Movement rules

Ewaz celestial movement how does what is happening in the world affect that which is happening outside of our electro magnetics sphere.  The things which happen outside of this sphere affect that which happens inside this sphere.



Raido Newtonian rules of movement

Pertho, devises and machines rules of movement

Ewaz, other worldly rules of movement.  section.

Ewaz celestial movement how does what is happening in the world affect that which is happening outside of our electro magnetics sphere.  The things which happen outside of this sphere affect that which happens inside this sphere.

The rules of motion that govern the application of how celestial bodies work and interaction. The rule of the motion.   Not the placement in the sequence but the rule of how the motion works.

Movement rules

Raido Newtonian rules of movement

Pertho, devises and machines rules of movement

Ewaz, other worldly rules of movement.  section.


1.      Navigation, how Erdology created map making, geometry, and how to navigate.

a.       symbolic representations of land masses,

b.      symbolic navigation showing how to circumnavigate.

c.       Map making, what is where,

                                            i.            Weather patterns,

                                          ii.            Currents

                                        iii.            Land masses,

                                        iv.            Mountains,

                                          v.            Plants,

                                        vi.            Minerals,



Once you have the basic meanings and flow of how the information sequence work. You can then start to add with this math.


Now that may seem a simple thing but this math works quite a bit different than the math you are used to.  This math starts out and is designed around the concepts and ideas that I first thought up the history of how this stuff could have been invented in the first place.  When you put into perspective how the possible origins are then the math formulas are then easy.


  1. Glacier age. 

Now even though this is mentioned a hundred times on this web site, this is the main reason that glacier age and the significance of a glacier age is so vitally important to how this whole thing was made to begin with.  You see this is what happens during a glacier age.

First you have the facts.

You have to find food, shelter, clothing, protection which is different than shelter, warmth, and keep a keen look out for animals other tribes you need to keep in contact with, as well as the emigrational patterns of your food source.

So keeping this in mind, your math has to be based on how 2+2=4 since in actuality that quotation makes less sense then aewfa and aerfwaw mean ojhioph. With out a solid frame of solid reference that is dependable will not change and completely understandable by all sides, a arbitrary number and arbitrary quotation of math means absolutely nothing when you have to figure out how to live.


So then I looked at their surroundings, a glacier face which is in constant motion, forward and backwards. With that motion forwards and backwards your temperate zone the ¼ mile to 2 mile area starting from the face toward the equator which is a fairly consistent 65 to 70 degrees, unless the glacier is on the move in which case the temperate zone no longer exists for a short period of time.  A blizzard can dump upwards of dozens of feet of snow, and the temperature can drop so much that unless your understanding of the cycles of nature are dead on the ball you and your tribe freeze, starve or are eaten by predators that are tons bigger than you and have sharp several inch long blades on the end of there appendages.


So you develop a math and navigation based on tracking what is where, from very specific points of view. The first point of view is yourself, Fehu the single forward count is where everything is compared to where you are at this second in time.

The 2 count is where you are to any one given fixed or stagnant point.

The 3 count is where you are and at least 2 other stagnant points.

Now this is where things get odd

Since the fixing here you are becomes a measure of not a 3 d universe, xyz becomes a wow, too little information too late to do any good.  You need to know the exact movement points of the 6 directions around you. You being 7 and 8 is where you want to be.


So the math and navigation becomes one and the same. 

  1. x
  2. x
  3. x




The counts

1.       Fehu the first sequence of counts.  Now a fine note to remember, each wing inside each back, up, down, forward, right, left, center, destination has its own internal count, since each is its own arm stretching out from the origin point.  The back is always stretching backwards from the event, back is always back in time.  The forwards is always destination.  Up is always moon, sun, stars and the upper atmosphere, down is always the planet, left is the influences of the world around you at this point, and right is how you are affecting the world around you as you pass by.  Now this is also in planetary alignment. So the up and down are easy but the forward and back are not.  The only real question is:  where exactly are the arms of the main event pointing, and where is the destination?  The main arms are pointing, along the longitude and latitude lines. Forward and back, right and left are always on the laterals, the true right left destination and backwards is the indication of the exact angle you are traveling on and in.  

