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Last updated 2/14/2004 1:38 PM






Reverse Engineering


  1. what is reverse engineering
  2. an example of how reverse engineering works from a well known item, and action reverse engineering to find out what it is.
  3. tools for reverse engineering.
    1. detective work
    2. keys to the investigation,
      1. what is normal,
      2. what sticks out,
        1. in erdoloyg, what sticks out is after 10 years of looking and finding clues and efidence what sticks out about the runes is absolutely everything about them.  They toaly and in all ways just stick out so far that there is no way history can be correct about the origins.  There is just too much evidence to suggest they where created post 200 c. e. .
      3. what has been forgotten hidden, after a few hundred years or more time. The hiostyr books get a bit muddled as to what actually happened.  This muddling of info is not really intentionally because the writers simply followed what the previous versions of history said.  Couple hundred coppies and the entire population eventually forgets what was the truth and believs the propaganda that was taught to there ancestors.  This is forgotten history.
      4. what has been intentionally hidden when I started the thing which caught my attention the most about the Futhark is that it was not called by its name it was called by a code word.  All the history books weiten by the conquering tribes all said the same words.  Translated, no language, no end to the insults, no proper names used, and any strong voices that knew anything that would demane the truth there murdered (you know them as the burning times or the inquisition), book and scroll burnings the inquisition when it was doing tis thing came into the European theator and took any and all the books scrolls and everything else that was not of the Vatican and burned it and then killed the people who knew how to read that there now immediately interested in converting to the new monotheistic religion, and those are but a few of the points. Of hidden evidence.
      5. what is an obvious fact but is unknown to the untrained sences
  4. what is the possible cause to reverse engineer, what is missing or false that would cause a need to reverse engineer.


  1. How did the Futhark get created in the first place?  We will probably never know but I can tell you that based on some good guesses I can formulate a idea, which when it comes to the end product makes more sense than just about any other I have seen so far.


After you get past the cultural differences between a community living in a forest rather then a desert or semi arid conditions, and all the stuff that does along with that change in community.


  1. how do you live and or exist in a forest that you can not see too far, or up sometimes,  weather conditions are tricky at best and you have a group of people who have to live sometimes all to close together.


The answer is that your leaders would develop good strong coping mechanisms to have everything flow well together.  Having a family argument escalate beyond a point is bad when everyone depends on the other to carry their own weight.


So the leaders would have to depend on any and all ideas that worked to ensure the continued high morale of their community.


So they would look around at people trapped in close proximity to each other and see how they interacted, what worked what did not.


  1. Next is close observation of the animals and plants in their surroundings for everything from medicine, food, clothes, and anything else plants and animals are good for.  Well one thing animals are good for is their existence is a smaller more compact version of our own.  So carefully observing the way animals acted and reacted to themselves and their environment would give a good bench mark as to how to advise the members of your own community.


Rabbits for instance easy to observe, their community structure is all about dominance trips on each other but they can live quite well without too much problems.    So figure out from observation what works for them and repeat for your own community.


  1. Next after some careful observation time, you will see a sequence of events starting to unfold.  One action leads to a predictable reaction, the chain continues for predictable behavioral patterns.  With some personality quirks thrown in here and there which surprisingly enough do not affect the chain of events.  Things start and end, very predictably, you just have to have the correct understanding of the sequence.  And use that sequence as it is, not adding to it to make that sequence better.


  1. Ok, let me give you an example of what I am talking about.  Ok when I first began talking to people about reverse engineering this is the example I almost always gave.

Ok, someone is shot from a bullet.  But that sentence alone tells you an incredible amount about the scene.  Lets take a part of 2 off of that sentence and then look at it.  A person is impacted with a metallic cylindrical item at a high speed.  Ok that is more clinical but it tell you less.  Unless you see that it’s a bullet, but and this is where things get interesting with reverse engineering.  What if you have never seen or been around bullets, and have no idea what a bullet is.  But you know what you are looking at,  a metal cylinder of a specific small size impacted an object at high speed.  There are certain very specific characteristics involved with that metal object. 


Those specific times are obvious to a person of the usa of the early 21 century but not obvious to anyone not as familiar with guns as this culture is.   So what my task has been through this process is to take that concept of a metal object and try and figure out what that thing was and just how it was able to travel as such a high rate of speed.


Then the idea of a gun then inters the picture, now I have never seen a bullet or gun, but I can guess from the size of the object and the other specifics from that bullet that a gun was used.  (I may need to add a great deal more info to this paragraph).


Ok, I have the outline for a gun, or at least some form of musket or blunderbuss.  The details are not that important since I do not have the cap, all I have is the bullet.  I if I am lucky I will find a cap, and then I have both ends of the bullet, which tells me so much more about how the gun was made and designed.


Ok, now where are we, well I can tell you that we are now at finding or reverse engineering that the metal object was propelled through the air by this gun like devise,  which if you think about it, takes a very high degree of technology to manufacture a gun and bullet.  Even if they are hand made it still takes a high level of technical skill.


Ok, what if the culture that made the gun and bullet was assumed to be and has been taught in history for thousands of years that that culture who made the gun was not  advanced at all, that the culture had to written language or mathematics.  Well you would look at the gun and bullet and automatically say, ok, that does not make any sense, someone had to make that gun and there are no other cultures around who could have made that.  So it falls to the ignorant no nothings to have made the gun, automatically that is what I call reverse engineering.






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T Shawn & Emma Welling