Saturday, May 25, 2002



T. Welling Library

Spiritual Metaphysical Knowledge.


T. Welling

Copy write © 1995-2002 all rights reserved


T Welling Library















Community effort.


This encyclopedia is designed around the solitary pursuit of understanding.  To exist and to thrive this encyclopedia is based off the idea and concept that there is little bad information.  


So I am designing this encyclopedia with the express knowledge that the world needs to be able to donate there knowledge time and efforts into this endeavor for the betterment of all.


So I started with myself.  And I took apart my tome, book of shadows, the notes and ideas that I wrote down about what I learned about myself in the first few years of my learning who I am and what I needed to do in this world and I sat down and took most of my notes and cut them apart and placed them here.  To give a base of knowledge to start this soup. 


I encourage each and everyone who enters here to give back a little to the community in which we have been given so much.  The good and the bad that we have been given.


So donate your articles, pieces of knowledge, first couple of chapters of non fiction knowledge that you have to be considered for possibly being included in this great world project.


There are benefits besides all the good karma you will get.


Community effort


Breaking 5th rule


Benefits to donations



Site designed by T Welling, web master and comments,