                                                  i.       what this actually is, is a mathematical representation of the Kabbalah, the tree of life, the Edda 9 worlds, the basics of navigation, and most importantly the missing pieces from the Fibonacci numbers.  The more I work with the Fibonacci, the more I realize that even though Fibonacci was came up with this theories thousands of years later. The research he did into the solid facts of how the earth and its sequences and cycles work are reflected perfectly in the ancient evidence I have gathered. The ancient definitions put with the math of Fibonacci, and you have something to truly work with.  Now for this I have added from a base of 9 added the 2 that are hidden, now I did not put them in the correct places mostly out of not enough time to design a really good graphic, I just wanted to get the ideas down.  But then I thought 11 well that is 2 under the 13 so I added a ball upwards and downwards the center horizontal plumb line to indicate a future and past travel points. 

1.      brown ball. The center fixed position of the Electro-Magnetic bottom.

2.      a gray ball above and to the left of the brown ball. 

3.      the orange ball to the right of the gray ball.

4.      the white ball directly above the brown ball, this is the world below the center ball green.  This is the current fixed position of just below the center fixed point.  There are 2 below points in navigation. Let me give an example based on the earth, the earth in this case would be the white ball below the green ball. The green ball would be you traveling around the earth.  But the white ball is also traveling around and it has a navigation pull and fixed transition points to the brown ball.

5.      purple, this is the behind green ball.  This is technically either from where you came or your 6 behind you, what ever your current orientation of what is behind you on the path.  Or this is the direction south.

6.      yellow ball, in front of you. forwards, or north,

7.      red, this is to the left side but it means to the right, or fire, east

8.      blue, water left.

9.      white ball of the sky above

10.  white above that is the fixed point of above the planet.

11.  half ball to left, this is behind you

12.  half ball to right this is where you are going

13.  the white at the center bigger than the green this is the earth.  The green on top is the object traveling on the earth, so you have your 12 fixed points of navigation and the fixed you position of the green where you are going.

b.       Fehu inside the number one count.  What are establishing the priorities?  Now this is the one count. Which means that this begins the one count; everything is about the goings on and happenings of the one.  The center is the only thing being counted.  One of the major parts to the extended counts is also the idea of a fixed point in space.  This fixed point in space on a galactic scale is an important point since the one count is earth.  In the 2 count the points are the earth and either the sun or the moon depending on the specifics of the count.  In extended count 3, the fixed points are the earth, the moon and the sun.   In the intervening times and ideas. The internal counts of the 1 2 3 are that the internal counts are then the various objects that move freely with in the 1 2 and 3 counts.  Things get really interesting when you start dealing with a 5 count since more than a 3 count means you have so many objects to track that math becomes celestial math, and the only real questions are, what are the objects to track? 

                                                  i.          Fehu the first Ætt.  This is the count of where the center has been. The center is in the single count the purpose of the count.  What the center is doing is the very point to this single Fehu count.  This can be associated with past

1.      Ætt Fehubefore the past, where something has come from, this is where the priorities are set.

2.      Ætt Haggalaz  the present, where something is in the here and now. And where something will be going into the future.   The orientation passes from 1 to 8 on this journey are the orientation points of navigation.  The actual journey is multiple combinations of the entire sequence. Fehu– Daggaz.     That line between 1 and 8 is there as a presentation that the orientation lines of continuity between the fixed 8 points, and the fixed Ætts, and the journey from 1 – 8 are different. Since the path of 1-6 is aligned according to the fixed points not necessarily talking about the journey itself.  The journey itself is almost always according to a fixed orientation line of confluence.  Something else of alignment and polarity is the fact of the dark grey inner sphere and the lighter grey outer sphere.  These are representational spheres of the step process of growth and any one thing starts at the center of 1 but then as the lesson and structure of progressive lines starts coming together.  Then that single simple little center concentrated not much becomes solid structure based on the amount of time that structure has had time to formulate itself.  Think of the blue sphere at the center as Ætt Fehu, the dark second sphere as Ætt Haggalaz, and the lighter outer sphere as Ætt Tiwaz.   As the progression of stages/steps over the course of time. 

1.      1  Fehu center

2.      2     Uruz  down

3.      3    Thurasaz up

4.      4     Ansuz back

5.      5    Raido forward

6.      6    Kannaz  left

7.      7    Gebo right

8.      8     Wunjo destination

3.      Ætt Tiwaz  in Haggalaz there is immediate fixed future.  that is a is the immediate now right this millisecond and then in a few second, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, year.  The 8 is the fixed point at which is the next set fixed Daggaz.  But this Ætt  of Tiwaz is the next sequence of what happens next in the greater world  see there are some actions that are set in stone fixed that just about no matter what happens those 8 Wunjo will happen and be guaranteed. And then there are some like Ætt Tiwaz that are the not yet created possibilities of what could happen based on decisions that are still in the works that have not happened yet. This section or Ætt is all about making the decision about working with the present and right here right now, and the decisions that have already been made that will get you to the fixed Wunjo. 

