King Solomans Mines


The legend of King Solomon's Mines are a subject which begins to create a problem when it comes to the applications of definition.

The Definition for Esau’s followers which includes the Hyksos/Avaris/Dorians/Romans/Anglo-Saxon’s etc. and 1000s more. You think Mine for those cultures and the only logical and linear application for that word Mine is a Gold Mine. However nothing could be farther from the truth.

The Jews had only been focused culturally on gold and money after the destruction of the temple of King Solomon circle 500 bce. Previous their si little evidence the Jews were dead lock focused on money. Previous they as a culture were focused in on academics and the pursuit of education with the advancements of science.

This was an intended and deliberate actions designed by the followers of Moses to pull the Jews aaway from Scholastics and push them towards money. Why because Moses was a dyed in the wool Hyksos. He based on all the evidence left behind was truly disgusted by the Jews and all aspects of their culture. He hated the fact the symbol of the Jews was the Bull, he wanted to force them all to be shepherds and or bankers.

However ou cannot take academic talent out of the nature of someone so they were allowed to be doctors, layers, accountants, own small businesses etc. those small changes to the culture were implemented over the course of the 1300 years from the Exodus to the Nativity. The Jews at a couple points in history possessed the most advanced technology the world had ever seen. They possessed mathematics which in the most literal sense cracked the code of time. They included the code of time in their architecture, knowing the enemy would burn every book they could get their hands on. But would keep the buildings out of the pleasure of using the building themselves. Since the descendants of Esau could not recreate the buildings the master builder Jews could build.

But along with that knowledge came the issues and problems associated with part of that extremely advanced mathematics comes from an understanding of female anatomy. Their are secrets of mathematics buried deep inside both the autonomic nervous system as well as the reproductive organs of both males and females.


King Solomon's Mines are not gold mines, they are not actually mines at all. They are in fact based on a collection of said theories and facts they are the shaft of the anatomy of the female. 

King Solomon's Mines are in direct relationship to the Earths Orbit around the Sun.

As the earth rotates around the sun, the earth  passes through specific fixed points on its journey. Those fixed points can be metaphorically assessed to be a point where the Electro-Magnetic waves which keep the earth in its position

King Solomans Seals









TR Welling