The Tabernacle of Adam System


For this specific intro let us focus on the F explanation first.

F is the Futhark Character of Daggaz






This specific Futhark Symbol is the mathematical symbol for Infinity. The infinity loop Image result for gif infinite loop

Of the Universe. Is also translated as Eternal, as in never ending.

The Name of Rome previous to 753 was “the Eternal city, or Samhain/Halloween”, the city of Memphis used to be called Luz, which is the Eternal or infinity bone of the body.

Caesar had Memphis dismantled and moved from Egypt to Rome. Where it had the city reassembled on one of the Julii family properties.

The Seven Years War was between the British Ogle family and the Prussians over the Technology of the Tabernacle of Adam System. Mary Shelly wrote about this Clandestine spy v spy war in her novel “Frankenstein”.

The infinity loop created by the E, B, D, A, E is the solstice/equinox of Samhain/Halloween October 31.


The Trojan War, the City of 7(pronounced Samhain Hills), The Pyramids, Rome, Caesar, Carthage, the Seven (pronounced Samhain) Years War are all the same subject. A war over control of the following technology. 

At the center of the Garden of Eden was a structure. Although that structure has been edited down to the point of only a fraction of its original is still documented. This does not mean the original information is not present.

Genesis 2:9 “And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.”

Knowledge, Good, Evil are three of the four trees. The fourth is the tree of construction; that which allows the building in the images. The images are a collection of variables from different sources compiled together.

The Noah’s Ark Monolith found closer to Mount Ararat the Lake Nemi Ships Lake Nemi Ships a 2016 7 9 1604 in Italy (a few miles south of Rome). Also included is the Ark of the Covenant. Each x is a Kaaba housing a Tree, the center x is the rivers of creation.

The System was designed to generate and direct electricity towards some type of a loom over the Fountain at the center of the Garden. That fountain in the headwaters of the four rivers of Creation. The Pishon, Gihon, the Tigris, and the Euphrates; each river has its own specific attribute.

Since each river adds specific nutrients to the roots of the two trees it feeds.

This is illustrated in the symbol for the ultimate good next to god converted to a symbol for the ultimate evil. The Swaztca was invented to represent the Garden of Eden, which the Thule Society’s entire purpose for being was to investigate said concept. Most of the previous 20 think tanks in Europe were also about this very topic.

Although investigating the Garden of Eden was at the core of the American Civil War. The plantation System and the associated slaves were part of the Garden of Eden, but Esau’s philosophy not Jacobs. Esau demanded all not the lord of the manor to be slaves to the will of the lord, Jacob saw the roll as a steward to work with everything in the garden. TO be one with the group not overlord over the operations.

From 1850-1899, the Confederacy formed and reformed, named changed and moved it headquarters several times due to conflicts and losses. Finally ending up in central Europe.

But by the turn of the 1900s the entire slavery issue was not a primary topic, the structure and use of the Weave of Time was.

The Tabernacle System of Adam is what Adam did upon arriving on Earth after leaving the Garden. He built dozens perhaps even hundreds of copies of the Garden. The Four Kaaba’s around a central fountain.

Of course four Kaaba’s is just one strand of DNA, it requires 22 more pairs of 2 buildings to make just one DNA sequence. However that is just one human, two humans made out of the dust of the earth is needed. So 23 x 2 collections of 4 Kaaba’s make up a mating pair.

Some type of reason has to exist to why the architectural configuration is just so. The Structure below of the Noah’s Ark Monolith tells about a Latus Structure, which is remarkably similar but flat to that of DNA. Also the evidence of this can be found in the indescribable information about the “Hanging Gardens of Babylon”.




One example of a Tabernacle of Adam System

Nativity Image result for nativity

Bent Pyramid

Memphis Egypt (moved to Rome to Rome) Similar to Carthage in the previous Century. It was dismantled and moved to Rome Proper as well.

Pepi I Pyramid

E King Solomon’s Temple Image result for King Solomon’s Temple inside this building would be the four Kaaba supporting the Trees of Creation. Or at least copies or symbolic representations of said Trees.

Infinity Loop of the Pyramids and Levant Lands






The Tabernacle of Adam System is a very complex set of buildings/tents/tabernacles which came into existence fully formed when the first translatable languages were invented circa 3800 b.c.e. The first languages are Hieroglyphic and Sumerian, where the documentation exists which in brief mention said Tabernacle System.

Meaning the Tabernacle System was developed well before 3800 b.c.e. based on evidence from Heirakonopolis. To engineer a three story tent is a significant level of engineering, science, mathematics, etc. A solid amount of post graduate level education is needed to achieve said goal. Said education level society wide have to be developed and in place before the engineering for a multi-story tent can begin. The centuries between developing a writing format, through to the creation of an academic system, then develop the academic system beyond the parochial level, development of first undergraduate education, then post graduate education.

Then the start of serious more than two story buildings. Two story buildings are not difficult to engineer. Three requires at least a high school level of engineering. But a three story tent requires similar engineering to a five to seven story building.

That takes usually centuries to develop, before the three story tent is possible.

Western cultures the powerful people after the Roman Empire have come from the standpoint of; why  invest unless it gives me more power. Some ancient cultures were not interested in power but working with the divine. The motivation for both the masses who needed to do the work and the powerful who wanted different types of power were entirely different. Motivation to achieve religious goals, means the smart and spiritually gifted individuals are praised and rewarded for their efforts instead of punished and abused.



Like everything, scholars have to understand what they are looking for in order to understand the information. The Tabernacle System is mentioned constantly in scripture and in documentation, but since it is not clearly stated, the evidence has gone unnoticed. The Evidence for the Tabernacle System is found in several places in Scripture. Not the least of which Genesis when Abraham orders the protective Dyk’s built around the city of Luz. Abraham lays the corner stone for the Temple of Ptah himself, at least by Legend.


The Tabernacle of Adam System

Based on the descriptions of the trees in Genesis chapter 2;9 is not one tree but four.

Each tree would be eventually built into its own building. Since each tree had its own unique task, each building would be equally tasked.

“And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.”

Life (Nativity)

Good (Pepi I)

Knowledge (Bent Pyramid)

Evil (Jupiter aka Jerusalem)


The infinity loop with a fountain in the middle (the Futhark symbol Daggaz);



Said can also be seen in the effigies of the Templar Church London. Each Effigy is a symbolic representation of the Trees of Life at the center of the Garden of Eden. The Infinity Loop is the Knights with their arms in prayer, the prayer is the Infinity Loop, or Daggaz


Each Knight is performing a different action, each action can be related to a variable and those variables of action can be compared to the Trees of Creation.