                                                ii.         Haggalaz second Ætt this is where the center is now.  This can be associated with present

1.      .  Haggalaz back

2.         Nauthiez  up

3.          Isa down

4.        Jera forward

5.        Eiwaz right

6.      .   Pertho left

7.        Alhaz center

8.         Sowillo destination

                                              iii.        Tiwaz   third Ætt this can be associated with future or the actually 8 count.

1.       Tiwaz   back

2.        Bircano up

3.           Ewaz down

4.        Mannaz forward

5.        Laguz right

6.        Ingwaz left

7.        Othallo center

8.        Daggaz destination

c.          Uruz inside the number 2 count.  Establishing the strength/fuel of any given situation.   A second fixed point in the universe.

d.        Thurasaz inside the number 3 count  a third fixed point.

e.         Ansuz inside the number 4 

f.         Raido inside the number 5 

g.         Kannaz inside the number 6 

h.        Gebo inside the number 7 

i.           Wunjo  inside the number 8 

2.           Haggalaz

a.       . Haggalaz  inside the number 9 

b.       Nauthiez inside the number 10 

c.         Isa inside the number 11 

d.       Jera inside the number 12 

e.        Eiwaz inside the number 13 

f.        . Pertho inside the number 14 

g.        Alhaz inside the number 15 

h.       Sowillo  inside the number 16 

3.           Tiwaz

a.        Tiwaz inside the number 17 

b.       Tiwaz inside the number 18 

c.          Ewaz  inside the number 19 

d.       Mannaz inside the number 20  

e.        Laguz inside the number 21  

f.         Ingwaz inside the number 22  

g.        Othallo inside the number 23  

h.       Daggaz inside the number 24 





1.      The Sabbats throughout the Year

a.       Yule: December 21, the beginning of the Gregorian New Year.   This is a time to draw within your self.   The coming year will bring new experiences which will continually reshape your reality.

b.      Imbolc February 2, begin coming into yourself, spring is coming.  This is a time to begin coming out of your shell discovering how you are and where you are coming from, begin working on your future.

c.       Ostara March 21, the beginning of spring.  Start working with and bringing about what you planned on during the long winter rest.   A new year of growth is up on you.

d.      Beltain April 30-May 1. May day, A time of rich celebration, summer is coming, you need to get out enjoy life, and prepare yourself for the summer of abundant activity.

e.       Litha   June 21, Midsummer, This is a time to celebrate who you are and what you are doing, a time to achieve the best out of life you can.

f.        Lughnasadh August 1, the approach of fall, Midsummer, Finish the projects of summer; prepare yourself for the changes which will proceed the changing cycles to the seasons and your life. Finish preparing the crops. 

g.       Mabon September 21, Harvest,   Finish up the details which have occupied your time in this year.  Prepare yourself for the coming of fall by finishing what you can.

h.      Samhain October 31, Fall, The end of the old cycle, the beginning of the new cycle.   The coming winter a time to withdraw within yourself and begin the process again


As the earth goes around the sun, these 8 times of year have been long regarded as special or holy times of year.  Now with my research I can tell you that these 8 time of year are special markers used by the ancients to give them the fixed points not only in space but on this planet. For use in everything from determining the proper layout of the earth sciences, but also to give themselves a proper measurement tool to determine exactly not only where they where but what was going to happen next to their world.


See even storms can be predicted by the days/minutes between the Sabbats.  If the earth is rotating especially fast, that is a key indicator that more then usual storms are happening.  If the earth is rotating especial slow, there is more days between the Sabbats.  Which tells anyone that pays attention to the counts the weather patens of the planet.  Now this might now sound like a life and death thing to you, but to the ancients living either during the last ice and or after the last ice age. knowing exactly when the glacier was going to move, the day and a good idea of how much it was going to move was literally life and death.


If you know the exact minute/second that the earth is going to be on one side of its orbit, and you know the exact minute that the earth is going to be on the other side of its orbit, and you know the exact to the minute amount of time between the Litha day and the yule day.  You then have a good idea of the amount of space in the orgit of the planet.


