
T Welling

Research Web Site

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Symbolic Science


Symbolic Science Erdology


All information contained within this site copyright © 1989-2004


Last updated

 Monday, June 06, 2016

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READ FIRST                         * Religion                    * Racism/hate/Genetics/Civilization/Culture












Research facility






Master Outline

full information extremely long





This is the new organizational File Allocation Table. 

  1. Where the research began Library: the first section is all about history as it is currently understood by the indo European world view.  So the information in this current section is all about the applications and ideas of what is going on in the world as Indo-European Judeo-Christian Anglo Saxon Western world see things as they are now.
    1. basic information gathering: mass detail as to others writing. The library of detailed information on and about my research that others have writing about items from the past that fit into my organizational plan.  The info they wrote is still under their copy write, but I am using their articles and info as a base of this where I found my Symbolic Science Erdology format.   I did not invent this concept I am rebuilding/reverse engineering from the keys left from out past. Some of this is my writing some is others.  But as I reassemble this information in another format you will begin to see just how exactly all these little bits and pieces come together.

                                                              i.            A list of the most basic terms. Metaphysical, new age, crystals, pagan, Wicca, magic, spell casting, meditation, all the basic of basic words here is a brief description.

General overall Terminology and Information Guides

A list of the most basic terms. Metaphysical, new age, crystals, pagan, Wicca, magic, spell casting, meditation, all the basic of basic words here is a brief description.

Angels, guides and guardians


Electro magnetics spheres


Building a sacred space

Ceremonies and rituals


Color spectrum



Fae folk and other mythical creatures


Food and nutrition


Phases of the moon

by year 2004 2005 2006

Planes of existence

Psychic ability

Rocks and gems

Rules of magic


Tools of the craft




Runic half month


Traditions/religions/theologies/philosophies/belief structures: the descriptions come from the base of knowledge of existence, and what come from where.  See in all religious studies I found a trend, polytheism came before the monotheism convergence.  So here is a list of first world religions that have something to do with my research, and second over time will be a list of religions that may be unrelated to the ancient Symbolic Sciences







10 base Numbers








Runes; various alphabets as well as various meanings,

Reading, psychic, layouts and other things


Psychic Abilities


Tarot Deck standard

Welling tarot deck





I Ching

Life lessons


Walking your own path

Movie Lessons



Space time distance you and me

5 lessons to life

Dance with the devil in the pale moonlight

The Self

How the Body works

How the Aura Works

Breathing Techniques



Working Energy

How energy works

Energy work

How to work energy

Lay Lines



Finding talents

Building specific Skills and Talents

Searching for your own uniqueness.

                                                            ii.            Angels, guides and guardians

                                                          iii.            Building a sacred space

                                                          iv.            Ceremonies and rituals

    1. False history,

                                                              i.            The deviation of mythology, religion, tradition, craft konwdlge and experience, understanding how this stuff goes in basic to some very far out their ideas and information.  Basically from here on out is some funky stuff that fits into history and all but layes the groundwork for a rebuilding, reverse engineering, reexamination that the ancients may have had themselves a form of study. To speirate out that which was known to that which was unknown, to undestadn the world around them in a very interesting way, to seek out knowlwdge and wisdom. In short what I found through the process of understadign what each of the different 60 traditions and languages that had at least some connection to the ancient runes, that they had themsevels a science.  The main description word all of the ones I have studied so far have indicated strongly that the ancient cultures that had connections and used the runes called it symbolic studies. What we in this culture and lanuage would call a science.


2.      archaeology: evidence left from the past,

a.       Canaanite Bible/ Creationist Science / the key to proof that Symbolic Science existed.

b.      tower of babble


                                                                                                                iii.      c

b.      city layout plans:


3.      engineering:

a.       buildings:


4.      sciences: They had a variety of subjects that where studied at length, for mere survival.  The list is below.

a.       Mediterranean:  Herbology, tattoo, divination work, spell work

b.      math: You can not have a calendar with out a math, for you have to count with something.

c.       metallurgy:  The cultures that comprised the cultures that used the runes and where converted to something later all have a similar uniqueness, they all had advanced metal working abilities.

d.      navigation: not how the build them, how to sail them

e.       land trade routes: 

1.      Reverse engineering CSI, Criminology, Forensics, Detective work,

2.      CSI, Criminology, Forensics, Detective work, Reverse engineering tools I used to find what I was looking at  start the evidence processing.  After listing the facts from section 1, start to take those facts apart, to show the inconsistencies, outright lies, and politically spun conquests.  The heart of reverse engineering is forensic science. 

a.      Forensics, the ideas and concepts behind, “dead men tell no tales” well that is just simply not accurate.  Since there is a wealth of information on and about a subject you just need to be trained to look at the evidence instead of just seeing a dead body you need to see the other items around that dead body so you can find out information about that dead body. Forensics is all about “Dead thing, tell me your tale.”

b.      Detective work, someone tells you a story.  Ok, cool.  Only problem is that if the story they tell you is full of holes how do you then go about finding the truth from the story they told?  How do you take sentences apart to tell the difference between the correct words and the lies?  Well that is why detective work is a part of this book.  Since for example use the sentence “The Hungarian runes were translated into Latin in the year XXX by this priest of the Vatican, he was given full cooperation from the king who ordered all remnants of anything that was not from the Vatican or written in Latin destroyed.”  Ok this is a fact of what happened in history.  Only problem with this story is that it’s full of lies, and mistruths. Ok what do we know about the runes, well first off the runes in no way were a language at all in any part of their existence. But the word translate was there, why translate the preexisting language into Latin if its claimed that there was not language?  The word translate sticks out as not belonging.  Second, what was needed to be destroyed if there was not a language? Having huge bone fires the Vatican bragged it was destroyed the ways of Satan if there was no language for them to write their evil satanic words on? They had to have a language to be destroyed for the Vatican to burn, or the king of the empire to order it destroyed, well there had to be something there to destroy in the first place.

c.      Crime Scene Investigation, this is another aspect of “dead men tell no tales” but instead of dead men, its “an area tells no tales of what happened” well this is also not accurate. Even if that area has been scorched and everything destroyed, there is still evidence left that there was something there.  Or was that fire just a spontaneous combustion? And what was needed to be scratched, burned, plowed under, why is there now a many acre building on the exact spot where nothing existed before hand, even though there is still support architecture from the previous buildings present.  So you look around to see what sticks out on the ground, and in the area, why does that ground look plowed, well was it a farm as some point?  Or is there something that needs to be hidden.

d.      Criminalities; from Webster’s dictionary “A specialist in the collection and examination of the physical evidence of crime.”  When one culture does something negative to another that’s called a crime.  No matter if that action is called Detective work

e.       Carefully review all evidence, look for holes and inconsistencies.  If there is not enough evidence, that there is evidence that something is missing and someone is hiding that missing data.

f.        ??Easiest way to spot a lie, that person repeats the same information over and over again, verbatim, eventually everyone will if telling the same story over and over may remember an additional detail or 2 they did not remember before.  So the story does not change the story adds density.

g.       One major problem is that there no eye witnesses to interview, but there is a great deal of diaries, and legends of what happened.  So all one really needs to do is to go back and without an eye witness, listen to the locals, and pay them to tell their stories.  Tell the stories of the legends of the area.  All myths legends and stories have some base in fact.  So hear enough of them passed down through the generations of family lines and you will discover and find out where some of the clues can be found without needing to have to have an eye witness.  If you can get close enough, forensics has advanced enough to do a search of an area to find where the event could have taken place the locals are needed to tell you which area to search.

h.      Put all the holes from the previous section together.  Just list them.  Not drawn conclusions. But just list them.  Just list all the places in the previous that just do not add up.  Put all the inconsistencies of the past together.  In one place at one time.  Or and many inconsistencies as I can find.  Do not draw conclusions just list the information as is in the previous but as specific as possibly when it comes to the application of the ok, why is the word translate in each of the 50.

i.        The group of people left behind a divinatory tool though they are descended from the Vikings.  

j.        Through the centuries and millennium from the invitational discovery of the runes by the Romans in northern Europe down to even the present day, we still do not know fully and completely what the runes are.  

k.      There are theories about their inception; they were a language, a philosophy, the basis for a religion, and some sort of a divinatory tool, used to predict the future.

l.        This book is an adventure of the mind, body, and spirit.   This is a journey of self discovery through self understanding.   The information in this book came from working with the cultures archeological evidence itself.   Discovering the ancient peoples of Europe from the physical evidence they left behind with the available language of their descendants I will take you on a journey of realization.   The symbols which make up the language consist of formulas for humans to live better amongst themselves, others, and in harmony with the planet.   The ancients realized the cycles of life, death, rebirth, basic communication, and how a community could begin realization of the self and the needs of the self, then the combining of these factors to create a balanced and nurturing society could be created out of the framework of the language.   Through the interconnectedness of all things.   Our past is an amalgam of the experiences of our race, this planet, and the spiritual realms which we are a part.

m.    I knew that the Futhark was more than the sum of what we know today. 

                                                                                                                                      i.            History dates are off, things left behind,  so there had to be something else something more, but it has been misplaced somewhere, so how is a outsider to the Nordic world going to figure out how to what this thing is so that I can understand the only divination device I am drawn to,  I have to figure it out. 

                                                                                                                                    ii.            Fehu looking for secrets.

1.      Stonehenge,

2.      Swirl, I know they had an understanding of nature and had an understanding of nature but how was that applied.

3.      Glaciers living in and amongst some really big things, as well as

n.      What this project is all about and more importantly what this project is not.  I want to start with the idea that what you are about to encounter is not the runes.  If you have experience with the runes Ausatrue or any of the like then you will not see anything here that resembles what you are used to.  In fact what you will be encountering here is new.   I have thoughts and theories that this is old this is or could have been what the old was but in fact this is mostly new invention.   The closest to the old I get is taking the basics of modern writing on the definitions of the Futhark, combining that with my ideas on how the ancient may have put the Futhark together in the first place and then moving into the realm of invention.  What I considered to be reverse engineering and then taking everything that we know of and about today and taking the rules and regulations of the Futhark

o.      Describe in detail what reverse engineering is.  In here I want to talk about only the facts of what these are, not how to apply them, so this part of section 3 is about how to reverse engineer.  Just the facts of how to.  Not necessarily how to apply, the next sections will take care of how to apply.

p.      The list

                                                                                                                                      i.            translate

                                                                                                                                   ii.            genocide

                                                                                                                                 iii.            burning times

                                                                                                                                  iv.            50 rune variations stretched out over thousands of miles.

                                                                                                                                    v.            under battle conditions, put together learning and mastering a language from your conqueror and then make your own language from your conquerors base language. BTW, after the warriors were killed the scholars were next.

                                                                                                                                  vi.            Navigation

                                                                                                                                vii.            architecture

                                                                                                                             viii.            engineering

                                                                                                                                   ix.            metal working.

                                                                                                                                     x.            peace keeping

                                                                                                                                   xi.            Its still considered to be a bad thing when one culture decimates the population, religion, ways of living, language, arts, culture, entertainment, or other,  this is a crime there are certain keys to the tracking of what actually happened.   Conquest cultures for example will brag, make up excuses as to why the sub culture forced the action.  Or even worse, not agreeing with the beliefs of another culture and destroyed that culture for their own security and sanity.


    1. Indo European Science
    2. Theories of history/mythology/legends/and such
    3. First this is about history.  The commonly accepted history of the world.  Or at least of the purposes of this section Europe 1000 b. c. e.  to modern.  With a bit of American since this country has had some effects of the runes in the last 300 years.  This chapter is about the purity of history, anthropology, archeology, linguistics, the pure evidence that was left behind from the ancient past, the good the bad and the ugly.  All of it. (so that in chapter 4 we can start to take the parts out of there that are needed to take out of here, in chapter 5 we can then assemble those parts. Chapter 6 is about starting to build a frame for those parts reverse engineering. Chapter 7 see what this thing could have been.

                                                              i.            History basic overview: The runes are a very odd thing, they stick out in history about as bad as anything can.  The Roman's documented a lot of things, the Vatican documented lots of things, the Greeks documented lots of things, but in all that documentation, the runes where just flat out left out the mix of good accurate reporting, and speculation and false history filled in the gaps.  That is of course according to the commonly accepted history of the history of the Nordic Germanic runic/Futhark.  But the facts that we know are that, the runes where invented from a Latin, Etruscan based mix sometime between 200-800 c. e.  the broad time frame is due in no small account to the cultures that where closer to the Roman's where translated first at around 200 c. e. , and the cultures that had the runes farther out where translated as the Roman's and or the Vatican slowly moved outward.

                                                            ii.            Where the Nordics came from: Now I understand this fact, the Vikings where just a concept.  The word itself is a word that means “go a Viking,” or sailing.  The vik is the inlets where the raiders and explorers from the northern European cultures sailed into and anchored for the night.  So the Vikings where just the easiest and most recognizable culture that used the old runes.  But they where defiantly not a culture they where more of a job title concept.  To go a Viking.  Was to get together with a leader and a much of comrades and sail around and do what the leader wanted, be that killing and pillaging, establishing new settlements, establish new trade routes with new cultures,. Take this years goods to well established trade communities.  Or just get out of Norway for a while, and see what the next day has in store for you.  So the Vikings where just the most easy reached and workable users of the runes but they where defiantly not a formal culture, the Vikings came from established cultures from all over northern Europe.  There technology that they accomplished there great feets they did not invent, there tools and equipment was given to them by either there parent culture or the ancestors of there parent culture.  Unfortunately for more of the records the parent cultures are rather hard to find and hard to look up.  For a variety of reasons.  But the  point is, that the inventions the Vikings used they where given, and the cultures that did the Viking was not the same culture they where a combination of a lot of the northern European cultures.  As well as in the beginnings, the middle, and the end of the Viking age.   The reason for doing a Viking was vastly different.  In the end it was to run from the inquisition, in the beginning it was to reestablish contact with the old trade routes and to go explore and find out what had happened to the middle and lower Europe.  The first Viking expeditions came down not to sack plunder and steal everything they came down because the cultures the Nordics had been interacting with for an unknown amount of time stopped sailing up and saying high, so the Nordics sailed down to find out what happened, and found the Roman's doing mass damage, and then the Vatican doing even more damage, and then the inquisition doing its thing.  Well you can just imaging the reaction to the inquisition to the Vikings, and then some of the stories of the missions being completely obliterated  by Viking raiders from the north then makes more sense.

1.      What villages:  almost any village that is older then 2000 years old could have had explorers as in habitance.  The village does not matter, the matter is did the person who owned the boat want to go a trading or a Viking.  Viking does not mean murdering, it means a sailing, adventuring.

2.      What cultures:  The name I see mostly in association is Celtic and Nordic.  But the history is a bit rather vague on the subject of what actually happened.

3.      What settlements did the Vikings found: 

4.      How far back do the inventions the Vikings used to do their Viking, when where these things invented, and by who

1.      long boat

2.      long house

3.      metallurgy

4.      navigation skills

5.      horse back riding,

1.      when it was used:  The runes or Futhark was used as both a religious tool, and a writing tool.  Having attributes associated with some form of ancient calendar as well.

5.      anthropology: connections to ancient culture little to nothing of prehistoric European culture exists except for grave, buildings, and other remnance from the pre-Roman past.

3.      gathering facts

Once you have understood there is a thing called csi, what you do next is you follow along with the evidence and you find that the story does not add up.

You instead of putting everything together, and building, you just run all the clues together, in one place, at one time.

You just put all the keys together.

1.      translation

2.      navigation

3.      genetics

4.      conquest

5.      inquisition


You keep adding facts till you have as many facts sorted out from the original facts of history. And in here is where you just put the inconsistencies, you are only interested in putting the inconsistencies in here.  Draw no conclusions; do not put those facts and inconsistencies together, no structure, just all the facts on a desk to look at.


You have to have all the material together and the ideas together before you can truly see what all the pieces are. 


After you have done the gathering that is when you start to assemble a picture of what the event looked like.


What it looked like is next that is where you start to put all the facts of what you know are the truth together.



Insert, gun item here.

Ok bullet,

1.      you have no idea what a bullet is let alone a gun

2.      so you have to take the evidence you have,

a.       metal object

b.      high velocity

c.       from a specific angle

d.      the metal has chemical residue on it, (what is the chemical residue)

e.       manufactured?

f.        Loud bang, yes or no.

g.       Striations, as in from the rifling.  But you have no idea what a gun is so you have to figure out what the scrapes on the side of the metal object are too.


This is just the facts, just the facts.  This is no conclusions, no assumptions, no illusions, no bs, just put all the facts from the commonly accepted history, and go forward from there.  This section is  only for gathering of facts,


1.      monoliths

2.      navigation

3.      trade routes

4.      conquest

5.      refusal to teach the Mediterranean cultures,

6.      insulted to the complete degree.

7.      slash and burn then the Europeans were finally beaten

8.      translated

9.      large multi story houses.

10.  live in Europe.

11.  life after the last ice age

12.  very accurate history told by conquerors.

13.  50 similar variations of runes scattered over many cultures and thousands of miles

see if you put the picture together the occurrences and the history does not add up


4.      building the new picture,


                                                          iv.            Walking upright

                                                            v.      4 Most infamous ancient cultures that did not exist.

1.      Atlantis

2.      Lemuria

3.      Mu

4.      City of No Name

                                                          vi.            How I came up with this theory group in the first place

                                                        vii.            J.R.R. Tolkien Riddle and story of ancient civilizations long gone but not for gotten

                                                      viii.            Ancient Map proof of Ancient Science and math

                                                           ix.            History impossible story

                                                             x.            Finding the Languages

                                                           xi.            Traditions

                                                         xii.            What Ancient Humans Knew

                                                       xiii.            Coral Castle

                                                       xiv.            Egyptian Moving Figurines

                                                         xv.            Visible light spectrum of what is their and what is not their in the universe

                                                       xvi.            The big bang

                                                     xvii.            SETI

                                                   xviii.            Developmental ages 12-14

                                                       xix.            Engineering

1.      Long boat

                                                         xx.            Architecture

                                                       xxi.            Celtic Cross Navigation tool

                                                     xxii.            Goddess of Willendorf

                                                   xxiii.            The Music and Paintings of 35000 years ago 

                                                   xxiv.            Cold weather survival

                                                     xxv.            Ice Age

                                                   xxvi.            End of the Last ice age

                                                 xxvii.            weapons

                                               xxviii.            Julius Caesar

                                                    xxix.            First mound builders

                                                      xxx.            Second mount builders

                                                    xxxi.            Aztecs 

                                                  xxxii.            Circumnavigation

                                                xxxiii.            Ancient cultures

                                                xxxiv.            Traditions and keys to research

                                                  xxxv.            Engineering keys

                                                xxxvi.            Calendar

1.      Fortnight

2.      Sabbath

                                              xxxvii.            Desert v forest culture

                                            xxxviii.            Why this research is important

                                                xxxix.            The codes

                                                           xl.            Sacred circle

                                                         xli.            Edda

                                                       xlii.            Celtic v Nordic/Germanic cultures

                                                     xliii.            Traditions

                                                     xliv.            The writings of various authors

                                                       xlv.            Mythology of the runes

                                                     xlvi.            Where the runes are in current culture

                                                   xlvii.            Where the runes have been throughout their history

                                                 xlviii.            Ref


  1. Buried secrets
    1. Wonders of the ancient world
    2. Celtic knots an old teacher told me that one of the ways that ancient Celts would communicate was by way of the knots, there is a language involved with how the knot is drawn.
    3. Celtic cross monolith
    4. Temples
    5. Beginnings of Farming
    6. Inquisition
    7. Stone buildings and Megaliths

                                                              i.            England

1.      Dolemans

2.      Standing stones

3.      Stone circles

4.      variations

                                                            ii.            Ireland

                                                          iii.            Scotland

                                                          iv.            Italy

                                                            v.            Wales

                                                          vi.            France

                                                        vii.            Egypt

                                                      viii.            America

1.      New England

2.      New Mexico

3.      Oklahoma

                                                           ix.            Saudi Arabia

1.      Sun Temple Bahrain's Saar Dilmun

                                                             x.            Egypt

1.      Gyza plato Pyramids

2.      Small door great pyramid

    1. Monoliths
    2. Rock circles
    3. Chakras
    1. Color spectrum
    2. Divination

                                                              i.            Runes

1.      elder Futhark

2.      younger Futhark


4.      Anglo Saxon version

2.      Layout patterns

    1. Elements
    2. Faea folk and other mythical creatures
    3. Familiars
    4. Food and nutrition
    5. Meditation
    6. Phases of the moon

                                                              i.            by year 2004 2005 2006

    1. Planes of existence
    2. Psychic ability
    3. Rocks and gems
    4. Rules of magic
    5. Sabbaths
    6. Tools of the craft
    7. Psychic Stuff
    8. Calendars
    9. Skills Talents Abilities Techniqual   Aspects
    10. Cultures/civilizations/societies/tribes

                                                              i.            Phoenicians

                                                            ii.            Celts

                                                          iii.            Goths

                                                          iv.            Nordics

                                                            v.            Etruscans

                                                          vi.            Canaanite

1.      Bam earthquake Iran

                                                        vii.            Cretan


    1. world religions Traditions/religions/theologies/philosophies/belief structures
    1. Religious studies: one of my first experiences in the realm of the craft had to do with the fact that the religions I was born into was very limited in what it would or could accept as reality.  I was taught so many negatives in the first 15 years of my life that I latterly thought that the only option was nothing.  I could not make myself to be the person I was taught was the only way to be in the monotheistic religious dogma, and I could not bring myself to believe that off all the various religions and people on this planet that any God would condemn billions of people to burn in a hell construct simply because they where born before a date some 2000 years ago on the currently accepted Gregorian calendar. So as I looked around to the alternative life style the more I realized that the truth was a vastly different thing then the world in which I was taught.  I was not happy about this but then embraced the knowledge of the outside world with zest and vigor. Although I was turned away because I saw many of the same religious dogma of restrictions from the alternative religions that I saw with the monotheistic religion of my birth, so I began to study them all.  The more I studied the more I understood their where far more similarities then separations.  The more I learned the more I compared what I was learning with history and archaeology. The  more you compare religion, history, archaeology, and basic truth the more you will see how just very similar the big picture is.  There is so little that separates out the various cultures, you would be surprised to find out just how little religious differences there are, so little historical differences, and the political history of any give people is so easily separated out by those that watched the progress and saw for themselves what truly happened.  This is where I found most of the early base for my research.  This is where the ends just did not add up and I wanted to know why they did not add up.

b.      Matriarchal v patriarchal civilization/cultures/philosophies/religions. Try an understand this concept.  Their is a fundamental difference between the matriarchal and patriarchal cons pets of this world.  Even though history, religion, archaeology, paleontology, and mythology all tell the same story. All religions came from a matriarchal concept.  Yes even the bible tells of the origins being matriarchal.  But the point is that the concepts of which civilization/cultures/philosophies/religions came first matriarchal or patriarchal is for all intense and purposes not important at all. Since the key to anything is not the hatred, removal of, ignorance, refusal of acceptance when it comes to information gathering.  The point is to learn the point is not to refuse to understand.  Although there is a great deal of though to if I do not know that fact then it will not change the way I see the world. Well if you keep yourself in ignorance then we all suffer for you then become the weakest link in the chain of knowledge. I have encounter more times then I care to tell you this phrase “quite frankly, I found the concept of ( X ) to be offensive” what ever the X information was usually turns out to be correct and was not an argument over information being correct or not the information gathering was an argument over the superiorities of the offended parties self assured superiority of thought, ideas, theories, facts, and or knowledge. But to be sure, the cons pets break down like this.

