


The T Welling Web Site’s


All information contained within this site copyright © 1989-2004


Last updated 2/10/2004 8:38 AM







Advice from a teachers


This might sound odd, but my first really excellent rune teacher was a woman who while talking and chatting over the course of several days in my first metaphysical shop in Manitou. 

Over the course of several q and a session with her about runes we eventually came down to the subject of which language she was going to use.

She said the 24 of the elder Futhark.

I asked her, what that was,

She responded by telling me that the runes are a many diverse thing.  You go to with you are called to young man. All those books over there on that shelf about runes are just individual authors attempts at understanding the unknown.


There is little way we will very truly understand what the runes are, or where they came from.


So take it from me, find what you are comfortable with, a tradition that works for you, spellings that work for you. And go for what you can learn about the Futhark from that standpoint.


If you take any other tack, you will be encountering a difficulties of which you can not imagine.  Where tradition encounters tradition.  Belief gets in the way of truth.


And the ever present prove it.


Then she went into a rant on and about a subject that at the time I had no idea why anyone would want to cross those 2 subjects.


Let me tell you, if you commit a crime, say murder, you will want to rid all evidence for future generations to find correct.?


Well I had to agree,


Then what happened in Europe from 50 b. c. e.  to 1500 c. e.  is your crime. The question is. Who was trying to cover what up?


When you have that answered you have the answer to a puzzle far beyond what your question could possible tell you.


These words ate at me for the longest time.


Cover what up.

Cover up from who







This Site designed, built, and maintained


T & Emma Welling