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Esaus Line


Esau and most of his line have the same behavior patterns as the 1500 years before they were born circa 2700 bce; it stands to reason that Esau and Jacobs behavior patterns were modeled on ancestors. Who those ancestors so far have been lost to history; but their MO remains consistent; constancy in society can be tracked. The rules and regulations from which a culture chooses to act and react to and from; whoever takes on the mantel of said behavior patterns had to in some way learn them from somewhere.

Consequently said interactions can be tracked and modeled.

Several hundred years later invading Egypt

Esau’s descendants upon building an army of sufficient size invaded Egypt. It took a few hundred years; but the Hyksos Kings eventually conquered all of Egypt

Conquest of Egypt

Upon conquering all of Egypt circa 1800 b.c.e; the Jacob’s line descendants were not treated all that well under the rather impressive thumb of Esau’s Hyksos line.


Treating the Westies badly

The Westies of Egypt (as they would later be called as an insult by the Greek's) as long as they stayed on their reservation lands, did their jobs, and did not bother anyone outside the reservation lands, etc. they were mostly ignored minus some nastiness occasionally. With the result of the Westies built seriously large fortifications in order to live and continue life without the threat of impending danger..

When the Hyksos invaded; most of that was at an end. the Hyksos tested by legend the Westies very badly. Treating them at times worse than they treated the Egyptian portion of the population.



Moses Evil Act

Moses Slaver to Esau's line


Invading the middle east

As soon as the Hyksos were able to gain sufficient levels of money, army, and stability in Egypt they headed immediately into the middle east to conquer it.


The Hyksos took pockets of the Westies families with them.


Conquering the middle east

As the Hyksos invasions of the middle east proved to be successful; they left pockets of the Westies in charge of various large cities along the way. Including Phoenicia, Hittite, etc. large cities which the Hyksos did not want to raze but rather wanted to take over and continue to have the city and the population produce goods and manpower.


Advancing the language of cuneiform

As the Hyksos conquering advanced they mixed the local language they found with their cuneiform base. As the Hyksos conquered and spread their cultural and power influences; they created a string of languages all based on their original cuneiform from UR in Sumeria.

Most modern western cultures have at least 1/3 their language structure is some form or version of Cuneiform.

Thera volcano

The conquest of both the Antonia peninsula and the Aegean was made considerably easier when the Thera volcano reduced the power and military of those cultures to a size incapable of defending against a generations long battle hardened army.


Once in Greece, the name change to Dorian's were able to be absorbed into the Ionian Greek's (a culture they were unable to conquer) and injected their cultures rules of order into some portions of Greek society. Those cultural schema rules of order can still be found in; Rome, France, England, America, etc.

Back in Egypt

Stretch supply, power, and influence lines for too long for an extended amount of time and those conquered back home will gain sufficient strength to take back what was theirs. In so doing; when revolts and said started in Egypt, the Hyksos were forced to divert large amounts of troops from the front lines back to Egypt. Leaving the frontier vulnerable. Eventually the Hyksos invasions were reduced to pockets stretching from Egypt to Greece; but no clear unified area; outside Egypt.

Last strong Hyksos Pharaoh

Just because they used to be strong does not mean strength lasts forever. Amenhotep iv sent a considerable amount of his power, money, daughter, etc. to first Spain then southern to be known as Scotland to establish a new kingdom their.


Esau and Set/Caine

Is it possible Esau’s line conquered and combined with the remains of Sets/Caines line?

The area of Nubia is the area designated as the foreign lands.

The Hyksos (Esau’s Line) monotheistics conquered and gained a foothold in nubia first. The slowly worked their way north.


Free Will


god according to the bible gave us all free will. Your free will tells you x is true; but you must remember your free will is not more important than anyone else's free will. forcing your free will onto others has never been acceptable according to every story I have read in the bible. This is the same mistake Esau's line has made through their entire line.








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T “TR” Robert Welling

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