1.      matriarchal: the best way to understand this concept is to begin with a basic goddess/Wicca chant song. “we all come from the goddess, and to her we shall return. Like a cup of rain flowing to the ocean. We all come from the goddess, and to her we shall return.  We all come from the Goddess.” This is a very good illustration in song of how the cycles work.  Now

2.      Patriarchal:

                                                                                                  i.            World tree, patriarchal consider it evil, matriarchal consider it good.

                                                            ii.            Traditions:  each of the traditions that I have listed below are all connected to the ancient civilizations of the symbolic cultures.  And inside of each religious tradition you will find remnace of the ancient peoples and their ways I have gathered together to reproduce the concept of the Symbolic Science Erdology.   As you will see all the religious traditions have a past that just does not quite fit into the they where the first ones their.  The Greeks had a mother goddess, then the Uranus, then the titans, then the Olympians, which fits with history. A mother goddess, then the cretins, then the Mycenaean's, then the Greeks.  Most of the traditions have a very similar concept. Since the roman gods come directly from the Etruscans and Greeks.

1.      Every pantheon of non one god concept is more then just a ancient mythology:  the real way to truly determine  the exact measure of the ancients concepts, language, math, science, philosophy, education concepts is to consider that they choose to use religion as in the gods as a symbol to tell the tail of their language, math, science, and philosophy.  The hard part for us is to see the religions as they are instead of facts, and actually god stories, we need to see them as the makeup of how the universe is made up in a symbolic format.  The religion I started with was the religion of Nordic, the Edda, as you use the rules of Symbolic Science Erdology you can start to see just how to go about putting forward Adumla liked the first man out of the ice, ice being a symbol for the ice age.  The man being the mountains of Europe, being born from the arm pit is a symbolic representation of traveling through a valley or mountain pass, or the Greek I have filled that information out in that region sedition.  But needless to say the ancients had a nice flair for the information contained in the use of symbols. 

2.      Conquest culture hide secrets in plain site: the more I work with the ancient religions in a techniqual aspect and not in a dogma or belief concept you begin to see where the pantheons all look alike, you begin to see where the stories mesh and are one, you begin to see who conquered and how the conquest changed and altered the history, the facts, the concepts, and the stories of the old to make them acceptable to the new.  Heroes that are not welcome to the new government are downgraded, and the enemies that are considered to be great to the new government is upgraded to hero status.  Villains are the heroes, heroes the villains.  Morals of stories change as the morals of the conquering government changes the meanings to stories to match the morals of the new.

3.      A very important note about traditions: as I have learned about these items of interest when it comes to European, middle eastern, northern African, and the religions of Pakistan and India.  The one thing that becomes so abundantly clear in a very short time is that the religions each have changed a great deal over time.  each major belief system has many variations to it. As well as many variations of traditions that consider themselves under the same umbrella of influence.   So the definitions listed below are the major traditions rules, definitions, and guidelines.  As to specific alterations due to differences of opinion when it comes to the application of time and different ideas as to how to go about practicing the religion in question, well there are many but listed here are the majority definitions.`

2.      Etruscans: the Etruscans believed in the natural order of the planet. And lived their lives according to how to planet itself worked, although their depiction of these concepts was in a symbolic language that has yet to be translated into an Indo-European language, I find it fascinating that the Etruscan pantheon and the Greek pantheon are so similar. Since the Greeks got their pantheon from the Mycenaean's and the cretins who are a cousin culture to the Etruscans.  The Etruscans come from the island of Crete.

1.      Religions that made this one: they came from the island of Crete, so the answer is an unknown one

2.      Location: the area of present day Italy.

3.      Time frame of active use: unknown past, ended after they where defeated by their city of Rome

4.      Neo revival time frames: their have been revisions of this ancient religion in the last 100 years. As to secret societies that still practice, that is an absolute unknown to me at this time.

5.      Versions: unknown at this time

6.      Books and information: unknown at this time, most information comes from archaeological burial chambers, and what the Romans did not destroy.

7.      How to practice/rituals/ceremonies: that is unknown at this point assumptions are that this was practiced in the same line as basic paganism.

8.      Tools:

1.      standard pagan tool set,

2.      wand

3.      candle

4.      attention to rocks and the Sabbaths

9.      Hierarchy/Priests/Priestess/Organization Type: unknown as this time

10.  Patriarchal /Matriarchal /Balanced: balanced

11.  Religions that made this one: a goddess based religion assumable

3.      Wicca: this is a Welch word meaning path of the wise, this is a new but then again ancient religious path.  This is basically a religion of a god and a goddess. But since the burning times this religion was resurrected by several very key people to the development of the alternative religious path in the United States of America for the last century.

1.      Religions that made this one: most likely this came together as a combination of all the major polytheistic religions of the time.

2.      Location: this is a Welch word meaning craft of the wise

3.      Time frame of active use: from at least 300 c. e.  up till now.

4.      Neo revival time frames: a huge upswing of memberships and acceptance, in the last hundred years.

5.      Versions: there are actually many versions of Wicca depending on how you talk to

1.      Gerald gardern

2.      Alexandrian

3.      Celtic

4.      Kitchen witch

6.      Books and information: most of the old books are no longer, but the modern neopagan  age brought with a whole slew of authors. There is no one book, just authors and compinations of information. Scott cunnhiam, ray buckland, starhawk, Margo Adler, raven silvermoo, just to name a few.

7.      How to practice/rituals/ceremonies: based on tradition you make your own, but base your tradition on basic paganism.  Observatiknons of the god and goddess.

8.      Tools: basic craft tools.

9.      Hierarchy/Priests/Priestess/Organization Type: yes priests and priestesses

10.  Patriarchal /Matriarchal /Balanced: balanced

4.      Egyptian: this is a pantheon based religion with 2 separate god deities as head Amon-Ra and Osiris, Ra was in charge of the earth, Osiris was in charge of the other world the afterlife world.  Although the feminine concept in Egypt was strong the masculine god was the strongest.

1.      Religions that made this one: unknown as this time, there are mostly likely 2 major Egyptian religions. Not counting the phairo convergence polytheism to monotheism for that short time.  this is a difference between the most ancient of the tribes and civilizations that existed in Egypt up to the end of the last ice age in the northern African area, and their conquerors that became known as the pharaohs.  The earliest Egyptians sometimes are the ones credited with the carving of the sphinx and the building of the great pyramid, with the other pyramids being build millennia after as well as using the sphinx and the great pyramid for their own purposes. 

2.      Location: Egypt

3.      Time frame of active use: unknown beginnings, used up till the Vatican’s conquest, revival in the last 200 years.

4.      Neo revival time frames: revival with indo European science decoding of the rosette stone.

5.      Versions: many,

6.      Books and information:

7.      How to practice/rituals/ceremonies: basic pagan practices,

8.      Tools: basic pagan tools

9.      Hierarchy/Priests/Priestess/Organization Type: strongly priest oriented, but priestesses where involved.

10.  Patriarchal /Matriarchal /Balanced: patriarchal or balanced based on time frame.

5.      pagan: the general polytheistic religion of Europe. This work takes on the basics of most of the mythologies/religions that have pantheons of gods as their deities of worship. 

1.      Religions that made this one: unknown origins. Was names by the Romans Latin for non city dweller, non combating

2.      Location: mostly Europe

3.      Time frame of active use: unknown as this time ancient to the burning times

4.      Neo revival time frames: last hundred years or so.  But never really went out of practice,

5.      Versions: too many to count

6.      Books and information: origin books destroyed or confiscated. Current books are by neopaganism authors. But the basic concepts are listed below

1.      Tools:  A tool is a device which helps and aids the user to perform a given task.   In Magical workings tools are used to direct energy or power into a spell, incantation, or healing.

2.      Altar:  Description: is a table or flat surface which is intended as a resting place for spiritual energies to rest or have an honored place in your home.

3.      Athame: Description: ath1  A magical blade intended as an energy focus point.   Never to draw blood except for the bearers own.

4.      Totem: Description: stpn2 A statue, figurine, and an object which reminds the bearer of a philosophical or religious belief.   A container symbolic of specific energies or belief the bearer holds.

5.      Wand:  A energy conducting materiel often wood or metal which aids in the bearers ability to form and focus a specific spell.

6.      Bowl of Sea Salt:  This is for purification.   Placing items in or taking a pinch to insure the purity of an item.

7.      Candle:  The element of fire is represented here.  Burning candles brings about the strength of fire.   Further explanations in Colors.

8.      Herbs:  Description: nettle The chemicals found in herbs will aid and assist the user in creating the proper atmosphere.

9.      Incense:   This is used in ritual to carry the energies up to the heavens.

10.  Cauldron:   This is for mixing the spell components which are used in spell work.

7.      How to practice/rituals/ceremonies: nature based religion, sacred circles, elements, calling the quarters.

8.      Tools: basic pagan tools

9.      Hierarchy/Priests/Priestess/Organization Type: priests priestess

10.  Patriarchal /Matriarchal /Balanced: balanced

6.      metaphysical: a modern turn on an old concept,  metaphysics is a form of alternative religion that is more philosophy then religious belief. Its all about being open minded and educating ones self in everything you can get your hands on.

1.      Religions that made this one: a combination of modern philosophies and religions not working.

2.      Location: indo European education based cultures. Europe, America, some parts of asia

3.      Time frame of active use: with in the last 300 years.

4.      Neo revival time frames: strongly in the last 50 years.

5.      Versions: there is no central them so each individual has to come up with their own version.

6.      Books and information: each person has to take responsibility to build their own holy books,  but the


7.      How to practice/rituals/ceremonies: each individual has to make up their own based on what connection to the divine they choose.

8.      Tools: individual has to pick for themselves.

9.      Hierarchy/Priests/Priestess/Organization Type: n/a

10.  Patriarchal /Matriarchal /Balanced: n/a

7.      new age: the age of Aquarius.  This is a term about the coming astrology age of Aquarius, since astrology speaking we have been in the age of Pisces for 2000 years and its about time for a change in thinking, contemplating, and living ones life.  That is what the new age is all about.  My research is made possible by the concepts presented in the new age movement.

8.      Greek: this is the religion that came from the Greeks, after the Mycenaean's this is the religion that the Greeks had. 

1.       Structure of belief

1.       Gaea: the Greek mother goddess: she along with the sky god Uranus birthed the titans.

2.      Titans: although the titans where first, the lower Olympians conquered the titans.

3.      Olympians: the head Olympian was Zeus.

2.      Religions that made this one: Mycenaean, Minoans 

3.      Location: current Greece, Mycenaean, island of Crete

4.      Time frame of active use: from the end of the Mycenaean empire to all the way up to current time,

5.      Neo revival time frames: in the last copule hundred years.

6.      Versions: unknown various traditions

7.      Books and information: unknowable amounts of books and various traditions have their own books.

8.      How to practice/rituals/ceremonies: basic pagan

9.      Tools: basic pagan

10.  Hierarchy/Priests/Priestess/Organization Type: priests and priestesses, depending on tradition

11.  Patriarchal /Matriarchal /Balanced: based on tradition

9.      roman: the Romans first used the Etruscan religion, then after conquering the Etruscans the Romans then went a searching for another religions found one in the Greek pantheon, changed the names of the Etruscan gods and the Greek gods to that of a more roman style name and then created their own religion and pantheon

1.      Religions that made this one: Greek, Etruscan

2.      Location: Italy

3.      Time frame of active use: from the end of the Greek and Etruscan empires

4.      Neo revival time frames: in the last couple hundred years as the laws against Satanism have decreased

5.      Versions: unknown varieties and traditions

6.      Books and information: unknown based on each tradition

7.      How to practice/rituals/ceremonies: basic pagan

8.      Tools: basic pagan

9.      Hierarchy/Priests/Priestess/Organization Type: priests and priestess

10.  Patriarchal /Matriarchal /Balanced: patriarchal

10.  Occult: the understanding, belief, working with, and religion of supernatural occurances and concepts.  This is a usually a dirogatorhy term for non monotheistic/polytheistic  religions by monotheistic religions.  This usually encapsulates the ideas of witchcraft, paganism, magic, divination, astrology, tarot, evil inbody, .

1.    Other terms in occult: eclipse, esoteric, invisible, mysterious, mystic, mystical, orphic, secret, supernatural, unseeable

2.      {Occult sciences}, those sciences of the Middle Ages which  related to the supposed action or influence of occult qualities, or supernatural powers, as alchemy, magic,  necromancy, and astrology.


4.      Religions that made this one: another name for basic pagan, witchcraft, sorcery, goddess, there are an unknown amount of ancient names that go with the umbrella of occult craft tradtions,

5.      Location: anywhere in the world where the monotheism is not.

6.      Time frame of active use: unknown origins, unknown time usage, still exists today.

7.      Neo revival time frames: in the last couple hundred years a major revival as the Vatican’s power has decreased

8.      Versions: entirely based on tradition and craft.

9.      Books and information: all spiritual books are in the occult realm.

10.  How to practice/rituals/ceremonies: based on tradition

11.  Tools: based on tradition

12.  Hierarchy/Priests/Priestess/Organization Type: based on tradition

13.  Patriarchal /Matriarchal /Balanced: based on tradition

11.  Satanism: this is a offshoot religion from between 300 and 500 c. e.  holy roman catholic religious beliefs and intolerances. This is a religion and belief system that  comes strictly from the holy sea itself.  This religion and its concepts did not exist at all before the holy sea invented the enemy of the church the great Satan. Although there are many different aspects to this religion, depending on who you talk to. An argument can be made for the ideas that all who are not of the Vatican are Satanist, and a good amount of the 300 – 1700 actions of the church where directed by this very concept. And it could also be said that the modern life in the last 100 years has produced a vast array of highly inaccurate information on and about Satanism.  The Gnostic, oto, and cabbalist practices have nothing to do with Satanism period. This is a religion that is based on a concept that the holy sea’s rules and regulations here far too rigid so the descendants of the pagans being a bit at times too far removed from mteh religions of their ancestors and have no ancient holy books to guide then trying to reclaim the ancient nature religion of their ancestors path embraced the enemy of the religion they began to hate as much as the ancient religions was hated by the Vatican. So the religion of the enemy of the Vatican was created as a form of protest.  All the stuff that has happened in the last 150 years is simply a mixture of politic, religious intolerance, publicity, ignorance, and a good amount of humor throuw into the mix.

1.      Things that are complete inaccurate about Satanism in most forms: most of the information about the evils of Satanism comes form the propaganda of the Vatican to scare its congregation into hating those that where not in the pews on Sunday.

1.      Killing of humans, nothing in my research leads to anything other then this is wrong

2.      Selling of ones soul, again completely wrong

3.       Steeling of children, again no base in reality.

4.      Serial killers, these people are not following a deity, they are insane, they have no connection to any religion that tells them to do anything.


2.      Religions that made this one: this is a direct philosophy based on the Vatican, this is a protest religion/philosophy

3.      Location: Europe, America

4.      Time frame of active use: from 200 c. e.  up to this very day

5.      Neo revival time frames: in the last couple hundred years

6.      Versions: based on tradition

7.      Books and information: based on tradition

8.      How to practice/rituals/ceremonies: based on tradition

9.      Tools: based on tradition

10.  Hierarchy/Priests/Priestess/Organization Type: based on tradition

11.  Patriarchal /Matriarchal /Balanced: based on tradition

12.  Monism: All that exists is derived from a single source of divine energy.

1.      Religions that made this one: be it goddess or god, this concept has been around for a very long time. the goddess creation concept has been  around for no less then 100,000 years with the goddess of villandorph, the god concept has been around since zarastrian around 4000 -2000 b. c. e. .

2.      Location:

3.      Time frame of active use:

4.      Neo revival time frames:

5.      Versions:

6.      Books and information:

7.      How to practice/rituals/ceremonies:

8.      Tools:

9.      Hierarchy/Priests/Priestess/Organization Type:

10.  Patriarchal /Matriarchal /Balanced:

13.  Monotheism: a belief in one god, a single divine being created and runs this entire universal

1.      Religions that made this one: the philosophies that came from Zoroastrian concepts.

2.      Location: between the Indus river valley and Iran/Iraq.

3.      Time frame of active use: sometime after 4000 b. c. e. up to the present

4.      Neo revival time frames: the current revival of this concept is the evangelical conservative Christianity.

5.      Versions:

1.      Hindi

2.      Israelite

3.      Vatican

4.      Holy sea/the Vatican

5.      Protestant

6.      Methodist

7.      Pentecostal

8.      Evangelical Christian

9.      Islam


6.      Books and information: too many to count.  Too many versions to count. based on tradition.

7.      How to practice/rituals/ceremonies: based on tradition

8.      Tools: based on tradition

9.      Hierarchy/Priests/Priestess/Organization Type: priests

10.  Patriarchal /Matriarchal /Balanced: patriarchal

14.  polytheism: a group of deities from 2 all the way up to thousands created and runs the world we live in. mostly the creation comes from a single female or a male female combination.  More deities are added after births and other creation forms

1.      Religions that made this one: all religions of the world began as polytheistic

2.      Location: the world

3.      Time frame of active use: from the beginning of time.

4.      Neo revival time frames: in the last copule hundred years polytheism/pagan/witchcraft/occult/new age/the godds has had a major revival.

5.      Versions: too many to count

6.      Books and information: based on tradition

7.      How to practice/rituals/ceremonies: based on tradition

8.      Tools: based on tradition

9.      Hierarchy/Priests/Priestess/Organization Type: based on tradition

10.  Patriarchal /Matriarchal /Balanced: mostly balanced

15.  Neo-pagan: the rebirth and rebelief in the ancient polytheistic religious beliefs.  A belief in more then one god, but strictly historically the ancient ways can not realy be proved beyond a shadow of doubt so the religions traditions, gods, pantheons, ceremonies, languages, and the like have to be recreated or reinvented form the remnance of the past.

1.      Religions that made this one: monotheism, and polytheism religions and philosophies

2.      Location: Europe, America, asia

3.      Time frame of active use: with in the last 100 years

4.      Neo revival time frames: with in the last 100 years

5.      Versions: too many to count

6.      Books and information: based on tradition

7.      What enemies think of it: based on tradition

8.      How to practice/rituals/ceremonies: based on tradition

9.      Tools: based on tradition

10.  Hierarchy/Priests/Priestess/Organization Type: based on tradition

11.  Patriarchal /Matriarchal /Balanced: balanced

16.  fanatical born again fundamentalist evangelical Christians: this is a religion that comes directly from 2 sources puritan religious beliefs and the new age movement.  The puritans have a belief in a one god just like the Zoroastrians, the puritans had a very strong religious belief system. But this group have gone into a realm of personal persecutions so strong they think that everyone is out to get them, so the best defense is a good offence.  Their arch enemy is Satan/devil.  And they see the “evil one” in all things and everything. Since the devil must be destroyed anything that has the devil in it must also be destroyed.   Any religious belief that is not of the core belief that each church holds is evil and must be converted.  Which puts members of this church at odds with 75% of the planet.

1.      Religions that made this one: originally the creator of this religion was zarastrian, who then converted Abraham of the canaante/Judaism, who then begat the leaders of the Vatican, who then began potestantism, who then created Puritanism, who then begat this religion.

2.      Location: began between the Indus valley and the tigerus euphraties rivers. Expanding westward

3.      Time frame of active use: from at least 4000 b. c. e.  all the way up to this very day

4.      Neo revival time frames: expands through a variety of time and space, varisations became.

5.      Versions: uncountable versions of fanatical born again fundamentalist evangelical Christians

6.      Books and information: depending on tradition

7.      How to practice/rituals/ceremonies: depending on tradition

8.      Tools: depending on tradition

9.      Hierarchy/Priests/Priestess/Organization Type: priests,

10.  Patriarchal /Matriarchal /Balanced:  patriarchal.

17.  conservative Christians:  a group of monotheists that believe that a stronger more orthodox version of the bible is the true word of their god.

1.      Religions that made this one: tutor and Victorian English monarchies

2.      Location: western Europe and america

3.      Time frame of active use: from 1600s all the way up to now.

4.      Neo revival time frames: very strong upseargance in the last 50 years.

5.      Versions: depending on tradition

6.      Books and information: unlimited versions of the bible

7.      How to practice/rituals/ceremonies: alternative from the roman catholic

8.      Tools: challace, bread, wine,

9.      Hierarchy/Priests/Priestess/Organization Type: priests

10.  Patriarchal /Matriarchal /Balanced: patriarchal

18.  Islam/Muslims:  the main point of Islam, there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and Muhammad is this messenger.   This is an interesting religion, very patriarchal, very militant.