If you have a good idea of the space, then to figure out a more presise space width of the sun and earth you take the measurement of the average shadow mid winter and mid summer and compare the ratio together. Use your 8 d geometry and you then have a good idea of the width of each body in the celestial orbit and you also have a good idea of where the sun is. since the sun may or may not be dead center through the entire orbit.


This is the basics of celestial and planetary navigation, they had all the tools they needed.


They even knew the meanings of each and every step inside each repeat loop count.  Form somethings beginning to somethings end and how the transformation happened between the first count of beginning to end to the second count of beginning to end. Hence the ancients had a very advanced form of math.


How the arm counts work

Symbolic Science math count


In this section we are talking about the arms of the count.  The arms are a very specific from of the indo European scicne.  Now their science has a xyz arms.  But they have no reference to distance or to a set stages along there arms.


Symbolic scince is so presise that the arms os symbolic science are not only distance marked but they are also stages marked.  They are not only a 3 d map of space. But they are a 8 d map of space and time.  Since the center is always 1, 2-7 are the 6 dicections leading away from the center. And 8 is always the desitantion.


Count 1

Count 2

Count 3

Erdology moon

Symbolic Science



  1. x
  2. x
  3. x
  4. x
  5. x
  6. x
  7. core of moon, theoried to be iron
  8. another layer of the moon
  9. another layer of the moon
  10. crust of the moon, which is interesting since the sun as 3 and the earth as 3.  the moon has 4 layers
  11. the Electro-Magnetic sphere of the moon


Navigation distance

math navigation distance



  1. center of anything, the specific start of any count. The start of any given count.  To be determined at the point of starting to track that count.
  2. planet down
  3. water west
  4. fire east
  5. air north
  6. ground south
  7. up to the sky and celestial counting.
  8. destination. In this case a larger influence bubble from the center starting point.



Celestial Sun





Celestial Earth Moon Sun



Celestial Navigation

math celestial navigation



A radius of the sun

B center of the sun

C radius of the earth

D center of the earth

E the side of the earth sphere that is always towards the sun

F the middle point of the earth as it travels around the sun

G earth that is always pointed away.

H from Litha to yule half a year take a circumference circle and from the closest through the middle to the outside, that measurement is the wideth of the planet.

I the sun’s shadow on the earth

J the exact width of the planet

K moon

L the moons shadow in the earth, reflected from sun.



33 celestial motion


Erdology is about this specific planet. Partilay the motions and counts of the moon but mosly this planet.


But there are far more planets and suns then just this planet.  So this is specifically about the interaction between this planet and other plaents.


A part of this section is astrology, the interaction between this planet and other planets. On an electro magnetics vibration and pulse way.


In Symbolic Science 33 Ewaz  celestial bodies is about the interaction and motion of all celestial bodies.  This is about the motion and interactcions of just this specific planet with other celestial bodies.


11 11

 the one count







    Fehu the first Ætt. 





















































   Haggalaz second Ætt 





















































  Tiwaz   third Ætt 































































    Fehu the first Ætt. 




Ætt sphere back.

 Navigation map through time. Using the Futhark as navigation from past, present, future


































Near future






Resent past













where one is going next




   Haggalaz second Ætt 



Ætt sphere of present

























what time is happening to accomplish the journey







the creation process that takes from one step to another






Mechanical movement

The journey from the center of the past, present future






What is happening in the surroundings





Lessons learned over a longer period of time



  Tiwaz   third Ætt 



Ætt sphere of future




























































    Fehu the first Ætt. 




Ætt sphere back.

 Navigation map through time. Using the Futhark as navigation from past, present, future







YGGDRASIL, World Ash Tree  


(Odin's Quest of the Runes.)

   137.  I know I hung on that windy Tree
nine whole days and nights,
stabbed with a spear, offered to Odin,
myself to mine own self given,
high on that Tree of which none hath heard
from what roots it rises to heaven.

138.  None refreshed me ever with food or drink
I peered right down in the deep;
crying aloud I lifted the Runes,
then back I fell from thence.

From the Havamal (Bray p 103)

 Yggdrasil (pronounced egg-draw-sill) is known as "The World Tree, " The Ash Tree,"  "The Yew Tree," and "The World Ash Tree."  The Yggdrasil is more commonly referred to as a Ash Tree in most translations and by most researchers of Medieval literature studies.  The Yggdrasil is sometimes spelled with two "l's" as in Yggdrasill and sometimes with one "l" as in Yggdrasil.  When spelled with two "L's," it has been assumed to be the connection of Odin's horse to the World Ash Tree.   (The above drawing is my artwork and is copyrighted.)

