The T R Welling Web Site

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 Last updated 6/27/2014 10:37 PM



T Calendar



The T Calendar is a representation of the motions of the planet earth’s orbit around the sun. Since we know based on Einstein’s work that electromagnetic waves can and do alter other electromagnetic waves; we know our magnetosphere can and is moved by various electro magnetics waves. That movement alters the flow of time.

To measure it, requires a strict following of the first rule of Mathematics “Measure too and from Fixed Points.” The only fixed points we can count on with subatomic accuracy are the eight solstices/equinoxes over the course of the year. Mid-Summer back to Mid-Summer.




The fixed ancient Futhark (runes aka the Vikings) Calendar; I found it, I spent decades decrypting it, here it is T Calendar. The General T Calendar description. To purchase your very own specifically customized version of the T Calendar of you and your birthday T Calendar 

Example of a personal birthday Calendar.

Longer summary/abstract leading to the outline as to how to work with my T Calendar.


Word count 25  50  75  100  150  200  400  500  750  1000  1500  1750  2000  2500  3000  3500  4500  5000  7500  10000  15000  20000


Linear Sequence the large explanation book

This Month in the T Calendar