All information contained within this site copyright © 1989-2013


Last updated 7/27/2013 3:00 PM









The months
This is the month of Pertho, which means you need to take the time
you have in front of you, and present the world with that which you
have put together over the last few months. Since the autumn and
the first half of the winter cycle you have encountered a great deal
of inner workings and inner applications, well all that inner work
is about to pay off, since it is now time to take that which you
understand and know all too well about who you are and present that
information to the world, this is the month to truly start to
accomplish the goals you have been working on, building and planning
over the course of the last 4 months, so take the time you have
spent inwards and start to bring those plans, ideas, thoughts, and
concepts you have been creating and start to apply them to the
world around you.





This Site designed, built, and maintained


T Shawn & Emma Welling