Again, this is my ever changing Gnosis and revelation concerning the Yggdrasil.  As I study and learn more, this page may change!


At the end of the last ice age, the great glaciers that capped Northern Europe melted, uncovering a barren and very rugged land.  The withdrawing ice melting gave way to rivers flowing into new forests and plains.  The reindeer, aurochs, wolves, bears, and foxes migrated north toward the glaciers of the north while hunters pursued the animals.  The people were forever struggling against Frost Giants, the cold-hearted spirits of the mountains and glaciers.  They hunted in the tundra's and retreated to the valleys of lush forests and meadows roaming back and forth across northern Europe and Asia for thousands of years.

Life in the north was hard for the nomadic tribes that decided to settle along the north seas for they could go no further North.  The Frost Giants sent bitter storms howling down from the mountains.  Wild beasts, trolls and evil spirits lurked in the pathless forests, and strange monsters wrecked their ships.  The northern tribes were tough but were also protected by their own Gods!  They honored the All Father, Odin, first among the Æsir Gods and his realm was made up of Nine Worlds:

Asgarðr (AHZ-gahrd) The realm of the Æsir Gods and Goddesses.  Represents individuality, ones highest plane, ones higher self, spirituality.  It contains many halls and houses with "Valhalla" as the main hall and is ruled by the All Father, Odin/Odhinn/Woden/ Wotan, and his consort and equal Freyja/Frija/Frigg/Frigga the All Mother.  This is the realm of "myne" (memory) and "hugh" (intellect) of the mind.

Within Asgarð:

Asgarð is home of the Gods, the Æsir. Valhall, the hall of the dead warriors is here. Also, Hliðskjálf, the place that Odin could see the whole world. Idavollr lies within Asgarð as well. Gladsheimr is the temple of the Gods and Vingólf (Gylaginning 13) is the temple for the Æsir Goddesses.

Iðavollr also lies within Asgarð and is described as vollr, a field, a place, to flow together, to ramble to take a pleasant walk. This is the mythical plain, the plain of Ida. Ida was my mother´s name and I often wondered what her name meant. One of the meanings of Idavollr meant the field of continually renewing, rejuvenating. I found this most interesting.

BIFROST (BEE-frost) is the icy fiery rainbow bridge guarded by Heimdallr that connects the world of humans to the world of the Gods.  It is said that the Gods and Goddesses must cross this icy fiery rainbow to travel from Asgarðr to the Well of Wyrd and back daily.

Below Asgarðr and above Midgarðr is:

Lojossalheimr  is the world of the light elves containing sub-strata of halls or abodes of white light.  This is where the brightness of the human intellect (hugh) is derived.

Around Midgard/Midgarðr representing the four directions and the elements are:


Kingdom of Northi, Helheimr of Northi Nine nights North and down, (below which you find Nilfheim (and below that you find Nastrod dead mans stand")  

Nilfheim (NIFF-el-hame) is the origin of all the waters and is enveloped in Ice.  Known as the land of Mist it is a field of magnetism and contradiction representing an opposite to South.  Nothing can survive there in a zone of nonexistence except on the very outer edges closest to Midgard.  The element of North is represented as Ice in my tradition.  


Kingdom of Suthri, Muspellheimr, (home of the fire giant)

Muspelheimr (MUS-pel-hame) is the fiery sparks of life and all forms of positive energy.  It is a creative force and the opposite to North in polariety.  Between North and South is the balance of Ice and Fire that make Midgarðr possible for life to survive.  It is too hot to survive in MuspelheimR and it is too cold to survive in Nifhlheimr.  Only on the outer edges closest to Midgarðr can life survive. The element of South in my tradition is represented by Fire. 


Kingdom of Vestri, Vanaheimr, (over the waters)

Vanaheimr (VAH-nah-hame) the land of Vanir (ON) are the fertility Gods and Goddesses.  They represent harvest, fruition, productivity, personal growth and the cycles of the Seasons.  The attribute of this direction is feelings and intuition.  The rains usually come from the West.  In my tradition West is always represented by the element of Water.


