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St Helena (nee Ogle) Empress of Rome mother of Emperor Constantine the Great File:Follis-Helena-trier RIC 465.jpg


St Helena

My theory used the still in common knowledge Ogle (Northumberland) Mathematics to find where Christ was born and Died.



This woman has played such a significant roll in the development of the modern world providing sufficient levels of credit is difficult.


Helena was one of the key bridges between the ancient People of Kaern and the modern age.


Ogle Family (Yr Hen Ogledd)

Helena was the daughter of a King/Coel of the Brytiania culture. This same family were not only able to hold off the Roman army for 400 years 10-400. Hadrian’s wall was constructed to keep the influence of this specific family and their army from taking the whole of Britannia back; pushing the Romans into the sea. Ogle Castle is located only 11 miles north of Hadrian’s wall. From the point the Roman’s started pushing north till the Roman empire collapsed; the Ogle family held their ground. The invasions started between the time of Julius’s predecessors and a major push by Julius Caesar; but they were never able to gain much ground north of NewCastle and hold it  for any length of time. circa File:Hadrian's Wall map.svg 50 ce – 475 ce. No sideways arrows are east in the Northumberland areas; only a few west in the center. Hence the need to construct a wall. The pics were relatively easy for the Romans to walk through; the Ogles were almost impossible to walk through.

 But they were able to maintain a major Kingdom separate from the Anglo-Saxon/Mercia in Northumberland from 400-the Pictish revolt. After the Ogle family were forced into exile to both Germany and the Netherlands. Where they came back from after 1066.


Helena with the renewed connection with her son Constantine the Great; was able to travel back to the Holy Lands, research where both the legendary true cross was located and determine the location where Jesus Christ was born.

Known as the Nativity.

Finding said location; St Helena ordered a church to be built and supervised its construction.


Said church currently is not only connected to a pyramid .99 mile south of Djosier but the Djosier causeway if you could see the 230 miles away you would be looking directly at the all-important cubic foot in the cave under the church, specifically the all-important alcove from which the event most likely took place.



St Helena was a remarkable woman and leader in all aspects. Her Roman  husband divorced her after she gave birth to Constantine; the divorce began when tensions arose again between her fathers family and the Romans. The Romans began attacking north of the wall again; the Ogle army answered. Consequently the defeats forced her husband to divorce. Which drove a years long wedge between herself and her now ex-husband. Constantine and his mother reconciled many years later. Resulting in her ability to freely travel the holy lands searching and researching for the lost locations, holy books, holy knowledge, and start to build what would be called the Constantinople library.





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