1.      Religions that made this one: the profit Mohammed, based on standard zarostrain monotheism philosophy

2.      Location: middle east

3.      Time frame of active use: based on tradition

4.      Neo revival time frames: based on tradition

5.      Versions: based on tradition

1.      Sufiism: a highly mystical form of the islam faith been  around since the beginning of the islam religion

6.      Books and information:

1.      Qur'an: the holy book of Islam

7.      How to practice/rituals/ceremonies: based on tradition

8.      Tools: based on tradition

9.      Hierarchy/Priests/Priestess/Organization Type: based on tradition

10.  Patriarchal /Matriarchal /Balanced: patriarchal.

19.  Celtic: this is the religion of central and western Europe. Although the range have considerably sharnk in the last 2000 years the range of the Celts is still in the uk. Although Wicca is considered to be a part of Celtic beliefs, Wicca is in the modern world generally not considered to be a part of Celtic religion. Although Wicca has its base in Celtic pantheon and beliefs systems. cernuous is considered to be a Celtic god. The goddess Britannia is the goddess the island of Britain is named after. This goddess was later adopted by the Vatican and Britain even though she is a goddess of the Celts is a saint of the Vatican.

1.      Religions that made this one: unknown origins.

2.      Location: central and western europe

3.      Time frame of active use: from unknown past all the way up to the conquest by Vatican. Some smaller sects are still up and running but underground

4.      Neo revival time frames:  in the last couple hundred years.

5.      Versions:

1.      Druid: the religion of trees and of the forest,

2.      Celtic shamanism: this is a concept training inside of the Celtic religion based on the spiritual side of all things. Connecting with animals, plants, and various aspects of people will bring you closer to the spirit.

3.      Fairy religion: another Celtic tradition is the religion of the fairy. Fairy are teachers from the spirit world that come in all shapes and sizes, from the beautiful to the grotesque

6.      Books and information: based on tradition

7.      How to practice/rituals/ceremonies: based on tradition

8.      Tools: based on tradition

9.      Hierarchy/Priests/Priestess/Organization Type: based on tradition

10.  Patriarchal /Matriarchal /Balanced: balanced

20.  goddess: many of the pantheons religions began with a mother goddess creating everything.  The Greeks had Gaea, the Nordics had Freya,

1.      Religions that made this one: this is the original releigion

2.      Location: began between the glaciers

3.      Time frame of active use: this religion/philosophy has been in active and continuely use from the time humans started religions all the way up through today.

4.      Neo revival time frames: when the patriarchal cultures stopped their “death to all who appoas us” laws and domination. In the last 100 years.

5.      Versions: depending on tradition

6.      Books and information: depending on tradition

7.      How to practice/rituals/ceremonies: basic pagan

8.      Tools: depending on tradition

9.      Hierarchy/Priests/Priestess/Organization Type: depending on tradition

10.  Patriarchal /Matriarchal /Balanced: matriarchal

21.  Hindu:  Sanatana Dharma, this is an ancient relgion of the India area. This is a polytheistic religion is the world's oldest faith. It was followed by the ancient civilization of the Indus valley, Ganges valley, Deccan and Cauveri delta, as well as other parts of India all over the Indian peninsula and surrounding areas of Asia. This Faith, known by many names, is follwed and practiced in several ways and forms as it was practiced several thousand years back, with very little modifications, though it adjusted itself to the various times.  The ancient form of this religion was of a pantheon, but at some point that pantheon was converted to a monotheistic format, probably around the time that zarostrain philosophy was starting in the Indus valley.   This religion now has a multitude of forms of the same god.  One Divine Supreme Truth – Paramatma .  In the masculine forms, Hindus see that One God as Brahma - the creator, Vishnu - the protector and maintainer, and Shiva as Siva-Nataraja - the destroyer and recreator. -- In the female forms, Hindus see that One God as Sakthi or Durga, - provider of energy and power, as Lakshmi, - provider of prosperity and wealth and as Saraswathi, - provider of knowledge and intelligence.  All depends on what form of this religion you have been taught as to if it’s a pantheon or it’s a monotheistic format.  But the truth is that this is one of the oldest religions and the Indus harappa people are one of the oldest civilizations on the planet. 

1.      Religions that made this one: one of the original religions, shiva used to be a singular goddess, then the pantheon was created. Then the shitch to a masculine head and putting all the gods into one.

2.      Location: Indus harappa valley, India

3.      Time frame of active use: glacier age through today

4.      Neo revival time frames: continuos

5.      Versions: depending on tradition

6.      Books and information: depending on tradition

7.      How to practice/rituals/ceremonies: depending on tradition

8.      Tools: depending on tradition

9.      Hierarchy/Priests/Priestess/Organization Type: depending on tradition

10.  Patriarchal /Matriarchal /Balanced: patriarchal

22.  Assyro-Babylonian: the area is generally considered to be in the middle east, where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers are.  But the area extends north, south, east, and west of that central location.  This is an ancient civilization that can in various parts and cultural identity concepts an be traced by to the Canaanites.  Since the Babylonians where Canaanite, and Assyrian are generally considered in some liberal minds to be the modern day Palestinians. This religion and culture is a hard one to pin down because of a vast history which the earliest parts are only recorded in retellings of ancient storyes example being the story of the great flood, this is a story that tells about the end of the last ice age and the deluge when a high mountain lake emptied into the valley below. So the ancient stories are from the Babylonians, the history of these people and their religion comes from conquerors who took on aspects of the religion and the language, making chngaes as they saw fit.   Over time this religions main deities changed between various conquest cultures did their respective damages, but this also a religion where Ba’al is a main god.  Ba’al is also a harker back to the cernuous wood god of the Europeans and the zarastrian one god of the Jewish separations from the Canaanite brothers.  So this religion has all kinds of twists and turns as you go from the ancient 6000 bce where this is little to no record, all they way up to the monotheistic conflicts of the modern age. Someone is just about always telling someone else they religion someone else has it wrong and the only way to life is by the person with the biggest killing tools religion. 

1.      Religions that made this one: Canaanite religion is the mother of this religion.

2.      Location: tigerous euphraties river valley

3.      Time frame of active use: at some point with a variety of conquests, conquering, and philosophical changes in cultures and civilizations after the Canaanite civilization callapst and the city states took over rule of local areas.

4.      Neo revival time frames: in the last 100 years a western culture revival.

5.      Versions: depending on tradition

6.      Books and information: depending on tradition

7.      How to practice/rituals/ceremonies: basic pagan

8.      Tools: basic pagan

9.      Hierarchy/Priests/Priestess/Organization Type: depending on tradition

10.  Patriarchal /Matriarchal /Balanced: patriarchal

23.  Norse: the religion of the northern and eastern parts of Europe. A pantheon polytheistic religion, Odin being the main “all father god” “Freya, being the mother goddess  the religion also has elements of compressed older religions as a part of itself. There is the sacred cow of most of the other polytheistic religions, their is the god of the sky and the goddess of fertility, there is a ancient thundergod from turkey thor and his fertility goddess sif, then there is the Freya and freyr, then there is Odin and Frigga.  So this religion actually is a combination of several faiths all put together.  Although the modern  format of this neopaganistic religion is the ausatrue which means true to the Ćsier.  Which means that this ausatrue only pay attention to the Odin and Frigga/Freya aspects of the religion ignoring everything else.

1.      Religions that made this one:

2.      Location:

3.      Time frame of active use:

4.      Neo revival time frames:

5.      Versions:

6.      Books and information:

7.      How to practice/rituals/ceremonies:

8.      Tools:

9.      Hierarchy/Priests/Priestess/Organization Type:

10.  Patriarchal /Matriarchal /Balanced: patriarchal

24.  Canaanite/Ugaritic: the religion with Ba’al at its base.  This is the religion where Judais, come directly from.  Since the exodus from Egypt the golden calf was recreated, the golden calf is Ba’al.  So the Israelites where going back home to the land of the Canaanites, which the Canaanites had the religion of Ba’al.  another aspect of this religion is the Babylonians and the Assyrians, based on who was conquered and when

1.      Religions that made this one: this is either an original religion, or this religion came from a goddess based glacier age religion.  In the same vain as Indus harappa, the ancient Egyptians with the lioness goddess,

2.      Location: tigerous euphraties river valley. West to the Mediterranean east to the Indus river valley south to the Indian sea north to the carpathians

3.      Time frame of active use: from end of ice age up till around the Jewish holy land invations say 2000 years b c. e. 

4.      Neo revival time frames: secretly this religion has never gone out of belief, but an upsergance in the last 50 years.

5.      Versions: too many to count, including a Jewish version

6.      Books and information: the original bible, the original cabbala, thse books are edited versions of the Canaanite originals. Including an edited 10 commandments all are Canaanite rules of religion edited to fit the Zoroastrian belief system

7.      How to practice/rituals/ceremonies: nature based paganism

8.      Tools: nature based paganism

9.      Hierarchy/Priests/Priestess/Organization Type: priests and priestesses

10.  Patriarchal /Matriarchal /Balanced: patriarchal

25.  ZOROASTRIANISM: this is an ancient religion based on the concept of a monotheistic or one god belief system.   This was popularized and spread by the followers of Zarathushtra.  This could easily have been  where the goddess of ancient religions and or the god and goddess polytheistic deities merged into one deity a masculine deity, and “all father”, or “lord God” concept.  Which is the definition that the monotheistic religions that came from the convergence of the polytheistic religions of the ancient past to the monotheistic religions of today.  All modern one god religions can trace their ancestry back to this one mans ideas as to the “Lord God” being only one god concept.

1.      Magi: a group of speciflcy trained ZOROASTRIANs that go around doing exactly the same thing as the 3 wise men/magi that where their to witness the birth of David son of Joseph in the line of king of the Israelites David  in the line of king Solomon

2.      Religions that made this one: the philosophies of Zarathushtra

3.      Location: Indus harrapa to the euphraties river valley

4.      Time frame of active use: from his birth up to the countless versions of the monotheism today

5.      Neo revival time frames: every once in a while there is a revival of old time evangelical/fanatical values and more of his original message is brought forward

6.      Versions: countless

7.      Books and information: countless

8.      How to practice/rituals/ceremonies: based on traditionn

9.      Tools: based on traditionn

10.  Hierarchy/Priests/Priestess/Organization Type: priests, no woman,

11.  Patriarchal /Matriarchal /Balanced: patriarchal militantly

26.  Hittites: they worshiped a storm god deity and a fertility goddess.  This means that this is an ancient people that this may very well be a part of the Thor origins, since the Hittites where in modern day turkey.  The Hittites and the Ćsier and the Vanier may be very close together in their dealings.  Since the Vanier and the Vinĉa  may very well be one in the same people, and the Ćsier eventually merged and conquered through cultural integration of philosophy the Vanier.

1.      Religions that made this one:

2.      Location:

3.      Time frame of active use:

4.      Neo revival time frames:

5.      Versions:

6.      Books and information:

7.      How to practice/rituals/ceremonies:

8.      Tools:

9.      Hierarchy/Priests/Priestess/Organization Type:

10.  Patriarchal /Matriarchal /Balanced: patriarchal

27.  Dravidians/Indus harappa people:  this is an ancient religion that few to this very day really understand all that well. The religion goes back far into ancient times and its modern decendant being Hindu. The bull takes a very dominant form in this religion.   The concept of a central stone diety, can also be traced back to the even older and more ancient when the Indus harappa valley was conved in ice, the peoples of this ancient religion where in northern Africa and carved the sphinx

1.      Sivalinka: this is the concept of the earliest of the ancient symbolic religions since this word means symbolic divine being.  These are stone representations of the divine. The ancient Indus harappa used stones to represent god.

1.      Siva: or shiva to the western spelling, god of love

2.      Linka: the ancient word for symbol

2.      The following of the Dravidian religions that developed outside India

1.      The Religion of the Israelites

2.      Judaism

3.      Christianity

4.      Islam.

3.      Religions that made this one: an original religion to the world.

4.      Location: Indus valley Pakistan

5.      Time frame of active use: from beginnings of humans till through now.

6.      Neo revival time frames: never really wennt out of belief

7.      Versions: based on tradition

8.      Books and information: based on tradition

9.      How to practice/rituals/ceremonies: based on tradition

10.  Tools: based on tradition

11.  Hierarchy/Priests/Priestess/Organization Type: priests

12.  Patriarchal /Matriarchal /Balanced: patriarchal

28.  Ausatrue: I say hail to those that have brought back the old ways of the AEsier into the modern realm for if not for you I would not have been able to decode the symbolic language.  I also have a negative to say.  The ausatrue are in their own ways being just as destructive to the runes and the roman catholic church, for not allowing the concept of the runes being older then the 200 c. e.  archaeology date to be quested.  The more I worked at my research the harder questions and the more negative comments came from the ausatrue then from the Christian community.  So I strongly believe that the ausatrue are great and have wonderful info and profoundly affected the world brining the message of the runes to life.  But now need to embrace the fact that the runes are a part of a string of ancient culture that stretch back to the end of the last ice age.

1.      Religions that made this one: the Nordic, and Ćsier traditions of the central and eastern European cultreus/religions.

2.      Location: central and eastern Europe

3.      Time frame of active use: from 200 c. e.  till now

4.      Neo revival time frames: within the last 100 years.

5.      Versions: too many to count

6.      Books and information: poetic Edda,

7.      How to practice/rituals/ceremonies: basic nature based paganism

8.      Tools: basic paganism

9.      Hierarchy/Priests/Priestess/Organization Type: priests and priestesses

10.  Patriarchal /Matriarchal /Balanced: patriarchal


                                                          iv.            Wicca

                                                            v.            Pagan

                                                          vi.            Greek

                                                        vii.            Roman

                                                      viii.            Buddhism

                                                           ix.            Christian

1.      David

2.      Paul

                                                             x.            Goddess

                                                           xi.            Ausatrue

                                                         xii.            Celtic

                                                       xiii.            Enochian

    1. The teachings of

                                                              i.            David

                                                            ii.            Paul

                                                          iii.            Siddhartha

                                                          iv.            Sun Tzu

                                                            v.            A dear friend

2.      Languages  rune spellings translation into English

a.       old Norse: run; secret, secret lore, wisdom; magical signs; written characters

b.      gothic: runa; secret, mysterium. Wulfilas, in his fourth century gothic translation of the bible, used this term to translate the Greek, (  )

c.       old English, run mystery secret counsel

d.      old Saxon runa mystery secret

e.       old high German runa mystery secret.

f.        Description: table rune meaning

3.      variations: There are actually more variations of the runes then can easily be counted and or organized, so far I have found more then 70 major variations, not including the cultural pagan revolution that is sweeping the world of the ancient knowledge of the runes.  Instead of sticking with the history of what the runes are, since there is not enough history and fact to go around, most runsters I have personally met choose 1 of 2 paths,

a.       1 religious, they choose to follow the dogma of a set established pattern of meanings and disciplines of those meanings.

b.      2 make it up as they go: since there is simply no enough data historically to go around to make a complete picture of what the runes used to be the group is section 2 work with the runes, and eventually through divination and intelligence make up there own definitions that work for them over time.  Of those 2 groups the numbers are about equal, that I have met that is.

a.      when it was first created:  Depending on the application of the influence the ????Etruscans have a form of runes, but that took me more then 13 years to find that information out.  A lot of the history books tell about the runes when translated where translated form a mix between Latin and Etruscan.  But since Etruscan made up ?????????

b.      various translation points and times

c.      end used. Most of the runes use died out at on or before the height of the inquisition.

6.      Region and or location of use:  The runes where the most prevalent in Europe, from Greenland over to middle Russia, from turkey and up to the arctic circle.


                                                              i.            Armenian

                                                            ii.            Cherokee

                                                          iii.            Danish

                                                          iv.            English

                                                            v.            Etruscan

                                                          vi.            French

1.      Oc French

                                                        vii.            German

                                                      viii.            Gothic

                                                           ix.            Greek

                                                             x.            Hungarian

                                                           xi.            Icelandic

                                                         xii.            Nordic

                                                       xiii.            Norwegian

                                                       xiv.            Russian

                                                         xv.            Scandinavian

                                                       xvi.            Slavic

                                                     xvii.            Swedish

                                                   xviii.            Turkish

                                                       xix.            Basque

                                                         xx.            Cornish

                                                       xxi.            Dutch

                                                     xxii.            Finish

                                                   xxiii.            Galician

                                                   xxiv.            Irish Gaelic

                                                     xxv.            Latin

                                                   xxvi.            Old church Slavic

                                                 xxvii.            Swedish

    1. My own personal stuff, this is my tome

T  Welling Personal Section


Birth Culture

I knew that I would find a culture on this planet that its civilization tools where either equal to or greater then that of the current civilization we now have. So I started looking,

Nordic Germanic runic/Elder Futhark b 1

T  Welling first booklet

The 360’ orientation

Pink Book

T  Welling Elder runic/Futhark Book





Literal Translation:  



Norse Deity:  







Beginnings of my Tarot Deck

Theories Ideas Projects




Tarot decks

Hand Drawn decks

v 2

v 3

v 4

Corel draw



Mixed Media

v 25


Hover craft

Space craft design.

Non atmospheric self contained base of operations.

Mission into space

Blended wing idea

  1. reverse engineering: 
    1. think like a vegan: the pyramids, Stonehenge, machu piechu, all of these archaeological sites are desitned by cultures, language, math, and sciences that are not based on indo European science.  So to understand how these things where build, by who, when, why, and how their has to be a understand of the tools used to build them then to try to make sense out of them using our tools.  One must use the tools of that cjulture to understand the items build from those tool.s
    2. where I got it from: I began my studies in the hopes of trying to understand what was going on in my life.  Trying to understand the false history I was taught in school and the oppressive religion that I was raised with.  I just could not get past the facts I was being told, that as an adult I know the people telling me those where facts where going on the best information they had but for me, I deeply resented being lied to.  I was not the teachers I eventually turned by resentment to it was the scholastic and religious communities that know they are teaching lies but for a multitude or reasons they are not interested in altering their view points.  So I had to search for the truth myself.

                                                              i.            Antarctica and glacier age: as I have studied and examined the glacier ages, the more I strongly realize that to compare and understand what out ancestors had to go throu for more then 100,000 years was a glacier age.  The only thing on this earth that compares to a glacier age is the environment of Antarctica.  You see Antarctica with its extreme temperatures, and 2.5 miles thick ice, as well as its absolute isolation when stroms come up and can dump massively huge loads of snow and ice everywhere.  This is what life was like back not 10,000 years ago.  A massive glacier age.  First one was at least 100,000 years long, that covered the entire northern and hemisphere with ice 2.5 miles thick, the second was from 30,000 years ago till 10,000 years ago and that was a minor glacier age, affecting only the eastern American continent, Europe, and western Russia. Both of which where no small picnick to go through.    The things we would have encounter. So with the information in the list just below you can understand why the ancients had to develop language, math, science, sociology, coping skills, engineering, architecture, navigation, just about everything we have today they would have been forced to come up with just to be live.

1.      Big animals:

1.      aurox

2.      cave bear

3.      sloth

4.      saber tooth tiger

5.      wholly mammoth

6.      mastodon


2.      There are only 2 places to be:

1.      on the face of the glacier, temperate zone constant temperature of 65sh degrees. But everything else is living their also

2.      500 miles away from face, from 2 miles away up till around 200-400 miles is a no mans land of extrems, nothing can live their that is not prepared for extremes in cold and hot.

3.      Storms the definition of killer weather:

    1. Where I got the sciences: as I studied the ancient dark arts, and began to understand how they worked the though kept coming to my mind, these dogmatic traditions where so specific about their ways in which to cast, perform, learn, memorize, achieve, and just about any and all things in each specific craft tradition that I was having an encounter with that it became very obvious and at the time very frustring because as I choose to learn from different paths and traditions the more I learned about the similarities between each tradition. The more I learned that the exacting ways in which the traditions where set aside many years/generations/ages/ and or even previous to the settlement of history as we know it.  Well as I saw this concept wrap around my mind, I noticed that the ancient arts where just as regimented in their education, traditions, understanding of the process of flow of information, and the lessons learned where in a regular pattern of learning and processing of information.  I looked at say the tarot deck, a regular concept, taught specifically, in a rigid format of teaching, information processing, and had a very specific process of information of how the engineering for the deck came about.  Well if case you missed it folks.  I have just given a detailed description of a formal outlined and rigorously adhered to set of rules of the processing of information.  Understanding that this is a rigorous process of information gathering and dissemination, there is but one English word to describe this concept.  The craft each tradition specifically had their own form of science.  The color patterns and their meanings, the animals and their meanings, trees, herbology, sorcery, witchcraft, candle magic, kitchen witch, healer, each form of the kabbala, magi, any and all of these techniqual skill areas come with their own set of rules and regulations as to how to learn them, how to go about practicing them, their own language of definitions, their own dissemination of information. The more I worked with the traditions and compared the traditions with the facts of history the more I understood that the connection to a serious of cousin cultures that had similar traditions, language, math, science and the like was more then  just likely.  It was almost a defiant.  The quesitono then became, who where these cousin cultures and who did they interact with each other.  How advanced was their thinking.  How far back in time do these cousins go, where is the start date for them respectfully.
    2. finding reference in: the more I research the more little annoyances I came across with the discovery of more and ever increasingly interesting flaus in the process of history.

                                                              i.            History: it is actually easy after a while to sift through political propaganda to find out what actually happened at any given time and place.  You just have to know how to remove that which is spin and see what the truth behind is.

                                                            ii.            Archaeology:  this is where the truth behind research and the symbolic cultures was found. Look not to the traditions of life, or to the cultures in which have personal bias, but look instead of that which was left behind. 

                                                          iii.            Anthropology: look to the ancient past to the items that do not have a culturesal bias to them and see the evidence as it truly is.

                                                          iv.            Mythology: all myth, legends, stories, and all are all based in fact.  So it is the job of a researcher to remove the poetic license of the story teller and find the facts that are at the base of the myth/legend. 

