15 Day Cycle


The 15 day cycle

In the 2 week month there are 15 days in each cycle, since every character is an actual letter in the futhark language and has an over view meaning, The meaning used in the language, and a rune meaning.   Each of these two meanings are characters in the 24 furthark and tell a story by themselves.   There for the 5 days at the beginning of the 15 days has primary


Precusp this is the time when the influences from the previous sign begins to slack off giving way for the next sign to have full influence.


(Note does the energy peter off in days hours or in cycles.   The middle of the cycle its influence is direct for 5 full days, when does the sign go direct , when does the day begin and energy start stop.  In the precusp and postcusp how fast does the energy peter)


A Breakdown of how the months flow together.


1  First day of the new cycle, this day the new sign is more dominant and its attributes become more defined in the flow of time. increasing steadily from equal at the convergence point toward the fifth day when the attributes of that sign peter off all together. 

2  The second day the energies of the sign increase steadily

3   Precusp 


5   This is the day when the last remaining attributes of the previous sign end.   Giving way to the sign itself in its full strength.


6  This is the first day the sign is at the height of strength.


8    Middle


10  The last day the sign is at full strength.




13     Postcusp


15     The last day before the next cycle the % is60 40 up to midday which from midday on the 15 to midday on the 1 they are equal and balanced between the signs.  

-On the 16 day this just adds one day to the previous months


In a sign if you were born in a 2 week period at the first part then you have attributes of the previous.   If you were born in the middle then you have attributes of the primary that sign.   The end you have attributes of the next.   Born in the middle then you are both   depending on you.   You can form your personality toward the sign that fits you the best toward your stage in life.   The key to this is combining the signs outside of  the planet + the signs of this planet towards helping you to learn and grow on your path.


Time zone planetary understandings


Ear of understanding

We are currently in the Gebo age of 24 years





In the 2 week month there are 15 days in each cycle, since every character is an actual letter in the Futhark language and has an over view meaning, The meaning used in the language, and a rune meaning.   Each of these two meanings are characters in the 24 Futhark and tell a story by themselves.   There for the 5 days at the beginning of the 15 days has primary


Precusp this is the time when the influences from the previous sign begins to slack off giving way for the next sign to have full influence.


(Note does the energy peter off in days hours or in cycles.   The middle of the cycle its influence is direct for 5 full days, when does the sign go direct, when does the day begin and energy start stop. In the precusp and postcusp how fast does the energy peter)



The middle




3   Precusp






8    Middle






13     Postcusp




Breakdown of how the months flow together.


1  First day of the new cycle, this day the new sign is more dominant and its attributes become more defined in the flow of time. Increasing steadily from equal at the convergence point toward the fifth day when the attributes of that sign peter off all together. 

2  The second day the energies of the sign increase steadily

3   Precusp 


5   This is the day when the last remaining attributes of the previous sign end.   Giving way to the sign itself in its full strength.


6  This is the first day the sign is at the height of strength.


8    Middle


10  The last day the sign is at full strength.




13     Postcusp


15     The last day before the next cycle the % is60 40 up to midday which from midday on the 15 to midday on the 1 they are equal and balanced between the signs.  

-On the 16 day this just adds one day to the previous month’s cycle




3   Precusp






8    Middle






13     Postcusp