Rune Definitions


It is a hard fact the Futhark for the last 1600 years has been called Runes.

But Rune itself is a word Nordic cultures used as to way to telling later generations; we hid our cultures secret hear.


Unfortunately for the progress of generations, conquest cultures, and changes over time something which was carefully hidden became itself a tool.

That tool then took on an odd and off the topic uses and meanings


I always saw the “sacred or hidden meaning” as not some odd and in some definitions evil tool. I always saw it as the negative aspects were applied by conquerors who did not like the tools original purpose. Or later conquerors who needed a fear this thing from the past population control device.


So the Futhark was reduced from being a grant thing to being mislabeled as a vault. Then the vault was mislabeled as being something bad. Then the bad was used as a tool for population control.

Most of which ignores the fact that; the bible itself is written in Futhark.

Every single Hebrew letter is in fact an entire Futhark word.