                                                            v.            cultural anthropology:  most any and all

                                                          vi.            remnance of ancient things in current cultures: the more I worked with the various aspects of the Symbolic Science Erdology research, the more I kept looking to the conquest cultures that conquered the ancients to find clued the ancient peoples that where conquered what did they leave behind.  What clues to what life was like before where their in actual life.  I found the runes in divination, I found the Nordic/Germanic elder runic Futhark half month calendar in alternative religion.  I found in the bible proof for the existence that the Jews and the Canaanites used the calendar I put together from the calendar, (all those ancient people lived if you divide their age by 8 you get an average personal life span, 8 being the only way to truly calculate the passage of time during a glacier age.), you find all kinds of proof and evidence buerringd in current cultural thoughts.  The trick is to assemble and understand what the ancient structure used to be.

    1. how was it invented in the first place:  I might want to put this higher but this is good for now.  Live during a glacier age.  You have living in a glacier age these are the things you avhwe to know and these are the things you have to develop.
    2. Cracking the religious mythology code the ancients left:   the more I worked on the crafts, religions, traditions, magic, and history, archaeology, anthropology, and the rest of my research the more I realized that the ancients left many tools to their ways buried in modern culture.  But the first main way I found out about the ancient symbolic language, and Symbolic Science was by converting the stories of the various mythological figures and instead of treating the stories as religious concepts to be believed I look at them as earth and human history story tellers, from those cultures that lived during those times and had to wrap their minds around the events that where going on including conquest and keeping their ancient traditions alive, what better way to have your science and language live then by creating folk stories of say the Greeks, the story clearly talkes about the actually history of the regions.  Form the process of the culture that created the cretins, through to the Mycenaean's, to the Greeks.  Gaea, to the reign of Uranus, to cronos, to zues.  If you use the same concept map of symbolic mythology and complare that symbol reflection of something to that of the actually workings of history then you will be alble to decode the happenings and going on in the ancient world.  Another example is of the wolf fenris in Nordic tradition that is 3 headed that will eventually with lokis help destroy the Odin and the Ćsier.  Well the wolf is a very strong Mediterranean culture symbol, the Greeks, Romans, and Vatican at various times all either used a symbol for wolf in their dealings or would symbolicly present themselves as a pack of hunting dog/wolfs in the persuit of the conquest of the European tribes.
    3. Monoliths:  a key item left by the ancients of Europe so their language, math, science, culture, and identity would not be lost to the cultures who where conquering them.
    4. Megaliths:  ancient religious and teaching centers.  These items had multiple purposes, first they where calendars so that the ancients could accurately measure the celestial movements for themselves.  Second they are language, math, and science centers of learning.  Lastly they are religious centers so the populations can observe the motions of the heavens and mark important times of year by major rituals at the sites.  (key notes here, after more then 15 years in the craft, the only people who still think that the megaliths where giant cemeteries are archaeologists, if you have something in existence for more then 4000 years, more then one culture will use that item. The cultures that came later where the ones that used the megalithic standing stones as cemeteries, the builders did not use them for that purpose.
    5. Past: the first main and most important thing that any and all must keep at the center of their minds including this authors writing. Is that when one researches history, you are always dealing with the opinions and politics of the author.  Those opinions and politic is shaped by the culture in which they live, the times in which they live, the politic of what is acceptable as to what can be written about, and last but most defiantly not least the author themselves have to pull their base information from other authors who have their own predjudices, opinions, politics, and other reasons for not writing the facts just the facts.  When it comes right down to the facts.  Everyone has a different oppion as to what truly happened in this world from the first 2 legger to walk semi upright all the way down this very minute.  All history is shaped by people telling their own version of past events.  So as I reconstruct what I assume was Symbolic Science Erdology the more you understand that I am taking no more or less poetic liscense with what I am writing about then the author of any given text book that has ever been written.  No matter what facts are, all facts can be changed and altered to meet the criteria of the subject that author is writing about.  I mean in today's politic, you can see the exactly the same event happen and listen to 2 different people a person who agrees with the event and a person who does not agree with the event.  And you will wind up with 3 oppions as to what truly happened.  Although there are only 2 people involved with the information processing there are always more opinions then people.  So you have to decide based on the amount of information I have presented if I have shaped the information of facts in a way that makes sense for you.


                                                            ii.            Ritual cannibalism/actual cannibalism, as far as I know the only religions that do anything with that concept at all have nothing to do with paganism.  The only religion that I know of that has anything to do with ritual cannibalism is the roman catholic church.

                                                          iii.            serial killers, even though their have been countless serial killers throughout time, there are very few that actually have anything to do with religious believe in any main stream tradition or practices.  Most of them are just flat out psychotic

                                                          iv.            ancient pagan death rites, like many people I believed in the mysterious bodies found at many of the ancient megalithic structures where actually ritual killings and or burial mounds.  But what I have found is that the dead rites and burial mounds where done by later cultures not the original builders.

                                                            v.            Magic/prayer: any religion has its own ceremonies and format of working with energy.  For that is all that magic is concentrated and directed energy.  The formats and the ceremonies of many different cultures is a very strong part of how I decoded the ancients, not only their presents but also how their science, math, and eventually language worked was by tracking the magic and various aspects of the magic into the modern world.

                                                          vi.            Divination: another format of prayer/magic.  This is where I found the answers to the questions of the language, math, and the sciences.  Since it is in divination that the runes are a language. It is in divination that the runes are at least a huge part of the creation of the tarot which means they are at least in part mathematical the tarot just needs to be transferred back to its non Hebrew math format which I did and found.  The science of the ancients where hidden in the tarot of the world.  You see the structure of the format of the tarot is a scientific format of information processing.  The information processing may be in a odd shape but when you hid a truth and your sciences from your conquerors you do not want to hid your secrets in a form they will used against you.  So the tarot is actually the base of a very well worked science, you just have to do some work to remove the centuries of political and other religious dogma from it.  At the core is something that works very well.

5.      This is reverse engineering.  This is the nuts and bolts behind the ideas of how to reverse engineer.  Building the new picture,  Invention Then there is the Keys, ok have all these facts identified, great.  What does the picture look like now?  Start the construction process of the blue print of how do the parts of the whole start to add up to a shape.

((Some parts of what is in this section need to go into 5 or 5 needs to be wrapped into this section.))  This was supposed to be a just assembling the pieces of the past, to put them all together, all the stuff that does not makes sense.  Assembling and just assemble it.  Put all the clues together, and in section 5 is where I wanted to break the theories down and explain what all the various subjects and blues meant.

a.       Ok, runes had to be a language,

b.      Impossible creation, ok put in what conditions were like Europe 50 b. c. e.  to 300 c.e.

c.       Runes had to be dating to before 200 c.e. all the problems that come from that theory

d.      Where I started

                                                                                            i.            My initial theory about the Vanier

1.      The Vanier came first,

2.      The Ćsir came after, being a well known Med “civilization”, but by another name.

3.      Battling the fighting

4.      The Urals body being the pass between the Med and Europe, Transylvania, giving credence to the 13th tribe as well as the advancements,

5.      The secrets being a Vanier invention,

e.       The keys reverse engineering   , this is the section where I talk about what, who, how, when, where, and why.

                                                                                            i.            calendar,

1.      runic half month calendar, a calendar left by the same people that created the runes. Since runes are the language, math, and definitions to the calendar.  This was left intact, it did not make sense but it was left intact.  A calendar was left from people that we have been taught had no written language, math, or education, but they left a complex calendar.  It takes a written language, and complex math to make a calendar, especially a calendar as complex as the runic half month calendar.

2.      Julian calendar, this is one of my key reverse engineering points for the calendar to correct it.  See, the runic half month calendar had to be translated into Latin and into Julian sometime between 50 c. e.  and 300 c. e. , my assumption is that the masters of the old were not interested in translating their work into Latin until their cultural back was broken sometime between 100 to 300 c. e.  at which time the Julian calendar was off by more than a few days.  So the mistake was added to the runic calendar

3.      Gregorian, more then a 1000 years later, the runic half month calendar is still wrong but the inquisition is in full strength, and the Julian calendar is way, way off. So the translation from Julian into Gregorian the flaws are kept in and the mistakes are multiplied by the increased flaws in the Julian to Gregorian translation.  So being translated 2 times both with a wrong translation make the runic half month calendar way beyond a simple fix, it requires a rebuild.  Which I assume the masters of the old knew and expected, since Sowillo is so easily the month of Imbulc and Sowillo not being at that time, was a key indicator for an ok obvious flaw obvious key to see if someone could go back and pick up on it.

4.      fortnight, approximately, I love the little descriptor words in definitions that lead to reverse engineering keys.  Approximately, is a key to the old calendar, since fortnight is an old English phrase still used today.  Old English is the Anglo/Saxon language translated into Latin after the convergence to what was left of the Roman culture.  So the English fortnight tells of the old calendars month.  Remember you have to be sly to slip a clue past the inquisition, the calendar and language names were changed to runa, well month change to fortnight. Fort as in a symbolic representation of a boundary.  The entire Futhark language is based on the symbolic representation of nature.  A 2 week approximate time boundary, sounds like a month to me.

5.      Stonehenge, is as old as the Vinča and the same shape is found all through out European ancient culture sites.  The math of the Futhark and the math of the engineering to Stonehenge match.  Just because the culture was cut in half by the Romans does not mean that Roman history is accurate.

6.      24 hours


8.      Observatories,

9.      Sabbats, a special name left from before the inquisition to tell about high holy special nights of the old religion.  The more I look it up, this may be many things associated with the runic half month calendar, and my theory currently is the 8 equinoxes a year. 

10.  Days of weeks are German god names

11.  Inquisition and other changes to the Futhark 500 c. e.  to present

                                                                                          ii.            Barbarian wars,

                                                                                        iii.            Languages

1.      Gaelic, one of my biggest keys to this research was when I was in Wales, and was told the worlds longest names was the name of a town / post office that had been around for 2000 + years.   It is the name on the official Wales border crossing.  The name is so long because it tells the exact location of the post office. Giving directions in the name that was totally fascinating to me.  Then I realized that the language was designed around the concept of names and locations of items according to an unknown cipher.   I also discovered a similar idea in German names and towns.  So it became for me obvious that the ancients who had languages and not math, and not navigation or mapping technology actually did have all 3  which puts the idea of the runes not being a language far beyond belief.

2.      Anglo Saxon language changes

3.      Indo European language changes

4.      Converting the Futhark to indo European based languages and sounds

                                                                                        iv.            The inquisition destroying as much of the old as possible

                                                                                          v.            The limitations of the other authors, why I found what I found that they did not, what things I did and what limitations did I skip past

f.        Nordic cultures had to have math,

g.       Mathematics

                                                                                            i.            Hebrew v symbolic

h.      Navigation with out math is impossible

i.        City names, one of my key indicators to the connection with the Ancient cultures that all had a similar language is the idea of town names.  Towns and cities that are so old no one really knows how old they are.  In the Middle East it is totally common to have cities that are so old they have only records of the cultures that conquered them.  But as to what culture built the city to begin with that information has been lost to time.  Well let’s just see about that.

                                                                                            i.            The ancient city of UR, well that is a rune that is in the older version called ur.  It’s the younger Uruz that is mostly identified with but mostly it’s in the old spelling UR.

                                                                                          ii.            Canaanite, that is close the spelling of Cannaz, or K and C depending on language are interchangeable.


j.        Metalworking without math is also impossible.

k.      Life during a glaciers,

                                                                                            i.            large beasts,

                                                                                          ii.            buried dead,

                                                                                        iii.            permafrost,

                                                                                        iv.            forests,

                                                                                          v.            plenty of game,

                                                                                        vi.            population packed in tight the best and worst about human nature will come out and present itself

l.        Couple of facts that did not fit kept creeping up and rearing their ugly head,

                                                                                            i.            The long boat

                                                                                          ii.            Trade routes

                                                                                        iii.            Long house

                                                                                        iv.            Mound builders

                                                                                          v.            Living near the arctic circle


m.    Art of the past, one of the easiest ways to track Ancient cultural connections is through the art the artists do.  An artist seeing something that another artist has done can shape the next piece of art. 

n.      Myth legends, knowing that all mythic based on fact, another way to building a good picture of the past is my going to the mythical stories to see where and what the connections are.

                                                                                            i.            Possibly even an Elvin connection

o.      various theories over time as to the what,where,why,who,when,how. to lead up to the ok, detective work time.

p.      Poem, the poetic Edda. As much info as possible

q.      Edda's writers ((fix this part)) there is another section below of Edda

r.        Then the calendar

s.       The Theory

t.        Meanings, translation: definition of Erdology, Erdology is actually 2 words put together.  I put these concepts together when I found that the old word I was using was already being used..  This used to be called teraology for many years I used teraology because when I first thought up this the original definition was, instead of concentrating only on what was happening on the outside of the atmosphere, I thought ok, the cultures that developed the ideas of astrology could see the sky, during storms and heavy canopies of Europe there is little sky to see.  Within the framework of that idea, I thought, well of course the Europeans would develop a life system based on what was happening to in the world around instead of the sky above.  Erd is earth in German which is partially where the Futhark came from.  Ology which is Latin for the study of.

u.      Live in Europe 50 b.c.e. - 200 c.e.. why its impossible to have created this in battle

v.      All the various forms of the runes have a key word in them all. Translated.

w.     Picking up the calendar and looking at it for the second time.

                                                                                            i.            Seeing the runic half month calendar

                                                                                          ii.            Seeing the rhyme for the second time and realizing that it was translated after 300 c. e.

                                                                                        iii.            The adjustment of the calendar, to match the blots.

                                                                                        iv.            The meanings become more and more clear

                                                                                          v.            Ok, if this year has symbolic meanings then what happens next year, generation map instantaneously became clear

x.       Let me make myself so clear that it’s not worth going into any further.  Even though I believe that this existed over 2000 years ago.  I have not one single shred of proof that this existed before I thought it up based on all the evidence I had 8 years ago.  I have hundreds more pieces of evidence now, but that is not the point, the point is I have not found the runes direct link from 200 c.e. back, and the Vinča are not similar enough to call them exactly the same.  Plus even though they are in the correct geographical area there is the small matter of 4000 years. 

y.       I also think that the Cro-Magnon were the first to invent the runes but that is also wide eyed speculation at this point also, and I have not one shred of proof.  Lots of circumstantial evidence but not one concrete hold up in court evidence.

z.       So to honor the memory of the ancients, and acknowledge that I did some nice detective work to put the pieces together.  That is all I have at this point, so my proof this existed before I thought it up.   I have none, so take this information and do what you want with it.  I myself have learned so much that it has become a valued member of every action, every thought, and most important every decision I make.  There are times when I was able to determine what the other person was thinking based entirely on the profiles in the generation section and what time of year it was.  I used only this map for my last 7 years as a professional psychic.  I retired.

aa.   Let me make one point as clear as I possibly can.  This Erdology is my invention.  I did not come by it easily or by myself.  It came from the bones of the Nordic Germanic runic/Futhark of questionable origins in Europe.

bb.  So my research has been more of detective work then it has been of research. Actually this Erdology came directly from an ancient source in the ancient world.

cc.   I assume this Erdology existed because of the evidence I have been gathering but there is no and most likely will never be any proof that Erdology or whatever word used to describe this counts process ever existed before 8 years ago when I thought it up in Bellingham, WA during a blizzard on the day of Yule.   I came up with the first part of it about a 6 months earlier in another apartment in Bellingham, WA while psychically reading my wife’s then pregnant eldest daughter while she and her then boyfriend now husband played solitaire on a computer, I read her and thought up the generation map.  Found in Living life sections.

dd.  Then something even more interesting came to my attention.  In each and every language that are based in runes there was a key word in all the histories.  The histories said paraphrase the same thing, the Romans came up conquered destroyed pillaged subjugated killed everything that resisted and then took the existing language these uneducated and add whatever cultural insult you can think of insert at this point and either scholars from the roman empire or Vatican priests took what ever the local peoples native nothing language and TRANSLATED that nothing into a Latin base.

ee.   If they were uneducated than why use the word translate?  The very act of translating in the first place means they had language.  Also if they had language they were not uneducated.  Huge holes in the workings of history.  Plus the fact that there are over 50 different varieties and variations of this non existent before 200 c. e.  non language that existed previous to the roman conquest stretching from the middle of Russia to Norway from Turkey to the artic circle.  Anyone else see that as a nice hole in the telling of history?

ff.     Then I learned something even more impressive.  Body count ratio.  I for some reason was interested in Julius Caesar at the same time I was interested in WWII.  And the body counts and population decimations just kept coming up and annoying me.  If you compare what Hitler did, he killed a lot of people in his quest for world domination; he is vilified because he lost.  But if you look at someone who has a worse body count and more destruction under his belt, he is a hero because he won and wrote the history.    Julius actually killed and destroyed more people per population than Hitler.  Of course Hitler only had 2 decades, Julius had 4 decades.  So of course Julius’s body count is going to be higher.

gg.   All this came to being in my mind, and I knew beyond a doubt that the runes could not have possibly been invented when we have been taught they were.   The evidence does not exist before 200 c. e.  but the facts of the time lines suggest the evidence is the last ditch efforts by scholars from the ancient past posted their secrets on monoliths for the later generations to find and hopefully translate.

hh.  Why would the ancients’ pre 200 c. e.  not want to share their information with the wonderful civilization giving Romans.  Well let’s just take a look at this for a second and see if we can figure out why the Europeans would not have wanted to just embrace the Pax Romana.

ii.      Pax Romana means peace under Rome.  The Romans laws were not exactly the greatest to its citizens let alone its conquered foes.  If you were a conquered person under the roman flag your life was really fun.

jj.      second citizenship under roman

kk.  Romans had this really nice way of taking what they wanted and then claiming they invented it. 

ll.      Everything is great as a roman as long as you do everything the Romans want you to do.  If not good luck breathing, each and every roman was subject to someone higher.  Senators could easily be executed by an emperor for defiance.  If a senator is easy to kill, everyone under the rank of a senator has anything but an easy life.

mm.          After the Roman Empire backed off, total and complete chaos surged through Europe.  With no peace keepers and the balance that the tribes had for thousands of years and the armies that did exist to keep the peace now no longer, Europe post 300 c. e.  became one giant battle ground with each and every tribe infighting for control and fighting each and every other tribe for greater lands. 

nn.  Not to mention trying to repeat the conquest and be the next Roman Empire.  And with all the scholars killed or converted to roman scholars, Europe was one giant battle ground so it’s really easy to see how the scholars could have mastered Latin and then created their own form of language from an unknown source during the middle of a constant and continuous battle for control of the old empire.  Reference to the current eastern European block nations try and get anything done and thought through in that war zone, good luck.  South eastern Europe is very similar now as it was after the collapse of the roman empire.

oo.  This is how I found the runes.  And knew that what I was taught from the books on and about runes that I read.  And what I was taught in school was just flat out wrong.   This is not an indictment of the parochial educational system this is more an examination of facts than what are the facts.  What is truth?  Is our history not better to truly find out what happened versus continuing to tell the same lies just because the lies are easier to deal with than the painful truth?  Well I can tell you that the truth will set you free from the web of lies that bind one into submission.

pp.  So the truth about the definition of the runes is, they can not possibly come from Latin.  You do not just adopt and accept the teachings of your conqueror, you may have to adapt to some forms of domination from your conqueror but you will never truly be a subject, some parts of your past will come out, it may be with your children or children’s children but the truth and the evidence from your past will be brought to the surface at some point and in such subtle ways the conqueror will probably not notice.  This has been a proven fact through a lot of various points of history.  A culture even after hundreds of years still keeps remnants of its former self intact.  Ebonics and gangs are a prime example of hundreds of years later, the African tribes what they did there, is being carried out and replayed here.  You can remove a person from their environment but you can not remove the traits from that person.

qq.  So we have been taught that runes come from Latin, not very likely.  But from another point of view that I did not see until after more than 10 years of work on this research.  I had not looked at the Romans and how they formed.  I generally only cared about the goings on in Europe.  But then I looked around by another source and came across a couple of fascinating keys to civilization and language development.

rr.     Latin comes from a combination of Etruscan and Greek.  I can tell you that Greek is a direct descendent language from Linear A.  but Etruscan is the one that caught my attention the most. And the reason that I bring up the runes and Etruscans, is that the Etruscans are the culture that had control of Italy before the Romans conquered everyone.  Rome was a province of the Etruscan empire before the Romans conquered the Etruscans; the Etruscan culture was ever so subtly removed and integrated into the roman culture. Leaving not much that was easy to see fact from political fiction.  But the character construction of the language was what caught my attention the most.  The Etruscans had a language that was so similar to that of the runes it really caught my attention. 

ss.    Then I looked up the Etruscan history.  Boy I was used to looking at misleading history from Europe but let me tell you, the Etruscan history is as bad if not worse than the European.  What the Romans did to the Etruscans we may never have more than a brief glimpse of it.  But it is not a very happy concept.  But of the facts that I was able to gleam off.  The Etruscans came from Crete, with their proto Linear A with them.  They had an advanced culture, capable to high skill navigation. And they had the trade routes around the world.  They were an empire at the same time the Greeks were.  And their culture was absorbed as much as the Romans could possibly absorb.  So there are not more facts that I could easily find.

tt.     But the main point is, the Etruscan language and the runes are very similar in shape.  Unknown as to their definition, the definition of the Etruscan proto Latin convergence has been lost to history, or shall I say Pax Romana.  But the facts remain that Etruscan and the Europeans could very well have known each other. And Etruscan, runes, and Linear A all look very similar.  Etruscan and Linear A are dated ancient.  Runes are supposedly invented after the major roman invasions and during the nastiest European tribal fighting seen till WWI.  The Romans and Vatican wrote the history.  It was not possible to destroy the Etruscan language and cultural influences, the Etruscan families were and are far too strong but the conquered Europeans it was easy to erase their history.   And call their history and education roman.

uu.  And now for me was the key piece of evidence that nailed the case closed that the runes are not from Latin.  The Eddas which are the written oral history of the central and eastern European peoples.  Say that the Vanier culture was in Europe, the Ǽsier came into the area where the Vanier were.  They fought to a draw.  Declared peace.   And the Ǽsier culture being a heavily dominating and conquest oriented civilization and the Vanier being a balanced and or matriarchal culture.  Eventually the Ǽsier ways of life dominated the balance and it became the Ǽsier culture.  This eventually removed the origins of the runes from the Vanier and put them in the hands of Odin the leader of the Ǽsier.  Well I found evidence of a culture in the same place the Eddas describe, and a very similar name, and a very similar culture, called the Vinča.

vv.  It is this culture that I was drawn to very heavily because their language, which predated the previous, advanced civilization language by more than 1000 years. It was in Europe, 6000 b. c. e. . and they had language, math, construction, and the evidence shows a long life and culture before being invaded from the east.  It was this invasion that eventually destroyed the culture from the inside.  The Vinča language is so similar to the runes that I had to take a second look.  Well only truly half the characters are similar, the other half of the Vinča characters is spot on to the Ogham, the Celtic language. 

ww.           There was documented by a Greek historian that a 12th night festival to Odin was being held, and it looked like the festival had quite a long history to it.  This dates to 1000 b. c. e. .  If the festival to Odin dates from 1000 b. c. e.  that would indicate the Eddas as oral history with the lessons of the runes inside the Eddas was dated to 1000 b. c. e. and the festival was not a new festival, and the Ǽsier whose leader/god head Odin was not the first to know the runes.  Then that automatically puts the runes dating to ancient times.  It takes time to develop complex things like the runes.

xx.   The more evidence I gather about history the more the evidence points to the runes did not come from Latin, Latin came from the same ancient language that the runes did.

yy.   See I compiled Vinča, roman history, Etruscan history, life in European 200 c. e.  to now, and a few other details and came up with the runes are a great deal older than they have been presented in history

zz.   Finding the languages  put language and language translations in here from living life.  