Kingdom of Austri, Jotunheimr, (in the mountains to the east)

Jutunheimr (YOH-tun-hame)   The east is the realm of the "giants" known as "Jotunar".  While Vanaheimr is represented by cycles that are according to nature's consistant time clock, Jotunheimr is the realm of constant change and evolution.  It is the power of change that could result in destruction.  The winds from the East always bring change and sometimes destruction.  The destruction usually brings about a sudden change necessary for either good or bad.  East represents thinking and logic and in my tradition and is  represented by the element of Air.

Midgarðr (MID-gahrd) The level where we (humanity) are now and this is our reality. Known as middle Earth it represents the personality, ones Ego, our conciousness, or lower self.  Midgarðr is part of the stability of order within the Nine Worlds that includes  Asgarðr, and Lojossalheimr.  

Below Midarðr and above Helheimr is:

Svartalfheimr world of dark elves which are really dwarves, the formative aspects of being.  This is the realm of shape and formation of all humanity.  All things in Midgarðr take shape or form in Svartalfheimr.   Everything formed here manifests in Midgarðr.

Helheimr is the realm of the dead, the Underworld.  All souls undergo rebirth here.  Our ancestors are ever present and actually nourish the living with their presence.  This is an important part of Ancestor Worship.  If this is true, honoring our Ancestors will insure their rebirth to another level or reincarnation which is part of my tradition.

It is very difficult to leave Helheimr which is in the realm of the Goddess Hel, daughter of Loki.  It takes a great deal of power provided from the outside.  I believe that power is Ancestor Worship by honoring all the mothers, grandmothers of my lineage and all the fathers, grandfathers of my lineage.


The World Ash Tree of Norse mythology, consists of three huge roots and is considered to be the pillar of the Universe.  Each root goes into one of three wells.

The first root is in Vanaheimr and goes into the Well of Urd or Well of Wryd, where the three Norns live in their cave perpetually deciding the fate of human beings.  The three sisters are "Urd "that which has become," Verdandi "that which is becoming," and Skuld "that which will become."

Wyrd is a name that originated with the three Norse sisters known as the Norns.  They were known as Urd - "that which has become," Verdandi  - "that which is becoming," and Skuld - "that which should become."  One of the three great roots of the Yggdrasil reaches into the Well of Wyrd keeping the World Tree replenished.  At the well of Wyrd, the three Norns, also known as the Sisters of Wyrd, continuously "rist" (rist, means to engrave) Rune staves which are  continuously thrown into the Well of Wyrd.  The Well of Wyrd contains all the cosmic knowledge from the beginning of all time.

There is so much going on in the Cosmic Tree of Life!  At the very top of the Tree there is a hawk named Veldrolnir.  He is perched on top of the wise Eagle's forehead.  The Eagle when it flaps its wings causes the winds of the earth to blow.  At the root of the tree is a serpent named Nidhoggr that is responsible for constantly destroying the Yggdrasil by gnawing at its roots.  A squirrel named Ratatosk constantly runs up and down the tree exchanging insults between the wise eagle and Nidhoggr.  The four harts or stags Dain, Dvalin, Duneyr, and Durathror have voracious appetites constantly nibbling at the leaves of the Yggdrasil!  It is said that they represent the four directional winds when they run around.

The second of the three roots goes into the Well of Mimir in the land of the giants known as Rimes-Thursar (the Frost Giants) in Jotunheimr.  This is where Odin sacrificed one of his eyes for a drink from the bubbling cauldron, a well of enlightenment, so that he would speak eloquently. 

The third root stretches into the Well of Helvelgamar, an underground spring of Nilfheim where Nidhoggr, the terrible serpent, is coiled around the base of the tree constantly eating at the roots of the Yggdrasil.  This is the underworld presided over by the goddess Hel, Loki's daughter who is one of his three off springs.  While locked by a gate within her realm, she resides over life and death and is half living and half dead as well.

The roots of the Yggdrasil produced a magic fluid called aurr.  This is probably the life giving lunar blood that lies secretly at the root of all universal-elixir myths.  The Yggdrasil was also the universal mother, “source of unborn souls."  The first man, Askr, was created from the Ash tree and the first woman, Embla, was created from the Elm tree, and it was Odin that blew the breath of life into both of them. 






























Near future






Resent past













where one is going next




   Haggalaz second Ætt 



Ætt sphere of present

























what time is happening to accomplish the journey







the creation process that takes from one step to another






Mechanical movement

The journey from the center of the past, present future






What is happening in the surroundings





Lessons learned over a longer period of time



  Tiwaz   third Ætt 



Ætt sphere of future














































