Amenhotep iv aka Akhenaten

Akhenaten, nomen, Amenhotep Netjert Heka Iunu
Amenhotep Netjert Heka Iunu
Amen is satisfied, God-king of Heliopolis Akhenaten, throne name
Nefer Kheperu Re
Beatuiful are the manifestations of Re Akhenaten
Adopted name
Servant of the Aten pyramidsheliopolis.JPG aka Ra Aten capital in Heliopolis; Heliopolis was a pre-Pharaonic capital of Egypt. The Ennead pantheon points to a political spin on the one god with a rabbinical advisory board an helpers assisting as grandchildren.

Amenhotep wanted to come out of the closet and have his and his peoples religion as the dominant religion of Egypt. Unfortunately for Egypt and the Hyksos; only those related to Amhenhotep were able to living under the one god concept for as long as his kingship lasted. As soon as he died, the sociology demanded a return to their comfort zone.

To show how Amehhotep was from a long line of Monotheists who are connected to the Hyksos

There are 20 Egyptians pharaohs each with at least 2 if not three syllables of Imhotep/Inhotep in their name; the last being Amenhotep iv.

1.      Mentuhotep I Tepy-a 2041 2133

2.      Middle Kingdom begins. 2060–2010

3.       Nebhetepre Mentuhotep II[26] Gained all Egypt 2040,

4.       Sankhkare Mentuhotep III[27] — 2010–1998

5.      Nebtawyre Mentuhotep IV[28] — 1997–1991

6.      Khaankhre Sobekhotep I

7.      Sekhemresewadjtawy Sobekhotep III 4 years and 2 months c. 1755

8.       Khasekhemre Neferhotep I 11 years 1751–1740

9.      Khaneferre Sobekhotep IV 10 or 11 years 1740–1730

10.  Khahotepre Sobekhotep V — c. 1730

11.  Merhotepre Ini 2 years & 2 months  ? 1690

12.  Mentuhotep V —  ? 1654

13.  Sobekhotep VIII (Sekhemreseusertawy) – 16 yrs

14.  Neferhotep III (Sekhemresankhtawy) – 1 yr

15.  Mentuhotep VI (Sankhenre) – 1 yr

16.  Rahotep Sekhemrewahkhau 1650- ?

17.  Djeserkare Amenhotep I AmenhotepI-StatueHead MuseumOfFineArtsBoston.png- 1541-1520

18.  Aakheperrure Amenhotep II AmenhotepII-StatueHead BrooklynMuseum.png- 1425-1400

19.  Nebmaatre Amenhotep III The Magnificent King P1020665.JPGHis name means Lord of the truth is Ra. He ruled Egypt at the peak of her glory, his mortuary temple was the largest ever built, but was destroyed by Rameses II to build his own temple. Recent DNA testing proved he was the Grandfather of Tutankhamun 1390-1352

20.  Neferkheperure-waenre Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten GD-EG-Caire-Musée061.JPGFounder of brief period of a solar-centered religion (Atenism). His original name means "Amun is pleased." 1352-1334

21.  King Tut was forced by politics to return Egypt to polytheism; not because he was a polytheist but the society was revoltingly uncomfortable with the order to change religions. So he allowed the return to societal norms. Pre-Christianity it was common for conquerors to allow the citizens to keep their pre-conquest faith in order to have an easier transition of power. It was not till the Vatican chose to impose its religious beliefs on its conquered cultures that the convert or die came into vogue. The Vatican choosing to massively reduce the population of everywhere it established abbeys and missions to ensure its power and dominance over its new flock as quickly as possible. If the unrepentant will not covert; they did not want those people poisoning the newly converted back to old ways.