                                                                                            i.            Language Guide Tracking the languages,

                                                                                          ii.            names,

                                                                                        iii.            counts,

                                                                                        iv.            shapes of each character.

                                                                                          v.            There are many versions, after what seemed like an endless extensive search. I can tell you that the amount of languages that those translated from a previously unknown language into Latin is over 50 and that is only the language I have found so far.

1.      Neanderthal

2.      Cro-Magnon,

3.      Indus,

4.      Vinĉa/Vanier,

5.      Linear A, Indus Harappa, Proto Canaanite, Etruscan, etc

6.      Futhark Hungarian Icelandic Nordic Swiss German Anglo Saxon

7.      elder Futhark younger Futhark, Anglo Saxon,

8.      Viking

9.      Old English

10.  Ausatrue

                                                                                        vi.            I would carry through with these languages hoping beyond hope to one day understand what I was looking at.

                                                                                      vii.            As I proceeded to learn more and more about the various languages that make up the last of the elder Futhark runes.  Something remarkable came across my understanding.

                                                                                    viii.            There is no way these came from 200 c. e.  after the roman invasions.

                                                                                         ix.            For I am not going for the ideas of just a simple by tradition concept in the Futhark, I have always wanted to know where they came from. How far back,

                                                                                           x.            Putting all the linguistics and language characteristics together in one place at one time.    This is the very start to the heart of the beginning of the linguistics reverse engineering

1.      Each and every tradition I encountered I encountered more dogma than I was comfortable with.  The more dogma the more I was not interested and said, the very simple question, where did this culture, tradition, or language come from.

2.      The answer was almost always the same Odin, Eddas, and the specific region of the ancient religion that that person was trained in, usually by family members.

3.      The more I searched the more convinced of the facts that there was no way that the Futhark could come from 200 c. e.  and forward.  Since it just kind of poof and it was there.

4.      I thought, who would honestly believe that. Poof, not slow steady progress, no multiple versions, just poof.

5.      Well I just simply could not believe that.  So I started to dig archaeologically.  The more I dug the dirtier I got.  The more yuck I got. The more prudishness I found.

6.      Ok this is the history lesson I was taught. The Romans after conquering the uneducated and uncivilized tribes of Europe they embraced Latin and accepted the Pax Romana with out question.  Learned Latin and math.  And within 200 years, had taken Latin and the math they were taught by the Romans and took that base and created their own language almost over night with it.  Taking Latin and roman math, and poof. The runes.

7.      Now tell me something.  When in the existence of 2 leggers has anything in war time, just gone poof there it is.  Creating something that brand new and complex from virtually nothing.  Latin and the ancient Futhark only look similar; their language base is quite different.  The difference in the comparison to an orange and tape recorder vastly different things.

8.      But then I say this sentence in all the 50+ rune languages I encountered, translated by this or that priest in this year or even this month day.  I looked back through all the files and all the research on all the various rune languages and found translated into Latin.

9.      If there was nothing before hand, they use the word translated on this day by this guy.  Why would a priest create a bridge language between uneducated and uneducatable tribal heathens and the glorious Latin.  That is a waste of time, its smarter to just teach them Latin than to teach them Latin and a newly invented language.  And doing that same thing arriving converting the heathens translating their own into Latin on this date. And then moving on.

10.  Of course not everyone started to use the new Latin base.  They wanted to use their old nothing, since there was no language in Europe before Latin. At least that is what a dozen history books tell me. What was it that the inquisition burned starting at 300 c. e.  and progressing for more than 800 years.  A huge book and scroll burning ceremony in the middle of town. Usually burning those most educated as well.  But if there was no language and no education they those nasty heathens would have of course converted to the true religion since there was no native religion.

11.  Well I can tell you that I just took a step back from the history and said, that was excellent propaganda, lets find out what actually happened.

                                                                                         xi.            History impossible creation of around 200 c. e.

1.      I was reviewing the data from the accepted period of history. Noticing that it is still very much a commonly accepted fact that the Futhark itself is thought very seriously to have come from the post 100 c. e.  Europe although if anyone truly looks at the evidence they will quickly come to the same conclusion I did.

2.      Not possible way.

3.      Ok if you accept the runic Futhark came from a Latin base these are the facts of the case that are being left out.

4.      after a devastating and genocidal rampage that is still very much going on the scholars of Europe are

5.      converting to Romans

6.      mastering Latin, although not taught to slaves except in rare circumstances.

7.      These scholars mastered Latin, and within 250 years of mastering Latin had reinvented and reformed Latin under the nose of the Romans.

8.      While Europe was a devastating intense battleground with the first being killed after the warriors on the field where dead were the scholars.

9.      fully accepting the

10.  religion,

11.  beliefs,

12.  understandings and

13.  teachings of their conquerors.

14.  you will also have to accept the facts that these languages look far too similar to not be cousin languages.

aaa.            Archaeological evidence of the ancients

bbb.          Futhark and Ogham partnership  It has long been a theory of mine that the Ogham and the runes were at some point 2 parts of the same language.  The cultures are the same age and they are far too similar not to be at least partially cousins.

ccc.            History

                                                                                            i.            The Futharks true origins

                                                                                          ii.            Europe during the Pax Romana

                                                                                        iii.            200 c. e.  to 500 c. e.  Europe

                                                                                        iv.            Inquisition

                                                                                          v.            dark ages

                                                                                        vi.            Edda's

                                                                                      vii.            reemergence of the runes

                                                                                    viii.            The Futhark as I know it, historically

                                                                                         ix.            may never be known to anyone as a matter of proof beyond a shadow of a doubt.  But I can tell you that the Futhark itself looked much different before 200 c. e.  than after.

                                                                                           x.            See what I am talking about here is that what the history lessons we have been taught are

                                                                                         xi.            Limitations of history,

                                                                                       xii.            The holes in accepted history

                                                                                     xiii.            Not able to believe that all knowledge of advanced cultures came from the middle east and Mediterranean, there had to be something more than just one idea out of the last 10,000 years in human history,

                                                                                     xiv.            Art of the past

                                                                                       xv.            Architecture

                                                                                     xvi.            Mathematics

                                                                                   xvii.            Navigation

                                                                                 xviii.            Civilization started where?? Greece or was it the Minoans,

                                                                                     xix.            Minoans had trade established with the Nordics

                                                                                       xx.            Cherokee

                                                                                     xxi.            Mound builders

                                                                                   xxii.            Aztec’s

                                                                                 xxiii.            Goddess of Willendorph 

                                                                                 xxiv.            The Basques (area between Spain and France) and their genes being directly linked to the Cro-Magnon, their genetic dispositions and the other humans involved with the cross breeding

                                                                                   xxv.            The sphinx, the body of a lioness, indication of a goddess culture.

                                                                                 xxvi.            The lost 13th tribe. The facts that Europe was inhabited and civilized for a long time indicates they had been there for quite a long time before the AEsier got there. The AEsier being possibilities of several cultures already known to the Med history.  Then there is the language attributes to German and new languages are very similar to Yiddish.  As well as early Jewish cultures were not as patriarchal based as when the prophet that first created Judaism.   That culture was already up and running by the time he was around.   As well as it could have been organized in other ways.

                                                                               xxvii.            Then there is the bull representation in the Med up to the application of Christianity.  The bull is a large representation and comes directly from the Minoans, which are different from the other culture that was in existence in the same area .There is plenty of evidence to suggest that the history of the last 10000 years is vastly different than the history that we have been taught and presented with.

                                                                             xxviii.            Culture the cultures that have been influential and may or may not have been in or around the Erdology.  ( am an not entirely certain as to if proceeding with the symbolic cultures and symbolic concepts in this book is a good idea.  So that will have to be thought out and through))  so in culture, well lets just see about how much information I want to put into Erdology about symbolic.

1.      Neanderthal  why them?  Because the Cro-Magnon and the Neanderthal did cross associate, and since the caves in Europe that have exactly the correct conditions for holding cave paintings for 50,000 years are few and far between.  There is nothing to suggest that the Neanderthal did not teach the Cro-Magnon cave paintings, since it’s already been established the Neanderthal could not have been dumb they did have musical instruments tuned to the octave.  That requires a very nice level of tech skill, and language to community that knowledge over a generation gap.

2.      Cro-Magnon, the genetics are better than the why I assume the Cro-Magnon had anything to do with the runes at all.  Well let me tell you how hard an ice age is.  And the dates of the last 2 ice ages.  One minor and one major.

3.      Etruscan history early Roman history not commonly known or accepted history is that the Etruscans who came from Crete, and brought with them linear A. and Latin comes directly from a merge of Etruscan and Greece.  And Greece comes directly from Linear B which comes directly from linear A. 

4.      the Vinča and the Vanier are cousin cultures if not one in the same.

5.      Etruscans,

6.      Romans

7.      Greeks

8.      Celts

9.      Vinča

10.  Canaanite

11.  Babylonian


                                                                                  xxix.            tarot connection, I worked on my tarot deck for years using only the

1.      history, one major subject I know about that is fought over more then the history of the runes is the history and creation of the tarot.  In my opinion it’s a waste of time but hey if they want to fight and bicker over it its up to them.  There are 2 schools of thought as to the origins and ideas of the origins of the tarot. One is Egyptian and the other is Hebrew, both have their merits but also both have their down sides, there are too many holes in both stories to truly believe either one of them.

2.      Egyptian tarot

3.      Hebrew tarot

4.      runes in the tarot

5.      how the tarot is built and constructed

a.       math

b.      sections

                                                                                                                                                                    i.            Major Arcana

                                                                                                                                                                  ii.            minor Arcana

                                                                                                                                                                iii.            court

c.       using the deck the tarot deck is actually a good psychological profile.  Having all 3 major aspects of this world and how we fit into this world contained with in it.  So learning to use any tarot deck is learning to use a psychological profile map.

d.      Celtic cross spread type add the spread type or layout pattern to the tarot deck adds a formula for the psychological profile map to exist within.

e.       I may want to put in a small amount on and about how to actually do a reading

                                                                                    xxx.            The symbolic history that just comes out of human nature.

                                                                                  xxxi.            conquest tribes brags, see a when a conquest tribe does something, they have to do what the native American’s call counting coup, which is a victory dance to celebrate there victory over their enemy.  Well the conquest does it too.  No matter good victory or a vicious genocide a conquest tribe can always be counted upon to count coup.  So one key way to track the flaws in history is to track the coup counting of a conquest tribe, see what the counting coup was about.  Who, what, where, when, why, and how.  And that will lead you to some very profoundly great results.  Amazing how many cultures I have found simply by listening to them brag about how they conquered.  Find out who they conquered and you get to build a picture of the way the rest of the world outside the conquest worked.

                                                                                xxxii.            displace blame, in all conquest oriented tribes, at some point in their conquests they will find evidence to spin the reason for the attacks away from the truth and toward a justification of their own actions.  When this happens review the entire justification, blame, political spin.  The more you know and have records of the spin, the more you can have clues as to what actually happened.

                                                                              xxxiii.            clues from indo European science, after looking at the different and various scientific evidence at and about how this reality worked I compared those scientific findings to what I know about the Futhark.  It surprised me on how much of the cycles of nature that science figured out

6.      We have some solid facts and a structure of what the runes were. 

7.      ok, we have some solid facts, and a structure of what the runes where.  Or could have been.  What do we do with them now?  (very intense concept, is that the subject lines and the information flow of section 4 and section 5 are virtually the same. The information is of course different from 4 as in 4 is only the clues.  5 is there the clues are put together

a.       Take the finished blue print of the idea of the shape and add the pieces and parts together.  Start the actual construction process of what life used to be like

b.      Surviving the ice ages

c.       Reasons for the possibility of walking upright.  Hands needed to hold weapons and or food.  While running as fast as possible away.

d.       culture names. What we call ancient cultures today was not there original names. Current cultures are usually named after there discoverer, the language or town they are near, there conquerors insult joke, or some other form of slang.  Find the original name amazing what you find o0ug about the culture.

e.       A sin by the Christian faith to be anti Semitic, but all these forms of anti are honorable rewarded contributions to the Christian cause.

                                                                                            i.            Pagans

                                                                                          ii.            Occultist

                                                                                        iii.            Vikings

                                                                                        iv.            murder of all pagan scholars

                                                                                          v.            cultural bigotry of pagans, and nature religion folk

                                                                                        vi.            heathen,


f.        destruction of any and all information that came before the Vatican conquest, if there was no language and the people where ignorant, what was destroyed?

g.       Linguistics Language

                                                                                            i.            word translation

                                                                                          ii.            50 very similar dialects spread from Greenland to Russia, the article circle to the northern Mediterranean.

                                                                                        iii.            Poof there the runes where,

                                                                                        iv.            The cave paintings of the Neanderthal-Cro-Magnon , have the same basic shapes of the later Vinča characters.  Which also have the same shape of the runes. Odd thing, they are all in the same area of country. And not much outside interference up till 1000 b. c. e.  that is.


h.      Culture

                                                                                            i.            A language that archaeology found dates to 6000 b. c. e.  looks almost spot on to the divination religious devise used in the exactly the same region, that was used to create the current languages of those countries, ref word translate.  Btw, 6000 b. c. e.  predates both Egyptian and Sanskrit by a considerable amount of time.

1.      Neanderthal Cro-Magnon Connection

a.       Their imports of art and technological advancements.

b.      Their cave paintings

c.       Their language

d.      Their genes

e.       Cave paintings

f.        northern Etruscan

g.       Known as a Italian invention

2.      the earliest human

3.      Vinča

4.      Indus harrappa

5.      Egyptian

6.      sea people (Minoan)

7.      Canaanite

8.      Sumerian

9.      The Norse

a.       Barbarians

10.  Minoans

a.       A sea going society with a vast sea and arts understandings.

b.      Advancements in all areas

c.       Language has not been deciphered

d.      Linear A and the Connection to the Futhark


i.        Navigation.

                                                                                            i.            Trade routes 3000 b. c. e.  Indus Harappa, Vinča, Linear A, proto Canaanite, and proto Etruscan.  They had interconnected trade routes, there languages looked similar, there cultures art and religious believes where similar, they all existed at approximately the same times, all taken over by conquest oriented cultures after thousand year reigns, and they are all untranslatable in current language based from the cuneiform Sanskrit.

j.        religion

                                                                                            i.            similar religion idols and artifacts left behind,

                                                                                          ii.            Then there are the arts and humanities, the putting on of plays and dramas to illustrate life and learning lessons.

                                                                                        iii.            the goddess idols look very similar to that of the Neanderthal goddess of Villandorf

1.      the traditions that are most closely associated with the goddess religions are far too similar, even though the dogma of each tradition may be vastly different, the casting rules are all in the same ball park

k.      My number one keys to the absolute believe of the Erdology, Futhark research.

                                                                                            i.            Genocide

                                                                                          ii.            Flow of data before the conquests of northern Europe started..

                                                                                        iii.            After the conquests started,

                                                                                        iv.            From 3000 b. c. e.  to 200 c.e. what happened,

                                                                                          v.            And what where the key indicators to saw the evidence left was not invention but leaving secrets for the survivors of the children of the Norse to be able to find there way back home after the conquests stopped.

                                                                                        vi.            Why would a culture choose genocide and not revealing there secrets the enemy? A brilliant culture choose to die rather then revile.  That fact in itself deserves a good hard look at what they choose death for.  And that dead genocide is not just one generation that was 1200 years of genocide, the first of the invasions of the roman into Europe, and then with the murder execution of the king Olaf one of the writers of the Edda that is loyalty to the ultimate degree.  King Olaf was murdered in 1200 c. e.  the roman invasions where 1200 years before that.  Whatever they where protecting had to be something mightily impressive.

                                                                                      vii.            Runa secret or hidden meaning, then I learned this little peccadillo. In Latin and German, “runa means secret or hidden meaning.” Even thought it has a name, Futhark its called secret or hidden.  Ok to any detective that is called hiding in plane site.  So I said to myself, ok, to a detectives mind that is called a vault door.  All the rune writers I knew all where terribly interested in and fascinated by the fact that the lock on the vault door was so cool man.  Well no insult in any way shape or form to any of my teachers of rune studies predecessors (the greatest honor in fact) but I did not care that much to study the lock, I wanted to find out what the lock was attacked to, and open that door,  this whole thing is about the journey of safe crashing that vault door, and seeing what was inside.

                                                                                    viii.            Hymdals children will one day resurrect the old ways.

l.        engineering.

                                                                                            i.            Long house, ok with out math, written language, or understandings of anything that comes from language and engineering which architecture is in side engineering, design a house that is 50 feet wide, up to 300 feet long 20 to 100 feet high, with a roof that weights over 90 tons and is not supported by the walls. The weight is supported by the poles running down the middle of the house.  Sound impossible, well this is standard European construction from the point at which the Mediterranean cultures where keeping track and records of the Europeans.

                                                                                          ii.            Long boat, ok this is very simple construction, a draft of 3 feet, width from 20 up to 150. length 75 to several hundred feet long.  Able to cruise the north Atlantic with out any problems.  (btw, modern steel ships that are the same size and larger had trouble doing the exactly the same thing today.  A regular trade route was established between Norway, Iceland, Greenland, at least 1000 c. e.  or earlier.

                                                                                        iii.            Navigation, ok with out written language, compass, and math.  I want you to navigate harbor to harbor from Norway to Iceland, Iceland to Greenland, and back again.  The northern Europeans did it on a every 2 week basis till there populations where too decimated by the internal wars, inquisition, and Mediterranean conquests to continue it.  The navigation abilities of a north Atlantic crossing, makes circumnavigation look easy.  You have glaciers, and on a nice gentle easy Sunday sail you have 10 to 15 foot swells.  In a storm you get 30 to 50 foot swells.  In a heavy storm you get sees in excess of 80 to 110 feet.  Every 2 weeks on schedule.  Oh yes, the northern Europeans could not possibly have had any education. And they defiantly stopped before the easier leg of the journey.  Greenland to newfound land, only 3 days, Norway to Iceland is 3 weeks.  And Newfoundland to Maine is less then 3 days.  But the northern Europeans defiantly only came as far as Greenland.  They did not want to go all the way across the Atlantic, I mean really who will believe they crossed, I mean they where only 80% across. They defiantly did not have the guts to cross the shortest leg to Maine. The only sailing conditions that are even comparable to the north sea is the horn, the area between Antarctica and the cape of greenhorn, but the horn is much shorter.  map navigation  In map navigation, one of the things that stuck out the most with the Celts and the German tribes is that the Celtic cross and the runes play such a roll together.  There are more then a few monoliths with runes inside the Celtic cross.   So I decided one fine day to take the cross apart and see just how it worked.  And low and behold what I discovered was an 8 dimensional mathematics model.   With 2 sphere place markers.   Insert a 3d cross with a point in the middle to a point on the outside.  The 9th point is the aura vibration of the main, the 10th point is the aura vibration of the go to point.   So this just tells you that everything is the 10th point is dependent on each and everything around.  Each atom is in a balance and directional guidance by the 10th point.  Then there is the significatore, the overall.  Which is the overall movement of what these 2 points of interest are.

                                                                                        iv.            Buried Secrets ?????  I am not sure where to put this so I will put it here. But what this section is about is, ok, lets look at the evidence the other way.  What if instead of the physical evidence being at its invention, maybe it’s thee “ok what can leave that will survive the test of time, and be around when the children of hymdall come to find out there past..  so instead of being invented them, its more of that was when the scholars decided to start leaving clues as to what all this stuff was.

1.      The calendar and what I say with that

2.      First came the year

3.      Fibonacci observation of the cycles of nature

4.      Hour

5.      Day

6.      Week

7.      The seasons

8.      The Year

9.      (The new calendar  (Julian and Gregorian changes)

10.  1 year

11.  2 the

12.  3 the Ǽtts

13.  Then the 5 seasons

14.  The 8 Sabbats

15.  13 moon cycles

16.  Then the generation map pack based non psychology

17.  The latter math of the extended cycles 576

18.  13000

19.  The Futhark itself its

20.  Symbolic nature

21.  Calendar

22.  Fibonacci

23.  24

24.  The ever widening circle

25.  Converting to indo European languages but leaving the old intact

26.  Specifically not teaching other cultures secrets, this is known for if the barbarians would have shared their secrets then instead of looking at their enemy with disdain of no understanding their language, as well as their customs.

