Jupiter Asexual Reproduction



The process of asexual reproduction; if you break each and every single step down, convert to a variables format. Jupiter is like an egg waiting to be fertilized when the coronas of our sun fluffs off. 

As in a sun when it matures gives off its "seed" e.g. corona and that ejection (close enough word) will be absorbed by Jupiter. Thus expanding Jupiter many times, igniting it, and thus a new star is born. Minus some of the other details of course. But the major variables line up to being asexual reproduction.

I am assuming you would rather I not discuss this in class. 

Since we have never seen a start form, we have 0 evidence even close, we only have vastly incorrect math models assuming how stars form. 

So a guess is just as good as a vastly incorrect equation. 

If Jupiter’s mass is increased by say 400x; all of that mass would be from the coronas. Which is 1000s' burning material. Jupiter would suck in Saturn Neptune and Uranus. Also increasing its size and more important fuel sources. 

It could only be a brown dwarf, but the theory is solid. 

The fact is as the chromosphere fluffs off, all that is within its orbit will be absorbed. All material several 100,000s north and south will also be sucked in. As it grows larger its already serious gravity will only increase. The core which is already producing heat and sufficient gravity to produce more heat than the sun at its distance; e.g. it is already its own solar system it produces its own heat. It has a moon the same size as Mercury. 

All that hot burning material will ignite the very flammable material of that gas giant. 

5000' heat introduced to that much fuel. how can it not ignite. 

It compresses a few cm's every x years. 












TR Welling