic rundown

From what you have been putting together over this set the visualizations, the learning and growing, your personal the spiritual growth, it is time to achieve these goals and accept where you are.

Part  2  The Prime months  expanded outlook

Part 3 In Depth: The inner journey of the soul

 Part  4  In depth understandings of the half month and how you fit into the cycles.




24.  Othallo  Property             Metamorphosis       5 of Pentacles   Thor June 14 - 28 

THis is the last rune in the Futhark sequence, this is the end of the Futhark cycle.   This is a time to evaluate what the past cycle brought you an dwhat the next cycle will bring you.  You need to preparing yourself for upcomming lessons.  Focus yourself on accomplishign yet to manifest goals.   A time to reflect on where you are and what you will be doing.


The basic month

The month

The advanced month chart

The natal

The advanced natal chart

The over chart

The hour of the sun in the day


 Othalo,  This is the rune of personal transformation,  this process is a personal caterpillar in its cocoon transforming into a butterfly.

Twenty-fourth Hour

A time of recapping the previous days lessons beginning to focus on what tomorrow will bring.   Ready of the coming day.

Part A You prime birth sign

Part B   How they effect you in your Daily life.

Othallo is the last character in the Futhark language and represents the ideals of the home and possessions.  This symbol tells us that it is important for us to have a grounded home life in the manner which accustoms your walk best.   this is a time to arrange yourself with insuring your home is secure, and that the small details of life do not infringe themselves on the home.   After you begin the task of securing your home  you can proceed with transforming what you found within the home cycle and begin to transform it in a metamorphic change toward what you, your home life, your family, and the things that fill your home your life your surroundings.   If you home life isn't in order then this is the time to create positive changes in you home life so you can begin transforming the things in your life which aren't quite in the flow of life into positive nurturing environment

Understanding the rune of Othallo is transforming from the old to the new in your life.   From this basic you can begin to see the end of the Futhark cycle and how it applies to your life.?????

How to Respond to the world with this rune map  The Prime months  Basic rundown

This is the end of the Nordic year. A time to reflect on the past year at all of your accomplishments.   If there is anything you have not done, accomplished, created or set goals for in your life now is the time to begin thinking of setting forth to create them in the new year.

Part   2             The Prime months  expanded outlook

Part 3 In Depth: The inner journey of the soul

 Part  4  In depth understandings of the half month and how you fit into the cycles.

This is the end of the Nordic year. A time to reflect on the past year at all of your accomplishments.   If there is anything you have not done, accomplished, created or set goals for in your life now is the time to begin thinking of setting forth to create them in the new year.


This is the end of the runic cycle.   this is a time of deep reflections and growth, encompassing all of the previous years experience into this two weeks.  Thinking about who you are and what you are doing in your life. Over the past year a review of the previous years, going over all of the accomplishments and the lessons still needed to be learned.   Relax and enjoy yourself.  Begin visualizing your next years accomplishments and the best way to accomplish them and what sign would help[ you the most in accomplishing that goal.    Start with the ideas of which cycle is best to start the goal, then move into which sign is best to do the middle work.   Then which sign is best to finish the goal or which sign is best to hold on and let the energies of the project jell and grow by itself.   Then when to pick it back up see where you are in your life and begin the next phase of the project at that time.   Runes are very good at giving personal guides to those how pay attention.    The point is to pay close attention to your surroundings and focus yourself into understanding what is happening around you.





  te when writing keep in mind that there are also ideas that need time to evolve  set goals visualizations for yourself in the specific sign you are in and see where you are when the sign comes around again.   )(  set out not only for the specific sign but individual 4 month periods and year long goals.)



(Note write this with both inner world and outer world effects on the self)


The prime months expand like this.



In a sign if you were born in a 2 week period at the first part then you have attributes of the previous.   If you were born in the middle then you have attributes of the primary that sign.   The end you have attributes of the next.   Born in the middle then you are both   depending on you.   You can form your personality toward the sign that fits you the best toward your stage in life.   The key to this is combining the signs outside of  the planet + the signs of this planet towards helping you to learn and grow on your path.


This is the language and the divination



Runes are a divinatory device used by the Celts and Druids for a way to communicate with each other and teach their people how to read and explore their higher self, their Spiritual knowledge. 


As the story goes the Secrets of the Runes were passed down from the Celts to the Vikings by way of the poetic Edda,  where Odin the Eddas hero was given the secrets of the Runes over the Well of Eard. Odin hung himself by the leg to the tree of "Yggdrasill" for 9 days and 9 nights, wounded by spear.  Meditating to find a key to help his people and gazing into the well of Eard ,Odin was presented with the gift of Runes.  As the last of the Runes were given he died of his injuries.  He was then given the breath of eternal life,  becoming the head of the Nordic Pantheon, and the Norwegian peoples All Father.



Runes are a divinatory device used by the Celts and Druids for a way to communicate with each other and teach their people how to read and explore their higher self, their Spiritual knowledge. 


As the story goes the Secrets of the Runes were passed down from the Celts to the Vikings by way of the poetic Edda,  where Odin the Eddas hero was given the secrets of the Runes over the Well of Eard. Odin hung himself by the leg to the tree of "Yggdrasill" for 9 days and 9 nights, wounded by spear.  Meditating to find a key to help his people and gazing into the well of Eard ,Odin was presented with the gift of Runes.  As the last of the Runes were given he died of his injuries.  He was then given the breath of eternal life,  becoming the head of the Nordic Pantheon, and the Norwegian peoples All Father.


Definitions of the runes themselves


This is the way the futhark as the language translate according to straight divination.  using the futhark as the language the meanings the understandings and the outlook for the language to come together.   And the secret and hidden meanings behind the runes what they mean how they speak and or sing  the individual on their path.   And how they weave themselves together into a understandable divinational language towards the goals set forth into the inner understandings and meanings.