8.      using Erdology, the charts

9.      ok, how does this all effect our lives in the right here and right now.  This is the Erdology section. This is where its all comes together to benefit the self.  This is where all the ok, this may or may not have existed but the facts are, this actually works.  And put proof to the pudding. 

a.       why this research is important, what can be done with it.

b.      Symbolic Futhark Science I use the word Futhark since the last of the language and cultures that where a part of the ancient symbolic culture system was called Futhark.  But what Erdology is the concept came from symbolic science. Since Erdology in truth only covers what happens in and on this planet.  There are other studies that cover what happens to othe5r areas of study. Like chemistry, atomic theory, planetary construction, galaxy construction, and the way the whole thing works together.  So Erdology is only a part of the bigger picture.

                                                                                                        i.            What in the fuck is Futhark science and how is it used

                                                                                                      ii.            Rules and guidelines,

                                                                                                    iii.            How to apply in different areas and formulas

                                                                                                    iv.            New ideas rules on how to work with and organize science Based on the Futhark way of doing things

                                                                                                      v.            The proof is that the cycles happen

c.       I make no claims that this is real this a fact, in fact that is why I called it the welling Futhark I put my name in front to let everyone know that this is not anything but what I have been able to put together from history, language, and taking the threads of all the books I read and putting them together to see if the Futhark could make some as semblance of sense.  Now its called Erdology because I felt I had to give at least a bit of respect back to the people and cultures I assume created this Erdology, and where gracious enough to leave enough of there secrets behind to uncover what it used to be.  So yes technically its my invention, but in reality its half my invention of my thought feelings and emotions on how I think the world is build, but the other half is all the clues and tool that where left behind form the ancients that I used to reconstruct, so it has my name on as inventor of Erdology but Erdology is in itself respectful bow to the evidence.

                                                                                                        i.            When I began this project it was with the clear understanding that I was going to go about creating something that was not only helpful to myself but also to the rest of the world.

                                                                                                      ii.            What I ended up creating was a new way of thinking.  Based strongly on the bones of an ancient society.  But what I have created goes folds behind what the evidence that remains of that long ago ancient culture. 

                                                                                                    iii.            As I build the outline, and reorganize the Futhark itself what I want to be working on for years, put it into place and use this as a blue print to build the site from.

                                                                                                    iv.            To truly understand the Futhark one must take it upon you to look at the environment in which the Futhark was created.  The environment was not like Europe is today.  Today’s temperate climate as well as the much smaller animals is a far cry from the Europe of even a few thousand years ago.   Around 7 to 10 thousand years ago Europe had minor glaciations.  Ice covered large sections of Europe.  So anyone living there would have to be living butted up against the glacier in order to keep warm and have ground under there feet.  Anywhere else is inhospitable to human life.  So the peoples of that area where butted quite literally up against the only safe place to be.  The temp is 60 to 80’, water is pure, and the ground is not frozen.  As well as every other thing that is hanging around in that area.  The animals of the area are not exactly what would be considered to be small.  The cave bear, and aurox, as well as a few others each is a ton or two and each have a rather interesting temperament.  So the Nordics had nature playing itself out right in front of them.  Observing the natural cycles of life would have been as easy as observing your family during long periods of inner quiet as well as opening a “window” and looking at how animals interact with each other.  Not to mention weather patterns.  Everything in that situation would be amplified a couple hundred fold.  So the task of keeping everything working and flowing went to the leaders who if they had any observation skills at all would see and react with there surroundings. 

1.      With that idea in mind, the symbolic concept of the Futhark then became totally clear.  

2.      an adventure of the mind, body, and spirit.   This is a journey of self discovery through self understanding.   The information in this book came from working with the cultures archeological evidence itself.   Discovering the ancient peoples of Europe from the physical evidence they left behind with the available language of there dependence I will take you on a journey of realization.   The symbols which make up the language consist of formulas for humans to live better amongst themselves, others, and in harmony with the planet.   The ancients realized the cycles of life, death, rebirth, basic communication, and how a community could begin realization of the self and the needs of the self, then the combining of these factors to create a balanced and nurturing society could be created out of the framework of the language.   Through the interconnectedness of all things.   Our past is an amalgam of the experiences of our race, this planet, and the spiritual realms which we are a part.

3.      Big animals

4.      Cave Paintings

5.      Interactions with the Middle Easterners learning Greek and other languages

6.      4000 years of genocide

7.      Knew they where going down, took preventative measures to insure they would not be forgotten.   Looking within the confines of history thinking that the ancients knew their culture was going down, hiding their secrets within the confines of the new.  Converting their calendar over to the Julian after 300 years to make sure that is was not understandable


d.      why I picked Erdology

e.       Nuts and bolts to Erdology. The nuts of how it works.  In here add in all the various counts, not the charts of what the counts, but what it is and how I build it.  All the counts, all the parts, all the  sections. All of Erdology the mechanics. And how I came up with that gear and why I put it there.  All the technical aspects, not what the gear looks like but what metal is it made of, density, what gears it groves with.  The engineering of Erdology.

                                                                                                  i.            Math with in the concepts and structure of Futhark math, there are a couple differences between Futhark math and Hebrew or roman math.  Hebrew math is a 10 base, well its actually 9 base with a 0 added.  Making 10.   On the other hand Futhark math is a many leveled math all depending on which count you use. 

1.      Symbolic Meanings (((((this section goes into counts. Individual society living life area.)))))

a.       The basics, what the symbolic concepts are a little about how they came about but mostly how they work.

2.      The engineering for the deck how it’s put together, in here what I want to do is to map out different life things, the 24 major life paths life choices and then the subgroups off of those choices.

a.       Ace –8,  this is also part of the math, as well as being part of the, psych

b.      The court, carriers,

c.       The major Arcana, this is a mystery as to how it applies

d.      The suites, this is something also in the way we live our lives

3.      What this deck can be used to do

a.       An understanding of the self

                                                                                                                                                                    i.            Personal generation map

4.      An understanding of the community

a.       The human generation map

b.      To truly understand anything you must understand how things work in this world.

                                                                                                ii.      Tarot counts section.

1.      court

2.      cups

3.      swords

4.      wands

5.      tri

6.      pentacles

7.      major Arcana


                                                                                                      ii.            fundamental part of the symbolic Futhark construction.

1.      Fibonacci

2.      The pendulum

3.      A magnet

4.      observation of the way the cycles happen.  Goes back to Symbolic Futhark science. 

5.      the year

6.      equinoxes the 8 a year that are completely dependable.

7.      Sabbats the 5 to 6 a year that change

8.      early childhood development

9.      watching the span of time and how humans interact with each other and themselves

10.  watching how humans interact with there environment.



f.        Electro-Magnetic Fields,  Electro-Magnetic

                                                                                                        i.            we are obviously going to have to include a few lessons into the concept of Electro-Magnetic. since there are even magicians out there who are unfamiliar with the rules that govern Electro-Magnetic

                                                                                                      ii.            start with how a Electro-Magnetic sphere works

                                                                                                    iii.            atomic structure

                                                                                                    iv.            magnetic

                                                                                                      v.            living things

                                                                                                    vi.            a humans aura

                                                                                                  vii.            then atomic physics 

                                                                                                viii.            atoms

                                                                                                     ix.            molecules

                                                                                                       x.            chemical compounds

                                                                                                     xi.            bio chemistry

                                                                                                   xii.            inorganic chemistry

                                                                                                 xiii.            Futhark table of elements

                                                                                                 xiv.            From the first Electro-Magnetic short circuit to the formulation of galaxies, this section deals with how to same rules of Electro-Magnetic

g.       Year maps

h.      All the various components to the Futhark,

i.        Mathematics, using just symbolic math.

j.        Geography

                                                                                                        i.            It was not long after first discovering the vault door that the Futhark was partially geography based.  Mapping what happens in certain geographical places.

                                                                                                      ii.            All over the world there are places considered to be sacred, and other places are considered to be dark and do not go there. 

                                                                                                    iii.            The pacific northwest for example is considered to be the liver of the world, go there to clean yourself up.

                                                                                                    iv.            The River Ganga (Ganges) is considered to be the holiest river by some traditions.

k.      All the components to the Erdology internal gears counts

                                                                                                        i.            Months of the year your where born in Fehu – Daggaz

                                                                                                      ii.            Master months chart Fehu – Daggaz

                                                                                                    iii.            Master chart Individual Living Lessons

                                                                                                    iv.            living like

                                                                                                      v.            living life

                                                                                                    vi.            the year by blot Sabbat

                                                                                                  vii.            days of year Litha Beltain

                                                                                                viii.            Sabbats per year and there meanings

l.        All the various pieces and part of Erdology,

                                                                                                        i.            Living life

                                                                                                      ii.            Partnerships

                                                                                                    iii.            Year counts

                                                                                                    iv.            Everything build so far goes into 6.

                                                                                                      v.            5 Sabbat count individual year

1.      Village

2.      Individual 

a.       Fehu                Year 1 -24

b.      Uruz                25-48

c.       Thurasaz                      49- 73

d.      Ansuz               74-94

e.       Raido               95-120

f.        Kennaz            From here is tribal community stuff

g.       Gebo  

h.      Wunjo

i.        Haggalaz 8

j.        Haggalaz         

k.      Nauthiez

l.        Isa

m.    Jera

n.      Eiwaz

o.      Pertho

p.      Alhaz

q.      Sowillo

r.        Tiwaz8

s.       Tiwaz

t.        Bircano

u.      Ewaz

v.      Mannaz

w.     Laguz

x.       Ingwaz

y.       Othallo

z.       Daggaz

3.      Society   sociology     Othello in the sequence(??)  There are levels which are actually hard to understand from the get go but once those thing are established once the basic parameters are there then the rest is filling in data.

a.       tribal community government

b.      Fehu, the things which happen in here are the basics of how humans can interact on a basic level, to develop a tribe.  The rules and regulations as to what is acceptable and what is ok within this level of understanding the rules of how humans live their lives are here. Which are different than in more advanced forms of living.

4.      Now each of these areas involved here are generational attributes.  There are lessons to be learned at each and every level of sequence. From the very beginning to the most advanced, and there is no end to the amount things can advance into.

a.       parental psychology how do deal with your kids, as well as extended family, tribal and animal packs, rules of operation

b.      Tribal community government.

c.       personal

d.      basic level of tribal government

e.       Parental psychology

f.        Grandparent

g.       great grand parent

h.      extended family

i.        close friends

j.        community centers

k.      inner sect of community government

l.        external working government

m.    Democracy

n.      What ever form of government comes with so much knowledge.

o.      business, corporation, Business psychology

p.      tribal building

q.      community building

r.        village

s.       history

t.        present

u.      future

v.      Cycles

w.     creations, invention

x.       application

y.       awareness of everything but self

z.       understanding

aa.   beginning of society

bb.  F 8 village community, H 8 individual, T 8 society

                                                                                                                                                                                i.            Some of the psych happens in a 5 count, some of the society happens in a 3 count. Village, community, society. And differing variations on that theme.   Differing levels of that idea in psychology. There are different levels of village concepts.  As well as community, and so on.

cc.   Daggaz

                                                                                                    vi.            6 Sabbat count individual year Gregorian leap year

1.      Village

2.      Individual

3.      Society

                                                                                                  vii.            5 Sabbat count Individual Living Life Groups of concepts charts

1.      Village

2.      Individual

3.      Society

                                                                                                viii.            5 Sabbat count Partnerships  **coming soon**

1.      These maps are the maps that cover,

2.      relationships,

a.       romance

b.       Village

c.        Individual

3.      society

a.       friendships

b.       Village

c.        Individual

4.      society

5.      business

6.      tribes

7.      countries

8.      empires

9.      villages

10.  communities

11.  entertainment

12.  learning

13.  maps and travel

14.  Sacred places and spaces associated

a.       Stonehenge

15.  meteorology  Weather patterns

a.       I noticed that weather comes in patterns similar to the Futhark as well as everything else. 

b.      The first really impressive thing that I thought about was a year cycle.

c.       See winter lasts different amounts of time not only to the geography of the planet but also regionally.

d.      The regional was my first clue that the Futhark was based on observation of weather patterns.  Sometimes short warmer winters more summer cycle like, other winters are long drawn out long cold snaps with huge amounts of snow.

e.       Now I see that the cycles of weather patterns include all the counts.

                                                                                                                ix.            Village

                                                                                                                  x.            Individual

                                                                                                                 xi.            Society

  1. beginnings of Symbolic science: Symbolic Science: this is a concept I created after learning about all the archaeological evidence of items from the past that where left behind.  I came to the conclusion that the ancient had a organized and advanced form of science.  I call it Symbolic Science since the way the organization is formatted is all about the symbolic representations of various items.  A symbolic representation is how the language, math, and science formats work.  As well as that is the name and word used to describe a lot of the runic languages which is where I found the translation keys.
  2. Symbolic Language:  Language history and basics: standard Nordic Germanic spellings and definitions I have used for more then 10 years.
    1. Origins: Proto-Sinaitic/Proto Canaanite, Etruscan, Latin
    2. times when the language changed:  The runes where in almost constant flux from the moment the Mediterranean  cultures found it up till it became illegal to use the runes.  So at really no point except with the religions aspects this language was in constant flux.
    3. inception date: This has a religious tradition based beginning that has no recorded starting point.
    4. origins: the branches of a tree.
    5. what languages made this language possible: Etruscan, Latin mix.
    6. The definitions I have: when I first started doing this whole huge process of understanding the runes, I was left with huge holes in understanding, and so much dogma on and about religion and belief where more important then the definitions of the words to begin with.  That I just kind of bailed in the very beginning.  It was not till my first major teacher of runes in my first metaphysical shop while making her own set of runes out of elk horn told me while I was panicking one fine day about well which tradition, which path, which dogma, and then the eventually argh can not concentrate and get mind clear to choose.  That I was told, follow your heart, allow the runes to guide you they are excellent teachers so let them be your teachers not some book or some spiritual leader pretending to have a radio to one of the gods.  Trust yourself, then learn.  From that day on In that Books store in Manitou Springs, Colorado in a metaphysical shop that does not exist anymore.  Although I remember the exact location and driven past thousands of times on Colorado Ave, is she reads this I most profound thank you. Well its was this lesson that I used to guide the rest of this incredible journey.  So instead of using the Edda or anyone other source, I used as many runes definition and linguistic definition books I could get my hands on as my building blocks for my first definitions.  Which 2 years later where very nice sellers, my first wife and I sold more then a few copies of rune sets because my definitions where more liked then the definitions that most others came up with.  My definitions where based on both traditions of what I could find and linguistics of the old European languages the runes had a very historically fuzzy base in.  the more I looked at the linguistics the more understanding I had with the runes, the more of the old language came out, the more the magical aspects worked better.  The more the herbology worked and went from no sense at all to some tiny sense.  Now I will be the first to tell anyone I am no herbologist, herbs do not speak to me much at all, I have nothing more then a “see dick run, see Jane run.” understanding of herbology.  But with the linguistics of German, Icelandic, Norwegian, Turkish, and a few others I came to have a grasp that the runes can be a whole useable and workable tool.  Not just a divination devise but a whole useable and workable tool.
    7. Definitions below: the definitions that I have in a table format listed below are based off of the subject headings I have found through many years of working on the runes, in all its forms.  This is the last of the various applications of how the Nordic Germanic runic/Futhark can and does apply to everything I have found so far.

                                                              i.      Symbol itself:  the lines and the shapes and where they are all placed actually mean something, as I go into the research, I will uncover more and more details as to what it all means.

                                                           ii.      Symbol shape:  I understand there are a hundred varieties of runes some look exactly, and some look not even close. But you have to remember each font is different but the same basic shapes are always used.  For instance the calligraphy A and times new roman A and Garamond A are different shapes but they have runes that govern how to draw now fonts, there has to be similarities that do not change no matter what the artist draws.

                                                         iii.      Name as spelled:  the name is the spelling of the character

                                                          iv.      Color: each character in the Futhark has a color representation.

                                                            v.            Language Meanings: in all the Futhark varieties I have uncovered so far, each and everyone has a language associated with it.  each and everyone has a religious tradition and a linguistic association, so each of the symbols has a linguistic meaning, as well as religious applications.

                                                          vi.      Calendar:  several of the ancient northern European cultures have a remarkably similar calendar,  similar names, similar month counts, and similar week counts.  So this tells me that the Nordics probably had some from of calendar that at least the major cultures had in commune.  And the dates are as follows.

1.      I may want to put in place the calendar of the northern European peoples.

                                                        vii.            Divination Meanings: as well as having a linguistics meaning, all the characters have a religions divination dogma tradition meaning, which is a very mysterious and odd thing to track let me tell you.  The more I tried to track it the more confused I got.  But here are the basics.

                                                      viii.      Literal Translation: in the languages that are apart of the runic base.  they all have modern translation versions.  All the northern European languages can trace there base to the runes.  So what I am working on is to reassemble that knowledge so that we can all get a look at the big picture of what those languages looked like.

                                                           ix.      Religious implications: as with most of the runic info, you can only find the remnance in history books and in religious texts.  So the true keys to understanding what the runes where is half linguistics and the other half is understanding how the religious implications of the runes worked.

1.      Deity: all the characters have a deity representation.

2.      Magic Spells prayers ect: all the characters there are spells and uses that are more meditative and prayer associated.

3.      aspects:

4.      Psychology: any religion has to have some from of crowd control. Well the Nordics where no different. Their form of crowd control came in the form of a divination devise that any and everyone could use to help themselves out of a jam.  Understand a problem, and or just about anything else.

                                                             x.      Medicinal uses:  Herbology, as well as the religious aspects.

                                                           xi.      construction uses:  various characters where included into the framework of structures to invoke the energy or meaning of that character into that building.  So that building for those that know the language could understand what that structure was before entering.

                                                         xii.      Pronunciation:  there are more then 50 major varieties of runic languages, although similar in spellings, they are also similar in pronunciation, but not exactly.  So this section is about how to pronounce the major runic languages.

                                                       xiii.      Symbolic Meaning:  This is the older version of the language, pre-Latin convergence, this has to do more with the religious aspects but the base of all the runes is the same word.  Symbolic.

                                                       xiv.      Tarot:  I have found more then a few direct comparisons to the standard tarot deck,  the question becomes, why do the runes and the tarot have so much in commune?  Why is the hanged man “Odin”.  There are lots of other examples but the key is the same why are the tarot and runes so bloody similar.

                                                         xv.            Magical aspects:  this has to do more with the religious aspects as well.

                                                       xvi.            Herb: which herbs are associated with which character. (more to come but after chapter 3.)

                                                     xvii.            Tree:

                                                   xviii.            Day of week:

                                                       xix.            Octave Musical:

                                                         xx.            Animal:

                                                       xxi.            Stone: 

                                                     xxii.            Planet: 

    2. Ancient Languages: the more work I do to understand where the concepts of early languages, early translations came from, and where the civilization that we have currently comes from I can not help but see the early writings of conquered people tell tails that to the translator into other tongues just translated what they could, not really understanding what they where writing. Infact in some cases the writer makes fun of the symbolic conspets heavy in the ancient languages. Translating them almost word for word not understanding at all what they where reading or writing into another rlanguaeg.  I find this very interesting because of the ancient religions and ancient languages that where apart of those cultures.  The concepts of what life was live and who conquered who came across very well to those that had no idea what they where writing about.
    3. language: the language was created as an example of the basic shapes of the characters of the world around.

                                                              i.            basic forward count: as I progressed through my research I found that the more I

1.      Fehu is the branches of a tree upturned

2.      Uruz is the legs and back of a 4 legged animal

3.      Thurasaz is a cave or some form of boundaries

4.      Ansuz is the after a while the downward turned branches of any living plant

5.      Raido is the gate of any biologic

6.      Kannaz is the short wave length of a short and slow learning process

7.      Gebo: 2 people working together at just about anything.  2 groups working together, more then 2 working together.

8.      Wunjo: intimacy, working together at a very emotional way, marriage, and or close friends.

9.      Haggalaz: the past,

10.  Nauthiez: the present

11.  Isa: the future, this also means ice, but then again if the runes where not an ice age invention then why have ice be a future concept, as in the future is dependant on what the ice does.

12.  Jera: the sun, shadows, the passage of time, the whole concept of time itself, not past, not present, not future, but the idea of time itself.

13.  Eiwaz: creation, birth, love, babies, all of the aspects of creation, goddess, fertility`

14.  Pertho: application of that which has been created, raising babies, machines, tools, pot cup, boats, the god, the masculine parts of fertility

15.  Alhaz: animals look around and exist eat, sleep, reproduce while predators are around. How to pay attention to your surroundings, see what can not be seen,

16.  Sowillo: long wave energy patterns, the light of the sun, the wisdom of experience,

17.  Tiwaz: a projectile, warriors, the direction  one takes in ones life.

18.  Bircano: growth, the growth of trees, plants, and the like

19.  Ewaz: large animal motion, celestial motion,

20.  Mannaz: the self, what a self does, human,

21.  Laguz: the concept of water

22.  Ingwaz: small things, small plants, molecular structures.

23.  Othallo: homes, stability

24.  Daggaz: an enclosed electro magnetics sphere. A planet, a living life form, anything and everything that has an encapsulated electro magnetic sphere.

                                                            ii.            All language origins: I noticed something very interesting when I started this project more then a few years ago.  That the whole of most languages start as symbolic representations of the items that are around us in our every day life.  When languages change they change first by having a symbolic representation of the item being given another word.  This is the way languages first start out.  This is also no different to when our ancient ancestors first started using symbolic representations to give meanings and understandings to their world. 

1.      children's drawings:  when you see any Childs drawing, you see very basic graphic/symbolic representation of their world.  The same stands true for the earliest cave paintings, those paintings are etched symbols that mean something to those people.  The main question is what do those symbols mean and is there is carry forward from those ancient cave paintings that look similar to a child’s drawing to today's languages.  I believe that the cave paintings of the Neanderthal and the Cro-Magnon are the very basic and beginnings of language, and it is those paintings that are the true base of language for we humans.  I do not think that our ancestors stopped at their symbolic language, I think that symbolic language continued up till not all that long ago in our history.  I think based on evidence that the evolution of our languages is much older then what the linguistics say.  I think that the languages of the African, European, Russian, and the Asian all have a similar base.  Cousin cultures to each other.

2.      This trend is no different when you look at Ebonics, jive, all the dialects of American English which there are many.  Almost all modern words in English and other similar languages are representational words. Lift=elevator, digits=phone number. Ma/mom=mother, the list goes on and on.

3.      traffic signs: the more I really looked at the basic structure of all of the languages that I could see, all the definitions for basic communication are all symbolic representations.  Just go to any public rest room, and you see a representation for a woman and a man, go to cross a street and you have a symbolic representation of walk and do not walk that are very simple straight symbolic pictures.

    2. Language layout patterns
    3. Symbolic Language structure how it works
    4. Symbolic language origins
    5. Last of the symbolic language aka runes

                                                              i.            Ćsier

                                                            ii.            Anglo

                                                          iii.            Anglo/Saxon

                                                          iv.            Armenian

                                                            v.            Ausatrue

                                                          vi.            Canaanite

                                                        vii.            Canaanite Old

                                                      viii.            Celtic

                                                           ix.            Cherokee

                                                             x.            Cretan Linear A

                                                           xi.            Danish

                                                         xii.            Etruscan

                                                       xiii.            Futhark

                                                       xiv.            Futhark Elder

                                                         xv.            Futhark Younger

                                                       xvi.            German

                                                     xvii.            Gothic

                                                   xviii.            Hungarian

                                                       xix.            Icelandic

                                                         xx.            Nordic

                                                       xxi.            Norwegian

                                                     xxii.            French runes

                                                   xxiii.            Ogham

                                                   xxiv.            Pictish Wicca

                                                     xxv.            Picts

                                                   xxvi.            Russian

                                                 xxvii.            Saxon

                                               xxviii.            Scandinavian

                                                    xxix.            Seax

                                                      xxx.            Slavic

                                                    xxxi.            Swedish

                                                  xxxii.            Turkish Serbian runes

                                                xxxiii.            Vanier

                                                xxxiv.            Viking

                                                  xxxv.            Vinca

  1. Symbolic Science:

101 first lessons

Symbolic Physics

Vibration Alignment Electro-Magnetic sphere

Symbolic Midgard

Rules of Motion

Map of universe 

Rule and guidelines of how symbolic science works

  1. Symbolic Science Erdology mathematics/ Arithmetic , how the math was developed was in part by way of map making and figuring out how the
    1. Feminine count, this is where the counting starts with the Fehu, this is taken into account of everything is connected on a much greater scale.  As you casn see easily by the sheer facts of the 1-24 that the entire numbering system is the femining count is about starting from a placemtn holder.  The placemtn tholder in this case is similar to that of a the first century, or instead of calling a 1 year old after more then 12 gregorian months of life, the first year is about calling the first year the first year.  The feminine count is about the small details of what is imporntat from the get go.  So these definitions are all about the first beginnings of where things actually begin.  All the definitions have a preface of being in the

1.      Fehu Fehu: the priorities of the first priorities

2.      Fehu Uruz: the priorities of stregnth

3.      Fehu Thurasaz:  the priorities of boudareis

4.      Fehu Ansuz: the priorities of communication

5.      Fehu Raido: the priorities of jounrey

6.      Fehu Kannaz: the priorities of learning

7.      Fehu Gebo: the priorities of partnerships

8.      Fehu Wunjo: the priorities of emotional connections

9.      Fehu Haggalaz: the priorities of past

10.  Fehu Nauthiez: the priorities of present

11.  Fehu Isa: the priorities of future

12.  Fehu Jera: the priorities of time/cycles

13.  Fehu Eiwaz: the priorities of creation

14.  Fehu Pertho: the priorities of machine

15.  Fehu Alhaz: the priorities of awareness

16.  Fehu Sowillo: the priorities of knowledge

17.  Fehu Tiwaz: the priorities of directoion

18.  Fehu Bircano: the priorities of growth

19.  Fehu Ewaz: the priorities of movemetn

20.  Fehu Mannaz: the priorities of self

21.  Fehu Laguz: the priorities of motion

22.  Fehu Ingwaz: the priorities of th small details

23.  Fehu Othallo: the priorities of stability

24.  Fehu Daggaz: the priorities of end of sequence

25.  Uruz Fehu: the strength of priorities

26.  Uruz Uruz: the strength of strength

27.  Uruz Thurasaz:  the strength of boundraies

28.  Uruz Ansuz: the strength of communication

29.  Uruz Raido: the strength of journey

30.  Uruz Kannaz: the strength of wisdom

31.  Uruz Gebo: the strength of partnerships

32.  Uruz Wunjo: the strength of emotional connections

33.  Uruz Haggalaz: the strength of past

34.  Uruz Nauthiez: the strength of present

35.  Uruz Isa: the strength of future

36.  Uruz Jera: the strength of timing/cycles

37.  Uruz Eiwaz: the strength of creation

38.  Uruz Pertho: the strength of machines

39.  Uruz Alhaz: the strength of awareness

40.  Uruz Sowillo: the strength of knowledge

41.  Uruz Tiwaz: the strength of direction

42.  Uruz Bircano: the strength of growth

43.  Uruz Ewaz: the strength of movement

44.  Uruz Mannaz: the strength of self

45.  Uruz Laguz: the strength of motion

46.  Uruz Ingwaz: the strength of small details

47.  Uruz Othallo: the strength of stability

48.  Uruz Daggaz: the strength of end of sequence.

49.  and so it goes, Thurasaz Fehu, the boundaries of priorities

50.  Ansuz Fehu, the communication of priorities

                        ii.            Masculine count, this is where the first set of number is standard, and the Fehu Fehu starts from their. 

                      iii.            Balanced count: this is where the 2 of the counts work together.  Now an important note here is to suggest that the feminine masculine and balanced have only one application is quite wrong, infact there are more then a few ways to apply these concepts to the counts.

1.      one way is

1.      the forward count masculine

2.      the reverse count feminine

3.      balance is the time and movement factors in the middle like the a b c counts of the column map, the a is forwards month, the b is where we are in current time frames, and the c is the reverse count down to the next cycle.

2.      then there is the

1.      masculine of the current count forward

2.      feminine of the reverses

3.      balance of how to put the counts together.  Where the cross over is, that is a count in itself.  How best to see this count in action is how to months are put together.  Litha is not at the beginning of the month but in the middle. Each of the other Sabbaths have their date in the middle of the month this accounts for the coming and going inside of all the rules of motion.

                      iv.            basic forward count

1.      Fehu:

2.      Uruz:

3.      Thurasaz:

4.      Ansuz:

5.      Raido:

6.      Kannaz:

7.      Gebo:

8.      Wunjo:

9.      Haggalaz:

10.  Nauthiez:

11.  Isa:

12.  Jera:

13.  Eiwaz:

14.  Pertho:

15.  Alhaz:

16.  Sowillo:

17.  Tiwaz:

18.  Bircano:

19.  Ewaz:

20.  Mannaz:

21.  Laguz:

22.  Ingwaz:

23.  Othallo:

24.  Daggaz:

                        v.            Basic reverse count: this whole concept came from the reverse definitions I could not understand till I reversed the idea and instead of going with a the opposite of priorities for Fehu, I though about the count down and then realized that the reverse did not mean Fehu but the count down was the reverse of Fehu was Daggaz. Is I reversed the flow of the sequence to see how the definitions would work in a reverse count down instead of building up order. So I applied those ideas to what I was working on and they fit.

1.      Daggaz: 

2.      Othallo:

3.      Ingwaz:

4.      Laguz:

5.      Mannaz:

6.      Ewaz:

7.      Bircano:

8.      Tiwaz:

9.      Sowillo:

10.  Alhaz:

11.  Pertho:

12.  Eiwaz:

13.  Jera:

14.  Isa:

15.  Nauthiez:

16.  Haggalaz:

17.  Wunjo:

18.  Gebo:

19.  Kannaz:

20.  Raido:

21.  Ansuz:

22.  Thurasaz:

23.  Uruz:

24.  Fehu:

                      vi.            Balance count: this is a harder one to explain since this is similar to the cycle of 

b.      Science:

                          i.            rules of how the science works.

1.      Fehu what are the item in questions priorities, what is its vibration, how does it move, the basic priorities to the item being questioned

2.      Uruz how does the item in question apply its strengths, 

3.      Thurasaz, what are the item in questions boundaries

4.      Ansuz: how does the item in question from inside of the isolation sphere of its own electro magnetics sphere communication with the outside world.

5.      Raido: how does the item in question travel around, what rules of motion does it have, for Erdology the rules are mostly Raido motion rules, but if it is not a biologic then how does it move using other forms and rules of motion

6.      Kannaz: how does this thing alter itself due to the changing and variable short wave interactions it has, in short how does it learn,

7.      Gebo: how does the item in question connect with its entire environment,

8.      Wunjo: how does the item in question connect and work with items that are of a similar vibration and or similar to itself, how does the item in question interact on a close in scale to those things that it is vibration not in tune with.

9.      Haggalaz: how does the item in question action and react to its past, how does it alter itself and interact differently over time to its surroundings.

10.  Nauthiez: how does the item in question act in the present, now this is a snap shot of the mili second that is being questioned

11.  Isa: how does the item in question over time alter itself to interact to its surroundings in an improved way.  How does the item in question alter itself to interact with its future motion to improve the way it interacts and applies its priorities in a better way over time.

12.  Jera: what is the extended counts of this item in question.  How does this item move according to the rules of motion, how does this item in question track time,

13.  Eiwaz how does the item in question reproduce, what is the items created, what is the item in questions way of waist disposal

14.  Pertho how does the item in question do with its offspring, or what does it doe with its waist, or how does it apply its creation to the world.

15.  Alhaz how does the item in question sense its surroundings, what eyes, ears, nose, taste, feel, 6th sense its surroundings.  How does it interact with its interaction, how does it go about paying attention to its surroundings, process of information,

16.  Sowillo how does the item in question learn long wave length higher vibration information processes, process greater depths of information, process greater depths of past, present future, planning, work on multilevel of timing and cycles

17.  Tiwaz how does the item in question aim itself, how does it do more complex motion, that is greater distance consepted.

18.  Bircano how does the item in question grow and expand past established boundaries sections of size progress.

19.  Ewaz how does the item in question be in sequence with the planet on its elliptical

20.  Mannaz how does the item in question reflect as to what it is and how it responds itself to the environment it lives in

21.  Laguz how does the item in question connect to the energy of life itself.  How does the item vibration interact with the planets own electro magnetics sphere.

22.  Ingwaz what is the exact make up of the item in questions internal structure.  And where does that structure fit into the realm of where everything else is also.  From quark all the way up to its place in the food chain.

23.  Othallo where does the item in question live.  What kind of structure does it make for itself in its living environment

24.  Daggaz what is the item in questions vibration?  How big it the electro magnetics sphere that the item in question has, how much energy does the item in question process, what I the in and what is the out for material, how strong is the boundary between the internal world of the item and the external world of all that is.

                        ii.            time progression: in any given object idea and or anything else. 

1.      Fehu Daggaz: the start and end of anything.  The first is starting with what are the priorities, the second is the what ist he start of the end count.  How will this end, as how will this start.

2.      Uruz Othallo: strength comes from a stability 

3.      Thurasaz Ingwaz: boundaries and the internal structure are linked and work together.

4.      Ansuz Laguz: senses only work if there is a wave length pattern available to have the eyes, ears, nose, throat, skin, mouth, third eye to work with.  Their has to be a way for wave lengths to travel through to use any sense

5.      Raido Mannaz: to travel around at all their needs to be the desire amoung that which is traveling to travel. Motion requires a need to do that action

6.      Kannaz Ewaz: to learn requires their to be motion involved with any and all things.  You see that when there is motion their needs to be the process of motion. Wave lengths of energy is what we learn from, what makes knowledge possible is the application of celestial motion.

7.      Gebo Bircano: to grow and all things requires their to be a bridge and or a connection in the gap between 2 separate items.

8.      Wunjo  Tiwaz: in all things a internal desire is what forses motion.

9.      Haggalaz Sowillo: to learn anything more complex then basic wave lengths around you, their has to be a processing of information from the past, several steps of motion have to be in place for their to be anything at all that in the realm of higher learning.

10.  Nauthiez Alhaz: the present and the senses alive with the now.  To see what is happening in the now their has to be an awareness of any and everything in the envirnoemtn around at that very specifici second in time.

11.  Isa Pertho: future and forward motion with the combination of mechanical application.  To plan anything in the future requires their to be a partnership with the building something that is part you but still is not you.

12.  Jera Eiwaz: the sequence and timing of anything is a partnership in both ways by the concept of creation.  Ceateion and the motion of time are so imtamatly connected that the whole of Jera Eiwaz and Eiwaz Jera balance each other out.  One is impossible without the other.  Creation coming and going is all about the motion of time.  There is no creation on this planet with out the understanding of time.

13.  Eiwaz Jera: the process of creation on this planet requires the internal cycles of time to work. There are 3 places in the sequences of Erdology that are key points.  Fehu Daggaz Daggaz Fehu and Eiwaz Jera Jera Eiwaz.  These 3 places are the keys to life on this planet.  And with out understanding these key points life anywhere else is simply not possible.  The first part the initial concept is layed down, the first connections are made, from this point on the balance, the other side of the coin is then brought into play, the connection is established, the harmonizing can now apply to that which is going on in this Erdology. The more things are similar the more they stay the same.  But this similarities is based on a harmoniezing and balancing between all the cycles.  Here the double count forward and reverse are the definition of balande, as the first dominates for what is needed, the second comes in behind and dominates to balance out what needs to happen.

14.  Pertho Isa:  to build a machine requires a sense of how to apply that machine too the world and what time is nessessary for one to actually thing about it, put the idea together, start the internal construction process, finnish the project, then present that information to the world.

15.  Alhaz Nauthiez: to see the outside world one needs to see the moment, slowingn everything down to the smallest of second is the key to working with the

16.  Sowillo Haggalaz: the long lengths of wave motions allow for the progress of time to have set the repeat wave motions of  any action comes back with a reaction. Ripples on a pond ripple back when they bounce off different objects.

17.  Tiwaz Wunjo: all direction is balanced by motion.

18.  Bircano Gebo: to allow growth their has to be a even greater balance of their is balance and harmony when it comes to the other side of the Eiwaz and Jera connection.

19.  Ewaz Kannaz: the motion of celestial bodies, and the ability to see and understand the motion.  The short wave length is a large part of what causes the initial application of knowing that you can see what is happening in the world around you. For the Kannaz light waves we humans can mostly see. Sowillo roygbiv is in side Sowillo but there is so much more to energy waves then what can be seen by our limited eyes.

20.  Mannaz Raido: the journey of a thousand miles may begin with the impulse to do the journey , but here is here the steps for completing the journey happen.

21.  Laguz Ansuz: the energy waves of all electro magnetics cycles and sequences, well in the beginning its was in interaction with them, here its allowing the electro magnetics patterns to affect you

22.  Ingwaz Thurasaz: in the beginning the internal structure needed boundaries, now the internal structure is the structure of the bouncdardies.

23.  Othallo Uruz: pure strength is the base of home and stability,

24.  Daggaz Fehu: the end of any and all cycles is a reprioritiizatioon of any and all things.

                      iii.            Measurements: the more I worked on the sciences part the more I realized that the ancients had to have a measure concept or they would simply not have been able to do any of the items they did.  So I choose to take apart what information I could gather about the meanings of their language, math, and science to find out from a symbolic format how they measured their world.  First off I had to figure out how they did their measurements.  What was small, what was big, and how did they go about making maps.  Since I figured map making was high on the list of things that during an ice age was rather high on the list of items that they would have to have made to survive.  

1.      The first thing I had to do was to categorize the what was used to do the measuring. My first thoughts where that they used the measurement devises that are all around them. The size of different objects, from the size of humans, to the size of animals around them, to the size of various plants, to the size of a variety of items. 

1.      The second thing that I used to understand their measurements concepts was, shadows.  They would have had to use shadows to measure out the stuff they left behind, so they would have had to use shadows.  Only trouble is that there is evidence they used to measure with shadows, time, and distance, the problem is that they would have quickly had to understand celestial mechanics, and celestial motion to work out the differences between the shadows of high noon Yule in present day Norway, and high noon Yule in the Mediterranean.  The lengths would have given away that the shape of the earth, and the size of the planet.  If they understood that, then why would have understood global position navigation very quickly around the time of 10,000 bce.  Which makes Symbolic Science Erdology math measurements more advanced then indo European math would be up till the middle of the 1500’s c. e.  which is more then 11,500 years later.  This fact amazed me, and then I understood how the ancients made the megaliths, they had a keen understanding of celestial motion, the earth sun and moon.

2.      the second thing I had to do was not only what was used to do the measuring but what was the measurements based on. Inches, meters, well I knew that they did not have those items so they had to use their surroundings to do the measuring.

3.      any and all things being measured my have their own specific measurement lengths.  Inches meters may not be accurate measurement devise, each thing may have its own measurements concepts.

4.      the items actually used to create the measurements of Symbolic Science Erdology.

1.      Fehu:

2.      Uruz: 4 legged animals

3.      Thurasaz: caves, enclosed structures, electro magnetics spheres,

4.      Ansuz:

5.      Raido: the gate of any animal, 2 4 legs

6.      Kannaz: the length of short wave light patterns, fire light for example

7.      Gebo:

8.      Wunjo:

9.      Haggalaz:

10.  Nauthiez:

11.  Isa: glaciers, height, width, breadth,

12.  Jera: the movement of time, humans, animals, insects, plants, seasons, moon, sun, earth,

13.  Eiwaz: creation cycles.

14.  Pertho:

15.  Alhaz:

16.  Sowillo: long light wave length, the length of long wave lengths.

17.  Tiwaz: the measurements of motion.

18.  Bircano: trees, large plants

19.  Ewaz: celestial body motions, the planets, stars, sun, moon, all of those movements.

20.  Mannaz: the size and shape of self actualized items.  Things that have the potential to be electro magnetics spheres of self actualizing,

21.  Laguz: the size and shape of water in various forms.

22.  Ingwaz: atomic structures, salt crystals for instance,

23.  Othallo: a basic home structure, the size and shape of homes, and stability structures.

24.  Daggaz: the planets, various measurements, atmosphere, the various layers, the circumference, the diameter, the orbit around the sun,

                      iv.            Navigation: this is one of my most favorite and profound keys to unlocking that the ancients really did have a science.  Because the ancient left tons of material behind regarding their navigational, seamanship, and Boatwright abilities.  But to have those items one must, absolutely, positively, and no other way around it, has to have language, math, and a form of science to be able to accomplish the goals that have been set out in what they did.  I mean really, can anyone honestly believe based on the evidence that was left behind that the ancients could have traveled to Antarctica and mapped Antarctica with out language to write out the map, math to calculate out time distance and geography, and a science to have processed enough information to actually have the generations to seaman taught how to sail first off to have the skills mastered over enough generations to have enough skill to circumnavigate. The skill levels require a progression of knowledge over several generations which means written and spoken language, which means formalized instruction, with means formalized education.  In other words a science.  Formalized education, formalized spoken and written language, formalized progression of information processes is the definition of a science.

1.      Fehu center: diameter of the very core of the motion.

2.      Uruz radius up/mast:

3.      Thurasaz radius down/keel:

4.      Ansuz radius right/starboard:

5.      Raido radius left/port:

6.      Kannaz radius forwards/bow:

7.      Gebo radius backwards/stern:

8.      Wunjo rules of motion: Where is the next step diameter

9.      Haggalaz center of where this has come from diameter:

10.  Nauthiez radius up:

11.  Isa radius down:

12.  Jera radius right:

13.  Eiwaz radius left:

14.  Pertho radius forwards:

15.  Alhaz radius backwards:

16.  Sowillo continuity line between past and present:

17.  Tiwaz diameter center of where the expanded next step is.  Or the step after the next step:

18.  Bircano radius up:

19.  Ewaz radius down:

20.  Mannaz radius right:

21.  Laguz radius left:

22.  Ingwaz radius forwards:

23.  Othallo radius backwards:

24.  Daggaz diameter the electro magnetics sphere of the past, present, future of any given object:

                        v.            Rules of motion: any, every, and all things in this world have motion attached to them.  The question is how does those things work, and what rules of motion governs the items in questions movement and motion rates, how fast, how slow, what mechanics does it use to move, how best does it operate, how does those speed interact with its environment, see any every and all things that are about this world have their own separated rules of motion.  Since everything in this world is made of energy, and energy never stops moving, the question we must ask and understand of our self is. If we understand the rules of motion for this world, then we can understand how to build correctly, we can understand how to go about interacting and now wasting motion energy trying to accomplish something that is inefficient when it comes to the rules of motion.

1.      Fehu: how does it move, what causes it to move.

2.      Uruz: how does it use motion to strengthen itself.

3.      Thurasaz: how does it use motion to give itself boundaries

4.      Ansuz:

5.      Raido:

6.      Kannaz:

7.      Gebo:

8.      Wunjo:

9.      Haggalaz:

10.  Nauthiez:

11.  Isa:

12.  Jera:

13.  Eiwaz:

14.  Pertho:

15.  Alhaz:

16.  Sowillo:

17.  Tiwaz:

18.  Bircano:

19.  Ewaz: celestial movement.  This is an interesting section since this is exactly the place, size condition, rules, regulation, and all aspects in concern with non of an earth or planetary rules of motion.  This is the movement rates that separate out the planetary items with the planetary things.  for instance the incredible things that humans at times are capable of well those incredible things are ruled and governed by this section.

20.  Mannaz:

21.  Laguz: magic, prayer, electro magnetic rules and regulations of how this whole thing works on an electro magnetics scale.  This is the electro magnetics machine is

22.  Ingwaz: atomic construction.  This section is about the mechanics and superstructure of how to go about the mechanics of making something from a quark all the way up to something bigger, but this is more of a road map for construction processes, this is the blue prints, not the actually making of the thing.  this is to make sure all  the nuts and bolts are in the correct places.  the harmony between the smallest to the largest

23.  Othallo: building and structures.  This section is all about the various concepts involved with construction and building of physical items.    This may be a larger structure then small molecular structures.

24.  Daggaz: planetary studies.  I think, this is about the ways and formats with in the framework of the overall symbolic sciences. I categorize this as planetary studies because this is the shape of a planetary electro magnetic pulse planetary studies is not exactly what I am talking about.  this is more celestial body balancing and harmonizing for the existence of anything has to be in harmony with its immediate surroundings, the area of the planet where it is located, the planet on its elliptical, the planet in its internal counts, the sun, and the solar system just to name but a few of the things in which are all involved with what happens and is included in Daggaz electro magnetics  spheres

  2. Symbolic Science Erdology: Erdology: the specific study in Symbolic Science of the earth itself. See if have found that the Symbolic Sciences have many different fields of study. Based on the happenings and goings on inside of a specific electro magnetics sphere.  Well the earth has its own electro magnetics sphere and all things of this earth are in a codependent vibration electro magnetics sphere aragment with each other.  So I call Erdology earth studies from the German for erd and the Latin for format of study and learning.  So Erdology was born out of understanding the Symbolic Science rules of  how electro magnetics spheres work.  Now the moon is also a part of our electro magnetics sphere, but mars is apart of its own electro magnetics sphere.  Although the solar system we are in has a specific vibration each of the spheres inside or planets inside of this solar system have their own separate and isolated electro magnetics spheres.  It gets a bit complex dealing with how an isolation electro magnetics sphere can work in conjunction with other isolated electro magnetics spheres but that is why its separate and Symbolic Science and Symbolic Science Erdology are separate entities. 

11Description: 11b%20copy

Description: 11b%20copy the one count







Description: 11b%20copy    Fehu the first Ćtt. 



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What are the priorities.

Genesis, birth, idea, the start, priorities.



Language math

Physical movement

What lessons have been learned in this journey

Working and partnerships working together

Emotional concepts






Mechanical movement

Awareness of external forces

Long wave pattern learning processes

Movement direction, warrior, projectile


Celestial movement

Identification of the self

Magic, water, identification on of where the movement of something is to the greater all

Smallest engineering, from atomic al the way up

Home and stability

What is the em of the end.  Reviewing the previous 23 steps and understanding where things are and where



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Application of strength




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Mathematics, numbering systems

Symbolic Mathematics and Counts

How the Fibonacci counts work



1 2 3 5 8 13 …

1-576 straight count

24*24 long count

Celtic cross count with circular counts

Basic Beginning Navigation

Erdology  Earth math

Mathematical Calculation formula

Basic formula



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Mannaz E































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Laguz C































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Physical movement




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Knowledge learning development

Educational systems



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Various and variety of communities and cities/states/countries

Businesses this is an odd subject to talk about but if that time is in this Electro-Magnetic field it can be tracked by the rules of this math.

Leader culture



Top of the heap culture



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Cultural interactions between various cultures


Description: 21%20copy   Haggalaz second Ćtt 







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Present info and what is happening in the world now The ideas of the present.  What and how the progress of where the hear and now




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Future concepts and construction models for what is wanted and needed in the future




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Time sequences and ideas from the past

The count of this current time

Internal structure

Internal structure 1

Internal structure 2

How the counts go into the years

1 explanation

2 explanation

3 explanation

5 explanation

8 explanation

13 explanation

21 explanation

Internal this planet cycles explanation

34 explanation

55 explanation

89 explanation


144 explanation

233 explanation

377 explanation


The internal workings of the calendar. From the established Fibonacci sequences. And how those sequences affect the way the counts of the year and many year counts work

1 explanation

2 explanation

3 explanation

5 explanation

8 explanation

13 explanation

21 explanation

internal planet cycles

34 explanation

55 explanation

89 explanation

144 explanation

233 explanation

377 explanation


Calendars of the 8







Ostara/ Eostar  





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Religion belief and dogma




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Mechanical movements




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Awareness of greater things then the internal parts




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Larger light wave lengths, lessons learned over time, greater lessons involved with more complex ideas



Description: 31%20copy  Tiwaz   third Ćtt 







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Warrior, direction of leaders move the community they are in charge of




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Understanding of large movement




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Greater movement  celestial movement

Movement rules

Raido Newtonian rules of movement

Pertho, devises and machines rules of movement

Ewaz, other worldly rules of movement.  section.




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Identity of the self


Living life cycle.

Generation map




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MAGIC And understanding of where in the universe you are.




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Small ideas

Atomic theory.  From the first short circuit all the way up to complex molecules.  From complex molecules on that is covered in another



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Homes construction architecture


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Symbolic Culture/civilization/tribes/


The main to the present count, is the first line.

Count is the second line and is about the long extended counts of the world.  For instance France, well France has been  under 4 major names and has been  ruled by at least 16 major different cultures, while remaining mostly the same people. First prehistory, then


  1. The name of the culture is when the current government in charge took over. But that does not mean that the existence of the counts is not still very much active.
  2. counts: even thought governments change and alter over time, there is still an existence a community which still going on even after a government shift.  So the counts are an extension of the community rules.  Russia has not changes fundamentary since the time of the czars so the counts that are extensions.



Colonial America


USA                 1776-2005= 229 years   Nauthiez generation year  generation year of Eiwaz 


France             1792- 2005 = 213  years Haggalaz generation  Nauthiez year

Count: at least 16 on the extended counts.



India                1947- 2005= 58 years   Thurasaz generation Nauthiez year


China               1966- 2005= 39 years Uruz generation Alhaz year


Egyptian          1952- 2005=  53 years Thurasaz generation Raido year


Paris                1945 – 2005 = 60 years   Thurasaz generation  Jera year  Paris is also 60 years old in a way. this is an interesting one since the city is ancient and has been in exsistancd for much longer then the country as been around. Was a settlement before the Romans conquered and renamed.

Count the city has a dozen or more extended counts to it. Since the city was a city state for a while, as well as the city is much older then even the region it lays in.

German           1989- 2005 = 16 years  Fehu generation   Sowillo year .

Count far too many to count

English            1660- 2005 = 345 years  Alhaz generation   year of Haggalaz


Welsh              1536-2005= 469 years   Mannaz generation  Eiwaz year






Rome   Republic          800 b. c. e. - 49 bc =  700 ish  years

Count: first major count

Roman empire 49 bc – 476 = 427 years

Count: second major count

Holy Roman Empire   476 - 1804

Count: third major count

Italy                 1945  - 2005 = 60 years

Count  fourth major count

Greek              1973 - 2005 = 32 Uruz generation year of Wunjo


Islam               300/570 s 2005 =  1700/1475 years third grouping of 576, Othallo generation Mannaz year

Count this is atualy the 3rd count of this religion according to them.

1.      a person named adam was the first monotheist,

2.      then Abraham was the seoncd

3.      third being Mohammed, so at this poiutn this religion has a major count following. Its in its 3rd extended verion count, its in ist 3rd extended generation count and at the end of that year count as well. With in the next 24 years Islam will be undergoing a several change and alternation wich will be tearing its self apart.  Since it will be be going into its 4th 576 coutn and insidead of boundaries it will be working on awareness of the external self. Islam as the world know is will be altering severally when it enters its 1729 year and I do mean several changes. It will have to be doignn a comopletly reorganization and reprioritization. That be a several and hard fact..

Israel               1947 - 2005 = 58  thursasz generation Haggalaz year


Canada            1867 - 2005 = 138  Kannaz generation Bircano year


Japan               1946 - 2005 = 59 Thurasaz generation Isa year


Australia          January 1, 1901 - 2005 = 104 years Raido generation Wunjo year


New Zealand               1852  - 2005 = 153 Gebo generation Haggalaz year




Mexico             1929  - 2005 = 76  Ansuz generation Ansuz year


Norway            October 1945 - 2005 = 60  Thurasaz generation Jera  year


Turkey             1923 - 2005 =   82  Ansuz generation Nauthiez  year


Russia              1991 - 2005 =  14 Fehu generation Pertho year


Saudi Arabia    1744  - 2005 = 261 Isa generation Laguz year




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Where on the planet you are

This is for the more complex


Navigation the counts of the arms

Navigation distances

Navigation Celestial

Erdology  under construction, still working

Southern hemisphere

Erdology Calendar



Tri masculine




Tri feminine

The months by day

Earth orbit 8

How the arm counts work

Count 1

Count 2

Count 3

Erdology moon

Navigation distance

Celestial Sun

Celestial Earth Moon Sun

Celestial Navigation

Space travel

The 24

Current time in this Electro-Magnetic field.

Moon phases cycle

Birth cycled


                                                              i.            Subsection Description: 11b%20copy Description: 38%20copy Description: 37%20copy Othallo  civilization United States of America (Description: 12%20copyUruz Description: 28%20copySowillo Description: 14%20copyAnsuz)  Description: 31%20copy President counts


This is the 43 Description: 12%20copy Description: 33%20copypresident.

This presidents Symbolic Science Erdology number count.  The count of this presidency is that his roel in the country will be of a great movement from strength.  Since the 43rd set is in the second count that automatically indicates that the role will have a prodominactly strong and forsefull attribute, but that strength can easily be used against the self and the country in which that leader is a part of.

Now as for the specific step involved with the Ewaz step in that count.  Well Ewaz is the step of profound and celestial movement. So this president can be expected to make decisions on the facts of world changing and effecting decisions and places of situation.  Be placed in situations that are for the most part world altering, celestial movement and motion.




The year by year count definitions as to what is happing per year overall accouding to the 1-4 1-8 count.


Symbolic math numbers

Arabic math numbers

Definitions of the symbolic science Erdology math counts as to the number sequence of the leaders




Years in the country count









This is the





Now the first 4 years where marked by the first Ćtt. The first year was the establishemth of priorities. 


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Strength of direction.  This leaders whole point in office personally is to be their for strength of direction.

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Description: 35%20copy  this is the last 4 years to the Haggalaz generation. A cleaning up of the old stuff the country had left behind.  This generation was all about the past, frin the beginning of the country all the way up to the last year of this generation is about cleaning up the past.





This year is about strength, and how best to not only apply strength but also how best to go about putting forward the priorities that where established first years priorities into the strength of the second year in office.


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This is about the application of boundaries and issues of balancing the internal self, community, and society of the home country.  With the self, community, and society of the world stage.  Each individual mark has to be balanced with each other individual mark.  As well as the grouping of the country with another country.











This year is about the application of paying attention to the world around, in an attempt to balance between the prioritres of the internal and the wants of the external.  Now this is very important since the internal and the external count in all and every aspect of balance. Citizens in their lives and the world as a whole.  Its interesting that the United States of America has an elections process in this middle of this step.











Now the first 4 years where marked by the first Ćtt. The first year was the establishemth of priorities. 


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This leaders time is about strength of growth.

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Description: 11b%20copy    We are currently in the Nauthiez generation. So everythigin about the 24 year block of the Nauthiez generation is about being in the very present time frame and situationas of the now.





This year is about strength, and how best to not only apply strength but also how best to go about putting forward the priorities that where established first years priorities into the strength of the second year in office.


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This is about the application of boundaries and issues of balancing the internal self, community, and society of the home country.  With the self, community, and society of the world stage.  Each individual mark has to be balanced with each other individual mark.  As well as the grouping of the country with another country.


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This year is about the application of paying attention to the world around, in an attempt to balance between the prioritres of the internal and the wants of the external.  Now this is very important since the internal and the external count in all and every aspect of balance. Citizens in their lives and the world as a whole.  Its interesting that the United States of America has an elections process in this middle of this step.


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Now this is the beginning of the second set of 4 of the first Ćtt. This is marked by a sense of half way though the first Ćtt count of basic establishment of the priotieis established in the first year. But this is the 5th year. The 5th year is about taking those first tentative steps forward into the making the priorities established in the beginning of the first year put forward with gusto and zeal.  The first actually steps of motion are now possible, their  has been enough build up, and internal structure building, to start now put forward the priorities of the first year.


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This is the 6th year.  This is the year to be paying very close attention to the lessons learned over the last 5 years to see what was done correctly and what was done that needs to be reorganized and done a different way so that accomplishemtn can be done.  This is also a time to find out what simply will not work and to not work on those aspects of the priorities since this leader has to speak even for those that the leader is diametrically apposed to their view point.  All citizens view points have to be accounted for by any leader.  This is the time to imput their data as to what they have been talking about for 5 years.


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This is the 7th year.  A time to make connections and possibilities of that which was established and put forward into a realm of rewawlity.  This is a year for making and establishing connecctionns with all those around.  To build bridges between diametriacally apposed view points and peoples interests. 


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For America this is the last year of the presidents time. this year is all about emotions, political connections, and the legasy of this leader.  This is about the emotions of sitting in office for 7 years and  the people then have to make a desition as to how they like/dislike the role this person has make over the course of the lasat 7 years as compared to all the other leaders.  So this year has a lot of responsibility to the emotional integrity of the office involved.  This is also a time for the vice president to be possibly doing their own campaign to win the office.  Which is accou8nted for in the incubation period of a previous 3 counts.  The positioning for a think about running being the 1 coutn the priorties count of seeing if the skills and such of the person can be aligned to make a run, the 2 count is about the run itself, the 3 coutn is the in office concept. The 4 coutn is what that leader does outside of the office.











Now the first 4 years where marked by the first Ćtt. The first year was the establishemth of priorities. 

W Bush



Strength of motion. On a celestial and global scale.







This year is about strength, and how best to not only apply strength but also how best to go about putting forward the priorities that where established first years priorities into the strength of the second year in office.

W Bush

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This is about the application of boundaries and issues of balancing the internal self, community, and society of the home country.  With the self, community, and society of the world stage.  Each individual mark has to be balanced with each other individual mark.  As well as the grouping of the country with another country.

W Bush

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This year is about the application of paying attention to the world around, in an attempt to balance between the prioritres of the internal and the wants of the external.  Now this is very important since the internal and the external count in all and every aspect of balance. Citizens in their lives and the world as a whole.  Its interesting that the United States of America has an elections process in this middle of this step.

W Bush

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Year 5

Now this is the beginning of the second set of 4 of the first Ćtt. This is marked by a sense of half way though the first Ćtt count of basic establishment of the priotieis established in the first year. But this is the 5th year. The 5th year is about taking those first tentative steps forward into the making the priorities established in the beginning of the first year put forward with gusto and zeal.  The first actually steps of motion are now possible, their  has been enough build up, and internal structure building, to start now put forward the priorities of the first year.

W Bush

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Presidential term strength with celestial movement

Description: 22%20copyNauthiez generation

Description: 25%20copy generation year of Eiwaz 


This year for this country is a time of creation and reorganization



This is the 6th year.  This is the year to be paying very close attention to the lessons learned over the last 5 years to see what was done correctly and what was done that needs to be reorganized and done a different way so that accomplishemtn can be done.  This is also a time to find out what simply will not work and to not work on those aspects of the priorities since this leader has to speak even for those that the leader is diametrically apposed to their view point.  All citizens view points have to be accounted for by any leader.  This is the time to imput their data as to what they have been talking about for 5 years.

W Bush

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This is the 7th year.  A time to make connections and possibilities of that which was established and put forward into a realm of rewawlity.  This is a year for making and establishing connecctionns with all those around.  To build bridges between diametriacally apposed view points and peoples interests. 

W Bush

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For America this is the last year of the presidents time. this year is all about emotions, political connections, and the legasy of this leader.  This is about the emotions of sitting in office for 7 years and  the people then have to make a desition as to how they like/dislike the role this person has make over the course of the lasat 7 years as compared to all the other leaders.  So this year has a lot of responsibility to the emotional integrity of the office involved.  This is also a time for the vice president to be possibly doing their own campaign to win the office.  Which is accou8nted for in the incubation period of a previous 3 counts.  The positioning for a think about running being the 1 coutn the priorties count of seeing if the skills and such of the person can be aligned to make a run, the 2 count is about the run itself, the 3 coutn is the in office concept. The 4 coutn is what that leader does outside of the office.

W Bush










  1. The Symbolic Cultures Symbolic Science Erdology culture/religion: these are the cultures I know are connected by way of being Symbolic cultures.  Ancient symbolic cultures: now after many years of working on trying to understand what I was looking at I have come to the conclusion that the Canaanite, Nordics, Vinĉa , Etruscans, Cretans, Celts, Indus harappa, just to name and major cultures where all connected by the same language, math, science, religion, cultural identity.  Now this is not to say that these where the same culture, not at all, but they where cousins with each other. With trade routes, exchange of knowledge, information, good, breading stock, and religious understanding.  I have found bits of information that take these cultures all the way back to the middle of the last ice age.  The Nordic culture goes back to the end of the last major ice age some 40,000 years ago.  It is my understanding while looking at the evidence that the tribes of us back then where doing out best to go through the ice ages and had to develop, what I have been reverse engineering, Symbolic Science Erdology to just flat out live.  Try living in Antarctica with huge creatures.  You have to develop a great deal of survive equipment very quickly. These would include, a language, math, science, and religion.  Separately these items are a requirement to insure the continued survival of the species
    1. Cultures: there are a multitude of cultures that have influences and connections to this research.  I have found 6 ancient cultures who share language, math, science, religion, and trade routes.  Non premeditation over the course of many thousands of years the ancient cultures where conquered, and their conquers some wanted the knowledge of the ancients like the Greeks and others only wanted to have their own cultural identity served as in the Romans.  The Romans are the culture who first started to falsify the origins of the runes and created a false impression that the runes came after Latin when in fact the runes came thousands of  years before the Greeks where anything more then family tribes.  You see the runes are in direct connection to an ancient people of central eastern Europe the Vinĉa, the history of the Vinĉa  even matches what the Edda say.

                                                              i.            Runes/Nordic Germanics: a central and eastern European language, math, and science which everything about it questionable.  Origins, who made it, which alpha bet of the runes is more accurate, just about everything depending on what religious tradition you go to will tell you a bran new story based on religious tradition not archaeological fact.  My research is based almost entirely on archaeological facts.

                                                            ii.            Celts: an ancient central and western European culture, unknown origins, unknown prelatic translation language, unknown math, unknown science.  Most likely a ancient symbolic culture.

                                                          iii.            Minoans: the inhabitance of the island of Crete, where a huge power from who knows how far back all the way up to the explosion of the thera volcano.  In which the northern cities, navy, and population was decimated by a tidal wave.  After the Minoans where decimated the maecenians easily conquered the cretins and absorbed as much of their tech and such as they could, creating linear b. Linear a has not been scholastically translated. Almost defiantly a symbolic culture.

                                                          iv.            Canaanite: an ancient culture that where in the middle east before anyone else was.  Where eventually conquered by the Phoenicians and by an off shoot of their own people the Israelites,  the Canaanite where most defiantly a culture of the ancient symbolic cultures.

                                                            v.            Etruscans:  this cultures is an off shoot from the ancient cretins.  This is a culture that separated and traveled to Italy at some point in the ancient past.  But the language of the Etruscans and the linear a match.  This culture was eventually destroyed by a tribe of one of their own.  The city of Rome roase up and conquered their parent and then the world they could get their hands on.  The record of what the Etruscans did was flaud terribly by the simple fact of the Romans rewrote the history of the people they conquered so that the Romans came out looking great.  Only real problem is that the key to the history of the ancient symbolic peoples, their religion, their math, and their science was severally altered because of roman politic.

                                                          vi.            Indus harappa:  this is one of the harder cultures to deal with since they are one of the oldest, and their where not really any cultures around to give us even bad examples of what they where like.  But they are in the Symbolic cultures list because they met all the parameters, language, math, science, religion, time of existence, location.

                                                        vii.            Mysterious “people of Karen”: I have found only a few references to them but they seam to be real but very hard to find

                                                      viii.            The island people off the coast of Africa, conquered and destroyed by the Spanish.

                                                           ix.            The sea people: this is a group of people that once attacked and did a lot of damage to the etyptians, I can nfo nfind much infor atmion on then but I can tell you that they defiantly existed. Nt know if they are poele of the dcretains, Canaan ties, or a people that lived on the sea in huge shitps

  1. converting indo European knowledge and information into Symbolic Science
    1. First convergence of 10 base to 24 base math formulas
    2. rocketry
  2. what can be done with Symbolic Science Erdology
    1. primmer
    2. Erdology Book

                                                              i.            Erdology Monthly

                                                            ii.            The Math of the Erdology  Each month sequentially

                                                          iii.            38 24 20 24, inside the Symbolic Science Erdology counts

                                                          iv.            The 15/16 days of the month

1.      Fehu June 13-28

2.      Uruz June 29 July 13

3.      Thurasaz July  14  28

4.      Ansuz July  29-Aug.  12

5.      Raido Aug. 13- 27

6.      Kannaz Aug. 28 -  Sept  11

7.      Gebo Sept 12-27

8.      Wunjo Sep 28 Oct 12

9.      Haggalaz Oct 13 - 27

10. Nauthiez Oct .28-Nov 12

11. Isa Nov. 13 - 27

12. Jera Nov.  28 - Dec. 12

13. Eiwaz Dec, 13 - 28

14. Pertho Dec. 29- Jan 12 

15. Alhaz Jan. 13 - 28

16. Sowillo Jan. 29 - Feb  12

17. Tiwaz  Feb  13 - 26

18. Bircano Feb 27-Mar, 13

19. Ewaz March 14 - 29

20. Mannaz March 30  - April 13 

21. Laguz April 14 - 28

22. Ingwaz April 29-May 13

23. Othallo May 14 - 28

24. Daggaz May 29 - June 12

    1. Making a Count Chart
  1. odd earthly stuff that may or may not go into Symbolic Science Erdology
    1. Crop circles and symbolic science.

Bermuda triangle



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T Welling